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"1";"no-image.png";"安存百合";"鹌鹑 + 百合";"quail-2+Chinese day-lily bulb-1";;;"-"
"2";"a6492.jpg";"安和图";"鹌鹑 + 禾";"quail+cereal plant";"anonymous Song painting, Palace Museum Monthly, No.158";;"-"
"3";"a3813.jpg";"安和图";"鹌鹑 + 禾";"quail+cereal plant";"佚名宋画 载故宫文物月刊14卷 2期 封底";;"-"
"4";"a0276.jpg";"安居(图)";"鹌鹑 + 菊花";"quail+chrysanthemum";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:5; Hongxian overglaze enamel flower pot with saucer, Arts of Asia, May - June 1992; 18th century enameled glass snuff bottle No. 96 in Hall 1990b; Daoguang fencai vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 211, pl 271"
"5";"a6493.jpg";"安居乐业";"鹌鹑 + 菊花 + 叶子";"quail+chrysanthemum+falling leaves";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:5; Hongxian overglaze enamel flower pot with saucer, Arts of Asia, May - June 1992; 18th century enameled glass snuff bottle No. 96 in Hall 1990b; Daoguang fencai vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 211, pl 271"
"6";"Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 13.14.32.png";"安居(图)";"鹌鹑 + 菊花";"quail+chrysanthemum";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/45327?rpp=30&pg=7&ft=Chrysanthemum&pos=206";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/45327?rpp=30&pg=7&ft=Chrysanthemum&pos=206";
"7";"a7123.jpg";"安居(图)";"鹌鹑 + 菊花";"quail+chrysanthemum";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:5; Hongxian overglaze enamel flower pot with saucer, Arts of Asia, May - June 1992; 18th century enameled glass snuff bottle No. 96 in Hall 1990b; Daoguang fencai vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 211, pl 271"
"8";"a5098.jpg";"安居(图)";"鹌鹑 + 菊花";"quail+chrysanthemum";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:5; Hongxian overglaze enamel flower pot with saucer, Arts of Asia, May - June 1992; 18th century enameled glass snuff bottle No. 96 in Hall 1990b; Daoguang fencai vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 211, pl 271"
"9";"a7115.jpg";"安居(图)";"鹌鹑 + 菊花";"quail+chrysanthemum";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:5; Hongxian overglaze enamel flower pot with saucer, Arts of Asia, May - June 1992; 18th century enameled glass snuff bottle No. 96 in Hall 1990b; Daoguang fencai vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 211, pl 271"
"10";"a9090.jpg";"安居(图)";"鹌鹑 + 菊花";"quail+chrysanthemum";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 156, pl. 158, 菊花鹌鹑 H 6.2 W 2.6cm";;
"11";"a7036.jpg";"安喜图";"鹌鹑 + 喜鹊";"quail+magpie";"王渊 1343年作 安喜图 立轴 文物天地2004-7";;
"12";"a9743.jpg";"八百遐龄";"八哥 + 柏树 + 桃花";"Chinese Crested mynah+cypress+xialing";"此处任颐的作品许是该双关谐音字谜画题的一种变形---长尾的“燕子”替代了“八哥”。任颐 海上四任精品:故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集 石家庄: 河北美术出版社, 1992, p. 97左";;"referred to in Wang, Yaoting 1988 `庭园写生的明清时代文饰', The National Palace Museum monthly of Chinese art, No. 65, p.54"
"13";"a9767.jpg";"八百有零";"八哥 + 柏树";"Chinese Crested mynah+cypress";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p. 198";;"-"
"14";"babaichangchun-1.png";"八百长春";"八哥 + 长春花 + 柏树";"Chinese Crested mynah+china rose-1+cypress";"清 阿克章阿 纸本设色 北京故宫博物院藏";;"呂紀花鳥畫特展 國立故宮博物院編輯委員會編輯 臺北: 國立故宮博物院, 1995 p.160 '《宣德宝绘》卷跋 国初边景昭有“八节长春”之景 当时御笔亦多仿其意 于令节赐大臣'; ‘当是八哥与月季’"
"15";"a9565.jpg";"百瓞";"百 + 蝴蝶";"hundred+butterflies";"故宫文物月刊43, 四卷七期26页清粉彩百瓞瓶故宫博物院藏";;"Liu & Wang 1991:16; Guangxu fencai vase in Liu 1991:243"
"16";"a9233.jpg";"百福并臻";"百 + 蝙蝠";"hundred+bats";"清盛世瓷选粹 / 主编冯先铭, 耿宝昌 ; 副主编叶佩兰 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994";;"汪庆正#67"
"17";"a6480.jpg";"百福繁生";"柏树 + 蝙蝠 + 幡旗 + 升";"cypress+bat+banner+bushel";"-";;"-"
"18";"a3809.jpg";"百福繁生";"柏树+ 蝙蝠 + 幡旗 + 笙";"cypress+bat+banner+bamboo windpipe";"-";;"-"
"19";"baiji.jpg";"百吉";"百 + 鸡";"hundred+chickens";;;"Yao, Yuanlong 吉祥图案资料 1989:104"
"20";"no-image.png";"百吉如意";"百合 + 橘子 + 如意";"Chinese day-lily bulb+tangerine+sceptre";;;"-"
"21";"a6481.jpg";"百爵";"百 + 雀";"hundred+sparrows";"-";;"1.anonymous Yuan painting, plate 16, p. 232 in Wenwu Guanghua; 2.Daoguan famille-rose bowl, plate 251 of Sotheby’s Catalogue 15 May, 1990 Hong Kong; 3. blue and white jar, accession No. 30857, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore 耿宝昌2000中/240 崇祯缸; 4.A-12-075, Yale University Gallery, Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings: Second Series, Vol. 1, University of Tokyo Press 1998; 5.Christie HK97/4/27/684 万历 Guimet 33S569"
"22";"a3247a.jpg";"百爵";"百 + 雀";"hundred+sparrows";"-";;"1.anonymous Yuan painting, plate 16, p. 232 in Wenwu Guanghua; 2.Daoguan famille-rose bowl, plate 251 of Sotheby’s Catalogue 15 May, 1990 Hong Kong; 3. blue and white jar, accession No. 30857, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore 耿宝昌2000中/240 崇祯缸; 4.A-12-075, Yale University Gallery, Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings: Second Series, Vol. 1, University of Tokyo Press 1998; 5.Christie HK97/4/27/684 万历 Guimet 33S569"
"23";"no-image.png";"百龄眉寿";"柏树 + 梅 + 绶带鸟";"cypress+prunus+long-tailed bird";;;"-"
"24";"bailingmeishou.jpg";"百龄眉寿";"柏树 + 梅 + 太湖石";"cypress+prunus+longevity rock";"金心兰,名湅,字心兰,号冷香,又号瞎牛,一号瞎牛庵主,自署冷香馆主人,长洲(今江苏苏州)人。上海新华拍卖有限公司2015迎春古玩艺术品拍卖会,拍品编号:0078,2015-01-18";;"-"
"25";"a8573.jpg";"百龄食禄";"柏树 + 鹿";"cypress+deer";"金井紫云编 东洋画题综览,京都: 芸草堂, 1941";;"-"
"26";"a9562.jpg";"百龄食禄";"柏树 + 鹿";"cypress+deer";"Chou Ju-Hsi, Journeys on Paper and Silk, 1998, p. 98, pl. 35, Leaf F Shen Quan 1682-ca.1760, 20.6x31";;"-"
"27";"a9553.jpg";"百龄食禄";"柏树 + 鹿";"cypress+deer";"京江画派 赵力著 济南市: 山东美术出版社, 2004, p. 24, pl. 6 蒋璋";;"-"
"28";"a5321.jpg";"百禄";"百 + 鹿";"hundred+deers";"-";;"Meng 1991:66; Ming painting by Zhang Hong, plate 20, p. 231 in Wenwu Guanghua; Qianlong yangcai-enamelled vase, in Orientations 1986/1, p. 30; jardinere in wucai decoration, Lee Kong Chien Museum Collection, The National University of Singapore; #67 Guimet 26S572; 故宫文物月刊43, 四卷七期23页明五彩百禄尊故宫博物院藏"
"29";"a6491.jpg";"百禄";"百 + 鹿";"hundred+deers";"-";;"Meng 1991:66; Ming painting by Zhang Hong, plate 20, p. 231 in Wenwu Guanghua; Qianlong yangcai-enamelled vase, in Orientations 1986/1, p. 30; jardinere in wucai decoration, Lee Kong Chien Museum Collection, The National University of Singapore; #67 Guimet 26S572; 故宫文物月刊43, 四卷七期23页明五彩百禄尊故宫博物院藏"
"30";"a6032.jpg";"百禄";"百 + 鹿";"hundred+deers";"Qianlong fencai vase in Qian 1994:117, 43.5x16.3x24.7";;"Meng 1991:66; Ming painting by Zhang Hong, plate 20, p. 231 in Wenwu Guanghua; Qianlong yangcai-enamelled vase, in Orientations 1986/1, p. 30; jardinere in wucai decoration, Lee Kong Chien Museum Collection, The National University of Singapore; #67 Guimet 26S572; 故宫文物月刊43, 四卷七期23页明五彩百禄尊故宫博物院藏"
"31";"a9539.jpg";"百禄";"百 + 鹿";"hundred+deers";"清盛世瓷选粹 主编冯先铭, 耿宝昌 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994 p.279, pl.12";;"Meng 1991:66; Ming painting by Zhang Hong, plate 20, p. 231 in Wenwu Guanghua; Qianlong yangcai-enamelled vase, in Orientations 1986/1, p. 30; jardinere in wucai decoration, Lee Kong Chien Museum Collection, The National University of Singapore; #67 Guimet 26S572; 故宫文物月刊43, 四卷七期23页明五彩百禄尊故宫博物院藏"
"32";"bainianhaohe.jpg";"百年好合";"百合 + 盒子";"Chinese day-lily bulb+box";;;"-"
"33";"baishidaji.jpg";"百事大吉";"百合 + 柿子 + 橘子";"Chinese day-lily bulb+persimmon-1+tangerine";;;"Meng 1991:67"
"34";"a9239.jpg";"百世多吉";"百 + 柿子 + 橘子";"hundred+persimmon-2+tangerine";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 7, pl. 122 册页 纸本 水墨设色 64.5 x 64cm 1952 私人藏";;"-"
"35";"a5263.jpg";"百事如意";"百合 + 柿子 + 灵芝";"Chinese day-lily bulb+persimmon-1+lucid ganoderma";"-";;"Meng 1991:68-9; Qianlong kesi piece, plate on back page of The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 11; hanging scroll by Kong Ziyu (b 1899) 273 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; hanging scroll, in the collection of Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 241-2页 成化题诗 柏柿如意 一脉春回暖气随 风云万里值明时 画图今日来佳兆 如意年年百事宜 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 支那名画宝鉴"
"36";"a4389.jpg";"百事如意";"百合 + 柿子 + 灵芝";"Chinese day-lily bulb+persimmon-1+lucid ganoderma";"-";;"Meng 1991:68-9; Qianlong kesi piece, plate on back page of The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 11; hanging scroll by Kong Ziyu (b 1899) 273 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; hanging scroll, in the collection of Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 241-2页 成化题诗 柏柿如意 一脉春回暖气随 风云万里值明时 画图今日来佳兆 如意年年百事宜 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 支那名画宝鉴"
"37";"a6308.jpg";"百事如意";"百合 + 柿子 + 灵芝";"Chinese day-lily bulb+persimmon-1+lucid ganoderma";"北京故宫博物院藏:《岁朝佳兆图》轴,明,朱见深绘,绢本,设色,纵59.7cm,横35.5cm。國立历史博物館編輯委員會編輯(1996)《午日鍾馗畫特展》,台北市 : 國立历史博物館。p. 36, Pl. 28";;"Meng 1991:68-9; Qianlong kesi piece, plate on back page of The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 11; hanging scroll by Kong Ziyu (b 1899) 273 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; hanging scroll, in the collection of Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 241-2页 成化题诗 柏柿如意 一脉春回暖气随 风云万里值明时 画图今日来佳兆 如意年年百事宜 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 支那名画宝鉴"
"38";"baishiruyi-5.jpg";"百事如意";"百合 + 柿子 + 灵芝";"Chinese day-lily bulb+persimmon-1+lucid ganoderma";"溥儒 献瑞图 临摹宣德皇帝原图";;
"39";"a9361.jpg";"百事如意";"百合 + 柿子 + 灵芝";"Chinese day-lily bulb+persimmon-1+lucid ganoderma";"Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Dec.18, 1996, Sichuan Hanya, Chengdu, lot 273, 孔子瑜 1899-?立轴 纸本设色 1924 148.5x79cm";;"Meng 1991:68-9; Qianlong kesi piece, plate on back page of The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 11; hanging scroll by Kong Ziyu (b 1899) 273 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; hanging scroll, in the collection of Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 241-2页 成化题诗 柏柿如意 一脉春回暖气随 风云万里值明时 画图今日来佳兆 如意年年百事宜 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 支那名画宝鉴"
"40";"a5264.jpg";"百事如意";"柏树 + 柿子 + 如意";"cypress+persimmon-1+sceptre";"-";;"Meng 1991:68-9; Qianlong kesi piece, plate on back page of The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 11; hanging scroll by Kong Ziyu (b 1899) 273 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; hanging scroll, in the collection of Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 241-2页 成化题诗 柏柿如意 一脉春回暖气随 风云万里值明时 画图今日来佳兆 如意年年百事宜 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 支那名画宝鉴"
"41";"no-image.png";"百岁富贵平安如意";"百合 + 碎瓶 + 牡丹 + 鹌鹑 + 如意";"Chinese day-lily bulb+craquelure vase+peony+quail+spectre";;;"Guangxu glass snuff bottle, plate 236 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 18, 1993"
"42";"no-image.png";"百岁富贵平安如意";"百合 + 碎瓶 + 牡丹 + 鹌鹑 + 灵芝";"Chinese day-lily bulb+craquelure vase+peony+quail+lucid ganoderma";;;"Guangxu glass snuff bottle, plate 236 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 18, 1993"
"43";"a9551.jpg";"百岁图";"书法和图书的碎片";"scrapes of penmanship and painting and torn pages from books";"-";;"snuff bottle of painted rock crystal in Hui & Sin 1995:189; inside-painted glass snuff bottle 水晶内画鼻烟壶, lot 500 in Christie’s Catalogue New York June 2, 1994 at the back of the bottle, the artist Ma Shaoxuan inscribes the title of the painting ‘百岁图’"
"44";"a9550.jpg";"百岁图";"书法和图书的碎片";"scrapes of penmanship and painting and torn pages from books";"-";;"snuff bottle of painted rock crystal in Hui & Sin 1995:189; inside-painted glass snuff bottle 水晶内画鼻烟壶, lot 500 in Christie’s Catalogue New York June 2, 1994 at the back of the bottle, the artist Ma Shaoxuan inscribes the title of the painting ‘百岁图’"
"45";"baitoudaolao.jpg";"白头到老";"白头翁 + 二";"a pair of Chinese bulbuls";"天津鼎天拍卖有限公司2013春季艺术品拍卖会";;"-"
"46";"a9555.jpg";"白头高节";"竹节 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+joints of bamboo";"painting by Wu Bing (Song dynasty), plate 10, p. 221 in Wenwu Guanghua 1 丛竹白头";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89"
"47";"a9755.jpg";"白头高节";"竹节 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+joints of bamboo";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p.32;";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89"
"48";"a9328.jpg";"白头三友";"竹子 + 松 + 梅 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+san you";"中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.510 王武画";;"Chen ZL 97:674"
"49";"a2932.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"50";"yzheng_fencai_baitoufugui.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"51";"a3999.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"52";"a2689.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"53";"a2695.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"54";"a2700.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"55";"a5329.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"56";"a6479.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"57";"a9206.jpg";"白头富贵";"白头翁 + 牡丹";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 3, pl. 298 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103 x 33cm ca.early 1930s 首都博物馆藏";;"Meng 1991:72; Ashmolean Museum: 18th cent. famille-rose saucer dish, in The Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 295; hanging scroll by Wu Shiqing (late 19th cent.), plate 480, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; hanging scroll by Ren Bonian (1840 - 1896) 253 in Sichuan Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; 国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 92; 雍正粉彩双耳扁壶S Scott 89:83; 97:134 故宫居廉 天球瓶Guimet 46 S386a"
"58";"shoumeibaitou.jpg";"白头眉寿";"白头翁 + 梅 + 太湖石";"a pair of Chinese bulbuls+prunus+longevity rock";"王震 丙辰(1916)年作 眉寿白头 立轴 设色纸本。上海道明拍卖有限公司2012春季拍卖会,2012-06-29";;"-"
"59";"baitouxielao.jpg";"白头偕老";"白头翁 + 二";"a pair of Chinese bulbuls";"恽寿平(1633-1690)初名格,字寿平,以字行又字正叔别号南田。北京隆荣国际拍卖有限公司2013年秋季拍卖会拍卖会专场丹青雅集——中国历代书画专场,2013-10-13";;"任颐 海上四任精品:故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集 石家庄: 河北美术出版社, 1992, p. 87 right"
"60";"a0285.jpg";"百子千房";"百 + 石榴";"hundred+pomegranate";"中国现代绘画史: 晚清之部. 1840-1911 李铸晋, 万青力 台北: 石头出版股份有限公司, 1998 pl. 2.16 p. 54 赵之谦 1870 东京博物馆藏";;"-"
"61";"a5296.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"-";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"62";"a0125.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"-";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"63";"a0479.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"-";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"64";"a2621.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"-";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"65";"a4944.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"-";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"66";"a6478.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"-";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"67";"a6732.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"Korean painting, Yi dynasty 17th century, 110.5 x 65.5 cm, Marion Hammer, Far Eastern Antiquities, Oriental Art, No.2, Vol.XIX, Summer 1973, p. 144";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"68";"b1262.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"hanging scroll, Korea Choson dynasty, 19th century, ink and colour on paper, image: 87x42cm, Journey through Asia: masterpieces in the Brooklyn Museum of Art, Amy G. Poster et al., Brooklyn, NY: Brooklyn Museum of Art; London: Philip Wilson, 2003, p. 158, pl.60";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"69";"baoxic.jpg";"报喜图";"豹 + 喜鹊";"leopard+magpie";"-";;"Porcelain snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:89; 虎鹊 大坂 收藏家38 ArtsofKoreaII357 ; 海外藏5/156"
"70";"a5379.jpg";"辈辈封侯";"背 + 猴";"a monkey carrying on the back another monkey";"-";;"Qing jade, lot 77 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Meng 1991:93;;Christie00OctHK964"
"71";"a6477.jpg";"辈辈封侯";"背 + 猴";"a monkey carrying on the back another monkey";"-";;"Qing jade, lot 77 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Meng 1991:93;;Christie00OctHK964"
"72";"a9286.jpg";"辈辈封侯";"背 + 猴";"a monkey carrying on the back another monkey";" Cammann 1962, p. 210, pl.121";;"Qing jade, lot 77 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Meng 1991:93;;Christie00OctHK964"
"73";"b0157.jpg";"辈辈封侯";"背 + 猴";"a monkey carrying on the back another monkey";"The language of adornment: Chinese ornaments of jade, crystal, amber and glass : from the Neolithic period to the Qing dynasty, Filippo Salviati, Paris: Myrna Myers, 2002 pl. 92 Liao dynasty, 10th - 11th century, H: 8 W: 4.2";;"Qing jade, lot 77 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Meng 1991:93;;Christie00OctHK964"
"74";"a0306.jpg";"辈辈封侯";"背 + 猴";"a monkey carrying on the back another monkey";"-";;"Qing jade, lot 77 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Meng 1991:93;;Christie00OctHK964"
"75";"a5316.jpg";"必得其寿";"玉兰花 + 太湖石";"magnolia+longevity rock";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:197"
"76";"no-image.png";"必定夺魁";"笔 + 锭 + 魁";"pen-brush+ingot+a rebus of the pictogram 魁 kui";;;"The National Palace Museum 1990:53"
"77";"a3829.jpg";"必定如意";"笔 + 锭 + 如意";"pen-brush+gold or silver ingot+sceptre";"钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 297, pl. 397 光绪黄釉锦地开光粉彩花鸟纹碗底 高8 口径12.7cm";;"Guangxu fencai bowl in Qian 1994:297"
"78";"a9575.jpg";"必定如意";"笔 + 锭 + 如意";"pen-brush+gold or silver ingot+sceptre";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 260, pl.231 同治大婚用品 粉彩红地圆盒";;"Guangxu fencai bowl in Qian 1994:297"
"79";"a9316.jpg";"必定升官";"笔 + 锭 + 冠帽";"pen-brush+ingot+official hat";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.19 25x23cm 天津杨柳青";;"-"
"82";"a7669.jpg";"并蒂双贵";"并蒂莲 + 二 + 鳜鱼";"double lotus flowers on one stalk+two mandarin fish";"-";;"-"
"83";"a9332.jpg";"蟾宫折桂";"蟾蜍 + 弓 + 桂花";"changongzhegui";"Rudova, Maria (V. Sobolev trans.). Chinese Popular Prints,Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1988, pl. 58d 蝉功折桂 part 61x108cm";;"王树村92/16 Kilburn88 明墨故宫 木刻58 玉杵记 Lion-Goldschmidt201 Jorg97/60 年画图录150"
"84";"a5303.jpg";"长春白头";"长春花 + 白头翁";"china rose-1+Chinese bulbul";"-";;"Meng 1991:101; Kangxi porcelain dish with enamel overglaze, plate 38 in Cort & Stuart 1993"
"85";"changchunshouxi-1.png";"长春寿喜";"长春花 + 太湖石 + 喜鹊";"china rose-1+longevity rock+magpie";;;"Meng 1991:102;"
"86";"no-image.png";"长春寿喜";"长春花 + 太湖石 + 喜字";"china rose-1+longevity rock+the Chinese character for happiness";;;"Meng 1991:102;"
"87";"no-image.png";"长春寿喜";"长春花 + 寿字 + 喜鹊";"china rose-1+longevity rock+magpie";;;"Meng 1991:102;"
"88";"no-image.png";"长春寿喜";"长春花 + 绶带鸟 + 喜鹊";"china rose-1+long-tailed bird+magpie";;;"Meng 1991:102;"
"89";"no-image.png";"长春寿喜";"长春花 + 寿字 + 喜字";"china rose-1+the Chinese character for longevity+the Chinese character for happiness";;;"Meng 1991:102;"
"90";"no-image.png";"长春寿喜";"长春花 + 绶带鸟 + 喜字";"china rose-1+long-tailed bird+the Chinese character for happiness";;;"Meng 1991:102;"
"91";"no-image.png";"长春同庆";"长春花 + 梧桐";"china rose+Chinese parasol tree";;;"-"
"92";"a5326.jpg";"长命富贵";"桃花 + 牡丹";"peach blossom+peony";"-";;"-"
"93";"a9729.jpg";"长命富贵";"桃花 + 牡丹";"peach blossom+peony";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 258, pl.229 光绪粉彩盘";;"-"
"94";"fuguichangming.JPG";"长命富贵";"桃子 + 牡丹";"longevity peach+peony";;;"-"
"95";"a9235.jpg";"长年";"鲶鱼";"a long catfish";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 7, pl. 175 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 105.2 x 34.5cm 1953 私人藏";;"-"
"96";"a9207.jpg";"长年";"莲梗";"a tall lotus stem";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl.83 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 93 x 32.7cm 1935 天津人民美术出版社藏";;"-"
"97";"a9609.jpg";"长年大贵";"鲶鱼 + 鳜鱼";"a long catfish+large mandarin fish";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.112 天津人民美术出版社藏 99.1x34.2";;"carved jade snuff bottle in Geng & Zhao 1992:270; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink on paper, National Palace Musuem, Taipei;"
"98";"a9350.jpg";"长寿不老";"绶带鸟 + 松";"long-tailed bird+pine tree";"Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Dec.18, 1996, Sichuan Hanya, Chengdu, lot 201, 颜伯龙 1898-1954 立轴 纸本设色 1951 100x32.5cm cf. 松寿";;"hanging scroll by Ma Zhaolin (late 19th century?), plate 519, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore;"
"99";"a3835.jpg";"重重叠叠";"蚕虫 + 蚕蛾 + 蝴蝶";"silkworm+silkworm moth+butterfly";"-";;"Qing jade carving, plate 291 in Ip 1983; Glass snuff bottle Kleiner 1995:249; Painting in ink and colour on paper (fan), dated 1859, in Ellsworth 1992:39"
"101";"a7936.jpg";"传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇";"crab+reed";"故宫博物院藏明清绘画 1994/51 [徐渭1588] 故宫院刊142:8";;"一甲传胪; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 144 芦蟹 立轴 纸本 水墨 75 x 40cm ca.1911-16年 辽宁省博物馆藏; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 147 芦蟹 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 82 x 36cm ca.1910-16年 湖南省博物馆藏"
"102";"a9797.jpg";"传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇";"crab+reed";"故宫文物月刊45, 四卷九期30页 明顾绣 故宫博物院藏";;"一甲传胪; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 144 芦蟹 立轴 纸本 水墨 75 x 40cm ca.1911-16年 辽宁省博物馆藏; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 147 芦蟹 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 82 x 36cm ca.1910-16年 湖南省博物馆藏"
"103";"a9559.jpg";"传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇";"crab+reed";"Christie HK99/4/26/626";;"一甲传胪; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 144 芦蟹 立轴 纸本 水墨 75 x 40cm ca.1911-16年 辽宁省博物馆藏; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 147 芦蟹 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 82 x 36cm ca.1910-16年 湖南省博物馆藏"
"104";"a5318.jpg";"春光长寿";"长春花 + 绶带鸟";"china rose+long-tailed bird";"-";;"Liu & Wang 中国象征辞典 1991:244"
"105";"a5358.jpg";"聪明伶俐";"葱 + 菱角 + 荔枝";"spring onion+water caltrop+lychee";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:166"
"106";"congminglingli.jpg";"聪明伶俐";"葱 + 菱角 + 地力";"spring onion+water caltrop+water chestnut";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:166"
"107";"no-image.png";"聪明伶俐";"葱 + 菱角 + 梨";"spring onion+water caltrop+pear";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:166"
"108";"a9342.jpg";"大福";"蝙蝠";"large bat";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.158 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 67.5 x 33.5cm 1943 北京市文物公司";;"-"
"109";"a9214.jpg";"大富贵";"牡丹";"peony";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.28 册页 纸本 水墨设色 33.7 x 29.7cm ca. late 1930s 曹克家藏";;"-"
"110";"dafuguiyishoukao.jpg";"大富贵亦寿考";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";;;"Meng 1991:111; hanging paper scroll by Yu Fei’an (1888 - 1954), ink and water colour, plate 229 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 15, 1990 Hong Kong;"
"111";"a9192.jpg";"大富贵亦寿考";"牡丹 + 太湖石";"peony+longevity rock";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 269 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 162.5 x 74.5cm 1926年 广州市美术馆藏";;"Meng 1991:111; hanging paper scroll by Yu Fei’an (1888 - 1954), ink and water colour, plate 229 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 15, 1990 Hong Kong;"
"112";"a5328.jpg";"富贵寿考";"牡丹 + 太湖石";"peony+longevity rock";"-";;"Meng 1991:111; hanging paper scroll by Yu Fei’an (1888 - 1954), ink and water colour, plate 229 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 15, 1990 Hong Kong;"
"113";"a9357.jpg";"大吉";"鸡";"large cockerel";"http://cul.sohu.com/20050508/n225467726.shtml";"http://cul.sohu.com/20050508/n225467726.shtml";"-"
"114";"a4963.jpg";"新春大吉";"鸡";"large cockerel";"-";;"王树村中国年画史2002/18"
"115";"a6311.jpg";"大吉";"橘子";"large tangerine";"Between Two Cultures150;";;"-"
"116";"no-image.png";"大吉大利";"橘子 + 鲤鱼";"large tangerine+large li carp";;;"Meng 1991:115; cf. Chinese Aesthetics and Ch'i Pai-shih ill.17 太平青吉 见齐璜杂画册之四 (1938年)"
"117";"a9248.jpg";"大吉大利";"橘子 + 荔枝";"large tangerine+large lychee";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 59 册页 纸本 水墨设色 17.4 x 25cm ca.mid-1940s 南京博物院藏";;"Meng 1991:115; cf. Chinese Aesthetics and Ch'i Pai-shih ill.17 太平青吉 见齐璜杂画册之四 (1938年)"
"118";"a9680.jpg";"大吉祥";"羊";"large goat";"汉代石刻 东京国立博物馆";;"-"
"119";"a9105.jpg";"大吉祥";"羊";"large goat";"冯云鹏,冯云鵷编 金石索 上海: 商务官印书馆, 1929, 第三册, p. 30 “宜侯王大吉羊” (In this rubbing of a incised design on the bottom of a Han basin, the character 羊 yang for 'goat' was written to represent the character 祥 xiang for 'auspicious omen', a proof to show that the image of large goat heads were used in the Han dynasty to represent the expression 大吉祥 da ji xiang for 'great good fortune')";;"-"
"120";"a9714.jpg";"大吉祥";"羊";"large goat";"郭味蕖 中國近代名家書畫全集;29 主編許禮平 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1998,p.41 ‘百合’";;"-"
"121";"dalitu.jpg";"大利";"荔枝";"large lychee";"老耐(清)。嘉德四季第42期拍卖会,2015-06-28";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 89 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 88 x 31cm ca.mid-1940s 海外私人藏; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 102 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 70 x 34.5cm ca.mid-1940s 北京市文物公司"
"122";"a9215.jpg";"大年";"鲶鱼";"large catfish";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.35 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.4 x 32.9cm ca. late 1930s 中国美术馆藏";;"-"
"123";"a9718.jpg";"介寿";"太湖石";"longevity rock";"郭味蕖 中國近代名家書畫全集;29 主編許禮平 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1998,p.12 ‘大寿’齐白石题 1949 128x65";;"-"
"124";"a9204.jpg";"大喜大利";"喜鹊 + 荔枝";"magpie+large lychee";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 3, pl. 142 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 249 x 70cm 1931年 北京故宫博物院藏";;"-"
"125";"a5319.jpg";"代代寿仙";"绶带鸟 + 水仙";"long-tailed bird+narcissus";"-";;"Meng 1991:112"
"126";"a9201.jpg";"得财";"拾柴人";"one getting firewood";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 3, pl. 3 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 96.5 x 44.5cm ca.1928年 杨永德旧藏";;"拍卖图鉴辽宁画报社96/205"
"127";"a9348.jpg";"渔翁得利";"得到 + 鲤鱼";"getting the li carp";"-";;"鲁少飞 得利图 中国美术大辞典 p. 189; cf. 渔利图"
"128";"a6255.jpg";"渔翁得利";"得到 + 鲤鱼";"getting the li carp";"-";;"鲁少飞 得利图 中国美术大辞典 p. 189; cf. 渔利图"
"129";"a7667.jpg";"渔利图";"渔夫 + 鲤鱼";"fisherman+li carp";"-";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 149 in Au Hang 1993; Qing jade, lot 79 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96;"
"130";"a8117.jpg";"渔利图";"渔夫 + 鲤鱼";"fisherman+li carp";"-";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 149 in Au Hang 1993; Qing jade, lot 79 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96;"
"131";"a2683.jpg";"渔利图";"渔夫 + 鲤鱼";"fisherman+li carp";"Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘fish’ has been omitted in this case ‘鱼’的画面元素被省略";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 149 in Au Hang 1993; Qing jade, lot 79 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96;"
"132";"a2685.jpg";"渔利图";"渔夫 + 鲤鱼";"fisherman+li carp";"Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘fish’ has been omitted in this case ‘鱼’的画面元素被省略";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 149 in Au Hang 1993; Qing jade, lot 79 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96;"
"133";"a1783.jpg";"渔利图";"渔夫 + 鲤鱼";"fisherman+li carp";"Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘fish’ has been omitted in this case ‘鱼’的画面元素被省略";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 149 in Au Hang 1993; Qing jade, lot 79 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96;"
"134";"a2698.jpg";"渔翁得利";"渔夫 + 鲤鱼";"fisherman+li carp";"-";;"Qing jade, lot 79 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Meng 1991:403"
"135";"a2470.jpg";"渔翁得利";"渔夫 + 鲤鱼";"fisherman+li carp";"-";;"Qing jade, lot 79 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Meng 1991:403"
"138";"a9552.jpg";"得禄图";"猎 + 鹿";"hunting deer";"Cohen & Cohen 2005 catalogue";;"Snuff bottle, glass, White 1992, plate 101 & 82"
"139";"a9352.jpg";"得禄图";"猎 + 鹿";"hunting deer";"Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Dec.18, 1996, Sichuan Hanya, Chengdu, lot 280 张善子 1882-1940 hanging scroll 1940 245.5x122.5cm 1918 立轴 纸本设色";;"Snuff bottle, glass, White 1992, plate 101 & 82"
"140";"a9604.jpg";"耋寿";"蝴蝶 + 桃子";"butterfly-1+longevity peach";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.103 天津人民美术出版社藏 33x36";;"-"
"141";"a6033.jpg";"耋寿";"蝴蝶 + 寿字";"butterfly-1+the Chinese character for longevity";"Guangxu fencai vase 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 268, pl.355";;"-"
"142";"fuguidieshou.jpg";"耋寿富贵";"蝴蝶 + 太湖石 + 牡丹";"butterfly-1+longevity rock+peony";"郭宗茂 ";;"hanging scroll in Lee Kong Chian Museum Collection, The National University of Singapore;"
"158";"a5282.jpg";"多福多寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"-";;"Meng 1991:117; Yong Zheng fencai dish; Qianlong pilgrim bottle underglazed blue and red celadon ground, Orientations 1987/12;"
"159";"a5281.jpg";"多福多寿多男子";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 石榴";"bat+longevity peach+pomegranate";"Liu & Wang 1991:239; Yangliuqing New Year print;";;
"160";"a5195.jpg";"多福多寿多男子";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 石榴";"bat+longevity peach+pomegranate";"Liu & Wang 1991:239; Yangliuqing New Year print;";;
"161";"a9627.jpg";"三多";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 石榴";"sanduo";"故宫文物月刊 五卷十期No.58 p. 105";;"Transitional yingcai jar, in Orientations Oct. 96; meiyintangII pl.772 Christie HK99/4/26/546; Nanjing: 50 汪#8"
"162";"a9250.jpg";"三多";"佛手 + 桃子 + 石榴";"sanduo-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 97 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 115 x 47cm ca.mid-1940s 北京市文物公司";;"Transitional yingcai jar, in Orientations Oct. 96; meiyintangII pl.772 Christie HK99/4/26/546; Nanjing: 50 汪#8"
"163";"a9630.jpg";"三多";"佛手 + 桃子 + 石榴";"sanduo-1";"Christie's Fine Chinese Ceramics, Paintings and Works of Art, London, 16 December 1996, Lot 14";;"Transitional yingcai jar, in Orientations Oct. 96; meiyintangII pl.772 Christie HK99/4/26/546; Nanjing: 50 汪#8"
"164";"sanduo-collage-1.jpg";"三多";"佛手 + 桃子 + 石榴";"sanduo-1";;;"Transitional yingcai jar, in Orientations Oct. 96; meiyintangII pl.772 Christie HK99/4/26/546; Nanjing: 50 汪#8"
