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Endpoint testing with Mongoose

This recipe shows you how to test your endpoints with AVA and Mongoose.


This recipe uses the following libraries:

  1. MongoDB memory server (A MongoDB in-memory Server)
  2. Babel Polyfill (required for MongoDB memory server)
  3. Supertest (An endpoint testing library)
  4. Mongoose

Install the first three libraries by running the following code:

$ npm install --save-dev mongodb-memory-server babel-polyfill supertest

You should have Mongoose installed already. If not, run the following code to install it:

(Note: You need at least mongoose v4.11.3)

$ npm install mongoose

Setting up AVA

Since MongoDB Memory server requires Babel polyfill to work, the easiest way to set up AVA is through the ava key in your package.json file.

"ava": {
    "files": ["test/**/*"],
    "require": [

If you want AVA to run your tests whenever changes are made, add the --watch option.

"scripts": {
  "watch": "ava --watch"

Your test file

First, include the libraries you need.

// Libraries required for testing
import test from 'ava'
import request from 'supertest'
import MongodbMemoryServer from 'mongodb-memory-server'
import mongoose from 'mongoose'

// Your server and models
import app from '../server'
import User from '../models/User'

Your server file

In your server file, you cannot use app.listen to start your app. Export it to another file and call app.listen there.

This server file should resemble the following:

const express = require('express')
const bodyParser = require('body-parser')
const routes = require('./routes')
const app = express()

// ======================================
// # Middlewares
// ======================================

// ======================================
// # Routes
// ======================================
app.get('/litmus', async (req, res) => {
  const { email } = req.body
  res.json(await User.findOne({email}))
})'/litmus', async (req, res) => {
  const { email, name } = req.body
  const user = new User({email, name})

module.exports = app

Back to your test file

First, start your MongoDB instance and connect to Mongoose:

// Start MongoDB Instance
const mongod = new MongodbMemoryServer()

// Create connection to mongoose before all tests
test.before(async t => mongoose.connect(await mongod.getConnectionString(), { useMongoClient: true }))

When you run your first test, MongoDB downloads the latest MongoDB Binaries. It may take a minute. (The download is ~70mb).

Note: Since we're using async/await, you need Node v7.6 and above.

Add fixtures for each test

You'll want to populate your database with dummy data. Here's an example:

test.beforeEach(async t => {
  const user = new User({
  	email: '',
  	name: 'One'

Clear your dummy data after each test:

// Cleans up database after every test
test.afterEach.always(async t => await User.remove())

Write your tests

Use Supertest to fire a request for your endpoint. Then, do the rest with AVA normally.

Note: Make sure your tests run serially with test.serial.

// First test
test.serial('litmus get user', async t => {
  const { app } = t.context
  const res = await request(app)
    .send({email: ''}), 200), 'One')

// Second test
// Note: subsequent tests must be serial tests.
// It is NOT RECOMMENDED to run parallel tests within an AVA test file when using Mongoose
test.serial('litmus create user', async t => {
  const { app } = t.context
  const res = await request(app)
      email: '',
      name: 'New name'
    }), 200), 'New name')

  // Verifies that user is created in DB
  const newUser = await User.findOne({email: ''}), 'New name')

Shutdown your server and connection when done:

// Disconnect MongoDB and mongoose after all tests are done
test.after.always(async t => {

And you're done!

Reusing the configuration across files

You may choose to abstract code for test.before, test.beforeEach, test.afterEach.always and test.after.always into a separate file. It should look similar to this:

// utils.js
// File for abstracting generic before, beforeEach, afterEach and after code

const MongodbMemoryServer = require('mongodb-memory-server').default
const mongoose = require('mongoose')

// Your models and server
const app = require('../server')
const User = require('../models/User')

const mongod = new MongodbMemoryServer()

// Create connection to mongoose before all tests
exports.before = async t =>
  mongoose.connect(await mongod.getConnectionString(), { useMongoClient: true })

// Create fixtures before each test
exports.beforeEach = async t => {
  const user = new User({email: '', name: 'One'})
  const user2 = new User({email: '', name: 'Two'})
  const user3 = new User({email: '', name: 'Three'})


  // Saves app to t.context so tests can access app = app

// Clean up database after every test
exports.afterEach = async t => await User.remove()

// Disconnect MongoDB and mongoose after all tests are done
exports.after = async t => {

Your test file then becomes much simpler:

import test from 'ava'
import request from 'supertest'
import User from '../models/User'

import {before, beforeEach, afterEach, after} from './utils'


// First test
test.serial('litmus get user', async t => {
  const { app } = t.context
  const res = await request(app)
    .send({email: ''}), 200), 'One')

// Second test
// Note: subsequent tests must be serial tests.
// It is NOT RECOMMENDED to run parallel tests within an AVA test file when using Mongoose
test.serial('litmus create user', async t => {
  const { app } = t.context
  const res = await request(app)
      email: '',
      name: 'New name'
    }), 200), 'New name')

  // Verifies that user is created in DB
  const newUser = await User.findOne({email: ''}), 'New name')


A demo repo

Here's a demo repo if you like to see the recipe in action.