BIWI dataset, 14 speakers (8 female, 6 male)
There are 14 folders representing for 14 different speaker in BIWI dataset, such as 'F1', 'F2', ...
In each folder,
- file_dir.csv : an info file containing the frame range information in the annotation file for each video clip.
video_name start_frame_index frame_lenght
maya_param_public_model.csv : the viseme annotation file for face rig]
- Each line represents the viseme parameter values in each frame.
- The viseme parameters are in this order
'JALI.translateX', 'JALI.translateY', 'AAA', 'Eh', 'AHH', 'OHH', 'UUU', 'IEE', 'RRR', 'WWW', 'SSS', 'FFF', 'TTH', 'MBP', 'SSH', 'Schwa', 'GK', 'LNTD', 'COARTIC.LNTD', 'COARTIC.GK', 'COARTIC.MMM', 'COARTIC.FFF', 'COARTIC.WA_PEDAL', 'COARTIC.YA_PEDAL'
- maya_param.csv : the viseme annotation file for the face rig (not public available now) used in paper.