"167";"a9340.jpg";"夺魁";"童子 + 争夺 + 头盔";"helmet";"Rudova, Maria (V. Sobolev trans.). Chinese Popular Prints,Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1988, pl. 61, part 34.5x56cm";;"王树村 92/25 May you come out first in civil examinations; children trying to get a helmet (kui); Meng 1991:362; Liu & Wang 1991:158; Kangxi famille-verte covered jar, plate 302 in Christie’s catalogue Jan. 1, 1990; in a painting by Su Hanchen, Song Dynasty, back cover of 故宫月刊 10 青花名瓷147S363 Christie97 HK11/5,6/911雕漆 五彩141 五子夺魁 Yeo & MartinPL137 PorcelainStories119;Qing beaker-vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68. 俞宏理编著: 《中国徽州木雕 人物集》, (北京: 文化艺术出版社 2000:65) "
"168";"a3223.jpg";"夺魁";"童子 + 争夺 + 头盔";"helmet";"-";;"王树村 92/25 May you come out first in civil examinations; children trying to get a helmet (kui); Meng 1991:362; Liu & Wang 1991:158; Kangxi famille-verte covered jar, plate 302 in Christie’s catalogue Jan. 1, 1990; in a painting by Su Hanchen, Song Dynasty, back cover of 故宫月刊 10 青花名瓷147S363 Christie97 HK11/5,6/911雕漆 五彩141 五子夺魁 Yeo & MartinPL137 PorcelainStories119;Qing beaker-vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68. 俞宏理编著: 《中国徽州木雕 人物集》, (北京: 文化艺术出版社 2000:65) "
"169";"a3085.jpg";"夺魁";"童子 + 争夺 + 头盔";"helmet";"-";;"王树村 92/25 May you come out first in civil examinations; children trying to get a helmet (kui); Meng 1991:362; Liu & Wang 1991:158; Kangxi famille-verte covered jar, plate 302 in Christie’s catalogue Jan. 1, 1990; in a painting by Su Hanchen, Song Dynasty, back cover of 故宫月刊 10 青花名瓷147S363 Christie97 HK11/5,6/911雕漆 五彩141 五子夺魁 Yeo & MartinPL137 PorcelainStories119;Qing beaker-vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68. 俞宏理编著: 《中国徽州木雕 人物集》, (北京: 文化艺术出版社 2000:65) "
"170";"a3086.jpg";"夺魁";"童子 + 争夺 + 头盔";"helmet";"-";;"王树村 92/25 May you come out first in civil examinations; children trying to get a helmet (kui); Meng 1991:362; Liu & Wang 1991:158; Kangxi famille-verte covered jar, plate 302 in Christie’s catalogue Jan. 1, 1990; in a painting by Su Hanchen, Song Dynasty, back cover of 故宫月刊 10 青花名瓷147S363 Christie97 HK11/5,6/911雕漆 五彩141 五子夺魁 Yeo & MartinPL137 PorcelainStories119;Qing beaker-vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68. 俞宏理编著: 《中国徽州木雕 人物集》, (北京: 文化艺术出版社 2000:65) "
"171";"a0945.jpg";"夺魁";"童子 + 争夺 + 头盔";"helmet";"-";;"王树村 92/25 May you come out first in civil examinations; children trying to get a helmet (kui); Meng 1991:362; Liu & Wang 1991:158; Kangxi famille-verte covered jar, plate 302 in Christie’s catalogue Jan. 1, 1990; in a painting by Su Hanchen, Song Dynasty, back cover of 故宫月刊 10 青花名瓷147S363 Christie97 HK11/5,6/911雕漆 五彩141 五子夺魁 Yeo & MartinPL137 PorcelainStories119;Qing beaker-vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68. 俞宏理编著: 《中国徽州木雕 人物集》, (北京: 文化艺术出版社 2000:65) "
"172";"a9312.jpg";"五子夺魁";"五 + 童子 + 争夺 + 头盔";"helmet";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.57 46x29cm 苏州";;"Meng 1991:362; Liu & Wang 1991:158; Kangxi famille-verte covered jar, plate 302 in Christie’s catalogue Jan. 1, 1990; in a painting by Su Hanchen, Song Dynasty, there is a similar scene, from the back cover of The Palace Museum Monthly No. 10"
"173";"a5238.jpg";"五子夺魁";"五 + 童子 + 争夺 + 头盔";"helmet";"-";;"Meng 1991:362; Liu & Wang 1991:158; Kangxi famille-verte covered jar, plate 302 in Christie’s catalogue Jan. 1, 1990; in a painting by Su Hanchen, Song Dynasty, there is a similar scene, from the back cover of The Palace Museum Monthly No. 10"
"174";"a9194.jpg";"多利";"荔枝";"plenty lychees";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 238 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 136 x 34.5cm; 1924年底-1925年初 北京市文物公司";;"-"
"175";"a9195.jpg";"多利";"荔枝";"plenty lychees";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 5 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 147 x 40cm; 1919年 中央工艺美院藏;";;"-"
"176";"a9600.jpg";"多利";"栗子";"plenty chestnuts";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.63 徐悲鸿纪念馆藏 137x34";;"-"
"177";"a9227.jpg";"多寿多子";"石榴 + 绶带鸟";"pomegranate+long-tailed bird";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl. 313 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 99.5 x 33.6cm; 1944年 天津人民美术出版社藏;";;"-"
"178";"a9397.jpg";"多寿多子";"石榴 + 绶带鸟";"pomegranate+long-tailed bird";"中国文物精华大全: 书画卷 国家文物局主编 香港: 商务官印书馆, 1995 p. 344 pl. 452 清 李因 石榴绶带图轴 绢本水墨 西泠官印社";;"-"
"179";"duoziduofu.jpg";"多子多福";"石榴 + 蝙蝠";"pomegranate+bat";;;"-"
"180";"a5365.jpg";"二甲传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-1";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"181";"a9759.jpg";"二甲传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-1";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p. 83 徐渭";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"183";"a9585.jpg";"二甲传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-1";"国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 p.193";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"184";"a2910.jpg";"传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇";"crab+reed";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"185";"a7111.jpg";"二甲传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-1";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"186";"a5159.jpg";"二甲传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-1";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"187";"a5228.jpg";"传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇";"crab+reed";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"188";"a9075.jpg";"二甲传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-1";"Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘reed’ has been omitted in this case ‘芦苇’作为画面元素此处被省略 Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 92, pl. 78, ‘二甲传胪图 H 4.2 W 3.5cm’";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"189";"a3887.jpg";"二甲传胪";"鸭子 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-2";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"190";"a7112.jpg";"二甲传胪";"鸭子 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-2";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"191";"a4988.jpg";"二甲传胪";"鸭子 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-2";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"192";"a5061.jpg";"二甲传胪";"鸭子 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-2";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"193";"a3879.jpg";"二甲传胪";"鸭子 + 芦苇 + 二";"erjia-2";"-";;"Yongzheng palette, enamelled porcelain, plate 15 in Bartholomew 1988; Xu Wei (1521 - 93), painting, ink on paper, in National Palace Museum Monthly No. 45, p. 35; Snuff bottle, porcelain, Geng & Zhao 1992:164; Snuff bottle, porcelain, blue underglaze, 19th century, No. 170 in Kleiner 1990. Tianqi blue and white dish 129 in Kilburn 1981; Yongzheng blue and white bottle, plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991:84; 全彩中国绘画艺术史2000:291清边寿民芦雁图 福寿康宁 吉祥图案瓷器特展图录 故宫博物院1995:173杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1689明绣品; Rinaldi Ceramics in scholarly taste, catalogue, Maura Rinaldi Singapore: Southeast Asian Ceramic Society [and] SunTree Pub., 1993:69"
"194";"a8572.jpg";"封侯";"蜜蜂 + 猴";"bee+monkey";"金井紫云编 东洋画题综览,京都: 芸草堂, 1941";;"Snuff bottle; agate; plate 1740 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 26/27, 1989; Snuff bottle 1740 Christie 9/26/27/89; 故宫釉里红下196; Sotheby 94NY 5/31/140 倪田 "
"195";"a7119.jpg";"封侯";"蜜蜂 + 猴";"bee+monkey";"-";;"Snuff bottle; agate; plate 1740 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 26/27, 1989; Snuff bottle 1740 Christie 9/26/27/89; 故宫釉里红下196; Sotheby 94NY 5/31/140 倪田 "
"196";"a4056.jpg";"封侯";"蜜蜂 + 猴";"bee+monkey";"中国现代绘画史: 晚清之部. 1840-1911 李铸晋, 万青力 台北: 石头出版股份有限公司, 1998 pl. 2.32 p. 67 程璋 1928 135.3x66.9 石允文藏";;"Snuff bottle; agate; plate 1740 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 26/27, 1989; Snuff bottle 1740 Christie 9/26/27/89; 故宫釉里红下196; Sotheby 94NY 5/31/140 倪田 "
"197";"fenghou2.jpg";"封侯";"蜜蜂 + 猴";"bee+monkey";"hanging scroll by Pu Xinyu (1887 - 1963), plate 470, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; painting by Chen Wen Hsi (b. 1908) in Chen Wen-Hsi Paintings, Singapore: Old & New Gallery 1976; ";;"Snuff bottle; agate; plate 1740 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 26/27, 1989; Snuff bottle 1740 Christie 9/26/27/89; 故宫釉里红下196; Sotheby 94NY 5/31/140 倪田 "
"198";"a9545.jpg";"封侯";"蜜蜂 + 猴";"bee+monkey";"颜辉台故宫 The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 107 p. 16; Painting, Yan Hui, Yuan Dynasty; National Palace Museum, Taipei";;"Snuff bottle; agate; plate 1740 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 26/27, 1989; Snuff bottle 1740 Christie 9/26/27/89; 故宫釉里红下196; Sotheby 94NY 5/31/140 倪田 "
"199";"a8748.jpg";"封侯";"蜜蜂 + 猴";"bee+monkey";"Chinese export porcelain: from the Museum of Anast_acio Gon_calves, Lisbon, [original Portugese text Jean-Paul Desroches ...[et al.]; object descriptions and glossary Maria Ant_onia Pinto de Matos; translate from the Portuguese by Cleve E. Gilbert and Peter F. Ingham,London: Philip Wilson ; Lisbon : Instituto Portugu_es de Museus, 1996:76.pl.21 H:21.7D:16.8cm;";;"Snuff bottle; agate; plate 1740 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 26/27, 1989; Snuff bottle 1740 Christie 9/26/27/89; 故宫釉里红下196; Sotheby 94NY 5/31/140 倪田 "
"200";"a9560.jpg";"封侯增寿";"桃子 + 猴 + 蜜蜂";"longevity peach+monkey+bee";"Chou Ju-Hsi, Journeys on Paper and Silk, 1998, p. 98, pl. 35, Leaf B, Shen Quan 1682-ca.1760, 20.6x31";;"Yao, Yuanlong 1989 吉祥图案资料, Shanghai: Shanghai Shuhua Chubanshe, p. 102; Shen Quan 1682 - ca 1760;"
"201";"a5377.jpg";"封侯挂印";"猴 + 官印 + 蜜蜂";"bee+monkey+seal";"-";;"Meng 1991:124"
"202";"a9339.jpg";"封侯挂印";"猴 + 官印 + 蜜蜂";"bee+monkey+seal";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.139 25x35cm 山东潍县 New Year print, plate 119 in 杨家埠年画";;"Meng 1991:124"
"203";"a5381.jpg";"封侯挂印";"猴 + 官印 + 蜜蜂";"bee+monkey+seal";"-";;"Meng 1991:124"
"204";"a6244.jpg";"封侯荫伯";"猴 + 蜜蜂 + 柏树";"bee+monkey+cypress-1";"上海文博2002/1/40 沈铨";;"-"
"205";"foshouchanxin.png";"佛手禅心";"佛手 + 蝉";"buddha hand+cicada";;;"-"
"206";"a3734.jpg";"福从天降";"蝙蝠 + 天空";"bat+sky";;;"S231 Christie HK97/4/27/693"
"207";"a0286.jpg";"福从天降";"蝙蝠 + 天空";"bat+sky";"-";;"S231 Christie HK97/4/27/693"
"208";"fudao.png";"福到";"倒蝠";"an upside-down bat";"-";;"Jade, carved object, Qing dynasty, plate 288 in Ip, Yee 1983 中國玉雕 目錄編撰 葉義 ; 香港市政局與[香港]敏求精舍聯合主辦 ; 香港藝術館策劃 = Chinese jade carving / catalogue by Ip Yee ; jointly presented by the Urban Council, Hong Kong and the Min Chiu Society ; organized by the Hong Kong Musium of Art, 21-10-83- 24-12-83"
"209";"a9294.jpg";"福到";"倒福";"an upside-down Chinese character ‘福 fu’";"-";;"Jade, carved object, Qing dynasty, plate 288 in Ip, Yee 1983 中國玉雕 目錄編撰 葉義 ; 香港市政局與[香港]敏求精舍聯合主辦 ; 香港藝術館策劃 = Chinese jade carving / catalogue by Ip Yee ; jointly presented by the Urban Council, Hong Kong and the Min Chiu Society ; organized by the Hong Kong Musium of Art, 21-10-83- 24-12-83"
"210";"a9255.jpg";"富贵白头";"牡丹 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 185 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 100 x 33cm 1947 王方宇藏 '乾嘉年间诸画家皆喜以此四字为画题' ";;"Meng 1991:128"
"211";"a5324.jpg";"富贵长春";"牡丹 + 长春花";"peony+china rose";"-";;"snuff bottle, painted glass, in Kleiner 1995:655"
"212";"a5256.jpg";"富贵长春";"牡丹 + 长春花";"peony+china rose";;;"snuff bottle, painted glass, in Kleiner 1995:655"
"213";"a8722.jpg";"富贵长绵";"牡丹 + 盘长";"peony+knot";"Chinese folk art II: in American collections, from early 15th century to early 20th century,Tseng Yu-ho Ecke, Honolulu: distributed by The University Press of Hawaii, 1977:135";;"-"
"214";"a9688.jpg";"富贵长寿";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"-";;"Painting in Anthony Guneratne’s house"
"215";"a9104.jpg";"富贵长寿";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"严欣强 金岩编齐白石画集 北京: 外文出版社, 1990 p. 129, pl. 113 '大富贵且寿'; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990;";;"Painting in Anthony Guneratne’s house"
"216";"a9056.jpg";"富贵长寿";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"http://www.city.kobe.jp/cityoffice/57/museum/meihin/6-1_nagasaki/068.html";"http://www.city.kobe.jp/cityoffice/57/museum/meihin/6-1_nagasaki/068.html";"牡丹绶带鸟图 鶴亭(かくてい)筆 絹本著色 105.2×43.5cm 池長孟コレクション 江戸時代 明和6年(1769)神戸市立博物館:名品撰:長崎系絵画 鶴亭こと海眼浄光(1722~1785年)は、長崎の黄檗(おうばく)宗・聖福寺(しょうふくじ)の僧。黄檗絵画伝統の奇妙な造形感覚に、熊斐(ゆうひ)から学んだ沈南蘋画風をミックスさせ、妍麗な色彩で独自の絵画世界を築き上げた。本図では、異国の珍鳥がとまる奇怪な太湖石に、豊潤清雅な大輪の牡丹花を添え、「己丑春二月崎江光寉亭漫作」の款に「五字菴」「寉亭圖書」2官印がある。遊官印は「居可言之間」。"
"217";"a9199.jpg";"富贵长寿";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"南宋 世界美术大全集 东洋编 南宋 金";;"Painting in Anthony Guneratne’s house"
"218";"a9100.jpg";"富贵长寿";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.137 pl. 114 元代 东京国立博物馆";;"Painting in Anthony Guneratne’s house"
"219";"a4962.jpg";"富贵登云";"牡丹 + 灯 + 云";"peony+lamp+cloud";"-";;"-"
"220";"a7362.jpg";"富贵登云";"牡丹 + 灯 + 云";"peony+lamp+cloud";"Wang (1991:30): Ming New Year painting; 王树村中国年画史2002/102";;"-"
"221";"a9804.jpg";"富贵多福";"牡丹 + 佛手";"peony+buddha hands";"吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.164 pl. 135";;"-"
"222";"a9557.jpg";"富贵多子";"牡丹 + 石榴";"peony+pomegranate";"光绪 琮式瓶 Guangxu cong vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 278, pl 271";;"上海崇源2004年春拍「炳信齋、雙喜樓」專拍 編號694吳昌碩〈富貴多子圖〉(120×56公分),預估價6萬至7萬元,成交價達22萬元,居第二高價; 日本美术史事典 Nihon bijutsushi jiten 石田尚丰 Ishida, Hisatoyo, 1922- ...[et al.]监修 东京: 平凡社, 1987:322"
"223";"fuguifushou-1.jpg";"富贵福寿";"牡丹 + 蝙蝠 + 桃子";"peony+bat+longevity peach";;;"-"
"224";"fuguifushou.jpg";"富贵福寿";"牡丹 + 佛手 + 太湖石";"peony+buddha hands+longevity rock";;;"-"
"225";"fuguigaoshou.jpg";"富贵高寿";"牡丹 + 太湖石";"peony+longevity rock";;;" hanging scroll, Qi Baishi (1864 - 1957), ink and watercolour on paper, plate 168 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 15, 1990 Hong Kong; Yongzheng fencai dish in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 91"
"226";"fuguiheping.jpg";"富贵和平";"牡丹 + 鸽子";"peony+dove";;;"Yao 1989:99"
"227";"a7681.jpg";"富贵吉庆";"牡丹 + 戟 + 磬";"peony+halberd+stone music triangle";"-";;"-"
"228";"a9554.jpg";"富贵吉庆";"牡丹 + 戟 + 磬";"peony+halberd+stone music triangle";"蒋璋 Jiang Zhang, active during the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, hanging scroll, ink and colour on papger, 146.5x75.2cm private collection 京江画派 赵力 济南: 山东美术出版社, 2004, p. 25, pl. 7 '...童子高举着的戟则是‘财神’赵公明的独门兵器‘九节银鞭’的演化'";;"-"
"229";"a9363.jpg";"富贵吉庆";"牡丹 + 戟 + 磬";"peony+halberd+stone music triangle";"薄松年 中国民间年画选 南昌: 江西美术出版社, 1990,p. 11 对娃娃形式 天津杨柳青 36x60cm";;"-"
"230";"mantangfugui.jpg";"富贵满堂";"牡丹 + 海棠";"peony+crab apple";;;"Yao 1989:99"
"231";"a3816.jpg";"富贵耄耋";"牡丹 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"peony+cat+butterfly-1";"-";;"Liu, Xicheng & Wang, Wenbao (eds.) 1991 中国象征辞典, Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu Chubanshe, p.189;"
"232";"a5330.jpg";"富贵耄耋";"牡丹 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"peony+cat+butterfly-1";"-";;"Liu, Xicheng & Wang, Wenbao (eds.) 1991 中国象征辞典, Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu Chubanshe, p.189;"
"233";"a5692.jpg";"富贵耄耋";"牡丹 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"peony+cat+butterfly-1";"Guangxu glass snuff bottle, in Arts of China Jan. - Feb. 1990;";;"Liu, Xicheng & Wang, Wenbao (eds.) 1991 中国象征辞典, Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu Chubanshe, p.189;"
"234";"a9331.jpg";"耄耋富贵";"牡丹 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"peony+cat+butterfly-1";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.143 21x36cm 山东潍县";;"Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 188 in Cao 1988"
"235";"a0203.jpg";"耄耋富贵";"牡丹 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"peony+cat+butterfly-1";"-";;"Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 188 in Cao 1988"
"236";"maodiefugui.jpg";"耄耋富贵";"牡丹 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"peony+cat+butterfly-1";"-";;"Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 188 in Cao 1988"
"237";"a4948.jpg";"富贵平安";"牡丹 + 平安";"peony+pingan";"-";;"Meng 1991:131"
"238";"a5334.jpg";"富贵平安";"牡丹 + 苹果";"peony+apple";"-";;"Meng 1991:131"
"239";"a8564.jpg";"富贵齐眉 白头偕老";"牡丹 + 梅 + 白头翁";"peony+prunus+Chinese bulbul";"国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 175, C21";;"-"
"240";"fuguironghua.jpg";"富贵荣华";"牡丹 + 芙蓉花";"peony+hibiscus";;;"-"
"241";"fuguironghuadaobaitou.jpg";"富贵荣华到白头";"牡丹 + 芙蓉花 + 白头翁";"peony+hibiscus+a pair of Chinese bulbuls";"韩景森";;"painting by Ren Bonian (1840-95), ink and watercolour on paper, Ashmolean Museum, in the Encyclopedia of Visual Art, Vol. 2, p. 329"
"242";"a4956.jpg";"富贵神仙";"牡丹 + 水仙";"peony+narcissus";"-";;"-"
"243";"a7363.jpg";"富贵神仙";"牡丹 + 水仙";"peony+narcissus";"-";;"-"
"244";"a5335.jpg";"富贵神仙";"牡丹 + 水仙";"peony+narcissus";"-";;"Meng 1991:251"
"245";"a4956a.jpg";"富贵神仙";"牡丹 + 水仙";"peony+narcissus";"-";;"Meng 1991:251"
"246";"a9723.jpg";"富贵寿考";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"任颐 海上四任精品:故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集 石家庄: 河北美术出版社, 1992, p. 97右";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 130 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103 x 34cm 1946 霍宗杰藏;主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 152 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103.5 x 33.5cm 1947 上海文物商店"
"247";"fuguishuangquan.jpg";"富贵双全";"牡丹 + 狮子狗 + 二";"peony+pekingese dog-1";"汪承霈(?~1805) 富贵双全图";;"Qing paper-knife, plate 200 in Cao, Zhenfeng 1988 Zhongguo meishu quanji, Vol. 12, Beijing: Renming Meishu Chubanshe"
"248";"a9723.jpg";"富贵双寿";"牡丹 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"任颐 海上四任精品:故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集 石家庄: 河北美术出版社, 1992, p. 97右";;"19th century porcelain enamelled snuffbottle, plate 315 in The Au Hang Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles, Ontario: Jihu Jingshe, 1993"
"249";"a9656.jpg";"一路福星";"一 + 鹿 + 福星";"deer+god of good fortune";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.5 20x14cm 天津杨柳青";;"Meng 1991:384; Liu & Wang 中国象征辞典 1991:327; 王树村92/5"
"250";"yilufuxing-1.jpg";"一路福星";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 福星";"heron+god of good fortune";;;"Meng 1991:384; Liu & Wang 中国象征辞典 1991:327; 王树村92/5"
"251";"a4906.jpg";"富贵双喜";"牡丹 + 二 + 喜鹊";"peony+magpie";"-";;"paper cut"
"252";"fuguishuangyu.jpg";"富贵双余";"牡丹 + 二 + 鱼";"peony+fish";;;"齐白石全集 (6), 图 61"
"253";"a9253.jpg";"富贵太平";"牡丹 + 瓶";"peony+vase";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 177 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 34cm 1947 上海中国画院藏";;"-"
"255";"a6180.jpg";"富贵太平";"牡丹 + 瓶";"peony+vase";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 1 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 117.8 x 50.3cm 1945 北京故宫博物院藏";;"-"
"256";"a5325.jpg";"富贵因缘";"牡丹 + 香橼";"peony+citron";"-";;"Meng 1991:136"
"257";"a7668.jpg";"富贵有期";"牡丹 + 鸡";"peony+chicken";"齊白石 中国近現代名家画集 赵春堂, 穆美华编, 天津 : 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl. 169 富貴有期 齊白石 一九四九年 紙本水墨著色 一○三・四×三三・八cm 天津人民美術出版社蔵";;"-"
"258";"a9249.jpg";"富贵有余";"牡丹 + 鱼";"peony+fish";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 61 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 135.5 x 34cm 1945 中国展览交流中心";;"Meng 1991:137"
"259";"a7676.jpg";"富贵有余";"牡丹 + 鱼";"peony+fish";"-";;"Meng 1991:137"
"260";"b1223.jpg";"富贵有余";"牡丹 + 鱼";"peony+fish";"-";;"Meng 1991:137"
"261";"fulup.jpg";"福禄";"蝙蝠 + 鹿";"bat+deer";"-";;"Snuff bottle, glass, date uncertain, possibly between 1720 - 1820, plate 85 in Au Hang 1993"
"262";"a9233.jpg";"福禄";"葫芦 + 蝙蝠";"calabash+bat";"清盛世瓷选粹 / 主编冯先铭, 耿宝昌 ; 副主编叶佩兰 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994";;"Snuff bottle, glass, date uncertain, possibly between 1720 - 1820, plate 85 in Au Hang 1993"
"263";"a9232.jpg";"福禄";"葫芦 + 蝙蝠";"calabash+bat";"清盛世瓷选粹 / 主编冯先铭, 耿宝昌 ; 副主编叶佩兰 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994";;"Snuff bottle, glass, date uncertain, possibly between 1720 - 1820, plate 85 in Au Hang 1993"
"264";"a5798.jpg";"福禄";"葫芦 + 蝙蝠";"calabash+bat";"五彩・鬥彩 主編王莉英 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)股份有限公司, 1999, p. 171, pl. 157";;"Snuff bottle, glass, date uncertain, possibly between 1720 - 1820, plate 85 in Au Hang 1993"
"265";"a1085.jpg";"福禄并臻";"蝙蝠 + 鹿";"bat+deer";"-";;" blue and white saucer dish, accession No. 30726, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore"
"266";"a8494.jpg";"福禄寿";"蝙蝠 + 鹿 + 灵芝";"bat+deer+lucid ganoderma-3";"蒋璋 Jiang Zhang, active during the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, hanging scroll, ink and colour on papger, 139x54cm private collection 京江画派 赵力 济南: 山东美术出版社, 2004, p. 24, pl. 6";;"Christie HK95/4/30/1398 Orientations Sept 03 Toyobi Far Eastern Art"
"267";"a9325.jpg";"福禄寿";"蝙蝠 + 鹿 + 寿星";"bat+deer+god of longevity-2";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.182 157x54cm 四川绵竹";;"Christie HK95/4/30/1398 Orientations Sept 03 Toyobi Far Eastern Art"
"268";"fulushouxi-1.jpg";"福禄寿喜";"蝙蝠 + 鹿 + 桃子 + 喜鹊";"bat+deer+longevity peach+magpie";;;"-"
"269";"no-image.png";"福禄寿喜";"蝙蝠 + 鹿 + 桃子 + 喜字";"bat+deer+longevity peach+the Chinese character for happiness";;;"-"
"270";"a3299.jpg";"福禄万代";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦 + 蔓带";"bat+calabash+vine";"-";;"Vase, double gourd form, Qianlong Period, Arts of Asia May-June 1991, p. 105.; plate 289, Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson; 珐琅彩25; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 44, pl. 6, '福寿万代 H 3.4 W 2.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 118, pl. 107, '葫芦万代 H 6.4 W 3.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 155, pl. 157, '葫芦万代 H 6 W 3.5cm';故宫釉里红下143乾隆"
"271";"a0020.jpg";"福禄万代";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦 + 蔓带";"bat+calabash+vine";"-";;"Vase, double gourd form, Qianlong Period, Arts of Asia May-June 1991, p. 105.; plate 289, Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson; 珐琅彩25; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 44, pl. 6, '福寿万代 H 3.4 W 2.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 118, pl. 107, '葫芦万代 H 6.4 W 3.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 155, pl. 157, '葫芦万代 H 6 W 3.5cm';故宫釉里红下143乾隆"
"272";"a5089.jpg";"福禄万代";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦 + 蔓带";"bat+calabash+vine";"-";;"Vase, double gourd form, Qianlong Period, Arts of Asia May-June 1991, p. 105.; plate 289, Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson; 珐琅彩25; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 44, pl. 6, '福寿万代 H 3.4 W 2.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 118, pl. 107, '葫芦万代 H 6.4 W 3.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 155, pl. 157, '葫芦万代 H 6 W 3.5cm';故宫釉里红下143乾隆"
"273";"a8092.jpg";"福禄万代";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦 + 蔓带";"bat+calabash+vine";"-";;"Vase, double gourd form, Qianlong Period, Arts of Asia May-June 1991, p. 105.; plate 289, Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson; 珐琅彩25; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 44, pl. 6, '福寿万代 H 3.4 W 2.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 118, pl. 107, '葫芦万代 H 6.4 W 3.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 155, pl. 157, '葫芦万代 H 6 W 3.5cm';故宫釉里红下143乾隆"
"274";"a9072.jpg";"福禄万代";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦 + 蔓带";"bat+calabash+vine";"-";;"Vase, double gourd form, Qianlong Period, Arts of Asia May-June 1991, p. 105.; plate 289, Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson; 珐琅彩25; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 44, pl. 6, '福寿万代 H 3.4 W 2.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 118, pl. 107, '葫芦万代 H 6.4 W 3.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 155, pl. 157, '葫芦万代 H 6 W 3.5cm';故宫釉里红下143乾隆"
"275";"a9079.jpg";"福禄万代";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦 + 蔓带";"bat+calabash+vine";"-";;"Vase, double gourd form, Qianlong Period, Arts of Asia May-June 1991, p. 105.; plate 289, Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson; 珐琅彩25; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 44, pl. 6, '福寿万代 H 3.4 W 2.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 118, pl. 107, '葫芦万代 H 6.4 W 3.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 155, pl. 157, '葫芦万代 H 6 W 3.5cm';故宫釉里红下143乾隆"
"276";"a7679.jpg";"福禄万代";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦 + 蔓带";"bat+calabash+vine";"Among the three basic visual elements of the design, ‘bat’ has been omitted in this case ‘蝙蝠’作为画面元素此处被省略";;"Vase, double gourd form, Qianlong Period, Arts of Asia May-June 1991, p. 105.; plate 289, Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong, Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson; 珐琅彩25; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 44, pl. 6, '福寿万代 H 3.4 W 2.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 118, pl. 107, '葫芦万代 H 6.4 W 3.2cm';Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 155, pl. 157, '葫芦万代 H 6 W 3.5cm';故宫釉里红下143乾隆"
"277";"fuluyuanyang.jpg";"福禄鸳鸯";"芙蓉花 + 芦苇 + 鸳鸯";"hibiscus-3+reed-1+mandarin duck";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:89"
"278";"fuluzitianjiang.jpg";"福禄自天降";"蝙蝠 + 葫芦";"bat+calabash+sky";;;"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 80,95,234 "
"279";"fuqingruyi.jpg";"福庆如意";"蝙蝠 + 磬 + 如意";"bat+stone music triangle+sceptre";"ruyi sceptre, plate 434 in Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore";;
"280";"fuqing-1.jpg";"福庆";"蝙蝠 + 磬";"bat+stone music triangle";;;
"281";"a9576.jpg";"福庆双全";"蝙蝠 + 磬 + 二 + 铜钱";"bat+stone music triangle+two coins";"钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 120, pl. 149 Qianlong vase";;
"282";"fuqingshuangyu.jpg";"福庆双余";"蝙蝠 + 磬 + 二 + 鱼";"bat+stone music triangle+fish";;;"jewel box; zitan wood; inlaid jade and semi-precious stones; 18th century, Orientations No. 1, 1992, p. 4. Cf. ji qing shuang yu"
"283";"a5342.jpg";"夫荣妻贵";"芙蓉花 + 桂花";"hibiscus-1+osmanthus";"-";;"Meng 1991:139; Gugong Wenwu Yuekan No. 172:10 (1997,7); Jiaqing fencai brush holder in Liu 1991:219; 粉彩笔筒 Qian"
"284";"a4040.jpg";"夫荣妻贵";"芙蓉花 + 桂花";"hibiscus-1+osmanthus";"-";;"Meng 1991:139; Gugong Wenwu Yuekan No. 172:10 (1997,7); Jiaqing fencai brush holder in Liu 1991:219; 粉彩笔筒 Qian"
"285";"a9907.jpg";"夫荣妻贵";"芙蓉花 + 桂花";"hibiscus-1+osmanthus";"Chou Ju-Hsi, Journeys on Paper and Silk, 1998, pl. 41 p. 125";;"Meng 1991:139; Gugong Wenwu Yuekan No. 172:10 (1997,7); Jiaqing fencai brush holder in Liu 1991:219; 粉彩笔筒 Qian"
"286";"a9077.jpg";"夫荣妻贵";"芙蓉花 + 桂花";"hibiscus-1+osmanthus";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 113, pl. 102, '四季花卉 H 5.4 W 4cm'";;"Meng 1991:139; Gugong Wenwu Yuekan No. 172:10 (1997,7); Jiaqing fencai brush holder in Liu 1991:219; 粉彩笔筒 Qian"
"287";"fushou-1.jpg";"福寿";"蝙蝠 + 寿字";"bat+the Chinese character for longevity";;;"snuff bottle; red glass on glass; 18th - 19th century, No 45 in Hall 1989"
"288";"yzh_fencai_fushou_wan_BUR.jpg";"福寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"snuff bottle; red glass on glass; 18th - 19th century, No 45 in Hall 1989";;
"289";"yzh_fencai_fushou_wan_BURa.jpg";"福寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"-";;"snuff bottle; red glass on glass; 18th - 19th century, No 45 in Hall 1989"
"290";"fushou.jpg";"福寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"-";;"snuff bottle; red glass on glass; 18th - 19th century, No 45 in Hall 1989"
"291";"a0611.jpg";"福寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃花";"bat+peach blossom";;;"snuff bottle; red glass on glass; 18th - 19th century, No 45 in Hall 1989"
"292";"fushouchangqing-1.png";"福寿长庆";"蝙蝠 + 寿字 + 盘长 + 磬";"bat+the Chinese character for longevity+knot+stone music triangle";;;"Vase, famille-rose, with blue background; Jiaqing Period, Chen (31:188)"
"293";"no-image.png";"福寿长春";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 长春花";"bat+longevity peach+china rose";"缂丝,北京故宫博物院藏";;"Snuffbottle, glass, Qianlong period, Si 7:100"
"294";"no-image.png";"福寿富贵";"蝙蝠 + 太湖石 + 牡丹";"bat+longevity rock+peony";;;"Snuff bottle, between 1736 - 1851, plate 84 in Au Hang 1993"
"295";"fushoujixiang-1.jpg";"福寿吉祥";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 八吉祥";"bat+longevity peach+the Eight Buddhist Emblems";"八吉祥:法轮, 梵贝, 宝伞, 白盖(尊胜幢), 莲华, 或:竹, 宝瓶, 鱼, 盘长, 火珠";;"-"
"296";"a5289.jpg";"福寿绵长";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 盘长";"bat+longevity peach+knot";"Jiaqing vase in Liu 1991:255; Meng 1991:141";;
"297";"a9313.jpg";"福寿绵长";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 盘长";"bat+longevity peach+knot";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.14 24x26cm 天津杨柳青";;"Jiaqing vase in Liu 1991:255; Meng 1991:141"
"298";"a9685.jpg";"福寿绵长";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 盘长";"bat+longevity peach+knot";"中贸圣佳国际拍卖有限公司 2005年春季艺术品拍卖会 0865 福寿绵长 立轴 设色纸本 彭暘 103.5×38cm";;"Jiaqing vase in Liu 1991:255; Meng 1991:141"
"299";"a0273.jpg";"福寿绵长";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 盘长";"bat+longevity peach+knot";"-";;"Jiaqing vase in Liu 1991:255; Meng 1991:141"
"300";"fushouruyi-1.jpg";"福寿如意";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 如意";"bat+longevity peach+sceptre";"-";;"Meng 1991:138; Sceptre, jade, middle Qing, plate 221 in Ip 1983.珐琅彩188, 192, 241 吉祥273; 杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994, V4"
"301";"a5295.jpg";"福寿如意";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 灵芝";"bat+longevity peach+lucid ganoderma";"-";;"Meng 1991:138; Sceptre, jade, middle Qing, plate 221 in Ip 1983.珐琅彩188, 192, 241 吉祥273; 杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994, V4"
"302";"fushouruyi-2.jpg";"福寿如意";"蝙蝠 + 寿字 + 如意";"bat+the Chinese character for longevity+sceptre";"-";;"Meng 1991:138; Sceptre, jade, middle Qing, plate 221 in Ip 1983.珐琅彩188, 192, 241 吉祥273; 杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994, V4"
"303";"a8570.jpg";"福寿如意";"蝙蝠 + 寿字 + 灵芝";"bat+the Chinese character for longevity+lucid ganoderma";"-";;"Meng 1991:138; Sceptre, jade, middle Qing, plate 221 in Ip 1983.珐琅彩188, 192, 241 吉祥273; 杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994, V4"
"304";"a5287.jpg";"福寿双全";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 二 + 铜钱";"bat+longevity peach+two coins";"-";;"Hawley 1949:10; Meng 1991:141-2 and 140; 249o 雍正粉彩盘S306福寿吉庆"
