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Dynamic Text

PonyCui edited this page Dec 20, 2018 · 1 revision

You may add text above an element just like this.

Download Sample File

You can download a sample file from SVGA-Samples to try.


Load animation as usual

// Setup a SVGAPlayer by yourself.
SVGAParser *parser = [[SVGAParser alloc] init];
[parser parseWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@""] completionBlock:^(SVGAVideoEntity * _Nullable videoItem) {
} failureBlock:nil];

Setup text

NSAttributedString *text = [[NSAttributedString alloc] initWithString:@"Pony send Kitty flowers."
                                                                        NSForegroundColorAttributeName: [UIColor whiteColor],
                                                                        NSFontAttributeName: [UIFont boldSystemFontOfSize:28.0],
[...aPlayer setAttributedText:text forKey:@"banner"];


The imageKey is the name of png file, ask your designer tell you the file name.

For example, the layer png image file name is xxx.png, imageKey is xxx. File name should always use English name, do not use Chinese or Japanese etc.

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