vim-configuration go to /Users/[your-user] cd / create .vim folder in /Users/[your-user] mkdir .vim clone repository in /Users/[your-user] git clone copy .vimrc.plug file to /Users/[your-user] cp .vimrc.plug .. copy .vimrc file to /Users/[your-user] cp .vimrc .. install plugins vim :PlugInstall update plugins vim :PlugUpdate Best Commands GENERAL COMMANDS obs.: you can merge commands described how normal mode with visual mode to affect several lines cut line [NORMAL MODE] dd paste line [NORMAL MODE] p copy line [NORMAL MODE] yy go to end line [NORMAL MODE] $ go to respective line [NORMAL MODE] :[line-number] undo actions [NORMAL MODE] u split you window vertically :vsp [path/filename.extesion] split you window horizontally :sp [path/filename.extesion] change view to right CTRL + W L change view to left CTRL + W H change view to up CTRL + W J change view to up CTRL + W K split selected window CTRL + W S PLUGINS COMMANDS open NerdTree [NORMAL MODE] :NERDTree