Message store implementation in Python
This package implements an event sourcing model of storing application data. It is similar to Eventide.
# python3 -m asyncio
client = await nats.connect("nats://localhost:4222")
message_store = MessageStore(client, "env", should_create_missing_streams=True)
# Create stream
await message_store.ensure_stream("stream-name")
# Prepare subscription with handlers
subscription = message_store.create_subscription(
"Command": lambda msg: print(msg.seq, msg.subject,, sep="\t"),
"FailingCommand": lambda msg: 1 / 0,
# Publish messages and await processing
await message_store.publish_message("stream-name.unique-id1", Message("Command", {"key": "value"}))
# `1 stream-name.unique-id {'key': 'value'}`
await message_store.publish_message("stream-name.unique-id2", Message("FailingCommand", {"key": "badvalue"}))
# NOTE: Default behavior is to retry 3 times, on the 4th attempt it will TERM the message
# Failed to handle message with subject, seq: 2, data: b'{"type": "FailingCommand", "data": {"key": "badvalue"}}', exception: ZeroDivisionError division by zero
# Failed to handle message with subject, seq: 2, data: b'{"type": "FailingCommand", "data": {"key": "badvalue"}}', exception: ZeroDivisionError division by zero
# Failed to handle message with subject, seq: 2, data: b'{"type": "FailingCommand", "data": {"key": "badvalue"}}', exception: ZeroDivisionError division by zero
# Giving up on processing message #2, subject from stream env-stream-name. This attempt (#4) exceeds max
await asyncio.sleep(1) # Leave time for the messages to be processed
- Rui Figueiredo (@ruidfigueiredo)
- Alex Cannan (@alexcannan)