"305";"a5286.jpg";"福寿双全";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 二 + 铜钱";"bat+longevity peach+two coins";"-";;"Hawley 1949:10; Meng 1991:141-2 and 140; 249o 雍正粉彩盘S306福寿吉庆"
"306";"a5285.jpg";"福寿双全";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 二 + 铜钱";"bat+longevity peach+two coins";"-";;"Hawley 1949:10; Meng 1991:141-2 and 140; 249o 雍正粉彩盘S306福寿吉庆"
"307";"a3188.jpg";"福寿双全";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach+two peaches";"-";;"Hawley 1949:10; Meng 1991:141-2 and 140; 249o 雍正粉彩盘S306福寿吉庆"
"308";"a5288.jpg";"福寿双全";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach+two peaches";"-";;"Hawley 1949:10; Meng 1991:141-2 and 140; 249o 雍正粉彩盘S306福寿吉庆"
"309";"no-image.png";"福寿双余";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 二 + 鱼";"bat+longevity peach+fish";;;"-"
"310";"a9663.jpg";"福寿万年";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 卐字";"bat+longevity peach+swastika";"粉彩黄地蓝料彩花口花盆 “体和殿制” 高 20 口径 31 足径19 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 261, pl.232";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 46 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 99.5 x 33cm 1945 天津人民美术出版社藏;钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 295, pl. 394; 231 pl 301; 193 pl 248"
"311";"a9690.jpg";"福寿万年";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 卐字";"bat+longevity peach+swastika";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 281, pl.250 光绪绿地描金叶式盘";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 46 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 99.5 x 33cm 1945 天津人民美术出版社藏;钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 295, pl. 394; 231 pl 301; 193 pl 248"
"312";"a9247.jpg";"福寿无疆";"佛手";"buddha hands-2";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 46 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 99.5 x 33cm 1945 天津人民美术出版社藏";;"-"
"313";"a4957.jpg";"福缘善庆";"蝙蝠 + 扇子 + 磬";"bat+fan+stone music triangle";"-";;"Meng 1991:145; 王树村中国年画史2002/189 留余庆,留余庆,忽遇恩人;幸娘亲,幸 娘亲,积得阴功。劝人生,济困扶穷。休似俺 那爱银钱忘骨肉的狠舅奸兄。正是乘除加减, 上有苍穹 这首曲是唱巧姐的。《留余庆》的题名出自俗语“积善人家庆有余”;这句俗话又出自《易经·坤卦》:“积善之家,必有余庆”。意谓前人积德,后人沾惠"
"314";"s5869.jpg";"福缘善庆";"蝙蝠 + 扇子 + 磬";"bat+fan+stone music triangle";"-";;"Meng 1991:145; 王树村中国年画史2002/189 留余庆,留余庆,忽遇恩人;幸娘亲,幸 娘亲,积得阴功。劝人生,济困扶穷。休似俺 那爱银钱忘骨肉的狠舅奸兄。正是乘除加减, 上有苍穹 这首曲是唱巧姐的。《留余庆》的题名出自俗语“积善人家庆有余”;这句俗话又出自《易经·坤卦》:“积善之家,必有余庆”。意谓前人积德,后人沾惠"
"315";"a7361.jpg";"福缘善庆";"蝙蝠 + 扇子 + 磬";"bat+fan+stone music triangle";"-";;"Meng 1991:145; 王树村中国年画史2002/189 留余庆,留余庆,忽遇恩人;幸娘亲,幸 娘亲,积得阴功。劝人生,济困扶穷。休似俺 那爱银钱忘骨肉的狠舅奸兄。正是乘除加减, 上有苍穹 这首曲是唱巧姐的。《留余庆》的题名出自俗语“积善人家庆有余”;这句俗话又出自《易经·坤卦》:“积善之家,必有余庆”。意谓前人积德,后人沾惠"
"316";"a9578.jpg";"福运";"蝙蝠 + 云";"bat+cloud-1";"钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 270, pl. 358 Qianlong vase Guangxu fencai vase; Si 7:98;Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:267";;"-"
"317";"a5283.jpg";"福在眼前";"蝙蝠 + 铜钱";"bat+coin";"-";;"Meng (1991:146); 18th century jade snuff bottle, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Oct. 1992; Qing toggle, Cammann 1962, p. 208, plate 111; Wang 1991:227; 王树村中国年画史2002/21;168;吉祥283"
"318";"a5285.jpg";"福在眼前";"蝙蝠 + 铜钱";"bat+coin";"-";;"Meng (1991:146); 18th century jade snuff bottle, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Oct. 1992; Qing toggle, Cammann 1962, p. 208, plate 111; Wang 1991:227; 王树村中国年画史2002/21;168;吉祥283"
"319";"a5284.jpg";"福在眼前";"蝙蝠 + 铜钱";"bat+coin";"-";;"Meng (1991:146); 18th century jade snuff bottle, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Oct. 1992; Qing toggle, Cammann 1962, p. 208, plate 111; Wang 1991:227; 王树村中国年画史2002/21;168;吉祥283"
"320";"a4955.jpg";"福在眼前";"蝙蝠 + 铜钱";"bat+coin";"-";;"Meng (1991:146); 18th century jade snuff bottle, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Oct. 1992; Qing toggle, Cammann 1962, p. 208, plate 111; Wang 1991:227; 王树村中国年画史2002/21;168;吉祥283"
"321";"a0283.jpg";"福在眼前";"蝙蝠 + 铜钱";"bat+coin";"-";;"Meng (1991:146); 18th century jade snuff bottle, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Oct. 1992; Qing toggle, Cammann 1962, p. 208, plate 111; Wang 1991:227; 王树村中国年画史2002/21;168;吉祥283"
"322";"a4966.jpg";"福在眼前";"蝙蝠 + 钟馗";"bat+zhong kui";"-";;"Meng (1991:146); 18th century jade snuff bottle, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Oct. 1992; Qing toggle, Cammann 1962, p. 208, plate 111; Wang 1991:227; 王树村中国年画史2002/21;168;吉祥283"
"323";"a5352.jpg";"福增贵子";"蝙蝠 + 桂花";"bat+osmanthus";"-";;"Meng 1991:147"
"324";"a0286.jpg";"福自天来";"蝙蝠 + 天空";"bat+sky";"-";;"Jiaqing fencai bowl in Liu 1991:218; Meng 1991:149"
"325";"a7666.jpg";"福自天来";"蝙蝠 + 天空";"bat+sky";"-";;"Jiaqing fencai bowl in Liu 1991:218; Meng 1991:149"
"326";"a1906.jpg";"高风亮节";"竹子";"joints of bamboo";"-";;"-"
"327";"no-image.png";"高官厚禄";"鸡 + 鹿";"chicken-2+deer";;;"张浦生41"
"328";"a9601.jpg";"功名富贵";"鸡 + 牡丹";"chicken-3+peony";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.67 徐悲鸿纪念馆藏 137x33";;"Meng 1991:151; PDF 846/847 in Scott 1997:96 乾隆粉彩盘;Jorg97/213"
"329";"a9337.jpg";"功名富贵";"鸡 + 牡丹";"chicken-3+peony";"Rudova, Maria (V. Sobolev trans.). Chinese Popular Prints,Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1988, pl. 54 60x106cm";;"Meng 1991:151; PDF 846/847 in Scott 1997:96 乾隆粉彩盘;Jorg97/213"
"330";"a5434.jpg";"功名富贵";"鸡 + 牡丹";"chicken-3+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:151; PDF 846/847 in Scott 1997:96 乾隆粉彩盘;Jorg97/213"
"331";"ql_fencai_gongmingfugui_pan_PDF.jpg";"功名富贵";"鸡 + 牡丹";"chicken-3+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:151; PDF 846/847 in Scott 1997:96 乾隆粉彩盘;Jorg97/213"
"332";"no-image.png";"功名利禄";"鸡 + 鹿";"chicken-3+deer";;;"Meng 1991:152"
"333";"a9275.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"334";"a3191.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"335";"a4991.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"336";"a5163.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"337";"a5158.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"338";"a9078.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 117, pl. 106, '瓜瓞绵长 H 6.6 W 3.1cm'";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"339";"a8113.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 135, pl. 127, '瓜形 H 7 W 4cm'";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"340";"a3318.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"341";"a9359.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"杨家埠年画 杨家埠木版年画研究所编 北京: 文物出版社, 1990 pl.21 门画 清末 39x26cm 瓜蝶";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"342";"a9371.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"嘉德十年精品录: 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司编 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 p. 129 康焘 1752 立轴 绢本设色 104x38cm 钤白文 石舟 康焘 绵绵瓜瓞 中国现代绘画史: 晚清之部. 1840-1911 李铸晋, 万青力 台北: 石头出版股份有限公司, 1998 pl. 2.116 p. 159 沙馥 1893 109.8x31.9cm 石允文藏";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"343";"a5344.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"344";"a4990.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"345";"a2062.jpg";"瓜瓞绵绵";"瓜";"melon";"-";;"綿綿,連續不斷。瓞,小瓜。綿綿瓜瓞指周朝開國的歷史如瓜瓞般歲歲相繼不絕,至太 王遷岐地,才奠定了王業。語出詩經.大雅.綿:「綿綿瓜瓞,民之初生,自土沮漆。 」後用來祝頌子孫繁衍昌盛。晉 潘岳 為賈謐作贈陸機詩:「夏殷既襲,宗周繼祀, 綿綿瓜瓞,六國互峙。」 Source: Liu & Wang 1991:101; Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1736 - 1851, plate 126 in Au Hang 1993; Qianlong famille-rose oviform vase, plate 757 in Christie’s catalogue, March 22/23, 1993; Jiaqing fencai dish in Qian 1994:201; 描金彩漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1612; 象牙水丞; 嘉德十年精品录. 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 编者中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 47 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 33.6cm 1945 中国展览交流中心藏"
"346";"no-image.png";"瓜瓞富贵";"瓜 + 蝴蝶 + 蝙蝠 + 桂花";"melon+butterfly-2+bat+osmanthus";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:101"
"347";"a5323.jpg";"官居一品";"蝈蝈 + 菊花";"cricket+chrysanthemum-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:156; see Paintings by Qi Baishi 1990;Wilson61S275 蝈蝈牡丹282 Meng 1991:156 see Paintings by Qi Baishi 1990"
"348";"a9570.jpg";"官居一品";"蝈蝈 + 菊花";"cricket+chrysanthemum-1";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 250, pl.221";;"Meng 1991:156; see Paintings by Qi Baishi 1990;Wilson61S275 蝈蝈牡丹282 Meng 1991:156 see Paintings by Qi Baishi 1990"
"349";"a9338.jpg";"官居一品";"鸡冠花 + 菊花";"cockscomb+chrysanthemum-1";"Rudova, Maria (V. Sobolev trans.). Chinese Popular Prints,Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1988, pl. 55 34.5x56cm";;"Meng 1991:156; see Paintings by Qi Baishi 1990;Wilson61S275 蝈蝈牡丹282 Meng 1991:156 see Paintings by Qi Baishi 1990"
"350";"guanshangjiag.jpg";"官上加官";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"351";"a3997.jpg";"官上加官";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"352";"a4907.jpg";"官上加官";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"353";"a7359.jpg";"官上加官";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"354";"a5099.jpg";"官上加官";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"355";"guashangjiagua-1.jpg";"官上加官";"鸡";"chicken-2+jiaguan";;;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"356";"no-image.png";"官上加官";"蝈蝈 + 蝈蝈";"cricket+cricket+jiaguan";;;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"357";"a5374.jpg";"官上加官";"蝈蝈 + 鸡冠花";"cricket+cockscomb+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"358";"a5373.jpg";"官上加官";"蝈蝈 + 鸡冠花";"cricket+cockscomb+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"359";"no-image.png";"官上加官";"蝈蝈 + 鸡";"cricket+chicken-2+jiaguan";;;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"360";"a9205.jpg";"官上加官";"蝈蝈 + 瓜";"cricket+melon-1+jiaguan";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 135 立轴 纸本 水墨 86 x 54cm ca.1915 辽宁省博物馆藏";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"361";"a5433.jpg";"官上加官";"蝈蝈 + 罐子";"cricket+urn+jiaguan";"-";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"362";"a9082.jpg";"官上加官";"蝈蝈 + 罐子";"cricket+urn+jiaguan";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 184, pl. 167, 'Porcelain snuff bottle with famille rose design of grasshopper Daoguang (1821-1850) H 7.5 W 4.8 cm 粉彩蝈蝈图鼻烟壶 清道光'";;"十八世纪黄釉浮雕桌屏, 英国大卫德基金会539号藏品; 齐白石水墨画载于佳士得1994年6月拍卖目录 ; 道光瓷粉彩鼻烟壶, 载 Hui & Sin 1995:21 Source: 18th century table screen with relief decoration under yellow enamel overglaze, PDF 539 in Scitt 1997:68; ink painting by Qi Bai Shi from Christie’s catalogue June 9, 1994, South Kensington; Daoguang enameled porcelain snuff bottle, Hui & Sin 1995:21; ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990 (参见’加官’条)"
"363";"no-image.png";"贵子有余";"桂花 + 鱼";"osmanthus+fish";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:105"
"364";"a5313.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"365";"a7587.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"366";"a2950.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"367";"a4175.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"368";"a4887.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"369";"a4977.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"370";"a5094.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"371";"a6756.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"-";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"372";"a7728.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 60, pl. 26, '海屋添筹图 H 6.6 W 3.3cm'";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"373";"a9074.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"‘筹’作为换面元素此处被省略 Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘chip’ has been omitted in this case";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"374";"a9073.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"‘筹’作为换面元素此处被省略 Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘chip’ has been omitted in this case";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"375";"b0501.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"‘海屋’作为换面元素此处被省略 Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘palatial building in the sea’ has been omitted in this case 广西博物馆古陶瓷精粹 Gems of ancient ceramics in Guangxi Museum 广西壮族自治区博物馆编 北京: 文物出版社, 2002, p. 134, pl. 140 粉彩碗 雍正 高 8.9 口径 22 底径 9.5厘米";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"376";"a9936.jpg";"海屋添寿";"筹 + 海屋";"chip+haiwu";"Among the two basic visual elements of the design, ‘palatial building in the sea’ has been omitted in this case ‘海屋’作为换面元素此处被省略 Elegant Brush: Chinese Painting Under the Quianlong Emperor, 1735-1795,pl. 12,p. 51 金廷标";;"Meng 1991:160; Qing glass snuff bottle, plate 3, p. x in White 1992; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottle No. 47 in Hall 1992. Kerr, Rose ed. Chinese Art and Design 1991:plate 48, p. 122 ‘The scene shows pavilions on the Islands of the Immortals, a magic paradise land in the Eastern Sea. Two cranes fly out of the clouds and these birds together with the evergreen pine trees growing on the island traditionally bear wishes for a long life, something to which all Chinese aspired and which also had implications for the continuation of the family line.’ 耿宝昌2000中/221万历碗; Bower, Virginia, Josephine Hadley Knapp, Stephen Little, Robert Wilson Torchia, The Collections of the National Gallery of Art Systematic Catalogue: Decorative Arts, Part II - Far Eastern Ceramics and Paintings; National Gallery of Art, Washington 1998, p.227; 嘉德十年; Little Realm of the Immortals; Daoism in the Arts of China, Cleveland: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1988, no. 18 ;Lot 372, Fine Classical Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Christie’s, Hong Kong, 31st Oct. 2004; Dish with Isle of the Immortals, Realm of the Immortals: The Cleveland Museum of Art, Daoism in the arts of China / by Stephen Little. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1988, p. 45, pl. 18 ‘At the center of this dish is a roundel depicting a Daoist paradise, surrounded by clouds and rolling waves. In the foreground, three male deities are shown crossing the waves on a cloud. The cranes flying in the air also symbolize longevity. The symbolism of the dish expresses the wish for good fortune and longevity, and it is possible this and similar dishes were designed for an imperial birthday.’ 汪184 S75 剧本 汪98/32 世界陶磁 全集12图65雍正 老人举棍 Butler照片 故宫釉里红中221万历 Stamen Kangxi dish"
"377";"a0294.jpg";"荷包金余";"莲荷 + 金鱼";"lotus+goldfish";"-";;"A wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962, 217; 18th century jade brushwasher, plate 363 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 19, 1986 Hong Kong; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75 吉祥72; item 95 Roger Keverne Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and Ceramics, Winter Exhibition, 4 Nov. 2004; 中国边疆民族地区文物集萃 马自树主编 上海市: 上海辞书出版社, 1999, p.34; wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962; 18th century jade brushwasher, Sotheby HK86 Nov19363; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75; 玉器全集5:152"
"378";"a7704.jpg";"荷包金余";"莲荷 + 金鱼";"lotus+goldfish";"-";;"A wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962, 217; 18th century jade brushwasher, plate 363 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 19, 1986 Hong Kong; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75 吉祥72; item 95 Roger Keverne Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and Ceramics, Winter Exhibition, 4 Nov. 2004; 中国边疆民族地区文物集萃 马自树主编 上海市: 上海辞书出版社, 1999, p.34; wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962; 18th century jade brushwasher, Sotheby HK86 Nov19363; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75; 玉器全集5:152"
"379";"a8688.jpg";"荷包金余";"莲荷 + 金鱼";"lotus+goldfish";"-";;"A wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962, 217; 18th century jade brushwasher, plate 363 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 19, 1986 Hong Kong; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75 吉祥72; item 95 Roger Keverne Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and Ceramics, Winter Exhibition, 4 Nov. 2004; 中国边疆民族地区文物集萃 马自树主编 上海市: 上海辞书出版社, 1999, p.34; wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962; 18th century jade brushwasher, Sotheby HK86 Nov19363; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75; 玉器全集5:152"
"380";"a9287.jpg";"荷包金余";"莲荷 + 金鱼";"lotus+goldfish";"-";;"A wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962, 217; 18th century jade brushwasher, plate 363 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 19, 1986 Hong Kong; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75 吉祥72; item 95 Roger Keverne Fine and Rare Chinese Works of Art and Ceramics, Winter Exhibition, 4 Nov. 2004; 中国边疆民族地区文物集萃 马自树主编 上海市: 上海辞书出版社, 1999, p.34; wooden toggle, plate 145 in Cammann 1962; 18th century jade brushwasher, Sotheby HK86 Nov19363; nephrite carved snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:75; 玉器全集5:152"
"381";"no-image.png";"和合利市";"莲荷 + 盒子 + 铜钱";"lotus-1+box+coin-1";;;"Qing paper-knife, plate 211 in Cao 1988"
"382";"hehemeimei-1.JPG";"和和美美";"莲荷 + 梅";"lotus-1+prunus-1";;;"钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 297, pl. 397 Yongzheng doucai moon flask, Qian 1994:71; Li 1989:168"
"383";"heheruyi-1.jpg";"和合如意";"莲荷 + 盒子 + 如意";"lotus-1+box+sceptre";;;"Meng 1991:163 吉祥 276"
"384";"a5268.jpg";"和合如意";"莲荷 + 盒子 + 灵芝";"lotus-1+box+lucid ganoderma";"-";;"Meng 1991:163 吉祥 276"
"385";"hehewannian.jpg";"和合万年";"百合 + 万年青";"Chinese day-lily bulb-1+rhodea japonica";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:17/111"
"386";"a9715.jpg";"和平之声";"鸽子 + 鞭炮";"dove+firecracker";"郭味蕖 中國近代名家書畫全集;29 主編許禮平 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1998,p.26 ‘和平之声’1959 107x45";;"-"
"387";"qinghaiheyan-1.jpg";"河清海晏";"莲荷 + 燕子";"lotus-2 + swallow";"-";;"Meng 1991:166; S328 日知录:2220"
"388";"a2722.jpg";"河清海晏";"莲荷 + 海燕";"lotus-2 + sea goose";"-";;"Meng 1991:166; S328 日知录:2220"
"389";"hexie-1.jpg";"传胪";"蟹 + 芦苇";"crab+reed";;;"Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b. 徐渭黄甲图 (玉雕) S309a 徐渭黄甲图郎绍君 Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b"
"390";"a3885.jpg";"和谐";"莲荷 + 蟹";"lotus-1+crab-1";"-";;"Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b. 徐渭黄甲图 (玉雕) S309a 徐渭黄甲图郎绍君 Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b"
"391";"a4717.jpg";"和谐";"莲荷 + 蟹";"lotus-1+crab-1";"-";;"Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b. 徐渭黄甲图 (玉雕) S309a 徐渭黄甲图郎绍君 Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b"
"392";"a9796.jpg";"和谐";"莲荷 + 蟹";"lotus-1+crab-1";"故宫文物月刊45, 四卷九期27页宋人残荷螃蟹图故宫博物院藏";;"Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b. 徐渭黄甲图 (玉雕) S309a 徐渭黄甲图郎绍君 Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b"
"393";"a9652.jpg";"和谐";"莲荷 + 蟹";"lotus-1+crab-1";"故宫文物月刊No.142 十二卷 十期 1995 p. 18";;"Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b. 徐渭黄甲图 (玉雕) S309a 徐渭黄甲图郎绍君 Song jade carving Orientation No. 92, 1991, p. 31; Kangxi bamboo carving, plate 31 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th-19th century bamboo brush holder, plate 20 in Wang & Weng 1983; 18th - 19th century carved glass snuff bottles, No. 35 & 36 Hall 1990b"
"394";"kx_fanhong_hongfu_pan.jpg";"洪福齐天";"蝙蝠";"red bat in the sky";"-";;"Meng 1991:167; Qianlong doucai covered jar, plate 71 in Cort & Stuart 1993; 简明陶瓷辞典160 康熙红彩盘S241 May your luck be spread to the very confines of the universe 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 307, pl. 412; 287 pl 383; 281 pl 374; 270 pl 358; 52 pl.45"
"395";"no-image.png";"红梅多结子 绿竹又生孙";"梅 + 竹子 + 竹笋";"prunus-2+bamboo-1+bamboo shoot";;;"Wang (1991:579): Qing Yangliuqing colour print; Xuantong vase in Liu 1991:249"
"396";"a5280.jpg";"华封三祝";"三 + 天竹";"three bamboo stems";"-";;"-"
"397";"a2758.jpg";"欢天喜地";"獾 + 喜鹊";"badger+magpie+huantianxidi";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:123; Snuff bottle, glass, Qing dynasty, White 1992, plate 2"
"398";"a6256.jpg";"欢天喜地";"獾 + 喜鹊";"badger+magpie+huantianxidi";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:123; Snuff bottle, glass, Qing dynasty, White 1992, plate 2"
"399";"a9216.jpg";"汲汲高官";"鸡冠花";"cockscomb";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.55 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 133 x 33cm ca. late 1930s 天津人民美术出版社藏";;"-"
"400";"a9156.jpg";"吉利万年";"鸡 + 荔枝";"lychee-1+chicken-1";"严欣强,金岩编 齐白石画集 北京: 外文出版社, 1990 p.111, pl.95, 138x56cm, 1947年";;"-"
"402";"jiqing.jpg";"吉庆";"击 + 磬";"jiqing";"-";;"Jade carving, plate 179 in Ip 1983 击磬图黄慎"
"403";"a5156.jpg";"吉庆";"击 + 磬";"jiqing";"-";;"Jade carving, plate 179 in Ip 1983 击磬图黄慎"
"404";"a2911.jpg";"吉庆";"击 + 磬";"jiqing";"-";;"Jade carving, plate 179 in Ip 1983 击磬图黄慎"
"405";"a6022.jpg";"吉庆";"击 + 磬";"jiqing";"-";;"Jade carving, plate 179 in Ip 1983 击磬图黄慎"
"406";"a2740.jpg";"吉庆";"戟 + 磬";"halberd+stone music triangle";"-";;"Jade carving, plate 179 in Ip 1983 击磬图黄慎"
"407";"a6021.jpg";"吉庆";"戟 + 磬";"halberd+stone music triangle";"-";;"Jade carving, plate 179 in Ip 1983 击磬图黄慎"
"408";"jiqingpingan-1.jpg";"吉庆平安";"戟 + 磬 + 瓶";"halberd+stone music triangle+vase";;;"Meng 1991:181"
"409";"jiqingruyi.jpg";"吉庆如意";"磬 + 如意";"stone music triangle+sceptre";"-";;"Ming stone chime, plate 436 in Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink and watercolour on paper, in Orientations 1988/10, p. 67"
"410";"a9554.jpg";"吉庆如意";"磬 + 如意";"stone music triangle+sceptre";"蒋璋 Jiang Zhang, active during the reigns of Kangxi, Yongzheng, and Qianlong, hanging scroll, ink and colour on papger, 146.5x75.2cm private collection 京江画派 赵力 济南: 山东美术出版社, 2004, p. 25, pl. 7 '...童子高举着的戟则是‘财神’赵公明的独门兵器‘九节银鞭’的演化'";;"Ming stone chime, plate 436 in Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink and watercolour on paper, in Orientations 1988/10, p. 67"
"411";"a9148.jpg";"吉庆如意";"磬 + 如意";"stone music triangle+sceptre";"故宫文物月刊 No.7, 1983, p.101, 掐丝珐琅太平有象 台北故宫博物院藏";;"Ming stone chime, plate 436 in Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink and watercolour on paper, in Orientations 1988/10, p. 67"
"412";"b1895.jpg";"吉庆如意";"磬 + 如意";"stone music triangle+sceptre";;"http://www.city.kobe.jp/cityoffice/57/museum/meihin/6-1_nagasaki/068.html";"A Rare Pair of Cinnebar Lacquer Double Gourd ‘Daji’ Wall Appiliques, Height: circa 71 cm, Qianlong Period (1736-1795, This pair of large wooden appliques is carved and lacquered in high relief in the shape of a double gourd vase on a stand. The upper and lower lobes have gilt bronze ruyi-head medallions enclosing the characters da and ji encircled by the eight Buddhist symbols and leafy lotus scrolls. The two lobes of the gourd are tied at the waist with a gilt bow decorated with a large bat. An archaistic stone chime hanging from a double crescent halberd and a ruyi-sceptre can be seen in the top of the vases. In China, auspicious symbols were used in homes to bring luck and convey messages. These panels are full of symbolism of which the Chinese culture is so rich. The double gourd shape of these appliques contains symbols which form the rebus‘may you have numerous descendants; indicating good fortune in producing ample male progeny. The desire for sons and long life is reinforced by the addition of the characters daji – great fortune - to the design. Further symbolism can be found in the bats - an often used motif for happiness and longevity. At the waist of the double gourd there is one large bat and on the ruyi-sceptre decoration there is a group of five symbolising the Five Blessings. The curling head of the ruyi-sceptre represents the auspicious lingzhi fungus and is believed to bring good luck to its owner. "
"413";"a9086.jpg";"吉庆双余";"戟 + 磬 + 二 + 鱼";"halberd+stone music triangle+fish";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 194, pl. 202, '吉庆有余 H 6.3 W 5cm'";;"Liu, Xicheng & Wang, Wenbao (eds.) 1991 中国象征辞典, Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu Chubanshe, p.135; Jiaqing enamel and gilt-bronze, plate 982 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 30, 1992; Plate 27 in Spink catalogue 1997"
"414";"a3807.jpg";"吉庆双余";"戟 + 磬 + 二 + 鱼";"halberd+stone music triangle+fish";"-";;"Liu, Xicheng & Wang, Wenbao (eds.) 1991 中国象征辞典, Tianjin: Tianjin Jiaoyu Chubanshe, p.135; Jiaqing enamel and gilt-bronze, plate 982 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 30, 1992; Plate 27 in Spink catalogue 1997"
"415";"a9086.jpg";"双余吉庆";"戟 + 磬 + 二 + 鱼";"halberd+stone music triangle+fish";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 194, pl. 202, '吉庆有余 H 6.3 W 5cm'";;"-"
"416";"a3807.jpg";"双余吉庆";"戟 + 磬 + 二 + 鱼";"halberd+stone music triangle+fish";"-";;"-"
"417";"a6025.jpg";"吉庆有余";"击 + 磬 + 鱼";"jiqing+fish";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:135; Jiaqing enamel and gilt-bronze, plate 982 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 30, 1992; Christie 20HK 1 May738雍正 S528戟+ 鱼 磬"
"418";"a9319.jpg";"吉庆有余";"戟 + 磬 + 鱼";"halberd+stone music triangle+fish";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.117 42x42cm 山东潍县";;"Liu & Wang 1991:135; Jiaqing enamel and gilt-bronze, plate 982 in Christie’s catalogue Sept. 30, 1992; Christie 20HK 1 May738雍正 S528戟+ 鱼 磬"
"419";"a5164.jpg";"吉岁";"书法和图书的碎片";"jisui";"-";;"painting by Niu Chuanli in 1868, ink and watercolour on paper, plate 4 in Berliner 1992;"
"420";"a5267.jpg";"吉祥如意";"大象 + 如意";"elephant+sceptre";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:234; Qianlong carved jade, plate 348 in Christie’s catalogue New York Nov. 29, 1990"
"421";"jixiangtongzi.jpg";"吉祥童子";"大羊 + 童子";"large goat+boy";;;"Song carved jade, plate 142 in the ROC Society collections"
"422";"a9051.jpg";"加官";"冠帽 + 冠帽";"official hat-1+jiaguan";"古本戏曲版画图录 首都图书馆编辑 Vol.2 123 投桃记 万历金陵汪氏环翠堂乐府本";;"Painting by Qi Baishi (1864 - 1957), ink and watercolour on paper, plate 186 in the ROC Society collections; Butler photo 故宫釉里红下4顺治 ‘差人手捧官帽' 戊戍(1658)冬月增子墉贤契 鲁溪王【金英】制 王为江西饶州守道"
"423";"a5829.jpg";"加官";"冠帽 + 冠帽";"official hat-1+jiaguan";"-";;"Painting by Qi Baishi (1864 - 1957), ink and watercolour on paper, plate 186 in the ROC Society collections; Butler photo 故宫釉里红下4顺治 ‘差人手捧官帽' 戊戍(1658)冬月增子墉贤契 鲁溪王【金英】制 王为江西饶州守道"
"424";"a5490a.jpg";"加官";"冠帽 + 冠帽";"official hat-1+jiaguan";"-";;"Painting by Qi Baishi (1864 - 1957), ink and watercolour on paper, plate 186 in the ROC Society collections; Butler photo 故宫釉里红下4顺治 ‘差人手捧官帽' 戊戍(1658)冬月增子墉贤契 鲁溪王【金英】制 王为江西饶州守道"
"425";"a9318.jpg";"加官";"冠帽 + 冠帽";"official hat-1+jiaguan";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.91 16x15.5cm 漳州";;"Painting by Qi Baishi (1864 - 1957), ink and watercolour on paper, plate 186 in the ROC Society collections; Butler photo 故宫釉里红下4顺治 ‘差人手捧官帽' 戊戍(1658)冬月增子墉贤契 鲁溪王【金英】制 王为江西饶州守道"
"426";"a9610.jpg";"加官";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2+jiaguan";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.134 中央工艺美术学院藏 102.5x34,5 '画此画必写此二字 前人喜为之 不独白石'";;"Painting by Qi Baishi (1864 - 1957), ink and watercolour on paper, plate 186 in the ROC Society collections; Butler photo 故宫釉里红下4顺治 ‘差人手捧官帽' 戊戍(1658)冬月增子墉贤契 鲁溪王【金英】制 王为江西饶州守道"
"427";"a9222.jpg";"加官多子";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2++jiaguan+duozi";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.195 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 115 x 52cm ca. early 1940s 北京市文物公司";;
"428";"a9223.jpg";"加官多子";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2++jiaguan+duozi";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.195 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 115 x 52cm ca. early 1940s 北京市文物公司";;
"429";"a8773.jpg";"加官多子";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2++jiaguan+duozi";"Seventeenth-century Chinese porcelain from the Butler family collection, Sir Michael Butler, Margaret Medley, Stephen Little, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 1990:67, pl.29";;
"430";"a5974.jpg";"加官进爵";"冠帽 + 酒爵";"jiaguanjinjue";"-";;"王树村92/33 Christie98HK11/3/1051'... a dignitary seated within a walled garden being presented with a gold libation cup.' Liu & Wang 1991:152;"
"431";"a6013.jpg";"加官进爵";"冠帽 + 酒爵";"jiaguanjinjue";"-";;"王树村92/33 Christie98HK11/3/1051'... a dignitary seated within a walled garden being presented with a gold libation cup.' Liu & Wang 1991:152;"
"432";"a6030.jpg";"加官进爵";"冠帽 + 酒爵";"jiaguanjinjue";"-";;"王树村92/33 Christie98HK11/3/1051'... a dignitary seated within a walled garden being presented with a gold libation cup.' Liu & Wang 1991:152;"
"433";"a5378.jpg";"加官受禄";"官员 + 鹿";"official+deer";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:137; Ming Ceramics 2001:380f; 周丽丽98:149 '侍从手捧盛鹿盒'"
"434";"b0148.jpg";"加官进禄";"冠帽 + 鹿";"official hat-1+deer";"寿诞趣谈 金文男著 上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2003 p. 102 年画";;"Liu & Wang 1991:137; Ming Ceramics 2001:380f; 周丽丽98:149 '侍从手捧盛鹿盒'"
"435";"deli-1.jpg";"家家得利";"得到得鲤鱼";"getting the li carp";;;"Meng 1991:174; a doucai saucer dish, plate 660 in Christie’s catalogue March 19, 1991"
"436";"jiaoutiancheng-1.jpg";"佳偶天成";"藕";"lotus root";;;" Agate snuff bottle ca. 1796 - 1880, plate 201 in Au Hang 1993"
"437";"a5340.jpg";"因何得偶";"莲荷 + 藕";"lotus root+lotus-2";"-";;"Qing jade pendant, lot 89 in Hanya works of art catalogue 12/18/96; Liu & Wang 1991:328"
"438";"a9649.jpg";"交结四方";"绳结 + 四方";"interlocking knots+four directions";"Jiajing square lacquer dish, plate 81 in Chinese lacquer Harry Garner London; Boston: Faber, 1979";;"Qing jade carving, plate 287 in Ip 1983"
"439";"a9251.jpg";"教子加官";"鸡冠花 + 鸡";"cockscomb+chicken-2++jiaguan+duozi";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 123 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 99.5 x 33.5cm 1946 齐白石纪念馆藏";;"-"
"440";"s5833.jpg";"晋爵";"酒爵";"wine vessel";"-";;"王树村92/33 Liu & Wang 1991:152; 汪98/83, 276f '侍从进爵'; Christie 94/6/2/390 '... an immortal ... holding a jue ...'; Butler photo; 故宫釉里红下4; Chongzhen (1620-44) lidded jar Ming Ceramics 2001:380f '... a figural scene of a high-ranking scholar-official ... receiving gifts in a garden. ... In front of the scholar ... are two servants, both holding trays, one with a pig and the other with fruits. ... a scholar accompanied by two military attendants holding shan fans approached by a servant carrying a jue ceremonial cup on a tray.'"
