#Stack Overflow Stack Overflow is a fantastic resource for programmers, with many active users who are usually able to answer questions much quicker than I can.
Follow this link to ask your question on SO
#Raising an issue here
###Has someone else raised the issue? Check through currently open AND closed issues. If the issue has already been raised, please comment on the existing one.
###It doesn't work "It doesn't work" doesn't help anyone solve your problem. What doesn't work?
- It didn't compile?
- It crashed?
- It didn't show the correct Reachability state?
###It won't compile If it won't compile, what error messages are you seeing? Include the code that's at fault - a screen shot might help here.
###It crashed If it crashed, include a stack-trace, and the code that's in error.
###Other stuff
- What version of Reachability.Swift are you using?
- How is it installed? Manually, CocoaPods, Carthage?
- Does it occur on device or simulator? Which device?
- What OS version are you running on?
- How often does it happen?
- Are there steps you can take to reproduce it?
Help me to help you! Ash