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redis-cluster and memtier_benchmark on k8s playbooks

General info

The redis-cluster testing can be run for Redis or for TieredMemDB, to choose between the databases set the test_mode variable value to redis or to tmdb.

The test can be run in three variants:

  • single cluster - when only one redis-cluster is deployed and benchmarked;
  • multiple clusters - when more than one redis-cluster is created and benchmarked. The variant comes in two flavours:
    • multiple clusters balanced - the same number of master and replica instances are assiged to each k8s compute node;
    • multiple clusters unbalanced - master and replica instances are assigned randomly to the compute nodes;

Before execution

Inventory file

To create an inventory file, copy the content of inventory.example file and replace the example hostnames for [computes], [utility] and [clients] groups with own hostnames or IPs.

  • The [computes] group specifies k8s nodes, where redis-cluster(s) instances are deployed.
  • The [utility] group specifies a node, which runs the playbooks (Ansible controller). The node can reside outside of the k8s cluster, but it needs to be able to communicate with the cluster.
  • The [clients] group specifies k8s nodes, which run memtier_benchmark instances.

Then, to enable passwordless connection, generate ssh keys for all the hosts specified in inventory file and copy them to [utility] node.

Changing default values of environment variables

There are two ways to change default values of environment variables:

  • by passing new values as command-line arguments when invoking playbooks:
<variable1>=<value1> <variable2>=<value2> ansible-playbook -i inventory <playbook_name>.yml
  • by modifying content of vars/* files. To change the value, find corresponding variable name (named according to convention: <variable name>_default) in vars/vars.yml and overwrite its value. A share of the environment variables is described in Environment variables (selection) paragraph.

Preparing for TieredMemDB testcase

To deploy redis-cluster(s) based on TieredMemDB, supply default values of Registry specific - TieredMemDB variables in vars/vars.yml. Then, set test_mode to tmdb when invoking playbooks.

Preparing for exporting benchmark results to S3 bucket

To export benchmark results to S3 bucket right after testcase run, specify S3 bucket specific variables in vars/s3_vars.yml. Then, pass the file as command-line argument when invoking run_benchmark.yml playbook:

clusters_count=<optional> run_id=<run_identifier> ansible-playbook -i inventory run_benchmark.yml --extra-vars "@vars/s3_vars.yml"

Preparing for running playbooks behind proxy server

To run playbooks behind proxy, specify default values of Proxy specific variables in vars/proxy_vars.yml. Then, invoke playbooks as usual (as described in How to run section).

Testcase execution

Running single cluster testcase

By default the value of clusters_count variable is set to 1, so to run single cluster testcase do not set the variable or set its value to 1.

Running multiple clusters testcase

To run multiple clusters testcase, the clusters_count variable needs to be set to the number of redis-cluster deployments to create.

k8s namespaces

For a single cluster case, cluster objects are deployed to redis-cluster1 k8s namespace.
For multiple clusters, each redis-cluster is created in separate namespace named according to the convention: redis-cluster<cluster-number>.

Test run identifier

By default the value of run_id variable is set according to the convention: <four-character-random-hash>-th{{ threads }}-cln{{ clients }}-p{{ pipeline }}-req{{ requests }}. It can be accessed after execution of populate.yml playbook in group_vars/all file.

After execution

Collecting results

Benchmark logs and run metadata are uploaded to {{ logdir_default }}/{{ log_dir_structure }} directory on utility host (those variables values are set in vars/vars.yml). The results can be optionally uploaded to an S3 bucket, as described in Preparing for exporting benchmark results to S3 bucket paragraph.

How to run


Prepare OS for running Ansible playbooks - install Ansible and other necessary Python packages using pip (needs to be run only once):

pip3 install -r utils/controller_requirements.txt

Prepare OS for running benchmarking playbooks - install necessary Python packages and Ansible collections (needs to be run only once):

ansible-playbook -i inventory setup.yml

Prepare k8s cluster for running benchmarking playbooks - add Helm chart repositories and label nodes (needs to be run only once):

ansible-playbook -i inventory setup_k8s_specific.yml

Run test

You can choose to run the test step by step or to run all the steps at once.

Running step by step:

1. Deploy redis-cluster(s):

clusters_count=<optional> test_mode=<redis_or_tmdb> ansible-playbook -i inventory deploy.yml

For this step you can modify Redis & TieredMemDB specific variables (as described in Changing default values of environment variables).

2. Populate redis-cluster(s):

clusters_count=<optional> run_id=<run_identifier> ansible-playbook -i inventory populate.yml

For this step you can modify selected memtier_benchmark specific variables.

3. Run memtier_benchmark:

clusters_count=<optional> ansible-playbook -i inventory run_benchmark.yml [--extra-vars "@vars/s3_vars.yml"]

For this step you can modify memtier_benchmark specific variables.

4. Cleanup - uninstall redis-cluster(s):

clusters_count=<optional> ansible-playbook -i inventory destroy.yml

Above four steps are equivalent to running:

clusters_count=<optional> test_mode=<redis_or_tmdb> run_id=<run_identifier> ansible-playbook -i inventory run_all.yml [--extra-vars "@vars/s3_vars.yml"]

Environment variables (selection)


  • test_mode: Possible values - redis or tmdb;
  • clusters_count: Number of redis-clusters to deploy (default: 1);
  • collect_emon_data: Specifies whether to run EMON during benchmark execution (default: False);
  • multiple_clusters_balanced: Specifies whether to run balanced testcase (default: True) (further description in General info);
  • run_id: Test run identifier (default: auto-generated value) (further description in Test run identifier);
  • warm_up_benchmark_run: Specifies whether to run one warm-up benchmark run before test execution (default: False);

Redis & TieredMemDB specific

  • multithreading: Used to switch on/off io-threads parameter in Redis & TieredMemDB (default: True);
  • threads: Number of io-threads to use (default: 8);
  • dram_pmem_ratio: Expected proportion of memory placement between DRAM and PMem (default: 1 3);
  • pmem_variant: Specifies variant of Persistent Memory allocation (default: multiple)

memtier_benchmark specific

  • clients: Number of clients per thread (default: 3);
  • datasize: Object data size in bytes (default: 1024);
  • key_pattern: Set:Get requests pattern used for benchmark execution (default: G:G);
  • pipeline: Number of concurrent pipelined requests (default: 1);
  • ratio: Set:Get requests ratio used for benchmark execution (default: 1:4);
  • requests: Number of total requests per client (default: 150000000);
  • run_count: Number of full-test iterations to perform during benchmark execution (default: 3);
  • test_time: Number of seconds to run one full-test iteration during benchmark execution (default: 1800);
  • threads: Number of threads (default: 8);

S3 bucket specific


Registry specific - Redis

  • redis_registry: (default:;
  • redis_repository: (default: bitnami/redis-cluster);
  • redis_tag: (default: 6.2.6-debian-10-r196);

Registry specific - TieredMemDB

  • tmdb_registry
  • tmdb_repository
  • tmdb_tag

Proxy specific

  • no_proxy
  • proxy

PMem specific

  • pmem_generation: Specifies whether PMem dimms available in the system are Intel Optane Persistent Memory 100 series (Apache Pass/1st gen) or Intel Optane Persistent Memory 200 series (Barlow Pass/2nd gen). Possible values - 1 or 2 (default: 2);