"441";"a5965.jpg";"晋爵";"酒爵";"wine vessel";"-";;"王树村92/33 Liu & Wang 1991:152; 汪98/83, 276f '侍从进爵'; Christie 94/6/2/390 '... an immortal ... holding a jue ...'; Butler photo; 故宫釉里红下4; Chongzhen (1620-44) lidded jar Ming Ceramics 2001:380f '... a figural scene of a high-ranking scholar-official ... receiving gifts in a garden. ... In front of the scholar ... are two servants, both holding trays, one with a pig and the other with fruits. ... a scholar accompanied by two military attendants holding shan fans approached by a servant carrying a jue ceremonial cup on a tray.'"
"442";"a7389.jpg";"晋爵";"酒爵";"wine vessel";"-";;"王树村92/33 Liu & Wang 1991:152; 汪98/83, 276f '侍从进爵'; Christie 94/6/2/390 '... an immortal ... holding a jue ...'; Butler photo; 故宫釉里红下4; Chongzhen (1620-44) lidded jar Ming Ceramics 2001:380f '... a figural scene of a high-ranking scholar-official ... receiving gifts in a garden. ... In front of the scholar ... are two servants, both holding trays, one with a pig and the other with fruits. ... a scholar accompanied by two military attendants holding shan fans approached by a servant carrying a jue ceremonial cup on a tray.'"
"443";"a3070.jpg";"晋爵";"酒爵";"wine vessel";"-";;"王树村92/33 Liu & Wang 1991:152; 汪98/83, 276f '侍从进爵'; Christie 94/6/2/390 '... an immortal ... holding a jue ...'; Butler photo; 故宫釉里红下4; Chongzhen (1620-44) lidded jar Ming Ceramics 2001:380f '... a figural scene of a high-ranking scholar-official ... receiving gifts in a garden. ... In front of the scholar ... are two servants, both holding trays, one with a pig and the other with fruits. ... a scholar accompanied by two military attendants holding shan fans approached by a servant carrying a jue ceremonial cup on a tray.'"
"444";"s5832.jpg";"晋爵";"酒爵";"wine vessel";"-";;"王树村92/33 Liu & Wang 1991:152; 汪98/83, 276f '侍从进爵'; Christie 94/6/2/390 '... an immortal ... holding a jue ...'; Butler photo; 故宫釉里红下4; Chongzhen (1620-44) lidded jar Ming Ceramics 2001:380f '... a figural scene of a high-ranking scholar-official ... receiving gifts in a garden. ... In front of the scholar ... are two servants, both holding trays, one with a pig and the other with fruits. ... a scholar accompanied by two military attendants holding shan fans approached by a servant carrying a jue ceremonial cup on a tray.'"
"445";"a8566.jpg";"晋爵一品";"酒爵";"wine vessel";"国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 188, C28";;"-"
"446";"a9360.jpg";"金玉满堂";"金鱼";"goldfish-1";"杨家埠年画 杨家埠木版年画研究所编 北京: 文物出版社, 1990 pl.130 炕头画 1950s 33x48cm 金鱼满堂";;"Liu & Wang 1991:144; blue and white deep dish, circa 1750, in Orientations 1986/3; an 18th century dish decorated with enamel overglaze and gilding, PDF 896 吉祥71 第九章 持而盈之,不如其已。揣而锐之,不可长保。金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功成名遂,天之道 道经箴言之处世篇 金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎 汪98/154 沈柔坚89/66 王树村92/6 "
"447";"jinyumantang.jpg";"金玉满堂";"金鱼";"goldfish-1";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:144; blue and white deep dish, circa 1750, in Orientations 1986/3; an 18th century dish decorated with enamel overglaze and gilding, PDF 896 吉祥71 第九章 持而盈之,不如其已。揣而锐之,不可长保。金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功成名遂,天之道 道经箴言之处世篇 金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎 汪98/154 沈柔坚89/66 王树村92/6 "
"448";"a6850.jpg";"金玉满堂";"金鱼";"goldfish-1";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:144; blue and white deep dish, circa 1750, in Orientations 1986/3; an 18th century dish decorated with enamel overglaze and gilding, PDF 896 吉祥71 第九章 持而盈之,不如其已。揣而锐之,不可长保。金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功成名遂,天之道 道经箴言之处世篇 金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎 汪98/154 沈柔坚89/66 王树村92/6 "
"449";"a1540.jpg";"金玉满堂";"金鱼";"goldfish-1";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:144; blue and white deep dish, circa 1750, in Orientations 1986/3; an 18th century dish decorated with enamel overglaze and gilding, PDF 896 吉祥71 第九章 持而盈之,不如其已。揣而锐之,不可长保。金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功成名遂,天之道 道经箴言之处世篇 金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎 汪98/154 沈柔坚89/66 王树村92/6 "
"450";"a2067.jpg";"金玉满堂";"金鱼";"goldfish-1";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:144; blue and white deep dish, circa 1750, in Orientations 1986/3; an 18th century dish decorated with enamel overglaze and gilding, PDF 896 吉祥71 第九章 持而盈之,不如其已。揣而锐之,不可长保。金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎。功成名遂,天之道 道经箴言之处世篇 金玉满堂,莫之能守。富贵而骄,自遗其咎 汪98/154 沈柔坚89/66 王树村92/6 "
"451";"a9231.jpg";"久安";"九 + 鹌鹑";"quail";"清盛世瓷选粹 / 主编冯先铭, 耿宝昌 ; 副主编叶佩兰 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 1994, p. 184, pl.28 雍正款粉彩九鶉紋天球瓶";;"hanging scroll by Qian Songyan (1898 - 1986), ink and colour on paper, plate 10 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Nov. 15, 1990 Hong Kong; blue and white octagonal moon flask, Plate 70 in Vol. 1, Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain and Liu 1991: 84; Qianlong fencai covered jar Liu 1991:160. jiu an tu 久安图 @ everlasting contentment? Archive 89:99 (Yale) = A-12-061, Yale University Gallery, Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings: Second Series, Vol. 1, University of Tokyo Press 1998"
"453";"a9295.jpg";"久安长治";"长尾雉 + 鹌鹑";"long-tailed pheasant+quail";"A joint double vase in the National Palace Museum, Taipei in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain, Vol. II, plate 28 and in Liu 1991:191";;"cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 5, p. 262 for the textual reference in the Qing archives. 中国陶瓷史p. 448; 清粉彩合欢瓶S319 久安长治 #13"
"454";"a9549.jpg";"久安长治";"长尾雉 + 鹌鹑";"long-tailed pheasant+quail";"The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 65, p. 35 郎世宁";;"cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 5, p. 262 for the textual reference in the Qing archives. 中国陶瓷史p. 448; 清粉彩合欢瓶S319 久安长治 #13"
"455";"Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 12.59.56.png";"久安长治";"长尾雉 + 鹌鹑";"long-tailed pheasant+quail";"cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 5, p. 262 for the textual reference in the Qing archives. 中国陶瓷史p. 448; 清粉彩合欢瓶S319 久安长治 #13";;
"457";"a9208.jpg";"九如";"九 + 鱼";"jiuru";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 212 立轴 纸本 水墨 63.5 x 30.2cm ca. mid-1930s 私人藏 cf.故宫文物月刊43, 四卷七期65页";;"嘉德十年精品录: 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司编 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 p. 126 钱维城 1720-1772 立轴 纸本设色 126x50cm; 钱维城《临董其昌九如图》轴 图名“九如”,即“天保九如”,含有颂扬的意思。语出《诗经·小雅·天保》,诗云:“如山如阜,如岗如陵,如川之方至,以莫不增……如月之恒,如南山之寿,不骞不崩,如松柏之茂,无不尔或承。”诗名“天保”,诗中又连用了九个“如”字,有祝贺福寿延绵不绝之意。以后,皆以“天保九如”为祝寿之辞。画中高山耸立,遍山生长长青繁茂的松柏,松柏丛中红彤彤的旭日冉冉升起,山间溪流蜿蜒奔腾而下,汇入东海,即是《诗经》内“如南山之寿,不骞不崩,如松柏之茂,无不尔或承”文字的形象化 2005年第6期《收藏家》; 清 九如如意 故宫文物月刊 No.142 十二卷十期 p.12"
"458";"a9651.jpg";"九如";"九 + 如意";"jiuru";"故宫文物月刊No.142 十二卷 十期 1995 p. 12";;"嘉德十年精品录: 中国古代书画, 古籍善本 中国嘉德国际拍卖有限公司编 北京: 文物出版社, 2003 p. 126 钱维城 1720-1772 立轴 纸本设色 126x50cm; 钱维城《临董其昌九如图》轴 图名“九如”,即“天保九如”,含有颂扬的意思。语出《诗经·小雅·天保》,诗云:“如山如阜,如岗如陵,如川之方至,以莫不增……如月之恒,如南山之寿,不骞不崩,如松柏之茂,无不尔或承。”诗名“天保”,诗中又连用了九个“如”字,有祝贺福寿延绵不绝之意。以后,皆以“天保九如”为祝寿之辞。画中高山耸立,遍山生长长青繁茂的松柏,松柏丛中红彤彤的旭日冉冉升起,山间溪流蜿蜒奔腾而下,汇入东海,即是《诗经》内“如南山之寿,不骞不崩,如松柏之茂,无不尔或承”文字的形象化 2005年第6期《收藏家》; 清 九如如意 故宫文物月刊 No.142 十二卷十期 p.12"
"459";"jiushianju.jpg";"九世安居";"九 + 鹌鹑 + 菊花";"quail+chrysanthemum-1";;;"Meng 1991:185"
"460";"a0284.jpg";"九思图";"九 + 鸶鹭";"heron-1";"吉祥1998";;"ArtsofAsiaJuly94 任颐 故宫藏四任"
"461";"a0008.jpg";"九思图";"九 + 鸶鹭";"heron-1";"-";;"ArtsofAsiaJuly94 任颐 故宫藏四任"
"462";"a9537.jpg";"九思图";"九 + 鸶鹭";"heron-1";"Think nine times 故宫月刊146:48吕纪";;"ArtsofAsiaJuly94 任颐 故宫藏四任"
"463";"a9727.jpg";"九思图";"九 + 鸶鹭";"heron-1";"任颐 海上四任精品:故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集 石家庄: 河北美术出版社, 1992, p. 99";;"ArtsofAsiaJuly94 任颐 故宫藏四任"
"464";"a9605.jpg";"举案齐眉";"大雁 + 梅";"juanqimei";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.109 天津人民美术出版社藏 1944 99.5x33.6 '翥雁齐梅 zhu yan qi mei'";;"-"
"465";"a9326.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.186 37x54cm 西安";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"466";"a3107.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"467";"a2948.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"468";"a5533.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"469";"a3940.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"470";"a4520.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"472";"a2161.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"473";"a5431.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"Among the four basic visual elements of the design, ‘monkey’ has been omitted in this case ‘猴’作为画面元素在此处被省略";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"474";"a5534.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"Among the four basic visual elements of the design, ‘monkey’ has been omitted in this case ‘猴’作为画面元素在此处被省略";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"475";"a3942.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"Among the four basic visual elements of the design, ‘monkey’ has been omitted in this case ‘猴’作为画面元素在此处被省略";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"476";"a4396.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"Among the four basic visual elements of the design, both ‘bee’ and ‘monkey’ have been omitted in this case ‘蜜蜂’与‘猴’作为画面元素在此处被省略";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"477";"a4240.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"Among the four basic visual elements of the design, both ‘bee’ and ‘sparrow’ have been omitted in this case ‘蜜蜂’与‘雀’作为画面元素在此处被省略";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"478";"xixia_baidiheihua_juelufenghou_ping_TC.jpg";"爵禄封侯";"雀 + 鹿 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"sparrow+deer+bee+monkey";"Among the four basic visual elements of the design, both ‘bee’ and ‘sparrow’ have been omitted in this case ‘蜜蜂’与‘雀’作为画面元素在此处被省略";;"Liu & Wang 1991:230; 汉石刻拓片, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊’; Chongzhen wucai dish 159 & 162 in Kilburn 1981 137,139S301文物93/12/86隆庆青花洗 吉祥249f/246f; 张浦生105 S301ab"
"479";"no-image.png";"爵禄双全";"雀 + 鹿 + 二 + 铜钱";"sparrow+deer+two coins";;;"-"
"480";"a3823.jpg";"爵禄图";"雀 + 鹿";"sparrow+deer";"-";;
"481";"a4238.jpg";"爵禄图";"雀 + 鹿";"sparrow+deer";"-";;
"482";"a9315.jpg";"开市大吉";"柿子 + 鸡";"persimmon+large cockerel";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.136 22x32cm 山东潍县";;"New Year print, plate 121 in Yangjiabu nianhua"
"483";"a9266.jpg";"老少大喜";"老少年 + 喜鹊";"amaranthus tricolour+magpie";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 7, pl. 181 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 102.3 x 34cm 1953 鲁迅美术学院藏";;"-"
"484";"a9193.jpg";"老少清白";"老少年 + 青菜";"amaranthus tricolour+chinese greens";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 249 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 97 x 33cm; 1925年 湖南省博物馆藏";;"-"
"485";"a9259.jpg";"老者多寿 少者多子";"桃子 + 石榴";"longevity peach+pomegranate";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 270 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 104 x 34.5cm 1948 齐白石纪念馆藏";;"-"
"486";"lefu-1.jpg";"乐福";"蝙蝠 + 六";"sixbats+bat";;;"-"
"487";"a7031.jpg";"利市图";"栗子 + 柿子";"chestnut+persimmon";" 故宫 文物大典 1-399沈周";;"高翔 薛永年407f;427"
"488";"a7032.jpg";"利市图";"栗子 + 柿子";"chestnut+persimmon";" 故宫 文物大典 1-399沈周";;"高翔 薛永年407f;427"
"489";"a9583.jpg";"利市图";"栗子 + 柿子";"chestnut+persimmon";"利市图轴 高翔 橫看成嶺側成峯 薛永年著 臺北市: 東大圖書公司, 1996 p. 407 高翔(1688--1753),号西唐,又号樨堂, 一作西堂,江苏扬州人 。终身布衣。晚年右手残废,常以左手作书画。与石涛、金农、汪士慎 为友。清. 李斗《扬州画舫录》云:【石涛死,西唐每岁春扫其墓,至死弗辍】善画山水花卉。其山水取法弘仁和石涛,所画园林小景,多从写生中来,秀雅苍润,自成格局。画梅〖皆疏枝瘦朵,全以韵胜。〗亦善于写真,金农、汪士慎诗集开首官印的小像,即系高翔手笔,线描简练,神态逼真。精刻官印,学程邃。亦善诗,有《西唐诗钞》";;"高翔 薛永年407f;427"
"490";"a3806.jpg";"连登太师";"莲灯 + 狮子狗";"liandeng+pekingese dog";"Qing Yangliuqing colour print, plate 564 in Wang (1991)";;
"491";"lianfengyipin-1.jpg";"连封一品";"莲荷 + 鹤";"lotus-4+crane";;;"Wang (1991:66)"
"492";"lat18th_fencai_liankejidi_waterpipe.jpg";"连科及第";"莲荷";"lotus pod";"-";;"Qing water pipe in lotus form in Scott 1997:57; 清五彩烟斗S312 Scott 97:57"
"493";"a9347.jpg";"连年有余";"莲荷 + 鲶鱼";"lotus-4+catfish";"杨柳青年画 天津市艺术博物馆编 北京: 文物出版社, 1984, pl.43";;"Meng 1991:196; Glass snuff bottle 1720 - 1821, plate 71 in Au Hang 1993"
"494";"a9362.jpg";"连年有余";"莲荷 + 鲶鱼";"lotus-4+catfish";"薄松年 中国民间年画选 南昌: 江西美术出版社, 1990,p. 9 门画 天津杨柳青 36x60";;"Meng 1991:196; Glass snuff bottle 1720 - 1821, plate 71 in Au Hang 1993"
"495";"a9628.jpg";"连年有余";"莲荷 + 鲶鱼";"lotus-4+catfish";"故宫文物月刊 五卷十期No.58 p. 105";;"Meng 1991:196; Glass snuff bottle 1720 - 1821, plate 71 in Au Hang 1993"
"496";"a3915.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂花 + 石榴";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+pomegranate";"-";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"497";"a9346.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂花 + 石榴";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+pomegranate";"杨柳青年画 天津市艺术博物馆编 北京: 文物出版社, 1984, pl.22";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"499";"a3915.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"-";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"500";"a2933.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"-";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"501";"a3826.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"-";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"502";"a9346.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"杨柳青年画 天津市艺术博物馆编 北京: 文物出版社, 1984, pl.22";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"503";"b0147.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"落日余晖: 西元1644年至西元1840年的中国故事 孟彭兴著上海: 上海文艺出版社, 2005 p. 165 冷枚 莲lian+笙sheng+桂花gui+子zi";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"504";"a6519.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"‘桂’作为画面元素此处被省略 Among the four basic visual elements of the design, ‘osmanthus’ has been omitted in this case";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"505";"a9354.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"‘桂’作为画面元素此处被省略 Among the four basic visual elements of the design, ‘osmanthus’ has been omitted in this case 杨柳青年画 天津市艺术博物馆编 北京: 文物出版社, 1984, pl.35";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"506";"a2881.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"‘桂’作为画面元素此处被省略 Among the four basic visual elements of the design, ‘osmanthus’ has been omitted in this case";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"508";"lianshengguizi1.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"‘笙’与‘桂’作为画面元素此处被省略 Among the four basic visual elements of the design, both ‘bamboo windpipe’ and ‘osmanthus’ have been omitted in this case";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"509";"lianshenguiziw.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"‘笙’与‘桂’作为画面元素此处被省略 Among the four basic visual elements of the design, both ‘bamboo windpipe’ and ‘osmanthus’ have been omitted in this case";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"510";"a3857.jpg";"连生贵子";"莲荷 + 笙 + 桂 + 童子";"lotus-4+bamboo windpipe+osmanthus+boy-1";"‘莲荷’与‘桂’作为画面元素此处被省略 Among the four basic visual elements of the design, both ‘lotus’ and ‘osmanthus’ have been omitted in this case";;"Earliest examples are found in Northern Song Yaozhou and Ding wares; Liu & Wang 1991:166; tall transitional underglazed blue and white circular box with cover, plate 44 in Butler 1990; 19th century agate snuff bottle, Orientations 1984/8; also cf. Zhou Fang’s ‘Ling Zhi Tu’ (Tang Dynasty) for similar composition; Daoguang fencai bowl in Qian 1994:233; 怀古堂97春:54影青 S92 王树村92/12 Christie 97/11/5/153贴塑 康雍乾73 高textileDesign43宋绫 Silk&Stone171定窑"
"512";"a9327.jpg";"接喜图";"喜鹊";"magpie-1";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.199 27x17cm [传]宋 刘松年";;
"513";"no-image.png";"九世安居";"九 + 狮子 + 菊花 + 鹌鹑";"lion+chrysanthemum-1+quail";;;"Meng 1991:185"
"514";"a9191.jpg";"廉直";"莲梗";"lotus stem";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 16 立轴 纸本 水墨 52 x 16.8cm 1919年 天津人美藏";;"-"
"515";"a0298.jpg";"三元";"三 + 荔枝";"sanyuan";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:167; Meng 1991:198f;连中三元--解元、会元、状元者,更是寥若晨星,自科举考试以来不过十三人而已 cf. 三元 S311 明状元图考 Illustrated survey of optimi during the Ming dynasty 顾鼎臣撰 黄应澄绘图, reprint in 故宫珍本丛刊 ; 第 060 册. 史部. 传记类. 海口: 海南出版社 2001; Elman, Benjamin 2000/332; Ann Barrott Wicks, Children in Chinese art, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002, p. 80; fig. 3.27 and Plate 10;"
"516";"a4004.jpg";"连中三元";"荔枝 + 桂圆 + 核桃";"sanyuan-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:167; Meng 1991:198f;连中三元--解元、会元、状元者,更是寥若晨星,自科举考试以来不过十三人而已 cf. 三元 S311 明状元图考 Illustrated survey of optimi during the Ming dynasty 顾鼎臣撰 黄应澄绘图, reprint in 故宫珍本丛刊 ; 第 060 册. 史部. 传记类. 海口: 海南出版社 2001; Elman, Benjamin 2000/332; Ann Barrott Wicks, Children in Chinese art, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002, p. 80; fig. 3.27 and Plate 10;"
"517";"a7514.jpg";"三元";"三 + 人首";"sanyuan-2";"明状元图考.3卷.明顾祖训辑.汉阳叶氏平安馆藏本.明万历37年.1609年";;"Liu & Wang 1991:167; Meng 1991:198f;连中三元--解元、会元、状元者,更是寥若晨星,自科举考试以来不过十三人而已 cf. 三元 S311 明状元图考 Illustrated survey of optimi during the Ming dynasty 顾鼎臣撰 黄应澄绘图, reprint in 故宫珍本丛刊 ; 第 060 册. 史部. 传记类. 海口: 海南出版社 2001; Elman, Benjamin 2000/332; Ann Barrott Wicks, Children in Chinese art, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002, p. 80; fig. 3.27 and Plate 10;"
"518";"lianzhongsanyuan.jpg";"三元";"三 + 锭";"sanyuan-1";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:167; Meng 1991:198f;连中三元--解元、会元、状元者,更是寥若晨星,自科举考试以来不过十三人而已 cf. 三元 S311 明状元图考 Illustrated survey of optimi during the Ming dynasty 顾鼎臣撰 黄应澄绘图, reprint in 故宫珍本丛刊 ; 第 060 册. 史部. 传记类. 海口: 海南出版社 2001; Elman, Benjamin 2000/332; Ann Barrott Wicks, Children in Chinese art, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press, 2002, p. 80; fig. 3.27 and Plate 10;"
"519";"no-image.png";"伶俐不如痴";"菱角 + 梨 + 灵芝";"pear+lucid ganoderma-1+water caltrop";;;"-"
"520";"a5359.jpg";"伶俐不如痴";"菱角 + 荔枝 + 灵芝";"water caltrop+lychee+lucid ganoderma-1";"-";;"-"
"521";"no-image.png";"灵仙祝寿";"竹子 + 灵芝 + 松";"bamboo+lucid ganoderma-2+pine tree-1";;;
"522";"a5309.jpg";"芝仙祝寿";"竹子 + 灵芝 + 水仙 + 太湖石";"bamboo+lucid ganoderma-2+narcissus+longevity rock";"-";;"Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164; 珐琅彩279 Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164"
"523";"a0050.jpg";"芝仙祝寿";"灵芝 + 水仙 + 太湖石";"lucid ganoderma-2+narcissus+longevity rock";"Among the four basic visual elements of the design, ‘bamboo’ has been omitted in this case ‘竹子’作为画面元素在此处被省略";;"Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164; 珐琅彩279 Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164"
"524";"lingxianzhushou-1.jpg";"芝仙祝寿";"天竹 + 灵芝 + 水仙 + 桃子";"nandina-1+lucid ganoderma-2+narcissus+longevity peach";"Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164; 珐琅彩279 Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164";;
"525";"a9639.jpg";"芝仙祝寿";"竹子 + 灵芝 + 松";"bamboo+lucid ganoderma-2+pine tree-1";"钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 121, pl.150 乾隆粉彩瓶 高 33 腹径 16厘米";;"Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164; 珐琅彩279 Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164"
"526";"tianxiangongshou-1.jpg";"天仙拱寿";"天竹 + 绶带鸟";"nandina+long-tailed bird";;;"Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164; 珐琅彩279 Meng 1991:410-1; Jiaqing famille-rose yellow-ground bowl, plate 324 in Christie’s catalogue June 1, 1990; plate 663 in Sotheby’s Hong Kong catalogue April 29 / 30, 97; Qianlong bowl in Qian 1994:164"
"527";"a3824.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/45663?rpp=30&pg=26&rndkey=20151026&ft=*&where=China&what=Paintings&pos=777";"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"528";"a2678.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"529";"a2680.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"530";"a3100.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"531";"a5530.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"532";"a3298.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"533";"a3361.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"534";"a5090.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"535";"a5088.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"536";"a9330.jpg";"六合同春";"鹿 + 鹤";"deer-1+crane-1+pine tree-1";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.137 24x34cm 山东潍县";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"537";"a5322.jpg";"鹤鹿同春";"鹿 + 鹤 + 梧桐";"heliutongchun";"-";;"Kangxi bean green vase in 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 43, pl. 34; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1820 - 1880, plate 5 in Au Hang 1993; New-Year-print, plate 114 in Yangjiabu Nianhua; 景德镇p. 171 故宫釉里红下148乾隆"
"538";"a5277.jpg";"榴开百子";"石榴";"hundred+pomegranate-2";"-";;"Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:327; Chen (31:188)"
"539";"a3817.jpg";"榴开百子";"石榴";"hundred+pomegranate-2";"Rudova, Maria (V. Sobolev trans.). Chinese Popular Prints,Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1988, pl. 44 35x60cm";;"Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:327; Chen (31:188)"
"540";"a9336.jpg";"榴开百子";"石榴";"hundred+pomegranate-2";"中国现代绘画史: 晚清之部. 1840-1911 李铸晋, 万青力 台北: 石头出版股份有限公司, 1998 pl. 2.114 p. 157 钱慧安 1895 147.8x79.4cm 石允文藏";;"Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:327; Chen (31:188)"
"541";"liukaijianzi-1.jpg";"榴开见子";"石榴";"pomegranate-2";;;"The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 8, p.89, pl.4 宋 吴炳; 文物光华 1/220"
"542";"longsuntu-1.jpg";"龙孙图";"竹笋";"bamboo shoot";"-";;"Qing painting by Yun Shouping, plate in The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 6; Xuantong vase in Liu 1991:249"
"543";"a0008.jpg";"路路连科";"鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron-2+lotus pod-1";"-";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993"
"544";"yilulianke-1.jpg";"一路连科";"一 + 芦苇 + 莲荷";"reed-2+lotus pod-1";;;"Meng 1991:385; Transitional overglaze polychrome enamel plate, plate 192 in Valenstein 1989; Qianlong fahua jar with cover, in Orientations 1985/6; Jiaqing fencai vase in Liu 1991:257吉祥57/242 华岩http://art.online.ha.cn/master/qing/huayan.htm中原画苑--星空灿烂--中国古代国画大师 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.686 陈之佛 秋塘露冷图 工笔重彩 S224 Krahl 94:632"
"545";"a0328.jpg";"一路连科";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron-2+lotus pod-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:385; Transitional overglaze polychrome enamel plate, plate 192 in Valenstein 1989; Qianlong fahua jar with cover, in Orientations 1985/6; Jiaqing fencai vase in Liu 1991:257吉祥57/242 华岩http://art.online.ha.cn/master/qing/huayan.htm中原画苑--星空灿烂--中国古代国画大师 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.686 陈之佛 秋塘露冷图 工笔重彩 S224 Krahl 94:632"
"546";"a2868.jpg";"一路连科";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron-2+lotus pod-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:385; Transitional overglaze polychrome enamel plate, plate 192 in Valenstein 1989; Qianlong fahua jar with cover, in Orientations 1985/6; Jiaqing fencai vase in Liu 1991:257吉祥57/242 华岩http://art.online.ha.cn/master/qing/huayan.htm中原画苑--星空灿烂--中国古代国画大师 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.686 陈之佛 秋塘露冷图 工笔重彩 S224 Krahl 94:632"
"547";"a7448.jpg";"一路连科";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron-2+lotus pod-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:385; Transitional overglaze polychrome enamel plate, plate 192 in Valenstein 1989; Qianlong fahua jar with cover, in Orientations 1985/6; Jiaqing fencai vase in Liu 1991:257吉祥57/242 华岩http://art.online.ha.cn/master/qing/huayan.htm中原画苑--星空灿烂--中国古代国画大师 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.686 陈之佛 秋塘露冷图 工笔重彩 S224 Krahl 94:632"
"548";"luluronghua-1.jpg";"路路荣华";"鸶鹭 + 芙蓉花";"heron-2+hibiscus";;;"Ming painting by 吕纪, plate 11, p. 223 in Wenwu Guanghua"
"549";"lulushunli-1.jpg";"路路顺利";"鹿";"deer-2";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:181; 张浦生91"
"550";"mashangdefu-1.jpg";"马上得福";"马 + 蝙蝠";"horse+bat";;;"cf. Yao 1989:102"
"551";"no-image.png";"马上发财";"马 + 摇钱树 + 上";"horse+coin tree";;;"paper cutting, p. 12 in Lu 1993"
"552";"b0158.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"The language of adornment: Chinese ornaments of jade, crystal, amber and glass : from the Neolithic period to the Qing dynasty, Filippo Salviati, Paris: Myrna Myers, 2002 pl. 93 Liao dynasty, 10th -11th century, length: 6.6 and 7.6 H: 4.6 and 5.5cm";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"553";"a7109.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"-";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"554";"a0281.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"-";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"555";"a0282.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"-";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"556";"a4974.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"-";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"557";"a4976.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"-";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"558";"a5160.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 142, pl. 139, '马上封侯 H 7.8 W 5.6cm';";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"559";"a9146.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"故宫文物月刊 No.7, 1983, p.102, 竹雕 台北故宫博物院藏";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"560";"a9547.jpg";"马上封侯";"马 + 上 + 猴";"horse+monkey";"故宫文物月刊 No.107, p.21, 发晶雕 台北故宫博物院藏";;"Meng 1991:218; Ming white jade piece, in Orientations 1991/5, p. 10; Ming jade belt hook, plate 189, Victor Shaw; in Han Dynasty there were monkey-like, winged fairies on a horse or a pixie, cf. Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, 112; Smith & Weng 1979:228; 王哲 捣练子 猿骑马,呈颠傻。难擒难捉怎生舍。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。慧刀开,齐下杀。教君认得根源也。哩ョ*,哩ョ*。《夷坚三志辛》卷四四《孟广威猕猴》,讲孟广威“好养马,常蓄猕猴于外厩,俗 云 cf. 避马瘟 意马心猿 #15 S321酱色釉瓷塑 仙人骑马 造型辞典 故宫月刊199/52 收藏家40/30"
"561";"mashangpingan.jpg";"马上平安";"骑 + 马 + 上";"riding horse";;;"Agate snuff bottle, plate 166 in Au Hang 1993"
"562";"a5336.jpg";"满堂富贵";"海棠 + 牡丹";"crab apple+peony";"-";;"‘tang’, the second syllable of the Chinese word for the crab apple puns on ‘the hall’, the most important room in a Chinese house; ‘fugui’ means ‘wealth and privilege’, which is represented by the peony"
