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CFS-PML2nd Manual
Yufeng Wang

Overview of CFS-PML2nd package

CFS-PML2nd is a C-based code package that implements unsplit CFS-PML for fractional viscoacoustic simulation. This package is provided for verifying the feasibility and stability of the proposed CFS-PML when used to the second-order rather than first-order wave equation. We provide two package versions: cfspml2nd for viscoacoustic modeling with CFS-PML; pml2nd for viscoacoustic modeling with standard PML. The package has been well test on Linux OS (Ubuntu 18.04 TLS) with g++ and SeismicUnix ( available.

The architecture of CFS-PML2nd package

  • input: accurate velocity and $Q$ model for $Q$-RTM:
    • acc_vp.dat: quasi-Marmousi velocity model;
    • acc_Qp.dat: quasi-Marmousi $Q$ model;
  • output: generated results include:(seismograms, snapshots, and energydecay).
    • visco_1_1_profile.dat: seismograms recorded at the surface;
    • energydecay.dat: energy decay of the computational domain;
    • visco_1_1_receive(1-4).dat: seismic records at four receivers;
    • visco_1_1_snapshots1_(0-8000).dat: snapshots recorded at every 100 time steps;
  • plot: scripts for plotting figures, which includes:
    • energydeacy.m: plot the energy decay of the CFS-PML and standard PML schemes;
    • snapscpml.m: plot the snapshots of the CFS-PML scheme at some time slices;
    • snapspml.m: plot the snapshots of the standard PML scheme at some time slices.
  • Myfunctions.h: header file;
  • Myfunctions.c: subfuncations file;
  • viscocpml.c: C code file, there are serveal important parameters to control performance of CFS-PML2nd, which includes:
    • nt: the time steps for simulation, if you want to have a quick test, set nt=2000 or less,
	int nt=8000;
- `Memory_len` you can set `Memory_len=40` for quick test, and `Memory_len=300` or more for removing the side effects of this approximation.
int Memory_len=300;	//>=4
- `Gmax` and `Amax`: these parameters are defined for CFS-PML, one can change them for test. If `Gmax = 1.0` and `Amax = 1.0*pi*f0`, the SFS-PML reduces to standard PML scheme.
	float R=1E-6;
	float Vmax=3000.0;
	float Gmax=1.0;
	float Amax=1.0*pi*f0;

-Makefile: excution script.


CFS-PML2nd package is developed under Linux system, which should be equipped with the following environments:

  • C environment (gcc or g++);
  • SeismicUnix;
  • Matlab;

How to run this package

  • Step 1: Confirm the environment in Makefile, and replace the folder path with your own enviroment path;
LIB=-lsu -lpar -lcwp -lm

all: viscocpml.c
	g++ -o a.out viscocpml.c -fopenmp -I$(INC1) -I$(INC2) -L$(LIK1) -L$(LIK2)  $(LIB)
	nohup ./a.out&
  • Step 2: Run the Makefile by the command line: make;
  • Step 3: View generated files in the folder ./ouput;
  • Step 4: Plot figures by run /plot/energydeacy.m, /plot/snapscpml.m, /plot/snapspml.m.

Contact me

I am Yufeng Wang, an associate researcher from China University of Geosciences, Wuhan. If you have any question about this coda package, please feel free to contact me by


CFS-PML2nd is a C-based code package that implements unsplit CFS-PML scheme for fractional viscoacoustic simulation.

The Marmousi model used in this package is available for download from Madagascar MainPage

Copyright (C) 2020 China University of Geosciences, Wuhan (Yufeng Wang)

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see