- New cli key -j stringify_method. User can enable/disable "Pretty JSON generation" feature.
Note: "Pretty JSON" formatting allow put to Zabbix more that 65535 bytes data blocks and user can control more objects (UAPs, Users, etc).
Added new objects:
- uap_vap_table for vap_table array contained in UAPs data object. LLD is supported;
- uap_vwire_vap_table for vwire_vap_table array inside UAPs data object. LLD is supported;
- fw_update for latest version update info;
- wdg_health for Health widget's data fetching;
- wdg_switch for Switch widget's data fetching.
Note: some metrics was reorganized by Ubiquinty and moved to new JSON-tree places.
- Uncorrect socket closing on exit;
- Script execution error when object without id-key reached (probably it unadopted devices);
- RegExp feature for the filter expression;
- New action raw and new virtual key * for taking raw JSON subtree from the tree.
- Metrics obtaining from UniFi Security Gateway;
- TLS moved to 1.2 to works with UniFi Controller v5.5 / v5.6 and above;
- UniFi Controller v5 releases real support;
- New objects: voucher , dpi / sitedpi.
- Use JSON module to allow flexibility in which JSON backend is used. Refer to for more information;
- IO::Socket::INET changed to IO::Socket::IP to enable IPv6 support. This feature not tested on real IPv6 system, send feedback to me please.
Thanks to Ross Williams for ideas.
- UniFi Controller v3: error with logging in;
- UniFi Controller v3: error in 'still connected' testing on fetching data from controller;
- UniFi Controller v3: mapping mac-key to {#NAME} macro (Zabbix's LLD) if name-key is empty;
- Debug: print the HTTP response output.
- MAC detection procedure in 'id' field;
- site list obtaining ('site' object processing does not work).
- removed "no sites walking" problem when 'sitename' field used with no value;
- fixed code to avoid "push on reference is experimental" warning on perl > v5.20.