"563";"b0145.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"清 郑燮 题画诗六段之五 38.2x28 荣宝斋 2005,2, p. 12 ‘吉兆先期九十年’";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"564";"a3821.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"-";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"565";"a5249.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"-";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"566";"a8451.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"文物天地92/6/6郭沫若题故宫藏猫蝶砚";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"567";"a8452.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"文物天地92/6/6郭沫若题故宫藏猫蝶砚";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"568";"b0149.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"寿诞趣谈 金文男著 上海: 上海古籍出版社, 2003 p. 176 沈铨";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"569";"a9150.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"故宫文物月刊 No.2, 1983, p.46f, 张大千母曾友贞画 耄耋图";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"570";"a9210.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl.226 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 130 x 28cm 1937 王方宇藏";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"571";"a6246.jpg";"耄耋(图)";"猫 + 蝴蝶";"cat+butterfly-1";"明代绘画 书画拍卖集成 1995-2002 湖南美术出版社 2004, p. 105 戴进";;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1796, plate 80 in Au Hang 1993; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 189 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 139 x 35cm 1947 广州市美术馆藏"
"572";"no-image.png";"眉开双乐";"梅 + 二 + 鹿";"deer-3+prunus-3";;;"-"
"573";"a9218.jpg";"眉寿";"梅 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"long-tailed bird+prunus";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.163 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 100 x 33cm 1943 北京市文物公司";;"Late Ming / early Qing jade carving piece, plate 285 in Ip 1983; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 176, C22"
"574";"a9262.jpg";"眉寿";"梅 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"long-tailed bird+prunus";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 7, pl. 74 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 102 x 34cm 1951 陕西美术家协会藏";;"Late Ming / early Qing jade carving piece, plate 285 in Ip 1983; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 176, C22"
"575";"a9691.jpg";"眉寿";"梅 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"long-tailed bird+prunus";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 287, pl.256,光绪粉彩黄地方盆";;"Late Ming / early Qing jade carving piece, plate 285 in Ip 1983; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 176, C22"
"576";"b1225.jpg";"眉寿";"梅 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"long-tailed bird+prunus";"-";;"Late Ming / early Qing jade carving piece, plate 285 in Ip 1983; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 176, C22"
"577";"a8565.jpg";"眉寿";"梅 + 松";"pine tree+prunus";"-";;"Late Ming / early Qing jade carving piece, plate 285 in Ip 1983; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 176, C22"
"578";"a3820.jpg";"纳福迎祥";"童子 + 蝙蝠 + 缸";"nafuyingxiang";"-";;"Meng 1991:222"
"579";"a5276.jpg";"纳福迎祥";"童子 + 蝙蝠 + 缸";"nafuyingxiang";"-";;"Meng 1991:222"
"580";"nianniandaji.jpg";"年年大吉";"鲶鱼 + 橘子";"catfish+large tangerine";;;"Meng 1991:221"
"581";"no-image.png";"年年大吉";"鲶鱼 + 鸡";"catfish+large cockerel";;;"Meng 1991:221"
"582";"a9057.jpg";"年年富贵";"鲶鱼 + 牡丹";"catfish+peony";"-";;"庄素娥 李方膺和李鱓的关系 故宫学术季刊 National Palace Museum Quarterly 第八卷第一期, pp. 111-136, pl. 3 (李方膺 年年富贵 1748)"
"583";"a9291.jpg";"年年如意";"鲶鱼 + 灵芝";"catfish+lucid ganoderma";"plate 150 in Cammann 1962, 218";;"Meng 1991:220; early 18th century jade dish, plate 220 in Ip 1983"
"584";"a9633.jpg";"年年如意";"鲶鱼 + 灵芝";"catfish+lucid ganoderma";"Christie LD96/12/16/145";;"Meng 1991:220; early 18th century jade dish, plate 220 in Ip 1983"
"585";"no-image.png";"年年如意";"鞭炮 + 如意";"firecracker+spectre";;;"Meng 1991:220; early 18th century jade dish, plate 220 in Ip 1983"
"586";"a9267.jpg";"平安多利";"苹果 + 鹌鹑 + 荔枝";"apple+quail+lychee-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 7, pl. 185 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101 x 34cm 1952 辽宁省博物馆藏";;"-"
"587";"pinganfugui.jpg";"平安富贵";"苹果 + 牡丹";"apple+peony";;;"-"
"588";"fuguipingan-1.jpg";"平安富贵";"瓶 + 牡丹";"vase+peony";;;"-"
"589";"a5261.jpg";"平安如意";"瓶 + 如意";"vase+sceptre";"-";;"Meng 1991:227-8"
"590";"a5260.jpg";"平安如意";"瓶 + 如意";"vase+sceptre";"-";;"Meng 1991:227-8"
"591";"a9322.jpg";"平安如意";"苹果 + 如意";"apple+sceptre";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.173c part 26x24cm 河北武强";;"Meng 1991:227-8"
"592";"a3815.jpg";"平安五福自天来";"童子 + 五 + 蝙蝠";"pinganwufu";"‘boy 童子 tong zi’ could be replaced by any other figures, which conveys the same meaning ‘童子’的形象可以由其他的人像来替代";;" 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 30, pl.26, S303"
"593";"a7663.jpg";"平安五福自天来";"童子 + 五 + 蝙蝠";"pinganwufu";"意趣与机杼: '明清绘画透析国际学术讨论会' 特展图录 New interpretations of Ming & Qing paintings 上海: 上海书画出版社, 1994 pl. 59, p.81 ‘丁观鹏恭画’";;" 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 30, pl.26, S303"
"595";"a4954.jpg";"平生富贵";"瓶 + 蝙蝠 + 桂花";"vase+bat+osmanthus";"-";;"Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 201 in Cao 1988; 王树村中国年画史2002/189 平升福钱"
"596";"a5370.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 笙 + 三 + 戟";"vase+bamboo windpipe-1+halberd-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"597";"a5332.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"598";"a3090.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"599";"a5463.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"600";"a5464.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"601";"a3830.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"602";"s5840.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"603";"a3510.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"604";"a5231.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"605";"a5432a.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"606";"s5836.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"607";"a3914.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"In this case, pun rebus ‘ji qing 吉庆’ contained simultaneously 该图像中同时包含‘吉庆’的谐音画";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"608";"s5835.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"-";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"609";"a2803.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 154, pl. 156, '葫芦万代 H 4 W 4cm'";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"610";"a9081.jpg";"平升三级";"瓶 + 三 + 戟";"vase+halberd-1+bushel-1";"清順治康熙朝青花瓷 陳潤民 北京: 紫禁城出版社, 2005 p. 93 pl. 49";;"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:246 Musee d'Ennery, Paris; Meng 1991:230; Qing sleeve vase in Marchant & Son 1989:68 '… a dignitary ... being brought incense …'; Ming Ceramics in the British Museum 2001:385f '… a gentleman ... is approached by a respectful servant holding a tray on which is placed an arrow vase, containing three arrows.'; Blue & White China: origins / western influences, edited by John Esten, Boston: Little, Brown and Co. 1987, p. 22, right; Such images may well puzzle people from different cultures as well as natives without the necessary knowledge. •High transitional underglazed blue and white brush pot, plate 42 in Butler 1990; ‘A man offers a dignitary a vase containing three oddly shaped wooden objects’ (p. 84, Seventeenth Century Chinese Porcelain from the Butler Family Collection, Art Services International 1990 Lion-Goldschmidt230 Jorg97/76 Yeo & Martin78PL129 S408 Butler90/84 钱66"
"611";"a9659.jpg";"平升五福";"瓶 + 笙 + 五 + 蝙蝠";"vase+bamboo windpipe-1+wufu";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.18 25x23cm 天津杨柳青";;"-"
"612";"a9693.jpg";"平升五福";"瓶 + 笙 + 五 + 蝙蝠";"vase+bamboo windpipe-1+wufu";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 30, pl.26,乾隆珐琅彩双连瓶";;"-"
"613";"no-image.png";"起居安吉";"枸杞 + 菊花 + 鹌鹑";"boxthorn+chrysanthemum-1+quail";;;"-"
"614";"no-image.png";"起居安吉";"枸杞 + 菊花 + 鸡";"boxthorn+chrysanthemum-1+chicken-1";;;"-"
"615";"a5305.jpg";"起居延年";"枸杞 + 菊花 + 太湖石";"boxthorn+chrysanthemum-1+longevity rock";"-";;"-"
"616";"a8575.jpg";"起居延年";"枸杞 + 菊花 + 太湖石";"boxthorn+chrysanthemum-1+longevity rock";"‘寿石’作为画面元素在此处被省略 Among the three basic visual elements of the design, both ‘Longevity Rock’ has been omitted in this case 金井紫云编 东洋画题综览,京都: 芸草堂, 1941";;"-"
"617";"a9730.jpg";"起居延年";"枸杞 + 菊花 + 太湖石";"boxthorn+chrysanthemum-1+longevity rock";"‘枸杞’作为画面元素在此处被省略 Among the three basic visual elements of the design, both ‘boxthorn’ has been omitted in this case 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 137, pl. 170";;"-"
"618";"a5310.jpg";"齐眉祝寿";"梅 + 竹子 + 绶带鸟";"prunus+bamboo+long-tailed bird";"-";;"Meng 1991:235"
"619";"a5290.jpg";"翘盼福音";"童子 + 蝙蝠";"qiaopanfuyin";"-";;"Meng 1991:231"
"620";"a9190.jpg";"清白";"青菜";"chinese greens";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 14 立轴 纸本 水墨 52 x 16.8cm, 天津人民美术出版社藏";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 183 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 82 x 33cm ca. mid-1930s 上海美术家协会藏"
"621";"a4935.jpg";"清白传家";"青菜";"chinese greens-1";"-";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 161 白菜 ca.1920s初 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 33.5cm, 首都博物馆藏 湘中南包括湖南省中、南部盆地、丘陵地区和部分山地。历代都是湖南政治、经济、文化最发达的地区。大年初一则要吃面条、白菜和芋头。 吃面条寓意福寿绵长,吃白菜、芋头是取其'百事遇头','清白传家'之意"
"622";"a4986.jpg";"清白传家";"青菜";"chinese greens-1";"-";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 161 白菜 ca.1920s初 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 33.5cm, 首都博物馆藏 湘中南包括湖南省中、南部盆地、丘陵地区和部分山地。历代都是湖南政治、经济、文化最发达的地区。大年初一则要吃面条、白菜和芋头。 吃面条寓意福寿绵长,吃白菜、芋头是取其'百事遇头','清白传家'之意"
"623";"a1515.jpg";"清白传家";"青菜";"chinese greens-1";"-";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 161 白菜 ca.1920s初 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 33.5cm, 首都博物馆藏 湘中南包括湖南省中、南部盆地、丘陵地区和部分山地。历代都是湖南政治、经济、文化最发达的地区。大年初一则要吃面条、白菜和芋头。 吃面条寓意福寿绵长,吃白菜、芋头是取其'百事遇头','清白传家'之意"
"624";"a4992.jpg";"清白传家";"青菜";"chinese greens-1";"-";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 161 白菜 ca.1920s初 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 33.5cm, 首都博物馆藏 湘中南包括湖南省中、南部盆地、丘陵地区和部分山地。历代都是湖南政治、经济、文化最发达的地区。大年初一则要吃面条、白菜和芋头。 吃面条寓意福寿绵长,吃白菜、芋头是取其'百事遇头','清白传家'之意"
"625";"a6178.jpg";"清白传家";"青菜";"chinese greens-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 3, pl. 103 立轴 纸本 水墨 91 x 53cm 1930 中央美术学院附属中学藏";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 161 白菜 ca.1920s初 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 33.5cm, 首都博物馆藏 湘中南包括湖南省中、南部盆地、丘陵地区和部分山地。历代都是湖南政治、经济、文化最发达的地区。大年初一则要吃面条、白菜和芋头。 吃面条寓意福寿绵长,吃白菜、芋头是取其'百事遇头','清白传家'之意"
"626";"a2248.jpg";"清白传家";"青菜";"chinese greens-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 7 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 25.8cm ca.early 1930s 中央工艺美术学院藏";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 161 白菜 ca.1920s初 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 33.5cm, 首都博物馆藏 湘中南包括湖南省中、南部盆地、丘陵地区和部分山地。历代都是湖南政治、经济、文化最发达的地区。大年初一则要吃面条、白菜和芋头。 吃面条寓意福寿绵长,吃白菜、芋头是取其'百事遇头','清白传家'之意"
"627";"a9203.jpg";"清白传家";"青菜";"chinese greens-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 176 立轴 纸本 水墨 137 x 33.5cm ca.mid-1930s 北京画院藏";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 2, pl. 161 白菜 ca.1920s初 立轴 纸本 水墨 137.5 x 33.5cm, 首都博物馆藏 湘中南包括湖南省中、南部盆地、丘陵地区和部分山地。历代都是湖南政治、经济、文化最发达的地区。大年初一则要吃面条、白菜和芋头。 吃面条寓意福寿绵长,吃白菜、芋头是取其'百事遇头','清白传家'之意"
"628";"a0478.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"629";"a3293.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"630";"a3292.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"631";"a3287.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"632";"a3288.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"633";"qingbailianjie.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"634";"qingbai1.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"635";"a2693.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"636";"a3150.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"-";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"637";"a9107.jpg";"清白廉洁";"鱼";"qingbailianjie";"五彩菊瓣盘 高 4.4 口径 27.6 足径 15.8cm 王莉英主編 五彩・鬥彩 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)股份有限公司, 1999, p. 124, pl. 114; 146, pl. 134";;"Chenghua blue and white dish in Tsui Museum 1993:150; Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 11 in Illustrated Catalogue of Ch’ing Dynasty Porcelain; saucer-dish with overglaze decoration, plate 211, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; 267 Sotheby93/10/27/129康熙五彩 五彩124 康熙斗彩盘S304 清白廉洁Christie 96/6/10/84Í万历; B.Palace:59正德; T.PalaceQ:11; 阎冬梅137 汪98/178康熙碗 故宫釉里红中250弘治"
"638";"qingpingfugui-1.jpg";"清平富贵";"瓶 + 牡丹";"vase-1+peony";;;"-"
"639";"a9211.jpg";"清平福来";"瓶 + 蝙蝠";"vase-1+bat";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl.231 册页 纸本 水墨设色 21 x 31.5cm 1937 香港佳士得拍卖行";;"-"
"640";"a9713.jpg";"全家乐";"渔夫 + 享乐";"quanjiale";"吳熙曾: 江山勝覧 主編許禮平 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1999";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1720 - 1851, plate 174 in Au Hang 1993 古本戏曲版画图录 首都图书馆编辑 Vol.3 298-9 红拂记 渔歌一曲起菰蒲 五彩・鬥彩 主編王莉英 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)股份有限公司, 1999, p. 78, pl. 71 康熙五彩棒槌瓶 賀天健特集 名家翰墨; 30 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1992 p.49 1939年 110x61cm; p. 128f 1958年 116.5x54.5"
"641";"a9904.jpg";"全家乐";"渔夫 + 享乐";"quanjiale";"Chou Ju-Hsi, Journeys on Paper and Silk, 1998, pl. 12, p. 49";;"Agate snuff bottle ca. 1720 - 1851, plate 174 in Au Hang 1993 古本戏曲版画图录 首都图书馆编辑 Vol.3 298-9 红拂记 渔歌一曲起菰蒲 五彩・鬥彩 主編王莉英 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)股份有限公司, 1999, p. 78, pl. 71 康熙五彩棒槌瓶 賀天健特集 名家翰墨; 30 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1992 p.49 1939年 110x61cm; p. 128f 1958年 116.5x54.5"
"642";"a9189.jpg";"群仙祝寿";"水仙 + 太湖石";"narcissus-1+longevity rock";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 162 立轴 纸本 水墨 160 x 53cm 1917年 中央工艺美术学院";;" Liu & Wang 1991:262"
"643";"a8075.jpg";"群仙祝寿";"八仙 + 寿字";"eight immortals+the Chinese character for longevity";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:262"
"644";"no-image.png";"荣贵万年";"芙蓉花 + 桂花 + 万年青";"hibiscus-1+osmanthus+rhodea japonica";;;"Wang (1990:66)"
"645";"no-image.png";"荣贵万年";"芙蓉花 + 牡丹 + 万年青";"hibiscus-1+peony-2+rhodea japonica";;;"Wang (1990:66)"
"646";"a5338.jpg";"荣华富贵";"芙蓉花 + 牡丹";"hibiscus+peony";"-";;"Meng 1991:240"
"647";"wanfuruyi.jpg";"如意万福";"盘长 + 卐字 + 万 + 蝙蝠";"knot-1+swastika+bat";"清乾隆 黄地彩绣万福如意花卉纹屏";;"Jade snuff bottle, ca. 1796 - 1851, plate 117 in Au Hang 1993"
"648";"a5291.jpg";"三多九如";"佛手 + 桃子 + 石榴 + 九 + 如意";"sanduo-1+jiuru";"-";;"-"
"649";"no-image.png";"三多九如";"蝙蝠 + 桃子 + 石榴 + 九 + 如意";"sanduo+jiuru";"-";;"-"
"650";"a5353.jpg";"三纲五常";"三 + 缸 + 五 + 尝酒";"sangangwuchang";"-";;"Meng 1991:244"
"651";"a9188.jpg";"三公百寿";"三 + 鸡 + 柏树";"sangongbaishou";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 1, pl. 21 横幅 纸本 水墨设色 90.6 x 176.9cm; 1896年 辽宁省博物馆藏 款题‘沁园夫子大人五秩之庆’,胡沁园(1847-1914)乃齐白石花鸟画老师 排行三 称‘三相公’ 此画祝三相公长命百岁";;"-"
"652";"a9768.jpg";"三公五爵";"三 + 白头翁 + 五 + 雀";"sangongwujue";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p. 133 杨晋";;"-"
"653";"wujuetu-1.jpg";"五爵图";"五 + 雀";"sparrow";;;"Meng 1991:355"
"654";"a9638.jpg";"三思图";"三 + 鸶鹭";"sansi";"明 吕纪 文物光华 1,p. 223";;"元 赵雍 ‘三思图’ A-12-078, Yale University Gallery, Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings: Second Series, Vol. 1, University of Tokyo Press 1998"
"655";"a9923.jpg";"三思图";"三 + 鸶鹭";"sansi";"Elegant Brush: Chinese Painting Under the Quianlong Emperor, 1735-1795,pl. 76,p. 243LeafI";;"元 赵雍 ‘三思图’ A-12-078, Yale University Gallery, Comprehensive Illustrated Catalogue of Chinese Paintings: Second Series, Vol. 1, University of Tokyo Press 1998"
"656";"a0275.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"658";"a9158.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"659";"a1813a.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"dish D 43.7cm Jiajing, Collection of Ms Rini Soewondbo, Formerly in the Adam Malik collection, Zhangzhou (Swatow) Ceramics 16th -17th cent found In Indonesia by Sumarah Adhyatman Jakarta: Ceramic Society of Indonesia, 1999 (p23)";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"660";"a9230.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"661";"a8093.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"662";"a9329.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.138 24x34cm 山东潍县";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"663";"a9396.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"杨柳青年画 天津市艺术博物馆编 北京: 文物出版社, 1984, pl.50";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"664";"a9692.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 30, pl.26,乾隆珐琅彩双连瓶 Oriental Art 1965 Winter, Vol.XI, No.4, Bluett & Sons, saucer dish painted in enamels of the famille rose, D 7 3/4ins. Qianlong period";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"665";"jiajing_qh_sanyangkaitai_lingdanbei_BUR.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"666";"daoguang_fencai_sanyangkaitai_wan.jpg";"三阳开泰";"三 + 羊";"sanyang";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:241; painting by Xuanzong of Ming Dynasty, p. 47, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 118; National Palace Museum Monthly No 65封二; In the Ming dynasty (1368 - 1644), the Xuande emperor (reigned 1426 - 1435) himself did some paintings whose very subject matter was a rebus pun. One surviving scroll consists of one goat and two lamb symbolising a saying ‘san yang kai tai’ from Yijing (Book of Changes), which indicates that with the return of the spring to the earth after the winter everything under the sun looks fresh and will have a prosperous future. 文物天地2003/2 汪9 嘉靖青花铃铛杯S183 Christie HK95/4/30/1508 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 18 清宫档案载 新年用 '三阳开泰'纹饰; 龙女牧羊图 清 任颐 故宫博物院藏 杨新 文物天地 "
"667";"tianqi_qhyoulihong_sanyu_pan_.jpg";"三余";"三 + 鱼";"sanyu";"-";;"painting by Qi Baishi, p. 38 in The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 104; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 釉里红三鱼高足杯 P#237; Najing:49; Sotheby 94/11/2/175 三余 three fish ‘The three 'spares': painting is what’s spared by my career; poetry is what’s spared by my sleep; life is what’s spared by the calamities’; ‘yu’ for ‘fish’ is a pun on ‘something to spare’; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 186 镜片 纸本 水墨设色 18.8 x 50.6cm ca. mid-1930s 中央美术学院藏 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 13 册页 纸本 水墨 25 x 33cm 1945 中国美术馆藏"
"668";"a3359.jpg";"三余";"三 + 鱼";"sanyu";"-";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/46357?rpp=90&pg=6&rndkey=20151116&ft=*&where=China&what=Painting&pos=484";"painting by Qi Baishi, p. 38 in The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 104; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 釉里红三鱼高足杯 P#237; Najing:49; Sotheby 94/11/2/175 三余 three fish ‘The three 'spares': painting is what’s spared by my career; poetry is what’s spared by my sleep; life is what’s spared by the calamities’; ‘yu’ for ‘fish’ is a pun on ‘something to spare’; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 186 镜片 纸本 水墨设色 18.8 x 50.6cm ca. mid-1930s 中央美术学院藏 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 13 册页 纸本 水墨 25 x 33cm 1945 中国美术馆藏"
"669";"a1744.jpg";"三余";"三 + 鱼";"sanyu";"-";;"painting by Qi Baishi, p. 38 in The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 104; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 釉里红三鱼高足杯 P#237; Najing:49; Sotheby 94/11/2/175 三余 three fish ‘The three 'spares': painting is what’s spared by my career; poetry is what’s spared by my sleep; life is what’s spared by the calamities’; ‘yu’ for ‘fish’ is a pun on ‘something to spare’; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 186 镜片 纸本 水墨设色 18.8 x 50.6cm ca. mid-1930s 中央美术学院藏 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 13 册页 纸本 水墨 25 x 33cm 1945 中国美术馆藏"
"670";"a9599.jpg";"三余";"三 + 鱼";"sanyu";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.62 徐悲鸿纪念馆藏 137x33 with inscription";;"painting by Qi Baishi, p. 38 in The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 104; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 釉里红三鱼高足杯 P#237; Najing:49; Sotheby 94/11/2/175 三余 three fish ‘The three 'spares': painting is what’s spared by my career; poetry is what’s spared by my sleep; life is what’s spared by the calamities’; ‘yu’ for ‘fish’ is a pun on ‘something to spare’; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 186 镜片 纸本 水墨设色 18.8 x 50.6cm ca. mid-1930s 中央美术学院藏 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 13 册页 纸本 水墨 25 x 33cm 1945 中国美术馆藏"
"671";"sanyu.jpg";"三余";"三 + 鱼";"sanyu";"-";;"painting by Qi Baishi, p. 38 in The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 104; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 釉里红三鱼高足杯 P#237; Najing:49; Sotheby 94/11/2/175 三余 three fish ‘The three 'spares': painting is what’s spared by my career; poetry is what’s spared by my sleep; life is what’s spared by the calamities’; ‘yu’ for ‘fish’ is a pun on ‘something to spare’; Qing Kangxi powder blue bottle Ceramics Gallery; 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 186 镜片 纸本 水墨设色 18.8 x 50.6cm ca. mid-1930s 中央美术学院藏 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 13 册页 纸本 水墨 25 x 33cm 1945 中国美术馆藏"
"672";"sanyuan-xiangyuan.jpg";"三元";"三 + 香橼";"sanyuan-4";;;"No. 89 in Lee Kong Chian Art Museum Catalogue; Meng 1991:249; 龙泉青瓷盆 解试乡试 解元 省试会试 会元 殿试廷试 状元 cf 连中三元"
"673";"a5360.jpg";"三元";"三 + 锭";"sanyuan-1";"-";;"No. 89 in Lee Kong Chian Art Museum Catalogue; Meng 1991:249; 龙泉青瓷盆 解试乡试 解元 省试会试 会元 殿试廷试 状元 cf 连中三元"
"674";"a1689.jpg";"三元得路";"三 + 猿 + 鸶鹭";"sanyuandelu";"Beyond Represeatation by Wen C. Wong 1992 (p266)";;"Bai, Qianshen1999"
"675";"a9546.jpg";"三元得路";"三 + 猿 + 鸶鹭";"sanyuandelu";"painting by Yi Yuanji in Song Dynasty, p. 19, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 107. 纽约大都会博物馆藏北宋易元吉《三猿得鹭》";;"Bai, Qianshen1999"
"676";"a9548.jpg";"三元得路";"三 + 猿 + 鹿";"sanyuandelu";"painting by Yi Yuanji in Song Dynasty, back, The National Palace Museum Monthly No. 107";;"Bai, Qianshen1999"
"677";"a9635.jpg";"华封三祝";"三 + 竹子";"three bamboo stems";"-";;"Ming painting by 夏昶 Xia Chen, page 215, 文物光华 Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1"
"678";"xixiangw.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"679";"a4003.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"680";"a4118.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"681";"a8805.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"682";"a4101.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"684";"a4224.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"685";"a0442.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"686";"a5130a.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"687";"a6394a.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"692";"Screen Shot 2015-10-28 at 18.43.20.png";"喜象";"洗 + 大象";"xixiang";"-";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"693";"b1984.jpg";"扫象";"扫 + 大象";"saoxiang";"Howard, David S. The Choice of the Private Trader: The Private Market in Chinese Export Porcelain illustrated from the Hodroff Collection, London: Zwemmer 1994, p. 234, pl. 276 'Of slightly flaring cylindrical shape, the top half decorated with an elephant, painted in fine red lines against an underglaze blue background, being washed by four men with a large tub of water in a terraced garden.'";;"版画展:72; 阎冬梅 45 Curtis Weidner94/403 Fong96/462/64墨 明代版画台北257 玉S467a Butler 照片 Orientations99/9日本画官印度人 顾氏画谱401 海外藏5/220, 6/140; Treasures from an unknown reign : Shunzhi porcelain, 1644-1661, Michael Butler, Julia B. Curtis, Stephen Little; with essays by Qianshen Bai, Yibin Ni, Evelyn S. Rawski, Alexandria, Va.: Art Services International, 2002:220, pl.72 http://community.webshots.com/photo/3587867/3589848HOaqiojzkj"
"695";"xixiang-1.jpg";"喜象";"洗 + 大象";"xixiang";"-";;"-"
"696";"a7110.jpg";"喜象";"洗 + 大象";"xixiang";"意趣与机杼: '明清绘画透析国际学术讨论会' 特展图录 New interpretations of Ming & Qing paintings 上海: 上海书画出版社, 1994 pl. 10, p.27 吴彬 Charles Mason 'Sewall Oertling's interpreation of 洗像' is not possible because in Chinese it is known as 浴佛";;"-"
"697";"a6388.jpg";"喜象";"洗 + 大象";"xixiang";"故宫博物院藏文物珍品全集42 玉器下118页";;"-"
"698";"shangshuhongxing.jpg";"尚书红杏";"书 + 红杏";"book+red apricot flower";;;"-"
"699";"shiqian-1.jpg";"十全";"十 + 铜钱";"shiqian";;;"Meng 1991:124"
"700";"shiquanbaoxi-19.21.03.png";"十全报喜";"十 + 喜鹊";"magpie+shiquan";;;"Southern Song painting by Lin Chun, plate 15, p. 232 in Wenwu Guanghua"
"701";"shiquanfugui-1.jpg";"十全富贵";"十 + 牡丹";"shiquan+peony";;;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1821 - 1875, plate 62 in Au Hang 1993"
"702";"no-image.png";"十全富贵";"牡丹 + 十 + 铜钱";"shiqian+peony";;;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1821 - 1875, plate 62 in Au Hang 1993"
"703";"shishangdaji.jpg";"室上大吉";"鸡 + 太湖石 + 上";"large cockerel+longevity rock-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:290; hanging scroll by Ma Shaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519 and ceramic piece (accession No. 30794), Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore. 室上大吉 周亮工 书影 1981:56 引岁时记: 正月一日帖画鸡,今都门剪以插首,中州画以悬堂, 中贵人尤好画大鸡于石上,元日张之,盖北地类呼吉为鸡,云'室上大吉'也。可发一粲。此图,画一公鸡立于石上。'石与室'、'鸡与吉'谐音双关。在中国文化中,公鸡为具有“文、武、勇、仁、信”五德的祥瑞之禽。此图寓意:合家大吉大利。 石与市,亦谐音。也有人称为'市上大吉'。寓意:商场、市场上大吉大利. 常被运用于企业店家的招财,或家庭中的吉祥开运。利用谐音,在辟邪的原意之上,复加吉祥的意义,体现了随着社会的进步,民众对于生活质量的关注 陕西神木的传统门画《大吉有余》(图35),突出的是吉祥,大吉——大鸡两相对,驮来摇钱树 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.678 徐悲鸿 风雨鸡鸣图 轴 纸本着色 徐悲鸿纪念馆"
"704";"a2909.jpg";"室上大吉";"鸡 + 太湖石 + 上";"large cockerel+longevity rock-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:290; hanging scroll by Ma Shaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519 and ceramic piece (accession No. 30794), Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore. 室上大吉 周亮工 书影 1981:56 引岁时记: 正月一日帖画鸡,今都门剪以插首,中州画以悬堂, 中贵人尤好画大鸡于石上,元日张之,盖北地类呼吉为鸡,云'室上大吉'也。可发一粲。此图,画一公鸡立于石上。'石与室'、'鸡与吉'谐音双关。在中国文化中,公鸡为具有“文、武、勇、仁、信”五德的祥瑞之禽。此图寓意:合家大吉大利。 石与市,亦谐音。也有人称为'市上大吉'。寓意:商场、市场上大吉大利. 常被运用于企业店家的招财,或家庭中的吉祥开运。利用谐音,在辟邪的原意之上,复加吉祥的意义,体现了随着社会的进步,民众对于生活质量的关注 陕西神木的传统门画《大吉有余》(图35),突出的是吉祥,大吉——大鸡两相对,驮来摇钱树 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.678 徐悲鸿 风雨鸡鸣图 轴 纸本着色 徐悲鸿纪念馆"
