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System requirements for building Weave

Building OpenWeave Core has fairly modest system requirements.


OpenWeave Core officially recommends and supports Ubuntu 12.04. However, OpenWeave Core should work on any similar Linux-based system.

Mac OS X

On Mac OS X, OpenWeave Core requires a means by which to clone, with symbolic links, one directory subtree to another. On Linux, this is commonly provided with 'cp -Rs' available as part of GNU coreutils. If installed, XQuartz provides similar functionality via lndir -silent. If you don't already have GNU coreutils or XQuartz installed, you can install one of these, XQuartz being the easier of the two.


On Windows, OpenWeave Core requires Cygwin.

Optional (recommended)

  • Install Python setup tools.

      % sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
  • Install the Weave Happy tool.

      % git clone
      % cd happy
      % make
  • Install libdbus-1-dev. This package is required when building functional tests for BLE against BlueZ.

      % sudo apt-get install libdbus-1-dev

Get started with OpenWeave Core (quick start)

NOTE: These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu Linux.

OpenWeave Core can be built to support a standalone desktop or server development host (also known as, "Standalone"). In addition, OpenWeave Core can be integrated into a larger project, leveraging its GNU autotools-based build system.

The easiest way to build OpenWeave Core for "Standalone" is to use the helper makefile, Makefile-Standalone, as shown here.

However, if you prefer, you can build OpenWeave Core using GNU autotools directly, by invoking the configure command. More details on that are included below. See Configuring and starting the build (detailed instructions). The example helper makefiles, Makefile-Android and Makefile-iOS illustrate how OpenWeave Core can be and, at Nest, is integrated into those platforms.

If you want to jump right in, the steps you need to perform are:

    % git clone
    % cd openweave-core
    % make -f Makefile-Standalone

For more detailed information on configuring and building OpenWeave for different platforms, see Configuring and starting the build (detailed instructions).

Supported targets


When building the Nest Weave SDK on a Linux host, the following native and cross-compiled build targets are supported and tested:

Tuple Language Binding
C/C++ Cocoa Java Python
i386-unknown-linux-gnu X X X
x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu X X X
arm-unknown-linux-android X X
armv7-unknown-linux-android X X
i386-unknown-linux-android X X

Mac OS X

When building the Nest Weave SDK on a Mac OS X build host, the following native and cross-compiled build targets are supported and tested:

Tuple Language Binding
C/C++ Cocoa Java Python
armv7-apple-darwin-ios X X
armv7s-apple-darwin-ios X X
i386-apple-darwin-ios X X
i386-apple-darwin-macosx X X
x86_64-apple-darwin-macosx X X
arm-unknown-linux-android X X
armv7-unknown-linux-android X X
i386-unknown-linux-android X X


Tuple Language Binding
C/C++ Cocoa Java Python
i686-pc-cygwin X


Tuple Language Binding
C/C++ Cocoa Java Python
arm*-unknown-linux* X
arm*-unknown-freertos-lwip X

Supported toolchains

arm-unknown-linux-android armv7-unknown-linux-android i386-unknown-linux-android

  • gcc 4.6

arm*-unknown-linux* arm*-unknown-freertos-lwip

  • gcc 4.4.1
  • LLVM/clang 3.1
  • LLVM/clang 3.3

i386-apple-darwin-macosx x86_64-apple-darwin-macosx

  • LLVM/clang 3.5 (6.0)

i386-unknown-linux-gnu x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu

  • gcc 4.6.3


  • gcc 4.8.3

NOTE: Other toolchains and other versions of those toolchains may work for your environment. However, because they have not been officially tested by Nest, they cannot be guaranteed to work or officially supported by Nest.

Configuring and starting the build (detailed instructions)

OpenWeave Core uses the GNU autotools system for its build. As a result, there are three phases to using the OpenWeave Core build:

  • Configure
  • Build
  • Stage


If you're using Weave's bundled OpenSSL, make sure you've installed Perl text::template.

Text::Template is available from or from CPAN (

    % wget "" 
    % tar -xvzf Text-Template-1.47.tar.gz
    % cd Text-Template-1.47/
    % perl Makefile.PL
    % make test
    % sudo make install


  1. Install OpenWeave Core.

     % cd ..
     % git clone
  2. Configure it:

     % cd openweave-core
     % ./configure
  3. Build it:

     % make all
  4. Stage it to a place your code can compile and link against:

     % mkdir openweave-core-output

NOTE: Feel free to name this directory whatever you would like to or whatever your project's build system dictates.

% make DESTDIR=`pwd`/openweave-core-output install

At this point you will have in openweave-core-output:

Location Description
bin/ Architecture-independent programs and tools
include/ OpenWeave Core public headers
lib/ Architecture-independent libraries
share/ Read-only architecture-independent content
      doc/ OpenWeave Core documentation
      java/ OpenWeave Core Java language interface classes and,archives
<target tuple>/ Architecture-dependent files
      bin/ Architecture-dependent programs and tools
      lib/ Architecture-dependent libraries
            python/ Python language interface modules and libraries
      libexec/ Architecture-dependent helper programs and tools

In general, you'll direct your project's toolchain at include as a header search path for Weave headers and at <target tuple>/lib as a library search path for Weave libraries.

If you are building for Android, iOS, or for a standalone system, convenience makefiles have been written that will do all of the configure, build, and stage steps for you. Type make or make all with the appropriate makefile to perform all three steps automatically:

% make -f Makefile-Android
% make -f Makefile-iOS
% make -f Makefile-Standalone

Type make help to learn more about the elements in those convenience make files may be overridden:

% make -f Makefile-Android help
% make -f Makefile-iOS help
% make -f Makefile-Standalone help

If you are using OpenWeave Core for an embedded system, you will likely need to interact with the OpenWeave Core build system directly.


There are two ways to configure OpenWeave Core:

  • Configuration Script
  • Configuration Headers

Configuration script

OpenWeave Core uses GNU autotools for its build. So, the first thing you need to do is run the configure script at the top level of OpenWeave Core, either in the SDK directory itself or from another non-colocated build directory.

% cd openweave-core
% ./configure [ <options> ... ]

NOTE: Feel free to name this directory whatever you would like.

% mkdir openweave-core-build
% cd openweave-core-build
% {WEAVE_SRCDIR}/configure [ <options> ... ]

##### Configuration options

The OpenWeave Core configuration script has been written to attempt to automatically
use the most appropriate or relevant default options for the target you have selected;
however, many of these options may be explicitly overridden.

If you are building for an embedded system, rather than an Android, iOS, or a standalone
desktop or server system, you may be interested in altering some of these.

At any time, use the `--help` flag to learn more about configuration options available
to you:

% ./configure --help

#### Configuration headers

In addition to the OpenWeave Core configuration script, there are two, optional
project-specific configuration headers that you may provide to OpenWeave Core
to change, at compile time, Nest Weave behavior:

* InetProjectConfig.h
* WeaveProjectConfig.h

The directory location of these files, if your project is providing them, can be
specified by the configuration script options:


Specify Weave InetLayer project-specific configuration header (InetProjectConfig.h)
search directory [default=none].


Specify Weave Core project-specific configuration header (WeaveProjectConfig.h)
search directory [default=none].

These files SHOULD NOT be placed in OpenWeave Core itself but rather should be
colocated with the your project's source and header files.

For Android, iOS, and standalone systems, reasonable defaults that these headers
may override are documented and provided in:

* InetLayer/InetConfig.h
* Weave/Core/WeaveConfig.h

For more information, consult these headers or the in-the-SDK documentation.