"705";"a2606.jpg";"室上大吉";"鸡 + 太湖石 + 上";"large cockerel+longevity rock-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:290; hanging scroll by Ma Shaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519 and ceramic piece (accession No. 30794), Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore. 室上大吉 周亮工 书影 1981:56 引岁时记: 正月一日帖画鸡,今都门剪以插首,中州画以悬堂, 中贵人尤好画大鸡于石上,元日张之,盖北地类呼吉为鸡,云'室上大吉'也。可发一粲。此图,画一公鸡立于石上。'石与室'、'鸡与吉'谐音双关。在中国文化中,公鸡为具有“文、武、勇、仁、信”五德的祥瑞之禽。此图寓意:合家大吉大利。 石与市,亦谐音。也有人称为'市上大吉'。寓意:商场、市场上大吉大利. 常被运用于企业店家的招财,或家庭中的吉祥开运。利用谐音,在辟邪的原意之上,复加吉祥的意义,体现了随着社会的进步,民众对于生活质量的关注 陕西神木的传统门画《大吉有余》(图35),突出的是吉祥,大吉——大鸡两相对,驮来摇钱树 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.678 徐悲鸿 风雨鸡鸣图 轴 纸本着色 徐悲鸿纪念馆"
"706";"a5116.jpg";"室上大吉";"鸡 + 太湖石 + 上";"large cockerel+longevity rock-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:290; hanging scroll by Ma Shaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519 and ceramic piece (accession No. 30794), Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore. 室上大吉 周亮工 书影 1981:56 引岁时记: 正月一日帖画鸡,今都门剪以插首,中州画以悬堂, 中贵人尤好画大鸡于石上,元日张之,盖北地类呼吉为鸡,云'室上大吉'也。可发一粲。此图,画一公鸡立于石上。'石与室'、'鸡与吉'谐音双关。在中国文化中,公鸡为具有“文、武、勇、仁、信”五德的祥瑞之禽。此图寓意:合家大吉大利。 石与市,亦谐音。也有人称为'市上大吉'。寓意:商场、市场上大吉大利. 常被运用于企业店家的招财,或家庭中的吉祥开运。利用谐音,在辟邪的原意之上,复加吉祥的意义,体现了随着社会的进步,民众对于生活质量的关注 陕西神木的传统门画《大吉有余》(图35),突出的是吉祥,大吉——大鸡两相对,驮来摇钱树 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.678 徐悲鸿 风雨鸡鸣图 轴 纸本着色 徐悲鸿纪念馆"
"707";"Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 14.48.10.png";"室上大吉";"鸡 + 太湖石 + 上";"large cockerel+longevity rock-1";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/46388?rpp=30&pg=2&rndkey=20151023&ft=*&where=China&what=Ceramics&pos=32";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/46388?rpp=30&pg=2&rndkey=20151023&ft=*&where=China&what=Ceramics&pos=32";"Meng 1991:290; hanging scroll by Ma Shaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519 and ceramic piece (accession No. 30794), Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore. 室上大吉 周亮工 书影 1981:56 引岁时记: 正月一日帖画鸡,今都门剪以插首,中州画以悬堂, 中贵人尤好画大鸡于石上,元日张之,盖北地类呼吉为鸡,云'室上大吉'也。可发一粲。此图,画一公鸡立于石上。'石与室'、'鸡与吉'谐音双关。在中国文化中,公鸡为具有“文、武、勇、仁、信”五德的祥瑞之禽。此图寓意:合家大吉大利。 石与市,亦谐音。也有人称为'市上大吉'。寓意:商场、市场上大吉大利. 常被运用于企业店家的招财,或家庭中的吉祥开运。利用谐音,在辟邪的原意之上,复加吉祥的意义,体现了随着社会的进步,民众对于生活质量的关注 陕西神木的传统门画《大吉有余》(图35),突出的是吉祥,大吉——大鸡两相对,驮来摇钱树 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.678 徐悲鸿 风雨鸡鸣图 轴 纸本着色 徐悲鸿纪念馆"
"708";"a9083.jpg";"室上大吉";"鸡 + 太湖石 + 上";"large cockerel+longevity rock-1";"Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 165, pl. 168, '雄鸡高唱 H 5.8 W 5.1cm';";;"Meng 1991:290; hanging scroll by Ma Shaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519 and ceramic piece (accession No. 30794), Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore. 室上大吉 周亮工 书影 1981:56 引岁时记: 正月一日帖画鸡,今都门剪以插首,中州画以悬堂, 中贵人尤好画大鸡于石上,元日张之,盖北地类呼吉为鸡,云'室上大吉'也。可发一粲。此图,画一公鸡立于石上。'石与室'、'鸡与吉'谐音双关。在中国文化中,公鸡为具有“文、武、勇、仁、信”五德的祥瑞之禽。此图寓意:合家大吉大利。 石与市,亦谐音。也有人称为'市上大吉'。寓意:商场、市场上大吉大利. 常被运用于企业店家的招财,或家庭中的吉祥开运。利用谐音,在辟邪的原意之上,复加吉祥的意义,体现了随着社会的进步,民众对于生活质量的关注 陕西神木的传统门画《大吉有余》(图35),突出的是吉祥,大吉——大鸡两相对,驮来摇钱树 中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.678 徐悲鸿 风雨鸡鸣图 轴 纸本着色 徐悲鸿纪念馆"
"709";"no-image.png";"室上双喜";"二 + 喜鹊 + 太湖石 + 上";"magpie+longevity rock-1";;;"Painting by Qi Baishi, in Lee Kong Chien Museum Collection, The National University of Singapore"
"710";"a9225.jpg";"事事安顺";"柿子 + 鹌鹑";"persimmon-1+quail-3";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.241 镜片 纸本 水墨设色 33 x 33.5cm ca. early 1940s 陕西美术家协会藏";;"-"
"711";"a9212.jpg";"世世多子";"石榴";"pomegranate";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 4, pl. 250 世世多子 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 69 x 33cm 1938 霍宗杰藏";;
"712";"a9602.jpg";"世世多子";"石榴";"pomegranate";"齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.76 天津人民美术出版社 69.5x32";;
"713";"a9323.jpg";"世世和平";"柿子 + 莲荷 + 瓶";"persimmon-2+vase+lotus-1";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.174d part 26x24cm 河北武强";;"-"
"714";"a9587.jpg";"事事清吉";"柿子 + 橘子";"persimmon-1+tangerine-1";"-";;"国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 p.92"
"715";"a9245.jpg";"事事清白";"柿子 + 青菜";"persimmon-1+chinese greens";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 37 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103 x 34cm 1945 海外私人藏";;"-"
"716";"no-image.png";"世世清贫";"柿子 + 青菜 + 苹果";"persimmon-2+chinese greens+apple-1";;;" painting by Qi Baishi (1864 - 1957), ink and colour on paper, plate 122 in Sotheby’s Catalogue Oct. 18-19, 1990 New York;"
"717";"no-image.png";"事事如意";"狮子 + 如意";"lion-1+sceptre";;;"Meng 1991:290; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink and colour on paper, in Orientations 1990/11, p. 20 吉祥308;故宫文物月刊9封三蒋廷锡"
"718";"a7987.jpg";"事事如意";"柿子 + 如意";"persimmon-1+sceptre";"-";;"Meng 1991:290; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink and colour on paper, in Orientations 1990/11, p. 20 吉祥308;故宫文物月刊9封三蒋廷锡"
"719";"a5262.jpg";"事事如意";"柿子 + 灵芝";"persimmon-1+lucid ganoderma";"-";;"Meng 1991:290; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink and colour on paper, in Orientations 1990/11, p. 20 吉祥308;故宫文物月刊9封三蒋廷锡"
"720";"a9220.jpg";"事事如意";"柿子 + 鱼";"persimmon-1+fish-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.186 扇面 纸本 水墨设色 26 x 56cm ca. early 1940s 北京荣宝斋 cf 事事有余";;"Meng 1991:290; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink and colour on paper, in Orientations 1990/11, p. 20 吉祥308;故宫文物月刊9封三蒋廷锡"
"721";"no-image.png";"事事有福";"柿子 + 蝙蝠";"persimmon-1+bat";;;"白玉带皮巧做鼻烟壶, 载于 Hui & Sin 1995:71; nephrite carved snuff bottle, in Hui & Sin 1995:71"
"722";"a9341.jpg";"事事有余";"柿子 + 鱼";"persimmon-1+fish";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.190 扇面 纸本 水墨设色 19 x 53.2cm ca. early 1940s 天津人民美术出版社藏";;
"723";"a4959.jpg";"寿比南山";"桃子 + 笔 + 钟馗";"longevity peach+pen-brush-1+zhong kui-1";"王树村中国年画史2002/104";;
"724";"a9717.jpg";"寿长久";"桃子 + 酒坛";"longevity peach+urn-1";"郭味蕖 中國近代名家書畫全集;29 主編許禮平 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1998,p.22 ‘寿长久’1958 72x47.5";;
"725";"a5320.jpg";"寿居耄耋";"太湖石 + 菊花 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"longevity rock+chrysanthemum+cat+butterfly-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:294"
"726";"a5315.jpg";"寿山福海";"灵芝 + 蝙蝠 + 海 + 山";"lucid ganoderma-3+bat+sea";"-";;"Meng 1991:295; He Li fig.606, p. 294; Yongzheng fencai bowl, plate 90 in Taiwan National Palace Museum Catalogue; porcelain enamelled snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:195; 19th century 素三彩瓷如意, Lee Kong Chian Museum"
"727";"a7680.jpg";"寿山福海";"灵芝 + 蝙蝠 + 海 + 山";"lucid ganoderma-3+bat+sea";"钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 184, pl. 244right";;"Meng 1991:295; He Li fig.606, p. 294; Yongzheng fencai bowl, plate 90 in Taiwan National Palace Museum Catalogue; porcelain enamelled snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:195; 19th century 素三彩瓷如意, Lee Kong Chian Museum"
"728";"a2798.jpg";"寿山福海";"桃子 + 蝙蝠 + 海 + 山";"longevity peach+bat+sea";"-";;"Meng 1991:295; He Li fig.606, p. 294; Yongzheng fencai bowl, plate 90 in Taiwan National Palace Museum Catalogue; porcelain enamelled snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:195; 19th century 素三彩瓷如意, Lee Kong Chian Museum"
"729";"a5093.jpg";"寿山福海";"桃子 + 蝙蝠 + 海 + 山";"longevity peach+bat+sea";"-";;"Meng 1991:295; He Li fig.606, p. 294; Yongzheng fencai bowl, plate 90 in Taiwan National Palace Museum Catalogue; porcelain enamelled snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:195; 19th century 素三彩瓷如意, Lee Kong Chian Museum"
"730";"a5797.jpg";"寿山福海";"桃子 + 蝙蝠 + 海 + 山";"longevity peach+bat+sea";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 276, pl.245";;"Meng 1991:295; He Li fig.606, p. 294; Yongzheng fencai bowl, plate 90 in Taiwan National Palace Museum Catalogue; porcelain enamelled snuff bottle in Kleiner 1995:195; 19th century 素三彩瓷如意, Lee Kong Chian Museum"
"731";"shoushangjiashou-1.jpg";"寿上加寿";"太湖石 + 绶带鸟";"longevity rock+long-tailed bird";;;
"732";"a0277.jpg";"双安";"二 + 鹌鹑";"quail-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:297; cf. Japanese ao-bizen koro, ca. 1780, in Orientations 1992; 福寿康宁152/174; S320 May you both live a peaceful life; Krahl94:958 Meng 1991:297; NHK:22 Orientations 1992;"
"733";"a0295.jpg";"双安";"二 + 鹌鹑";"quail-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:297; cf. Japanese ao-bizen koro, ca. 1780, in Orientations 1992; 福寿康宁152/174; S320 May you both live a peaceful life; Krahl94:958 Meng 1991:297; NHK:22 Orientations 1992;"
"734";"a1542.jpg";"双安";"二 + 鹌鹑";"quail-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:297; cf. Japanese ao-bizen koro, ca. 1780, in Orientations 1992; 福寿康宁152/174; S320 May you both live a peaceful life; Krahl94:958 Meng 1991:297; NHK:22 Orientations 1992;"
"735";"a5693.jpg";"双福双寿";"二 + 蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"-";;"-"
"736";"a3188.jpg";"双福双寿";"二 + 蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"-";;"-"
"737";"a0333.jpg";"双欢图";"二 + 獾";"badger";"-";;"Tang silver plate, Shaaxi Provincial Museum; Ming Dehua seal, p. 1 in the National Palace Museum Monthly No. 93; Yuan / Ming carved jade piece, plate 214 in Anthology of Chinese art; Guangxu inside-painted glass snuff bottle, plate 320 in Au Hang 1993, by Ma Shaoxuan lot 104 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Hui & Sin 1995:225; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 216, pl. 223, '双欢图 H 3.9 W 3.2cm';plate 104 in Cammann 1962, 206; S228"
"738";"a9087.jpg";"双欢图";"二 + 獾";"badger";"-";;"Tang silver plate, Shaaxi Provincial Museum; Ming Dehua seal, p. 1 in the National Palace Museum Monthly No. 93; Yuan / Ming carved jade piece, plate 214 in Anthology of Chinese art; Guangxu inside-painted glass snuff bottle, plate 320 in Au Hang 1993, by Ma Shaoxuan lot 104 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Hui & Sin 1995:225; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 216, pl. 223, '双欢图 H 3.9 W 3.2cm';plate 104 in Cammann 1962, 206; S228"
"739";"a9290.jpg";"双欢图";"二 + 獾";"badger";"-";;"Tang silver plate, Shaaxi Provincial Museum; Ming Dehua seal, p. 1 in the National Palace Museum Monthly No. 93; Yuan / Ming carved jade piece, plate 214 in Anthology of Chinese art; Guangxu inside-painted glass snuff bottle, plate 320 in Au Hang 1993, by Ma Shaoxuan lot 104 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Hui & Sin 1995:225; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 216, pl. 223, '双欢图 H 3.9 W 3.2cm';plate 104 in Cammann 1962, 206; S228"
"740";"a4997.jpg";"双欢图";"二 + 獾";"badger";"-";;"Tang silver plate, Shaaxi Provincial Museum; Ming Dehua seal, p. 1 in the National Palace Museum Monthly No. 93; Yuan / Ming carved jade piece, plate 214 in Anthology of Chinese art; Guangxu inside-painted glass snuff bottle, plate 320 in Au Hang 1993, by Ma Shaoxuan lot 104 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Hui & Sin 1995:225; Palace Museum ed. Masterpieces of Snuff Bottles in the Palace Museum, Beijing: Forbidden City Publishing House, 1995, p. 216, pl. 223, '双欢图 H 3.9 W 3.2cm';plate 104 in Cammann 1962, 206; S228"
"741";"shuangxiongdouzhi-1.jpg";"双雄斗智";"二 + 熊";"bear";;;"Quianlong famille-rose flat-rimed dish, plate 172, Beurdeley, M. & G. Raindre 1987"
"742";"a9561.jpg";"双雄斗智";"二 + 鸡";"cock";"Chou Ju-Hsi, Journeys on Paper and Silk, 1998, p. 98, pl. 35, Leaf A, Shen Quan 1682-ca.1760, 20.6x31";;"Quianlong famille-rose flat-rimed dish, plate 172, Beurdeley, M. & G. Raindre 1987"
"743";"a9581.jpg";"双雄斗智";"二 + 鸡";"cock";"故宫文物月刊 No.118, p. 9 明 周之冕 故宫藏";;"Quianlong famille-rose flat-rimed dish, plate 172, Beurdeley, M. & G. Raindre 1987"
"744";"a3811.jpg";"四海升平";"四 + 蟹 + 瓶";"crab-2";"-";;"-"
"745";"a5272.jpg";"四季平安";"月季 + 瓶";"china rose-2+vase";"-";;" Liu & Wang 1991:338"
"746";"a9765.jpg";"四喜";"四 + 蜘蛛";"sixi";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p. 190";;"hanging scroll by Xu Beihong (1895 - 1953), No. 472 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 253页 孔尚任享金簿著录263 四喜: Having heavy rain after a long draught; Bumping into a long-lost friend in a foreign land; Seeing one’s name on the golden list of successful candidates of the civil service examinations; and Enjoying the candle-lit wedding night. S303 hanging scroll by Xu Beihong (1895 - 1953), No. 472 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"747";"sixi1.jpg";"四喜";"四 + 喜鹊";"sixi";"-";;"hanging scroll by Xu Beihong (1895 - 1953), No. 472 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 253页 孔尚任享金簿著录263 四喜: Having heavy rain after a long draught; Bumping into a long-lost friend in a foreign land; Seeing one’s name on the golden list of successful candidates of the civil service examinations; and Enjoying the candle-lit wedding night. S303 hanging scroll by Xu Beihong (1895 - 1953), No. 472 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"748";"sixiw.jpg";"四喜";"四 + 喜鹊";"sixi";"-";;"hanging scroll by Xu Beihong (1895 - 1953), No. 472 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue 穆益勤编著 明代院体浙派史料 上海人民美术出版社 1985 253页 孔尚任享金簿著录263 四喜: Having heavy rain after a long draught; Bumping into a long-lost friend in a foreign land; Seeing one’s name on the golden list of successful candidates of the civil service examinations; and Enjoying the candle-lit wedding night. S303 hanging scroll by Xu Beihong (1895 - 1953), No. 472 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"749";"a5270.jpg";"岁岁平安";"瓶 + 鞭炮";"vase+firecracker";"-";;"Meng 1991:313-4; Song anonymous painting, plate 18, p. 233 in Wenwu Guanghua; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1821 - 1880, plate 75 in Au Hang 1993; Jiaqing porcelain enamelled snuffbottle, fig. 12, p. 61, Arts of Asia March-April 1988; cf. Painting by Fang Zhaoling, 1957 in Orientations 1982/11, p. 45, painting by Qi Bai Shi in Artist; the new year painting is provided by Ms Iris Wachs from Iser 清粉彩茶壶 S320"
"750";"a5271.jpg";"岁岁平安";"禾";"suisuipingan-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:313-4; Song anonymous painting, plate 18, p. 233 in Wenwu Guanghua; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1821 - 1880, plate 75 in Au Hang 1993; Jiaqing porcelain enamelled snuffbottle, fig. 12, p. 61, Arts of Asia March-April 1988; cf. Painting by Fang Zhaoling, 1957 in Orientations 1982/11, p. 45, painting by Qi Bai Shi in Artist; the new year painting is provided by Ms Iris Wachs from Iser 清粉彩茶壶 S320"
"751";"a4778.jpg";"岁岁平安";"鹌鹑 + 禾";"suisuipingan";"-";;"Meng 1991:313-4; Song anonymous painting, plate 18, p. 233 in Wenwu Guanghua; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1821 - 1880, plate 75 in Au Hang 1993; Jiaqing porcelain enamelled snuffbottle, fig. 12, p. 61, Arts of Asia March-April 1988; cf. Painting by Fang Zhaoling, 1957 in Orientations 1982/11, p. 45, painting by Qi Bai Shi in Artist; the new year painting is provided by Ms Iris Wachs from Iser 清粉彩茶壶 S320"
"752";"a7124.jpg";"岁岁平安";"鹌鹑 + 禾";"suisuipingan";"-";;"Meng 1991:313-4; Song anonymous painting, plate 18, p. 233 in Wenwu Guanghua; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1821 - 1880, plate 75 in Au Hang 1993; Jiaqing porcelain enamelled snuffbottle, fig. 12, p. 61, Arts of Asia March-April 1988; cf. Painting by Fang Zhaoling, 1957 in Orientations 1982/11, p. 45, painting by Qi Bai Shi in Artist; the new year painting is provided by Ms Iris Wachs from Iser 清粉彩茶壶 S320"
"753";"a9257.jpg";"太平吉利";"苹果 + 橘子 + 荔枝";"apple+tangerine+lychee-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 247 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 101.6 x 35cm 1948 王方宇藏";;"-"
"754";"a6340.jpg";"太平青吉";"苹果 + 橘子";"apple+tangerine-1";"-";;"Catherine Yi-Yu Cho Woo Chinese Aesthetics and Ch'i Pai-shih, Hongkong: Joint Publishing Co., 1986 Pl.17"
"755";"taipingyouxiangc.jpg";"太平有象";"瓶 + 大象 + 上";"vase+elegant-1+youxiang";"-";;"Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 清瓷萃珍1995:23 Liu & Wang 1991:274; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700, plate 37 in Au Hang 1993; Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清乾隆 铜鎏金镶宝石太平有象香熏。'太平有象'一说来源于'太平无象'。唐文宗大和六年(832年)皇帝向宰相牛僧儒'甚么样子才可称得上天下太平',牛僧儒回答说:“太平无象,今四夷不至交侵,百姓不至流散,虽非至理,亦谓小康。陛下若别求太平,非臣等所及。'反其意,则无战乱、安居乐业即太平,是为有象;象兽,征象之喻。此炉为三足鼎状,炉身与盖为两半对接橄榄形,盖作莲台卧象,负莲花宝顶,镂空,造型典雅。莲花乃佛门圣花,象之卧莲负莲,皆意在“十方诸佛,同出于淤泥之浊;三身正赏,俱坐于莲台之上”。炉身仍然突出象和莲,缠枝莲中垂四象为足,缠枝莲中举双象鼻为耳,康熙盛世,太平之象。此炉镶有各色宝石为象饰,除了双耳、宝顶莲花之外别无他色,铜本色包浆温莹凝厚,色香皆古盎素净。更由于炉体硕大,却有修长之美,其模式为远在南北朝时期的三彩高脚香熏; 隋唐文化 王仁波主编 上海: 学林出版社, 1997,插图"
"756";"a3807.jpg";"太平有象";"瓶 + 大象 + 上";"vase+elegant-1+youxiang";"-";;"Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 清瓷萃珍1995:23 Liu & Wang 1991:274; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700, plate 37 in Au Hang 1993; Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清乾隆 铜鎏金镶宝石太平有象香熏。'太平有象'一说来源于'太平无象'。唐文宗大和六年(832年)皇帝向宰相牛僧儒'甚么样子才可称得上天下太平',牛僧儒回答说:“太平无象,今四夷不至交侵,百姓不至流散,虽非至理,亦谓小康。陛下若别求太平,非臣等所及。'反其意,则无战乱、安居乐业即太平,是为有象;象兽,征象之喻。此炉为三足鼎状,炉身与盖为两半对接橄榄形,盖作莲台卧象,负莲花宝顶,镂空,造型典雅。莲花乃佛门圣花,象之卧莲负莲,皆意在“十方诸佛,同出于淤泥之浊;三身正赏,俱坐于莲台之上”。炉身仍然突出象和莲,缠枝莲中垂四象为足,缠枝莲中举双象鼻为耳,康熙盛世,太平之象。此炉镶有各色宝石为象饰,除了双耳、宝顶莲花之外别无他色,铜本色包浆温莹凝厚,色香皆古盎素净。更由于炉体硕大,却有修长之美,其模式为远在南北朝时期的三彩高脚香熏; 隋唐文化 王仁波主编 上海: 学林出版社, 1997,插图"
"757";"a5097.jpg";"太平有象";"瓶 + 大象 + 上";"vase+elegant-1+youxiang";"-";;"Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 清瓷萃珍1995:23 Liu & Wang 1991:274; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700, plate 37 in Au Hang 1993; Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清乾隆 铜鎏金镶宝石太平有象香熏。'太平有象'一说来源于'太平无象'。唐文宗大和六年(832年)皇帝向宰相牛僧儒'甚么样子才可称得上天下太平',牛僧儒回答说:“太平无象,今四夷不至交侵,百姓不至流散,虽非至理,亦谓小康。陛下若别求太平,非臣等所及。'反其意,则无战乱、安居乐业即太平,是为有象;象兽,征象之喻。此炉为三足鼎状,炉身与盖为两半对接橄榄形,盖作莲台卧象,负莲花宝顶,镂空,造型典雅。莲花乃佛门圣花,象之卧莲负莲,皆意在“十方诸佛,同出于淤泥之浊;三身正赏,俱坐于莲台之上”。炉身仍然突出象和莲,缠枝莲中垂四象为足,缠枝莲中举双象鼻为耳,康熙盛世,太平之象。此炉镶有各色宝石为象饰,除了双耳、宝顶莲花之外别无他色,铜本色包浆温莹凝厚,色香皆古盎素净。更由于炉体硕大,却有修长之美,其模式为远在南北朝时期的三彩高脚香熏; 隋唐文化 王仁波主编 上海: 学林出版社, 1997,插图"
"758";"a8112.jpg";"太平有象";"瓶 + 大象 + 上";"vase+elegant-1+youxiang";"-";;"Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 清瓷萃珍1995:23 Liu & Wang 1991:274; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700, plate 37 in Au Hang 1993; Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清乾隆 铜鎏金镶宝石太平有象香熏。'太平有象'一说来源于'太平无象'。唐文宗大和六年(832年)皇帝向宰相牛僧儒'甚么样子才可称得上天下太平',牛僧儒回答说:“太平无象,今四夷不至交侵,百姓不至流散,虽非至理,亦谓小康。陛下若别求太平,非臣等所及。'反其意,则无战乱、安居乐业即太平,是为有象;象兽,征象之喻。此炉为三足鼎状,炉身与盖为两半对接橄榄形,盖作莲台卧象,负莲花宝顶,镂空,造型典雅。莲花乃佛门圣花,象之卧莲负莲,皆意在“十方诸佛,同出于淤泥之浊;三身正赏,俱坐于莲台之上”。炉身仍然突出象和莲,缠枝莲中垂四象为足,缠枝莲中举双象鼻为耳,康熙盛世,太平之象。此炉镶有各色宝石为象饰,除了双耳、宝顶莲花之外别无他色,铜本色包浆温莹凝厚,色香皆古盎素净。更由于炉体硕大,却有修长之美,其模式为远在南北朝时期的三彩高脚香熏; 隋唐文化 王仁波主编 上海: 学林出版社, 1997,插图"
"759";"a8689.jpg";"太平有象";"瓶 + 大象 + 上";"vase+elegant-1+youxiang";"-";;"Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 清瓷萃珍1995:23 Liu & Wang 1991:274; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700, plate 37 in Au Hang 1993; Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清乾隆 铜鎏金镶宝石太平有象香熏。'太平有象'一说来源于'太平无象'。唐文宗大和六年(832年)皇帝向宰相牛僧儒'甚么样子才可称得上天下太平',牛僧儒回答说:“太平无象,今四夷不至交侵,百姓不至流散,虽非至理,亦谓小康。陛下若别求太平,非臣等所及。'反其意,则无战乱、安居乐业即太平,是为有象;象兽,征象之喻。此炉为三足鼎状,炉身与盖为两半对接橄榄形,盖作莲台卧象,负莲花宝顶,镂空,造型典雅。莲花乃佛门圣花,象之卧莲负莲,皆意在“十方诸佛,同出于淤泥之浊;三身正赏,俱坐于莲台之上”。炉身仍然突出象和莲,缠枝莲中垂四象为足,缠枝莲中举双象鼻为耳,康熙盛世,太平之象。此炉镶有各色宝石为象饰,除了双耳、宝顶莲花之外别无他色,铜本色包浆温莹凝厚,色香皆古盎素净。更由于炉体硕大,却有修长之美,其模式为远在南北朝时期的三彩高脚香熏; 隋唐文化 王仁波主编 上海: 学林出版社, 1997,插图"
"760";"a9148.jpg";"太平有象";"瓶 + 大象 + 上";"vase+elegant-1+youxiang";"故宫文物月刊 No.7, 1983, p.101, 掐丝珐琅太平有象 台北故宫博物院藏";;"Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 清瓷萃珍1995:23 Liu & Wang 1991:274; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700, plate 37 in Au Hang 1993; Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清乾隆 铜鎏金镶宝石太平有象香熏。'太平有象'一说来源于'太平无象'。唐文宗大和六年(832年)皇帝向宰相牛僧儒'甚么样子才可称得上天下太平',牛僧儒回答说:“太平无象,今四夷不至交侵,百姓不至流散,虽非至理,亦谓小康。陛下若别求太平,非臣等所及。'反其意,则无战乱、安居乐业即太平,是为有象;象兽,征象之喻。此炉为三足鼎状,炉身与盖为两半对接橄榄形,盖作莲台卧象,负莲花宝顶,镂空,造型典雅。莲花乃佛门圣花,象之卧莲负莲,皆意在“十方诸佛,同出于淤泥之浊;三身正赏,俱坐于莲台之上”。炉身仍然突出象和莲,缠枝莲中垂四象为足,缠枝莲中举双象鼻为耳,康熙盛世,太平之象。此炉镶有各色宝石为象饰,除了双耳、宝顶莲花之外别无他色,铜本色包浆温莹凝厚,色香皆古盎素净。更由于炉体硕大,却有修长之美,其模式为远在南北朝时期的三彩高脚香熏; 隋唐文化 王仁波主编 上海: 学林出版社, 1997,插图"
"761";"a9381.jpg";"太平有象";"瓶 + 大象 + 上";"vase+elegant-1+youxiang";"-";;"Splendors of China's Forbidden City: the glorious reign of Emperor Qianlong Chuimei Ho and Bennet Bronson London: Merrell, 2004 清瓷萃珍1995:23 Liu & Wang 1991:274; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700, plate 37 in Au Hang 1993; Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清乾隆 铜鎏金镶宝石太平有象香熏。'太平有象'一说来源于'太平无象'。唐文宗大和六年(832年)皇帝向宰相牛僧儒'甚么样子才可称得上天下太平',牛僧儒回答说:“太平无象,今四夷不至交侵,百姓不至流散,虽非至理,亦谓小康。陛下若别求太平,非臣等所及。'反其意,则无战乱、安居乐业即太平,是为有象;象兽,征象之喻。此炉为三足鼎状,炉身与盖为两半对接橄榄形,盖作莲台卧象,负莲花宝顶,镂空,造型典雅。莲花乃佛门圣花,象之卧莲负莲,皆意在“十方诸佛,同出于淤泥之浊;三身正赏,俱坐于莲台之上”。炉身仍然突出象和莲,缠枝莲中垂四象为足,缠枝莲中举双象鼻为耳,康熙盛世,太平之象。此炉镶有各色宝石为象饰,除了双耳、宝顶莲花之外别无他色,铜本色包浆温莹凝厚,色香皆古盎素净。更由于炉体硕大,却有修长之美,其模式为远在南北朝时期的三彩高脚香熏; 隋唐文化 王仁波主编 上海: 学林出版社, 1997,插图"
"762";"a3832.jpg";"太师少师";"狮子";"taishishaoshi";"-";;"Meng 1991:318; Agate snuff bottle, plate 161 in Au Hang 1993; 法门寺银合Meng 1991:318; Agate snuff bottle, plate 161 in Au Hang 1993"
"763";"a9769.jpg";"堂上白头";"白头翁 + 海棠";"crab apple+Chinese bulbul";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p. 93左 吴令";;"-"
"764";"tangshangshuangbai-1.jpg";"堂上双白";"二 + 白头翁 + 梧桐";"Chinese bulbul+Chinese parasol tree-1";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:15; Song embroidery piece, plate on page 87 of The National Palace Museum Monthly, No.112; emamelled porcelain snuffbottle, plate 314 in Au Hang 1993; hanging scroll by Zhu Cheng (1826 - 1899) 295 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96"
"765";"tangshangshuangbai.jpg";"堂上双白";"二 + 白头翁 + 海棠";"crab apple+Chinese bulbul";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:15; Song embroidery piece, plate on page 87 of The National Palace Museum Monthly, No.112; emamelled porcelain snuffbottle, plate 314 in Au Hang 1993; hanging scroll by Zhu Cheng (1826 - 1899) 295 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96"
"766";"tangshangshuangbai-2.jpg";"堂上双白";"二 + 白头翁 + 海棠";"crab apple+Chinese bulbul";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:15; Song embroidery piece, plate on page 87 of The National Palace Museum Monthly, No.112; emamelled porcelain snuffbottle, plate 314 in Au Hang 1993; hanging scroll by Zhu Cheng (1826 - 1899) 295 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96"
"767";"a5300.jpg";"天长地久";"天竹 + 地瓜";"nandina+pumpkin";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:280"
"768";"a5301.jpg";"天地长春";"天竹 + 地瓜 + 长春花";"nandina+pumpkin+china rose-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:320"
"770";"a9660.jpg";"天仙拱寿";"天竹 + 水仙 + 绶带鸟";"nandina+narcissus+long-tailed bird";"珐琅彩251";;"Meng 1991:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:264; Marchant 2004/44雍正盘; Krahl Vol.II, no. 765, p. 135; 福寿康宁乾隆181 吉祥119;珐琅彩251,215; 清斗彩盘S313 Meng91:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian94:264 蒲华上博 Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"771";"a9636.jpg";"天仙拱寿";"天竹 + 水仙 + 绶带鸟";"nandina+narcissus+long-tailed bird";"Song Kesi piece of a painting 宋 缂丝 陈居中, plate 3, p. 218 in 文物光华 1";;"Meng 1991:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:264; Marchant 2004/44雍正盘; Krahl Vol.II, no. 765, p. 135; 福寿康宁乾隆181 吉祥119;珐琅彩251,215; 清斗彩盘S313 Meng91:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian94:264 蒲华上博 Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"773";"a9641.jpg";"天仙寿芝";"天竹 + 水仙 + 灵芝";"nandina+narcissus+lucid ganoderma-4";"道光粉彩匙 宽 4.2 长 13.5 厘米 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 238, pl.312";;"Meng 1991:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:264; Marchant 2004/44雍正盘; Krahl Vol.II, no. 765, p. 135; 福寿康宁乾隆181 吉祥119;珐琅彩251,215; 清斗彩盘S313 Meng91:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian94:264 蒲华上博 Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"774";"a0278.jpg";"天仙拱寿";"天竹 + 水仙 + 太湖石";"nandina+narcissus-1+longevity rock";"吉祥p. 119, pl.98";;"Meng 1991:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:264; Marchant 2004/44雍正盘; Krahl Vol.II, no. 765, p. 135; 福寿康宁乾隆181 吉祥119;珐琅彩251,215; 清斗彩盘S313 Meng91:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian94:264 蒲华上博 Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"775";"a5306.jpg";"群仙祝寿";"竹子 + 水仙 + 太湖石";"bamboo+narcissus-1+longevity rock";"-";;"Meng 1991:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:264; Marchant 2004/44雍正盘; Krahl Vol.II, no. 765, p. 135; 福寿康宁乾隆181 吉祥119;珐琅彩251,215; 清斗彩盘S313 Meng91:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian94:264 蒲华上博 Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"776";"a8595.jpg";"天仙拱寿";"天竹 + 水仙 + 太湖石";"nandina+narcissus-1+longevity rock";"-";;"Meng 1991:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:264; Marchant 2004/44雍正盘; Krahl Vol.II, no. 765, p. 135; 福寿康宁乾隆181 吉祥119;珐琅彩251,215; 清斗彩盘S313 Meng91:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian94:264 蒲华上博 Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"777";"a5307.jpg";"群仙拱寿";"桃花 + 水仙 + 松";"peach blossom+narcissus-1+pine tree";"-";;"Meng 1991:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian 1994:264; Marchant 2004/44雍正盘; Krahl Vol.II, no. 765, p. 135; 福寿康宁乾隆181 吉祥119;珐琅彩251,215; 清斗彩盘S313 Meng91:323; Chen (31:188) Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; Guangxu fencai vase in Qian94:264 蒲华上博 Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"778";"a9640.jpg";"天仙眉寿";"天竹 + 水仙 + 画眉";"nandina+narcissus+thrush";"乾隆豆青地白花纹象耳尊 高 35 腹径 23.5厘米 钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 150, pl.190";;"Qianlong bean green vase in Qian 1994:150"
"779";"a9564.jpg";"天仙眉寿";"天竹 + 水仙 + 梅 + 太湖石 + 绶带鸟";"nandina+narcissus+longevity rock+long-tailed bird+prunus-3";"琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 279, pl.248";;"Qianlong bean green vase in Qian 1994:150"
"780";"a5312.jpg";"天仙寿芝";"天竹 + 水仙 + 灵芝";"nandina+narcissus+lucid ganoderma-4";"-";;"Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"781";"a0278.jpg";"天仙寿芝";"天竹 + 水仙 + 灵芝";"nandina+narcissus+lucid ganoderma-4";"吉祥p. 119, pl.98";;"Daoguang fencai spoon in Qian 1994:238"
"782";"a9744.jpg";"天祝白头";"天竹 + 白头翁";"nandina-1+Chinese bulbul";"任颐 海上四任精品:故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集 石家庄: 河北美术出版社, 1992, p. 87";;"-"
"783";"tianzuwannian-2.png";"天子万年";"天竹 + 万年青";"nandina-2+rhodea japonica";"清 蒲华 上海博物馆藏";;"-"
"784";"a2756.jpg";"同喜";"梧桐 + 喜鹊";"Chinese parasol tree+magpie";"-";;"高其佩《梧桐喜鹊图轴》,辽宁省博物馆藏。《中国博物馆藏画 辽宁省博物馆藏画》,上海人民美术出版社,1999"
"785";"a5294.jpg";"同喜";"梧桐 + 喜鹊";"Chinese parasol tree+magpie";"-";;"-"
"786";"a9288.jpg";"同偕";"鞋";"shoes";"-";;"plate 181a in Cammann 1962, 226; 138 'Quite a group of shoe toggles, as well as the little shoe amulets previously referred to, consist of a tiny shoe contained within a larger one, for example, a woman's shoe inside a man's. This can be explained in Chinese as hsiao hai-tzu yu hsiao hai-tzu, literally 'Little shoe has little shoe,' used as a pun for the wish 'May your child(ren) have children,' expressing a hope for continuing the family line.'"
"787";"no-image.png";"同偕到老";"铜盆 + 鞋";"bronze basin+shoes";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:312"
"788";"a5341.jpg";"同偕到老";"铜镜 + 鞋";"bronze mirror+shoes";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:312"
"789";"wandaichangchun.jpg";"万代长春";"卐字 + 长春花";"swastika+china rose-1";;;"Meng 1991:337-8"
"790";"a5304.jpg";"万代长春";"蔓带 + 长春花";"vine+china rose-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:337-8"
"791";"wandaifenghou-1.jpg";"万代封侯";"卐字 + 袋 + 蜜蜂 + 猴";"swastika+sack+bee+monkey";;;"Jade snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 115 in Au Hang 1993"
"792";"wanfuwanshou-1.png";"万福万寿";"卐字 + 寿字 + 蝙蝠";"swastika+the Chinese character for longevity+bat";;;"Daoguang coral red dish in Qian 1994:231"
"793";"wanfuwanshou-2.png";"万福万寿";"卐字 + 寿字 + 福字";"swastika+the Chinese character for longevity+the Chinese character for good luck";;;"Daoguang coral red dish in Qian 1994:231"
"794";"a3811.jpg";"万年吉庆";"松 + 磬 + 槌";"jiqing-1";"-";;"-"
"795";"a4961.jpg";"万年如意";"卐字 + 鲶鱼 + 如意";"swastika+catfish+sceptre";"-";;"王树村中国年画史2002/103"
"796";"a5265.jpg";"万事如意";"卐字 + 柿子 + 如意";"swastika+persimmon-1+sceptre";"-";;"Qianlong glass snuffbottle, from Si:7:100"
"797";"a9147.jpg";"万事如意";"卐字 + 柿子 + 如意";"swastika+persimmon-1+sceptre";"-";;"Qianlong glass snuffbottle, from Si:7:100"
"798";"a4170.jpg";"万寿长春";"万年青 + 太湖石 + 长春花";"rhodea japonica+longevity rock+china rose-1+wanshouchangchun";"Chen (31:188): Xianfeng famille-rose square vase; 清郎世宁 ‘万寿长春’轴, 台湾故宫博物院藏 载 ‘故宫文物月刊1996年'";;
"799";"wanxianggengxin-1.jpg";"万象更新";"万年青 + 大象";"rhodea japonica+elephant-1";;;"Li 1989:135; 19th century inlaid lacquer panel, plate 814 in Sotheby’s Catalogue May 18, 1989 Hong Kong; 王树村92/20"
"800";"kx_qhylh_weiliesangong_pan.jpg";"位列三公";"三 + 鸡";"sangong";"-";;"The three roosters in the first wall scroll from the right, Plate 519, Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue, stand for san (three) gong (ji cockerel), the three top positions in the imperial court, and is tantamount to ‘May you rank among the three top civil servants.’; 故宫百宝嵌漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1618; PDFA801dish 四代珍106; the first picture from the right in plate 519 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"801";"a0055.jpg";"位列三公";"三 + 鸡";"sangong";"-";;"The three roosters in the first wall scroll from the right, Plate 519, Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue, stand for san (three) gong (ji cockerel), the three top positions in the imperial court, and is tantamount to ‘May you rank among the three top civil servants.’; 故宫百宝嵌漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1618; PDFA801dish 四代珍106; the first picture from the right in plate 519 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"802";"a2796.jpg";"位列三公";"三 + 鸡";"sangong";"-";;"The three roosters in the first wall scroll from the right, Plate 519, Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue, stand for san (three) gong (ji cockerel), the three top positions in the imperial court, and is tantamount to ‘May you rank among the three top civil servants.’; 故宫百宝嵌漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1618; PDFA801dish 四代珍106; the first picture from the right in plate 519 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"803";"yzh_fencai_weiliesangong_liankoubo_GM.jpg";"位列三公";"三 + 鸡";"sangong";"-";;"The three roosters in the first wall scroll from the right, Plate 519, Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue, stand for san (three) gong (ji cockerel), the three top positions in the imperial court, and is tantamount to ‘May you rank among the three top civil servants.’; 故宫百宝嵌漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1618; PDFA801dish 四代珍106; the first picture from the right in plate 519 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"804";"a3392.jpg";"位列三公";"三 + 鸡";"sangong";"-";;"The three roosters in the first wall scroll from the right, Plate 519, Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue, stand for san (three) gong (ji cockerel), the three top positions in the imperial court, and is tantamount to ‘May you rank among the three top civil servants.’; 故宫百宝嵌漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1618; PDFA801dish 四代珍106; the first picture from the right in plate 519 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"805";"a4989.jpg";"位列三公";"三 + 鸡";"sangong";"-";;"The three roosters in the first wall scroll from the right, Plate 519, Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue, stand for san (three) gong (ji cockerel), the three top positions in the imperial court, and is tantamount to ‘May you rank among the three top civil servants.’; 故宫百宝嵌漆盒杨伯达主编 故宫文物大典四/1618; PDFA801dish 四代珍106; the first picture from the right in plate 519 in Lee Kong Chian Museum Catalogue"
"807";"wufuchangqing-1.jpg";"五福长庆";"五 + 蝙蝠 + 盘长 + 磬";"wufu+changqing";;;"-"
"808";"a5275.jpg";"五福和合";"五 + 蝙蝠 + 盒子";"wufu+hehe";"-";;"Meng 1991:350"
"810";"a3883.jpg";"五福兼隆";"五 + 蝙蝠 + 笼子";"wufu+coop";" 清 居巢(公元1811-1865年),字梅生,号梅巢,广东番禺人,绢本 设色,纵80.5cm,横44.5cm。 广东省博物馆藏";;"-"
"811";"no-image.png";"五福兼善";"五 + 蝙蝠 + 扇子";"wufu+fan";;;"-"
"812";"a5274.jpg";"五福捧寿";"五 + 蝙蝠 + 寿字";"wufu+the Chinese character for longevity";"Daoguang fencai dish in Qian 1994:225; Meng 1991:352;Christie's Fine Chinese Ceramics, Paintings and Works of Art, London, 16 December 1996, Lot 23; 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 154, pl.136,乾隆粉彩盖扁瓶瓶;p.241 pl.213;";;
"813";"a9364.jpg";"五福捧寿";"五 + 蝙蝠 + 寿字";"wufu+the Chinese character for longevity";"薄松年 中国民间年画选 南昌: 江西美术出版社, 1990,p. 12 part 门画 天津杨柳青 60x35cm";;"Daoguang fencai dish in Qian 1994:225; Meng 1991:352;Christie's Fine Chinese Ceramics, Paintings and Works of Art, London, 16 December 1996, Lot 23; 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 154, pl.136,乾隆粉彩盖扁瓶瓶;p.241 pl.213;"
"814";"a9731.jpg";"五福捧寿";"五 + 蝙蝠 + 桃子";"wufu+longevity peach";"钱振宗主编 清代瓷器赏鉴 香港:中华书局(香港)有限公司 1994, p. 157, pl. 201";;"Daoguang fencai dish in Qian 1994:225; Meng 1991:352;Christie's Fine Chinese Ceramics, Paintings and Works of Art, London, 16 December 1996, Lot 23; 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 154, pl.136,乾隆粉彩盖扁瓶瓶;p.241 pl.213;"
"815";"a9611.jpg";"五世分甘";"五 + 柿子";"wushi";"-";;"-"
"816";"a9263.jpg";"五世同堂";"五 + 柿子";"wushi";"-";;"-"
"817";"a9219.jpg";"眼看五世";"五 + 柿子";"wushi";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.167 扇面 纸本 水墨设色 18 x 49cm 1943 天津人民美术出版社藏 = 齐白石 赵春堂、穆美华编 天津: 天津人民美术出版社, 1998, pl.97";;"-"
"818";"a6181.jpg";"五世荣昌";"五 + 石榴";"pomegranate-3";"-";;"国立历史博物馆展览组 (1996) 《齐白石画集》, 台北: 国立历史博物馆 p.82"
"820";"wushitongju-1.jpg";"五世同居";"五 + 狮子";"lion-2";;;"Glass snuff bottle ca. 1720 - 1851, plate 55 in Au Hang 1993"
"821";"b0532.jpg";"喜报多子";"喜鹊 + 石榴";"magpie+pomegranate";"painting by Wu Bing 吴炳 in Song Dynasty, National Palace Museum, Taipei, Wenwu Guanghua Vol. 1, p. 220 文物光华";;
"822";"a9637.jpg";"喜报多子";"喜鹊 + 童子";"magpie+boy-1";"故宫文物月刊 总第157期, 第十四卷第一期17页 图十八 清 山东潍坊年画";;
"823";"a5361.jpg";"喜报三元";"喜鹊 + 三 + 桂圆";"magpie+longan-1";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 212 in Cao 1988; Kangxi wucai dish in Qian 1994:47"
"824";"a9317.jpg";"喜报三元";"喜鹊 + 三 + 桂圆";"magpie+longan-1";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.153 34x25cm 山东潍县";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 212 in Cao 1988; Kangxi wucai dish in Qian 1994:47"
"825";"no-image.png";"喜报双慈";"喜鹊 + 二 + 茨菰";"magpie+arrowroot";;;"Qing jade carving piece, plate 290 in Ip 1983"
"826";"a5298.jpg";"喜从天降";"蜘蛛 + 从天降";"spider+dropping from sky";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 广州 : 岭南美术出版社 喜蛛即「子」。一种长脚的小蜘蛛。《初学记》卷四引《荆楚岁时记》,「七夕,妇人……陈瓜果於庭中以乞巧,有子网於瓜上,则以为得。」喜蛛应巧;这也是较早的一种乞巧方式,其俗稍晚于穿针乞巧,大致起于南北朝之时。南朝梁宗懔《荆楚岁时记》说; “是夕,陈瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子网于瓜上则以为符应 陆玑《诗疏》载,「〔喜子〕一名长脚,荆州河内人谓之喜母,此虫来著人衣,当有亲客至,有喜也」。人们把喜蛛喻吉光。喜蛛落下象徵「喜从天降」"
"827";"a4716.jpg";"喜从天降";"蜘蛛 + 从天降";"spider+dropping from sky";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 广州 : 岭南美术出版社 喜蛛即「子」。一种长脚的小蜘蛛。《初学记》卷四引《荆楚岁时记》,「七夕,妇人……陈瓜果於庭中以乞巧,有子网於瓜上,则以为得。」喜蛛应巧;这也是较早的一种乞巧方式,其俗稍晚于穿针乞巧,大致起于南北朝之时。南朝梁宗懔《荆楚岁时记》说; “是夕,陈瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子网于瓜上则以为符应 陆玑《诗疏》载,「〔喜子〕一名长脚,荆州河内人谓之喜母,此虫来著人衣,当有亲客至,有喜也」。人们把喜蛛喻吉光。喜蛛落下象徵「喜从天降」"
"828";"xicongtianjiang-1.png";"喜从天降";"蜘蛛 + 从天降";"spider+dropping from sky";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 广州 : 岭南美术出版社 喜蛛即「子」。一种长脚的小蜘蛛。《初学记》卷四引《荆楚岁时记》,「七夕,妇人……陈瓜果於庭中以乞巧,有子网於瓜上,则以为得。」喜蛛应巧;这也是较早的一种乞巧方式,其俗稍晚于穿针乞巧,大致起于南北朝之时。南朝梁宗懔《荆楚岁时记》说; “是夕,陈瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子网于瓜上则以为符应 陆玑《诗疏》载,「〔喜子〕一名长脚,荆州河内人谓之喜母,此虫来著人衣,当有亲客至,有喜也」。人们把喜蛛喻吉光。喜蛛落下象徵「喜从天降」"
"829";"xizhuw.jpg";"喜从天降";"蜘蛛 + 从天降";"spider+dropping from sky";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 广州 : 岭南美术出版社 喜蛛即「子」。一种长脚的小蜘蛛。《初学记》卷四引《荆楚岁时记》,「七夕,妇人……陈瓜果於庭中以乞巧,有子网於瓜上,则以为得。」喜蛛应巧;这也是较早的一种乞巧方式,其俗稍晚于穿针乞巧,大致起于南北朝之时。南朝梁宗懔《荆楚岁时记》说; “是夕,陈瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子网于瓜上则以为符应 陆玑《诗疏》载,「〔喜子〕一名长脚,荆州河内人谓之喜母,此虫来著人衣,当有亲客至,有喜也」。人们把喜蛛喻吉光。喜蛛落下象徵「喜从天降」"
"830";"a6309.jpg";"喜从天降";"蜘蛛 + 从天降";"spider+dropping from sky";"午日锺馗画特展 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑 台北市: 国立历史博物馆, 1996, p.50, fig.39 24cm 陆襄钺 ca 1800-1911sic 1902";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 广州 : 岭南美术出版社 喜蛛即「子」。一种长脚的小蜘蛛。《初学记》卷四引《荆楚岁时记》,「七夕,妇人……陈瓜果於庭中以乞巧,有子网於瓜上,则以为得。」喜蛛应巧;这也是较早的一种乞巧方式,其俗稍晚于穿针乞巧,大致起于南北朝之时。南朝梁宗懔《荆楚岁时记》说; “是夕,陈瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子网于瓜上则以为符应 陆玑《诗疏》载,「〔喜子〕一名长脚,荆州河内人谓之喜母,此虫来著人衣,当有亲客至,有喜也」。人们把喜蛛喻吉光。喜蛛落下象徵「喜从天降」"
"831";"a9349.jpg";"喜从天降";"蜘蛛 + 从天降";"spider+dropping from sky";"名家畫鍾馗特集 名家翰墨; 29. 香港: 翰墨軒出版有限公司, 1992 p. 106 溥儒 '喜子报喜' 110.8x45.3";;"Liu & Wang 1991:304; 钟馗百图 王兰西、王树村编著 广州 : 岭南美术出版社 喜蛛即「子」。一种长脚的小蜘蛛。《初学记》卷四引《荆楚岁时记》,「七夕,妇人……陈瓜果於庭中以乞巧,有子网於瓜上,则以为得。」喜蛛应巧;这也是较早的一种乞巧方式,其俗稍晚于穿针乞巧,大致起于南北朝之时。南朝梁宗懔《荆楚岁时记》说; “是夕,陈瓜果于庭中以乞巧。有喜子网于瓜上则以为符应 陆玑《诗疏》载,「〔喜子〕一名长脚,荆州河内人谓之喜母,此虫来著人衣,当有亲客至,有喜也」。人们把喜蛛喻吉光。喜蛛落下象徵「喜从天降」"
"832";"a5362.jpg";"喜得连科";"喜鹊 + 莲荷";"magpie+lotus pod-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:368"
"833";"b2026.jpg";"喜得连科";"喜鹊 + 莲荷";"magpie+lotus pod-1";"Hatcher Porcelain Cargoes H 26.5cm 癸未春日写 西田宏子107";;"Meng 1991:368"
"834";"no-image.png";"喜候双乐";"喜鹊 + 猴 + 二 + 鹿";"magpie+monkey-1+deer-3";;;"A Long Qing 隆庆 blue and white washer, Wen Wu No. 12, 1993, p. 86"
"835";"xijiaogege-1.jpg";"喜叫哥哥";"童子 + 蝈蝈";"cricket-1";;;"Qing Yangliuqing colour New Year painting, plate 567 in Wang 1991;"
"836";"xiletu-2.jpg";"喜乐图";"喜鹊 + 鹿";"magpie+deer-3";;;"-"
"837";"no-image.png";"喜庆有余";"喜鹊 + 磬 + 鱼";"magpie+stone music triangle+fish";;;"-"
"838";"no-image.png";"喜入连科";"蜘蛛 + 莲荷";"spider+lotus pod-1";;;"ink painting by Ren Yu in Qin Dynasty, Zi Jin Cheng (Forbidden City), Beijing: Palace Museum, No. 69, 1992, p. 24"
"839";"a9324.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.174b 26x24cm 河北武强";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"840";"a9254.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 178 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 132 x 48cm 1947 上海朵云轩藏";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"841";"a3941.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"842";"a3944.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"843";"xishangmeishao1.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"844";"xishangmeishao2.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"845";"ql_qhfencai_xishangmeishao_meiping_BUR.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"846";"ql_qhfencai_xishangmeishao_meipinga_BUR.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"847";"yzh_huangdiqh_xishangmeishao_baoyueping_BUR.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"848";"a3483.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"849";"a5096.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"850";"a1130.jpg";"喜上眉梢";"喜鹊 + 梅 + 上";"magpie+prunus-3";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore S308a Liu & Wang 1991:306; Song Kesi piece of a painting by Zhao Chang, plate 13, p. 222 Wenwu Tiandi; Agate snuff bottle ca. 1736 - 1821, plate 185 in Au Hang 1993; Kangxi blue and white kendi, plate 191, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore"
"851";"xishichongchong-1.jpg";"喜事重重";"喜鹊 + 柿子";"magpie+persimmon-1";"与‘喜事连连’构成相同,实为同类图像的不同习语称呼";;"ink on silk painting by Zhang Ke-Qi, Artist ÒÕÊõ¼Ò No. 165, 1989, Taipei"
"852";"xishilianlian-1.jpg";"喜事连连";"喜鹊 + 莲荷";"magpie+lotus-4";;;" Qing carved jade pendant, ROC Society collection plate 150-2"
"853";"a5297.jpg";"喜在眼前";"喜鹊 + 铜钱";"magpie+coin";"-";;"Meng 1991:357; Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 202 in Cao 1988"
"854";"yanqianjianxi.jpg";"眼前见喜";"喜鹊 + 铜钱";"magpie+coin";;;"Meng 1991:382"
"855";"xizaiyanqian-1.jpg";"喜在眼前";"喜字 + 铜钱";"the Chinese character for happiness+coin";;;"Meng 1991:357; Qing paper-cutting piece, plate 202 in Cao 1988"
"856";"xinlingfuzhi-1.jpg";"心灵福至";"菱角 + 蝙蝠";"water caltrop-1+bat";;;"Qing jade carving piece, plate 286 in Ip 1983"
"857";"a9580.jpg";"新年大吉";"鲶鱼 + 鸡";"catfish+large cockerel";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p. 98 = Qing painting by 清 Chen Shu 陈舒, plate on page 15 of Gugong Wenwu Yuekan, Vol. 118";;"-"
"858";"a5367.jpg";"杏林春宴";"红杏 + 燕子";"xinglin";"-";;"Tianqi / Chongzhen underglazed blue and white dish, plate 13 in Butler 1990; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81 Possessing the Past ; (清粉彩碗 S318 Butler 90:51 错; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81十竹斋笺谱"
"859";"a5532.jpg";"杏林春宴";"红杏 + 燕子";"xinglin";"-";;"Tianqi / Chongzhen underglazed blue and white dish, plate 13 in Butler 1990; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81 Possessing the Past ; (清粉彩碗 S318 Butler 90:51 错; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81十竹斋笺谱"
"860";"a4000.jpg";"杏林春宴";"红杏 + 燕子";"xinglin";"-";;"Tianqi / Chongzhen underglazed blue and white dish, plate 13 in Butler 1990; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81 Possessing the Past ; (清粉彩碗 S318 Butler 90:51 错; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81十竹斋笺谱"
"861";"ql_fencai_xinlinchunyan_wan_PDF.jpg";"杏林春宴";"红杏 + 燕子";"xinglin";"-";;"Tianqi / Chongzhen underglazed blue and white dish, plate 13 in Butler 1990; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81 Possessing the Past ; (清粉彩碗 S318 Butler 90:51 错; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81十竹斋笺谱"
"862";"a9579.jpg";"杏林春宴";"红杏 + 燕子";"xinglin";"故宫文物月刊 No.112,雍正粉彩";;"Tianqi / Chongzhen underglazed blue and white dish, plate 13 in Butler 1990; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81 Possessing the Past ; (清粉彩碗 S318 Butler 90:51 错; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81十竹斋笺谱"
"863";"a9582.jpg";"杏林春宴";"红杏 + 燕子";"xinglin";"故宫文物月刊 No.114,p.1乾隆 珐琅彩蒜头瓶 高 17厘米";;"Tianqi / Chongzhen underglazed blue and white dish, plate 13 in Butler 1990; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81 Possessing the Past ; (清粉彩碗 S318 Butler 90:51 错; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81十竹斋笺谱"
"864";"a9642.jpg";"杏林春宴";"红杏 + 燕子";"xinglin";"-";;"Tianqi / Chongzhen underglazed blue and white dish, plate 13 in Butler 1990; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81 Possessing the Past ; (清粉彩碗 S318 Butler 90:51 错; one side of a Yongzheng flask with overglaze enamel, PDF 824, Orientations 1986/11, p. 29; Qianlong falangcai bowl, PDF 874 in Scott 1997:81十竹斋笺谱"
"865";"a9252.jpg";"许君双寿";"老鼠 + 二 + 桃子";"mouse+longevity peach";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 153 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 95.5 x 36.5cm 1947 北京市文物公司";;"-"
"866";"a9256.jpg";"许君松寿";"老鼠 + 松";"mouse+pine tree-1";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 196 立轴 纸本 水墨 151 x 40cm 1947 中国展览交流中心藏";;"-"
"867";"xuandietu-1971.132_w.jpg";"萱耋图";"萱草 + 蝴蝶";"daylily+butterfly-1";"Lily and Butterflies, 1300s, Liu Shanshou, hanging scroll, ink on silk, Cleveland museum of art, Purchase from the J. H. Wade Fund 1971.132";;"-"
"868";"a9770.jpg";"萱耋图";"萱草 + 蝴蝶";"daylily+butterfly-1";"支那南画大成续集 河井荃庐等监修 东京: 兴文社, 1935卷六 p.91 left";;"-"
"869";"a4956.jpg";"学仙学佛";"水仙 + 佛手";"narcissus+buddha hands-1";"-";;"-"
"870";"a3825.jpg";"雅士图";"乌鸦 + 柿子";"crow+persimmon-3";"-";;"-"
"871";"a9320.jpg";"燕尔同栖";"燕子";"swallow-2";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.173 26x24cm 河北武强";;"-"
"872";"no-image.png";"延寿平安";"菊花 + 苹果";"chrysanthemum-2+apple";;;"-"
"873";"a3652.jpg";"雁塔题名";"大雁 + 塔";"pagoda";"-";;"amber snuff bottle in Hui & Sin 1995:163 琥珀鼻烟壶 http://www.guoxue.com/fujiaopoem/dcns/dcns_018.htm "
"874";"a5531.jpg";"雁塔题名";"大雁 + 塔";"pagoda";"-";;"amber snuff bottle in Hui & Sin 1995:163 琥珀鼻烟壶 http://www.guoxue.com/fujiaopoem/dcns/dcns_018.htm "
"875";"a5366.jpg";"朱题金榜";"猪";"pig";"-";;" cf. Liu & Wang 1991:349; "
"876";"a9584.jpg";"一本万利";"万 + 荔枝";"wanli";"橫看成嶺側成峯 薛永年著 臺北市: 東大圖書公司, 1996 罗聘 p. 407f National Palace Museum Monthly 178";;"-"
"877";"a5364.jpg";"一甲一名";"一 + 鸭子";"duck";"-";;"hanging scroll by Ma Zhaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; Meng 1991:382;"
"878";"a9920.jpg";"一甲一名";"一 + 鸭子";"duck";"Elegant Brush: Chinese Painting Under the Quianlong Emperor, 1735-1795,pl. 56,p. 177LeafD 边寿民";;"hanging scroll by Ma Zhaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; Meng 1991:382;"
"879";"yijiayiming.jpg";"一甲一名";"一 + 鸭子";"duck";"-";;"hanging scroll by Ma Zhaolin (late 19th cent.), plate 519, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore; Meng 1991:382;"
"880";"yilufugui-1.jpg";"一路富贵";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 牡丹";"heron+peony";;;"Meng 1991:383"
"881";"a7094.jpg";"一路功名到白头";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 白头翁";"heron+Chinese bulbul";"熊斐(ゆうひ)筆絹本淡彩117.3×46.2cm 一路功名図いちろこうみょうず神戸市立博物館:名品撰:長崎系絵画 熊斐(1712~1772年)は本名を神代(くましろ)彦之進(のち甚左衛門)といい、長崎の唐通事(とうつうじ・中国語通訳)の家に生まれた。熊斐という名は中国式の呼称。享保16年(1731)長崎へ渡来し、その写実的作風で江戸時代画壇に強い影響を与えた花鳥画家・沈南蘋(しんなんぴん)に直接師事した唯一の日本人。のち多くの弟子を育て、南蘋様式を全国に広めた。 款記に「一路功名到白頭之句 繍江熊斐補圖」とあり”ひたすら立身出世を志して年齢を経る”という吉祥語句を、1羽の鷺((ろ))と「一路」、頭上を飛ぶシロガシラと「白頭」の語呂合わせで表現した謎語画題とわかる。画面は中彩色を用いて淡雅に整えられ、「熊斐官印」「淇瞻」の2官印に「興到筆随」の遊官印を捺す。尾張徳川家に伝来した";;
"882";"no-image.png";"一路平安";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 瓶";"heron+vase";;;"Meng 1991:386"
"883";"yuan_ylh_yiluqinglian_yi.jpg";"一路清廉";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron+greenlotus";"-";;" Meng 1991:393-4; Oriental Art 2001/2/17 Curitis 'A Richard Kilburn Festschrift' 15-20; 珐琅彩189 Meng 1991:393-4;琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 155, pl.137,乾隆粉彩瓶 ; 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.55, pl.31b 莲池水禽图 南宋"
"884";"a2868.jpg";"一路清廉";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron+greenlotus";"-";;" Meng 1991:393-4; Oriental Art 2001/2/17 Curitis 'A Richard Kilburn Festschrift' 15-20; 珐琅彩189 Meng 1991:393-4;琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 155, pl.137,乾隆粉彩瓶 ; 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.55, pl.31b 莲池水禽图 南宋"
"885";"a4939.jpg";"一路清廉";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron+greenlotus";"-";;" Meng 1991:393-4; Oriental Art 2001/2/17 Curitis 'A Richard Kilburn Festschrift' 15-20; 珐琅彩189 Meng 1991:393-4;琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 155, pl.137,乾隆粉彩瓶 ; 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.55, pl.31b 莲池水禽图 南宋"
"886";"a5095.jpg";"一路清廉";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron+greenlotus";"-";;" Meng 1991:393-4; Oriental Art 2001/2/17 Curitis 'A Richard Kilburn Festschrift' 15-20; 珐琅彩189 Meng 1991:393-4;琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 155, pl.137,乾隆粉彩瓶 ; 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.55, pl.31b 莲池水禽图 南宋"
"887";"a8071.jpg";"一路清廉";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 莲荷";"heron+greenlotus";"-";;" Meng 1991:393-4; Oriental Art 2001/2/17 Curitis 'A Richard Kilburn Festschrift' 15-20; 珐琅彩189 Meng 1991:393-4;琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 155, pl.137,乾隆粉彩瓶 ; 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.55, pl.31b 莲池水禽图 南宋"
"888";"a5339.jpg";"一路荣华";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 芙蓉花";"heron+hibiscus";"-";;"Liu & Wang 中国象征辞典 1991:327"
"889";"a5945.jpg";"一路荣华";"一 + 鸶鹭 + 芙蓉花";"heron+hibiscus";"-";;"Liu & Wang 中国象征辞典 1991:327"
"890";"yiluronghua-2.jpg";"一路荣华";"一 + 芦苇 + 芙蓉花";"reed-2+hibiscus";;;"Liu & Wang 中国象征辞典 1991:327"
"891";"a9099.jpg";"一品朝衣";"莲荷";"yipinhua";"-";;"Lu Yaw, curator,Lee Kong Chian Art Museum: collection of Chinese ceramics, bronze, archaic jade, painting & calligraphy in the light of recent archaeological discoveries, Singapore: Singapore University Press, 1990, p. 398, pl. 478"
"892";"a5162.jpg";"一品当朝";"鹤 + 潮水";"crane+water tide";"-";;"-"
"893";"a5371.jpg";"一品当朝";"鹤 + 潮水";"crane+water tide";"-";;"-"
"894";"a3995.jpg";"一品富贵";"鹤 + 牡丹";"crane+peony";"-";;"Tokyo National Museum (1998) Kissho, Chugoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi (Auspicious motifs in Chinese art), Tokyo, p. 163, pl. 134"
"895";"yipingaosheng.jpg";"一品高升";"鹤 + 云";"crane+cloud-2";"-";;"Ming Jiajing blue and white covered jar, accession No. 30960, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore"
"896";"no-image.png";"一品加封";"鹤 + 蜜蜂";"crane+bee";"-";;"李时珍 本草纲目 群花品中 以牡丹第一 Christie'sHK03Oct26/203 referred to as 连封一品 in Wang, Yaoting 1988 `庭园写生的明清时代文饰', The National Palace Museum monthly of Chinese art, No. 65, p.55 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 227, C60"
"897";"a5683.jpg";"一品加封";"牡丹 + 蜜蜂";"yipinhua-1+bee";"-";;"李时珍 本草纲目 群花品中 以牡丹第一 Christie'sHK03Oct26/203 referred to as 连封一品 in Wang, Yaoting 1988 `庭园写生的明清时代文饰', The National Palace Museum monthly of Chinese art, No. 65, p.55 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 227, C60"
"898";"a7364.jpg";"一品加封";"牡丹 + 蜜蜂";"yipinhua-1+bee";"-";;"李时珍 本草纲目 群花品中 以牡丹第一 Christie'sHK03Oct26/203 referred to as 连封一品 in Wang, Yaoting 1988 `庭园写生的明清时代文饰', The National Palace Museum monthly of Chinese art, No. 65, p.55 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 227, C60"
"899";"a8571.jpg";"一品加封";"牡丹 + 蜜蜂";"yipinhua-1+bee";"-";;"李时珍 本草纲目 群花品中 以牡丹第一 Christie'sHK03Oct26/203 referred to as 连封一品 in Wang, Yaoting 1988 `庭园写生的明清时代文饰', The National Palace Museum monthly of Chinese art, No. 65, p.55 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 227, C60"
"900";"yipingqinglian-1.jpg";"一品清廉";"莲荷";"yipinhua";;;"Meng 1991:393-4"
"901";"a9655.jpg";"一统万年";"一 + 木桶 + 万年青";"barrel+rhodea japonica";"故宫月刊142:24";;"Qing ornament, National Palace Museum, Taipei (pl. 124, Jixiangruyi 1996)"
"902";"a9662.jpg";"一统万年";"一 + 木桶 + 万年青";"barrel+rhodea japonica";"珐琅彩251";;"Qing ornament, National Palace Museum, Taipei (pl. 124, Jixiangruyi 1996)"
"903";"yituanheqi-2.jpg";"一团和气";"二仙";"yituanheqi";;;"Qianlong blue and white bowl, plate 343 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 8, 1990"
"904";"yingxiongw.jpg";"英雄斗智";"鹰 + 熊";"yingxiong";"-";;"Meng 1991:390; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 70 in Au Hang 1993; plate 1642 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 2, 1991; a Han jade carving, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Dec. 1995 Krahl86S259d 黄鼠狼与雀 Barnhart93/58雀鹿 清初民窑12S259 Rinaldi9378S259 Kraak85f Meng91:390; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 70 in Au Hang 1993; plate 1642 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 2, 1991; a Han jade carving, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Dec. 1995 上博Goteborg57麒麟S259c 凤凰元青花国宝S495 鹰鹿上博"
"905";"a2418.jpg";"英雄斗智";"鹰 + 熊";"yingxiong";"-";;"Meng 1991:390; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 70 in Au Hang 1993; plate 1642 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 2, 1991; a Han jade carving, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Dec. 1995 Krahl86S259d 黄鼠狼与雀 Barnhart93/58雀鹿 清初民窑12S259 Rinaldi9378S259 Kraak85f Meng91:390; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 70 in Au Hang 1993; plate 1642 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 2, 1991; a Han jade carving, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Dec. 1995 上博Goteborg57麒麟S259c 凤凰元青花国宝S495 鹰鹿上博"
"906";"a3151.jpg";"英雄斗智";"鹰 + 熊";"yingxiong";"-";;"Meng 1991:390; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 70 in Au Hang 1993; plate 1642 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 2, 1991; a Han jade carving, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Dec. 1995 Krahl86S259d 黄鼠狼与雀 Barnhart93/58雀鹿 清初民窑12S259 Rinaldi9378S259 Kraak85f Meng91:390; Glass snuff bottle ca. 1700 - 1800, plate 70 in Au Hang 1993; plate 1642 in Christie’s catalogue Oct. 2, 1991; a Han jade carving, Arts of Asia, Sept. - Dec. 1995 上博Goteborg57麒麟S259c 凤凰元青花国宝S495 鹰鹿上博"
"907";"a5380.jpg";"英雄独立";"鹰";"yingxiongduli";"-";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"908";"b0174.jpg";"英雄独立";"鹰";"yingxiongduli";"Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Christie's Hong Kong, November 3rd & 4th, 1996, Lot 661 '... with a hawk perched on rockwork looking back ...'";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"909";"b0175.jpg";"英雄独立";"鹰";"yingxiongduli";"Fine Chinese Ceramics and Works of Art, Christie's Hong Kong, November 3rd & 4th, 1996, Lot 675 '... with a hawk perched ...'";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"910";"yingxiongduli1.jpg";"英雄独立";"鹰";"yingxiongduli";"-";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"911";"a6545.jpg";"英雄独立";"鹰";"yingxiongduli";"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.101 立轴 水墨 139 x 59cm 1941 北京中南海藏";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"912";"a6254.jpg";"英雄独立";"鹰";"yingxiongduli";"Inscription on picture ‘gao zhan 高瞻 taking a broad view’ is a variation of this pun rebus";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"913";"a3853.jpg";"英雄独立";"鹰";"yingxiongduli";"Inscription on picture ‘gao zhan yuan zhu 高瞻远瞩 taking a broad and long-term view’ is a variation of this pun rebus";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"914";"a0691.jpg";"英雄独立";"熊";"bear";"-";;"Ink painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin 1990; Meng 1991:390; 英雄独立 XP#102 S305a天启 Lion-Goldschmidt212Kraak (天启青花盘) matchless hero; A hero of a free and independent spirit’ 黄慎 "
"915";"no-image.png";"有福有寿";"蝙蝠 + 马";"bat+horse-1";;;"-"
"916";"a5337.jpg";"玉堂富贵";"玉兰花 + 海棠 + 牡丹";"magnolia-1+crab apple+peony";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:336; Five Dynasty painting by Xu Xi, plate 6, p. 217 in Wenwu Guanghua; Yongzheng famille-rose bowl, plate 89 in Tan; ; flask in Ma 1993:117; painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990; hanging scroll by Zheng Jibing (1890 - 1965) 255 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/97; (Gallery I, colour on paper, hanging scroll by Pan Gongshou (1741 - 1794), Lee Kong Chian Museum Kaikodo 17th-century hanging scroll; 文物光华6/239郎世宁 上海文博2002/1/38张莘 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.162 pl 133; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 238, C71"
"917";"a6243.jpg";"玉堂富贵";"玉兰花 + 海棠 + 牡丹";"magnolia-1+crab apple+peony";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:336; Five Dynasty painting by Xu Xi, plate 6, p. 217 in Wenwu Guanghua; Yongzheng famille-rose bowl, plate 89 in Tan; ; flask in Ma 1993:117; painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990; hanging scroll by Zheng Jibing (1890 - 1965) 255 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/97; (Gallery I, colour on paper, hanging scroll by Pan Gongshou (1741 - 1794), Lee Kong Chian Museum Kaikodo 17th-century hanging scroll; 文物光华6/239郎世宁 上海文博2002/1/38张莘 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.162 pl 133; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 238, C71"
"918";"a0195.jpg";"玉堂富贵";"玉兰花 + 海棠 + 牡丹";"magnolia-1+crab apple+peony";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:336; Five Dynasty painting by Xu Xi, plate 6, p. 217 in Wenwu Guanghua; Yongzheng famille-rose bowl, plate 89 in Tan; ; flask in Ma 1993:117; painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990; hanging scroll by Zheng Jibing (1890 - 1965) 255 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/97; (Gallery I, colour on paper, hanging scroll by Pan Gongshou (1741 - 1794), Lee Kong Chian Museum Kaikodo 17th-century hanging scroll; 文物光华6/239郎世宁 上海文博2002/1/38张莘 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.162 pl 133; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 238, C71"
"919";"a8567.jpg";"玉堂富贵";"玉兰花 + 海棠 + 牡丹";"magnolia-1+crab apple+peony";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:336; Five Dynasty painting by Xu Xi, plate 6, p. 217 in Wenwu Guanghua; Yongzheng famille-rose bowl, plate 89 in Tan; ; flask in Ma 1993:117; painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990; hanging scroll by Zheng Jibing (1890 - 1965) 255 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/97; (Gallery I, colour on paper, hanging scroll by Pan Gongshou (1741 - 1794), Lee Kong Chian Museum Kaikodo 17th-century hanging scroll; 文物光华6/239郎世宁 上海文博2002/1/38张莘 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.162 pl 133; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 238, C71"
"920";"a5042.jpg";"玉堂富贵";"玉兰花 + 海棠 + 牡丹";"magnolia-1+crab apple+peony";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:336; Five Dynasty painting by Xu Xi, plate 6, p. 217 in Wenwu Guanghua; Yongzheng famille-rose bowl, plate 89 in Tan; ; flask in Ma 1993:117; painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990; hanging scroll by Zheng Jibing (1890 - 1965) 255 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/97; (Gallery I, colour on paper, hanging scroll by Pan Gongshou (1741 - 1794), Lee Kong Chian Museum Kaikodo 17th-century hanging scroll; 文物光华6/239郎世宁 上海文博2002/1/38张莘 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.162 pl 133; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 238, C71"
"921";"a9155.jpg";"玉堂富贵";"玉兰花 + 海棠 + 牡丹";"magnolia-1+crab apple+peony";"严欣强,金岩编 齐白石画集 北京: 外文出版社, 1990 p.47, pl.31, 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 125 x 53cm, 1937年 私人藏 主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 5, pl.193";;"Liu & Wang 1991:336; Five Dynasty painting by Xu Xi, plate 6, p. 217 in Wenwu Guanghua; Yongzheng famille-rose bowl, plate 89 in Tan; ; flask in Ma 1993:117; painting by Qi Baishi in Yan & Jin eds. 1990; hanging scroll by Zheng Jibing (1890 - 1965) 255 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/97; (Gallery I, colour on paper, hanging scroll by Pan Gongshou (1741 - 1794), Lee Kong Chian Museum Kaikodo 17th-century hanging scroll; 文物光华6/239郎世宁 上海文博2002/1/38张莘 吉祥: 中囯美術にこめられた意味 東京: 東京囯立博物館, 1998 kisshō: Chūgoku bijutsu ni komerareta imi Tōkyō: Tōkyō kokuritsu hakubutsukan p.162 pl 133; 国立历史博物馆编辑委员会编辑, 清末民初书画艺术集, 台北: 国立历史博物馆, 1998, p. 238, C71"
"923";"a8538.jpg";"玉堂贵寿";"玉兰花 + 桃子 + 牡丹";"magnolia-1+longevity peach+peony";"-";;"Julia F. Andrewa and Kuiyi Shen A century in crisis : modernity and tradition in the art of twentieth-century China, New York: Guggenheim Museum 1998, Plate 23d, Wu Changshi[sic] 1844-1927, Four Seasons, Set of four hanging scrolls, ink and colour on paper, 250.7x62.4cm, Shanghai Museum"
"924";"yutangheping-1.png";"玉堂和平";"玉兰花 + 海棠 + 瓶";"magnolia-1+crab apple+vase";;;"-"
"925";"yuetangjinxiu.jpg";"玉堂锦绣";"长尾雉 + 玉兰花";"magnolia-1+long-tailed pheasant-1";;;"blue and white jar, accession No. 31018, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore"
"926";"yuetangjinxiu-1.jpg";"玉堂锦绣";"长尾雉 + 玉兰花";"magnolia-1+long-tailed pheasant-1";;;"blue and white jar, accession No. 31018, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore"
"927";"yutangxianpin.jpg";"玉堂仙品";"水仙 + 玉兰花";"magnolia-1+narcissus";"-";;"hanging scroll by Zhao Zhiqian (1829 - 1884), accession No. 21076, Lee Kong Chian Art Museum, The National University of Singapore"
"928";"yuanyangouhe-1.jpg";"鸳鸯偶合";"鸳鸯 + 藕 + 莲荷";"mandarin duck+lotus root+lotus-1";;;"doucai dishes of the Xuande reign in Tsui Museum 1993:67, of the Chenghua period in Tsui Museum 1993:95, of the Yongzheng period in Qian 1994:95, lot 21 in Hanya 12/18/96; Kangxi wucai dish in Qian 1994:53; Kangxi underglaze blue and red dish in Qian 1994:65; paper cutting piece, p. 47 in Lu 1993; 琺瑯彩・粉彩 主編葉佩蘭 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)有限公司, 1999, p. 149, pl.131,乾隆粉彩八方瓶 五彩・鬥彩 主編王莉英 香港: 商務官印書館(香港)股份有限公司, 1999, p. 262, pl. 240;p235 pl 216"
"929";"yueyuejianxi-1.jpg";"月月见喜";"月季 + 喜鹊";"china rose-2+magpie";;;"Kangxi blue and white vase in Qian 1994:39; Late 19th century carved glass snuff bottle, No. 22 in Hall 1990b"
"930";"yueyuejinxiu.jpg";"月月锦绣";"月季 + 长尾雉";"china rose-2+long-tailed pheasant-1";;;"cf. Yao 1989:104"
"931";"a9296.jpg";"再思";"二 + 鸶鹭";"zaisi";"-";;"-"
"932";"zaolizi.jpg";"早立子";"枣子 + 荔枝";"date+lychee-2";;;"Liu & Wang 1991:405; 池北偶谈卷二十一 p.511 清王士禛 '枣栗 《白虎通义》曰:妇人之贽 以枣栗(月段)修 枣,取其朝早起 栗 戰慄自正也 今齐鲁之俗,娶妇必用枣栗 谚云 早利子也 义本《白虎通义》而稍讹 南宋时 太学生斋祭用枣子 荔枝 蓼花 曰早离了也 殊可捧腹也'"
"933";"a5345.jpg";"早立子";"枣子 + 栗子";"date+chestnut-1";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:405; 池北偶谈卷二十一 p.511 清王士禛 '枣栗 《白虎通义》曰:妇人之贽 以枣栗(月段)修 枣,取其朝早起 栗 戰慄自正也 今齐鲁之俗,娶妇必用枣栗 谚云 早利子也 义本《白虎通义》而稍讹 南宋时 太学生斋祭用枣子 荔枝 蓼花 曰早离了也 殊可捧腹也'"
"934";"a9292.jpg";"早立子";"枣子 + 栗子";"date+chestnut-1";"plate 99 in Cammann 1962, 205";;"Liu & Wang 1991:405; 池北偶谈卷二十一 p.511 清王士禛 '枣栗 《白虎通义》曰:妇人之贽 以枣栗(月段)修 枣,取其朝早起 栗 戰慄自正也 今齐鲁之俗,娶妇必用枣栗 谚云 早利子也 义本《白虎通义》而稍讹 南宋时 太学生斋祭用枣子 荔枝 蓼花 曰早离了也 殊可捧腹也'"
"935";"a5161.jpg";"早生贵子";"枣子 + 花生";"date+peanut";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:343; Agate snuff bottle, plate 199, ca. 1736 - 1851 and plate 201, ca. 1796 - 1880, in Au Hang 1993; plate 8 in Hall 1995."
"936";"zaoshengguizi-2.jpg";"早生贵子";"枣子 + 花生 + 瓜子";"date+peanut+melon seed";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:343; Agate snuff bottle, plate 199, ca. 1736 - 1851 and plate 201, ca. 1796 - 1880, in Au Hang 1993; plate 8 in Hall 1995."
"937";"a5346.jpg";"早生贵子";"枣子 + 桂圆";"date+longan";"-";;"Liu & Wang 1991:343; Agate snuff bottle, plate 199, ca. 1736 - 1851 and plate 201, ca. 1796 - 1880, in Au Hang 1993; plate 8 in Hall 1995."
"938";"a5375.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"-";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"941";"a7895.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"-";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"944";"b1681.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"mug decorated with figures in a landscape, underglaze blue and gold, H 19.5 cm, late 1630s - 1640s, Oriental Art Vol. XL No.2 1994 State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, p. 16";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"946";"s5839.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"Lion-Goldschmidt1978:201 table screen'... decorated with a scholar contemplating the moon' Beurdeley:27 Christie20HK1May726'... an official with his attendants'";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"948";"a3996.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"康熙青花釉里红盘 1671 Kangxi dish decorated in underglaze blue and red, PDF 653; Rosemary E. Scott. For the Imperial Court: Qing Porcelain from the Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art. New York: American Federation of Arts. 1997, p. 72 'the other (attendant) … points to the moon emerging from behind clouds'; Rosemary E. Scott. Elegant Form and Harmonious Decoration: Four Dynasties of Jingdezhen Porcelain. California: Percival David Foundation of Chinese Art. 1992, 'accompanied by two attendants, one of whom is pointing to the moon'";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"949";"s5837.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";" 钱94:44";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"952";"s5844.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"康熙=汪98/153瓶 '五彩人物图瓶'";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"953";"a7950.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"-";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"954";"a7949.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"-";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"955";"b0178.jpg";"指日高升";"指 + 日";"zhiri";"三遂平妖传 台北: 天一出版社, 1985";;"Meng 1991:409; 王树村92/9清青花盘 S325aQian 五彩139 S325b=EliLlly268 Jorg97/85'... with a dignatary on a terrace with three servants ...' 故宫釉里红下30; 《智度论》中有一指月的故事说:'如人以指指月,以示惑者,惑者视指而不视月。人语之言:我以指指月令汝知之,汝何看指而不视月;'"
"956";"zhubaopingan.jpg";"竹报平安(祝报平安)";"鹌鹑 + 竹子";"quail+bamboo";;;"Meng 1991:420"
"957";"a5269.jpg";"竹报平安(祝报平安)";"鞭炮 + 竹子";"firecracker-1+bamboo";"-";;"Meng 1991:420"
"958";"a9321.jpg";"竹报平安(祝报平安)";"鞭炮 + 竹子";"firecracker-1+bamboo";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.173d part 26x24cm 河北武强";;"Meng 1991:420"
"959";"a4819.jpg";"竹报平安(祝报平安)";"鞭炮 + 竹子";"firecracker-1+bamboo";"-";;"Meng 1991:420"
"960";"zhubaoshuangan-1.jpg";"竹报双安(祝报双安)";"二 + 鹌鹑 + 竹子";"quail-1+bamboo";;;"Enamel snuff bottle, plate 314 in Au Hang 1993"
"961";"a7034.jpg";"诸事大吉";"猪 + 柿子";"zhushi";"艺术家351/257张韵明1995";;"-"
"962";"zhuangyuanzhushou.jpg";"状元祝寿";"香橼 + 竹子 + 绶带鸟";"citron-1+bamboo+long-tailed bird";;;"Meng 1991:418"
"963";"a1677.jpg";"紫绶金章";"紫藤 + 金鱼";"wisteria+goldfish-2";"Chinese Paintings and Calligraphy, Dec.18, 1996, Sichuan Hanya, Chengdu, lot 262 陶冷月 1895-1985 1936 132.8x27cm 立轴 纸本设色";;"Painting by Hsu Ku (1824 - 1896), plate 35 in Fourcade’s Art treasures of the Peking museum; hanging scroll by Tao Lengyue (1895 - 1985) 281 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Ren Bonian (1883) ‘Jin Zhang Zi Shou’, 惟愿取黄卷青灯, 及早换金章紫绶!!中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.565 清 虚谷 紫绶金章图 轴 纸本设色 故宫博物院 虚谷郎绍君590收藏家32 cf 黄卷青灯"
"964";"a9353.jpg";"紫绶金章";"紫藤 + 金鱼";"wisteria+goldfish-2";"任熊 海上四任精品:故宫博物院藏任熊、任薰、任颐、任预绘画选集 石家庄: 河北美术出版社, 1992, p. 9";;"Painting by Hsu Ku (1824 - 1896), plate 35 in Fourcade’s Art treasures of the Peking museum; hanging scroll by Tao Lengyue (1895 - 1985) 281 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Ren Bonian (1883) ‘Jin Zhang Zi Shou’, 惟愿取黄卷青灯, 及早换金章紫绶!!中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.565 清 虚谷 紫绶金章图 轴 纸本设色 故宫博物院 虚谷郎绍君590收藏家32 cf 黄卷青灯"
"965";"zishoujinzhang-1.jpg";"紫绶金章";"紫藤 + 长尾雉";"wisteria+long-tailed pheasant-2";;;"Painting by Hsu Ku (1824 - 1896), plate 35 in Fourcade’s Art treasures of the Peking museum; hanging scroll by Tao Lengyue (1895 - 1985) 281 in Hanya catalogue 12/18/96; Ren Bonian (1883) ‘Jin Zhang Zi Shou’, 惟愿取黄卷青灯, 及早换金章紫绶!!中国书画鉴赏辞典 郎绍君等主编 北京: 中国青年出版社, 1994 p.565 清 虚谷 紫绶金章图 轴 纸本设色 故宫博物院 虚谷郎绍君590收藏家32 cf 黄卷青灯"
"966";"a6259.jpg";"子孙和合";"童子 + 莲荷";"boy-1+lotus-1";"-";;"Song anonymous painting, plate 10, p. 232 in Wenwu Guanghua; painting by Su Hanchen, Palace Museum 1990:17; 穆青 汤伟建编 明代民窑青花 河北人民出版社 2000 p. 15, 174 吉祥191 五彩斗彩1999/131 康熙五彩婴戏纹碗"
"967";"a9658.jpg";"子孙万代";"童子 + 蔓带";"boy-1+vine";"Qing Yangliuqing colour New Year painting 王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.15 24x26cm 天津杨柳青";;"-"
"968";"a5343.jpg";"子孙万代";"童子 + 蔓带";"boy-1+vine";"-";;"-"
"969";"xuanshou.jpg";"萱寿图";"萱草 + 太湖石";"daylily+longevity rock";"《故宫书画图录》第九册,p103";;"-"
"971";"xinchundaji.jpg";"新春大吉";"鸡";"arge cockere";"杨之光(b.1930) 新春大吉。北京匡时国际拍卖有限公司2014迎春艺术品拍卖会,2014-03-21";;
"972";"fuguifushou-2.jpg";"富贵福寿";"牡丹 + 蝙蝠 + 灵芝";"lucid ganoderma-3+peony+buddha hands";;;
"973";"IMG_8130.JPG";"因何得偶";"莲荷 + 藕";"lotus root+lotus-2";"-";;
"974";"fuzaiyanqian-1.png";"福在眼前";"蝙蝠 + 铜钱";"bat+coin";"-";;
"975";"xuanshoutu-2.png";"萱寿图";"萱草 + 太湖石";"daylily+longevity rock";"明 陈淳 纸本设色 南京博物院藏";;"-"
"976";"fuguifushou-3.jpg";"福寿富贵";"佛手 + 太湖石 + 牡丹";"buddha hands+longevity rock+peony";;;"Snuff bottle, between 1736 - 1851, plate 84 in Au Hang 1993"
"977";"a9314.jpg";"冠带传流";"冠帽 + 带 + 船 + 石榴";"guandaichuanliu";"王树村 中国吉祥图集成 石家庄: 河北人民出版社, 1992 pl.56 46x29cm 苏州";;
"978";"a3855.jpg";"冠带传流";"冠帽 + 带 + 船 + 石榴";"guandaichuanliu";;;
"979";"a5167.jpg";"冠带传流";"冠帽 + 带 + 船 + 石榴";"guandaichuanliu";;;
"980";"a9334.jpg";"冠带传流";"冠帽 + 带 + 船 + 石榴";"guandaichuanliu";"Rudova, Maria (V. Sobolev trans.). Chinese Popular Prints,Leningrad: Aurora Art Publishers, 1988, pl. 58a part 61x108cm";;
"981";"yipinfugui-19.07.01.png";"一品富贵";"鹤 + 牡丹";"crane+peony";"-";;
"982";"yipinfugui-19.09.04.png";"一品富贵";"鹤 + 牡丹";"crane+peony";"-";;
"983";"sanzhu-1.jpg";"华封三祝";"三 + 竹子";"three bamboo stems";"-";;
"984";"shouchangjiu-1.png";"寿长久";"桃子 + 酒坛";"longevity peach+urn-1";"王震 1918年作 寿长久 立轴。保利上海 2005秋季艺术品拍卖会,2005-12-06,编号0051";;
"985";"no-image.png";"三公百寿";"三 + 鸡 + 柏树";"sangongbaishou";"-";;"-"
"986";"daidaishouxian.jpg";"代代寿仙";"绶带鸟 + 水仙";"long-tailed bird+narcissus";"-";;"Meng 1991:112"
"987";"babaiyouling-16.54.39.png";"八百有零";"八哥 + 柏树";"Chinese Crested mynah+cypress";"孙其峰 1998年作";;"-"
"988";"babaiyouling-16.56.11.png";"八百有零";"八哥 + 柏树";"Chinese Crested mynah+cypress";"孙其峰 1998年作";;"-"
"989";"babaixialing-16.58.17.png";"八百遐龄";"八哥 + 柏树 + 桃花";"Chinese Crested mynah+cypress+xialing";"郁文华 1961年作";;
"990";"babaixialing-16.59.18.png";"八百遐龄";"八哥 + 柏树 + 桃花";"Chinese Crested mynah+cypress+xialing";"吴秋鹿 1925年作";;
"991";"babaixialing-4.jpg";"八百遐龄";"八哥 + 柏树 + 桃花";"Chinese Crested mynah+cypress+xialing";"柳 滨(1887~1945) 八百遐龄图 洒金设色纸本 立轴";;
"992";"babaichangchun-2.jpg";"八百长春";"八哥 + 长春花 + 柏树";"Chinese Crested mynah+china rose-1+cypress";"邹一桂 江苏无锡人。字原褒,号小山,晚号二知老人。雍正五年二甲一名进士,改庶吉士,授编修,官礼部侍郎,赠尚书";;
"993";"hehewannian-2.jpg";"和合万年";"百合 + 万年青";"Chinese day-lily bulb-1+rhodea japonica";"煎茶道 12月盛物(正客定) 万年和合大吉";;
"994";"tangshangbaitou-2.jpg";"堂上白头";"白头翁 + 海棠";"crab apple+Chinese bulbul";"都锦生彩色丝织《堂上白头图》";;"-"
"995";"tangshangbaitou-17.57.14.png";"堂上白头";"白头翁 + 海棠";"crab apple+Chinese bulbul";"沈铨 1726年作 堂上白头图 立轴 设色绢本";;"-"
"996";"tangshangbaitou-17.55.49.png";"堂上白头";"白头翁 + 海棠";"crab apple+Chinese bulbul";"吕纪(字廷振,号乐愚,一作乐渔,浙江宁波人) 堂上白头图 立轴 设色绢本";;"-"
"997";"duofuduoshou-18.00.37.png";"多福多寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"清 白玉多福多寿珮";;"Meng 1991:117; Yong Zheng fencai dish; Qianlong pilgrim bottle underglazed blue and red celadon ground, Orientations 1987/12;"
"998";"duofuduoshou-18.02.13.png";"多福多寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"清 白玉多福多寿如意笔舔";;"Meng 1991:117; Yong Zheng fencai dish; Qianlong pilgrim bottle underglazed blue and red celadon ground, Orientations 1987/12;"
"999";"duofuduoshou-18.03.22.png";"多福多寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"清 白玉多福多寿牌 ";;"Meng 1991:117; Yong Zheng fencai dish; Qianlong pilgrim bottle underglazed blue and red celadon ground, Orientations 1987/12;"
"1000";"duofuduoshou-18.04.29.png";"多福多寿";"蝙蝠 + 桃子";"bat+longevity peach";"清 红木三镶多福多寿玉如意";;"Meng 1991:117; Yong Zheng fencai dish; Qianlong pilgrim bottle underglazed blue and red celadon ground, Orientations 1987/12;"
"1001";"tiandichangchun-18.06.51.png";"天地长春";"天竹 + 地瓜 + 长春花";"nandina+pumpkin+china rose-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:320"
"1002";"tiandichangchun-18.07.49.png";"天地长春";"天竹 + 地瓜 + 长春花";"nandina+pumpkin+china rose-1";"-";;"Meng 1991:320"
"1003";"tianzhubaitou-18.14.47.png";"天祝白头";"天竹 + 白头翁";"nandina-1+Chinese bulbul";"程璋 天祝白头图 立轴";;"-"
"1004";"fuguishuangshou-18.20.49.png";"富贵双寿";"牡丹 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"柳学健 富贵双寿 拓纸 设色纸本";;"19th century porcelain enamelled snuffbottle, plate 315 in The Au Hang Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles, Ontario: Jihu Jingshe, 1993"
"1005";"fuguishuangshou-18.22.36.png";"富贵双寿";"牡丹 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"俞致贞 1947年作 富贵双寿图 立轴 设色纸本";;"19th century porcelain enamelled snuffbottle, plate 315 in The Au Hang Collection of Chinese Snuff Bottles, Ontario: Jihu Jingshe, 1993"
"1006";"fuguishoukao-18.34.42.png";"富贵寿考";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"程璋 富贵寿考 立轴 设色纸本";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 130 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103 x 34cm 1946 霍宗杰藏;主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 152 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103.5 x 33.5cm 1947 上海文物商店"
"1007";"guguishoukao-18.36.48.png";"富贵寿考";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"沈铨 富贵寿考通屏 四屏 设色绢本";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 130 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103 x 34cm 1946 霍宗杰藏;主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 152 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103.5 x 33.5cm 1947 上海文物商店"
"1008";"fuguishoukao-18.37.40.png";"富贵寿考";"牡丹 + 绶带鸟";"peony+long-tailed bird";"庚辰(1940)年作 富贵寿考 镜框 设色纸本";;"主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 130 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103 x 34cm 1946 霍宗杰藏;主编郎绍君, 郭天民 齐白石全集 长沙市: 湖南美术出版社, 1996,Vol. 6, pl. 152 立轴 纸本 水墨设色 103.5 x 33.5cm 1947 上海文物商店"
"1009";"fuguibaitou-18.39.48.png";"富贵白头";"牡丹 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"民国 粉彩富贵白头纹瓶";;"Meng 1991:128"
"1010";"fuguibaitou-18.40.41.png";"富贵白头";"牡丹 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"富贵白头摆件 ";;"Meng 1991:128"
"1011";"fuguibaitou-18.41.25.png";"富贵白头";"牡丹 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"民国 粉彩富贵白头纹盘";;"Meng 1991:128"
"1012";"fuguibaitou-18.42.46.png";"富贵白头";"牡丹 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"清 粉彩富贵白头大瓶";;"Meng 1991:128"
"1013";"fuguibaitou-18.43.43.png";"富贵白头";"牡丹 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"清康熙 五彩“富贵白头”花鸟纹小棒槌瓶";;"Meng 1991:128"
"1014";"fuguibaitou-18.44.58.png";"富贵白头";"牡丹 + 白头翁";"Chinese bulbul+peony";"清光绪33年(1907) 江永源 新粉彩富贵白头图瓷板";;"Meng 1991:128"
"1015";"fuguimianchang-2.jpg";"富贵长绵";"牡丹 + 盘长";"peony+knot";;;"-"
"1016";"fuguigaoshou-2.jpg";"富贵高寿";"牡丹 + 太湖石";"peony+longevity rock";"陈玉圃 纸本设色 ";;
"1017";"fuguigaoshou-1.jpg";"富贵高寿";"牡丹 + 太湖石";"peony+longevity rock";"田国卿 纸本设色 ";;
"1018";"shoushangjiashou-12.50.31.png";"双寿";"桃子 + 绶带鸟 + 二";"longevity peach+long-tailed bird";"娄师白 寿上加寿 镜框 纸本";;
"1019";"shoushangjiashou-12.52.56.png";"寿上加寿";"桃子 + 绶带鸟";"longevity peach+long-tailed bird";"寿上加寿 玉佩";;
"1021";"maojushoudie-3.jpg";"寿居耄耋";"太湖石 + 菊花 + 猫 + 蝴蝶";"longevity rock+chrysanthemum+cat+butterfly-1";"边宝华 纸本设色";;"Meng 1991:294"
"1022";"fenghouzenshou-13.10.02.png";"封侯增寿";"桃子 + 猴 + 蜜蜂";"longevity peach+monkey+bee";"孔小瑜 己丑(1949)年作 封侯图 镜片 设色纸本";;"Yao, Yuanlong 1989 吉祥图案资料, Shanghai: Shanghai Shuhua Chubanshe, p. 102; Shen Quan 1682 - ca 1760;"
"1023";"fenghouzengshou-13.11.58.png";"封侯增寿";"桃子 + 猴 + 蜜蜂";"longevity peach+monkey+bee";"翡翠封侯增寿纹随形章";;"Yao, Yuanlong 1989 吉祥图案资料, Shanghai: Shanghai Shuhua Chubanshe, p. 102; Shen Quan 1682 - ca 1760;"
"1024";"chunguangchangshou-2.jpg";"春光长寿";"长春花 + 绶带鸟";"china rose+long-tailed bird";"漆雕挂屏";;
"1025";"chunguangchangshou-13.20.40.png";"春光长寿";"长春花 + 绶带鸟";"china rose+long-tailed bird";"王一亭 春光长寿图 立轴 设色绢本";;
"1026";"Screen Shot 2015-10-23 at 14.55.24.png";"福寿无疆";"佛手";"buddha hands-2";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/50750?rpp=30&pg=4&rndkey=20151023&ft=*&where=China&what=Ceramics&pos=110";"http://www.metmuseum.org/collection/the-collection-online/search/50750?rpp=30&pg=4&rndkey=20151023&ft=*&where=China&what=Ceramics&pos=110";"-"
"1027";"fushouchangqing-17.55.56.png";"福寿长庆";"蝙蝠 + 寿字 + 盘长 + 磬";"bat+the Chinese character for longevity+knot+stone music triangle";"清乾隆 白玉浮雕兽面纹「福寿长庆」图莲瓣口瓶";;"Vase, famille-rose, with blue background; Jiaqing Period, Chen (31:188)"
"1028";"fushouchangqing-17.57.34.png";"福寿长庆";"蝙蝠 + 寿字 + 盘长 + 磬";"bat+the Chinese character for longevity+knot+stone music triangle";"粉彩缠枝花卉福寿长庆图双耳瓶";;"Vase, famille-rose, with blue background; Jiaqing Period, Chen (31:188)"
"1029";"fushouchangchun-18.02.03.png";"福寿长春";"蝙蝠 + 长春花";"bat+china rose";"白玉雕福寿长春牌";;"Snuffbottle, glass, Qianlong period, Si 7:100"
"1030";"fulushouxi-18.07.27.png";"福禄寿喜";"蝙蝠 + 鹿 + 灵芝 + 喜鹊";"bat+deer+lucid ganoderma-3+magpie";"福禄寿喜(名家古粤绣)";;"-"
"1031";"changshoubulao-18.18.44.png";"长寿不老";"绶带鸟 + 松";"long-tailed bird+pine tree";"清光绪 粉彩绶带鸟挂屏";;"hanging scroll by Ma Zhaolin (late 19th century?), plate 519, Lee Kong Chien Museum Catalogue, The National University of Singapore;"
"1032";"changniandagui-18.22.26.png";"长年大贵";"鲶鱼 + 鳜鱼";"a long catfish+large mandarin fish";"娄师白";;"carved jade snuff bottle in Geng & Zhao 1992:270; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink on paper, National Palace Musuem, Taipei;"
"1033";"changniandagui-18.23.12.png";"长年大贵";"鲶鱼 + 鳜鱼";"a long catfish+large mandarin fish";"齐良已 癸丑(1973)年作 长年大贵 立轴 水墨纸";;"carved jade snuff bottle in Geng & Zhao 1992:270; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink on paper, National Palace Musuem, Taipei;"
"1034";"changniandagui-18.24.43.png";"长年大贵";"鲶鱼 + 鳜鱼";"a long catfish+large mandarin fish";"齐白石";;"carved jade snuff bottle in Geng & Zhao 1992:270; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink on paper, National Palace Musuem, Taipei;"
"1035";"changniandagui-18.25.26.png";"长年大贵";"鲶鱼 + 鳜鱼";"a long catfish+large mandarin fish";"(传)李苦禅";;"carved jade snuff bottle in Geng & Zhao 1992:270; Painting by Qi Baishi, ink on paper, National Palace Musuem, Taipei;"
"1036";"changchunbaitou-18.30.45.png";"长春白头";"长春花 + 白头翁";"china rose-1+Chinese bulbul";"珐琅长春白头鼻烟壶";;"Meng 1991:101; Kangxi porcelain dish with enamel overglaze, plate 38 in Cort & Stuart 1993"
"1037";"meishou-18.33.25.png";"眉寿";"梅 + 二 + 绶带鸟";"long-tailed bird+prunus";"紫檀木嵌杂宝眉寿图笔筒";;
"1038";"qimeizhushou-3.jpeg";"齐眉祝寿";"梅 + 竹子 + 绶带鸟";"prunus+bamboo+long-tailed bird";"剪纸";;"Meng 1991:235"
"1039";"qimeizhushou-18.37.04.png";"齐眉祝寿";"梅 + 竹子 + 绶带鸟";"prunus+bamboo+long-tailed bird";"花梨嵌杂宝雕齐眉祝寿笔筒";;"Meng 1991:235"
"1040";"yilugongmingdaobaitou-2.jpg";"一路荣华到白头";"芙蓉花 + 鸶鹭 + 白头翁";"heron+Chinese bulbul+hibiscus";"恽冰";;
"1041";"xiletu-19.02.04.png";"喜乐图";"喜鹊 + 鹿";"magpie+deer-3";"翡翠雕喜乐挂件";;"-"
"1042";"anxitu-19.03.47.png";"安喜图";"鹌鹑 + 喜鹊";"quail+magpie";"蒋庭锡";;
"1043";"anxitu-19.05.17.png";"安喜图";"鹌鹑 + 喜鹊";"quail+magpie";"于非闇";;
"1044";"jiexi-19.07.54.png";"接喜图";"接 + 喜鹊";"magpie-1";"闵贞";;
"1045";"jiexitu-19.13.21.png";"接喜图";"喜鹊";"magpie-1";"任伯年 1884年作 接喜图 立轴 纸本。《雄狮美术》第12期(任伯年-徐悲鸿精品展特辑)P72,台湾雄狮美术月刊社,1982年。";;
"1046";"wanxianggengxin-19.18.11.png";"万象更新";"万年青 + 大象";"rhodea japonica+elephant-1";"程十发 1959年 万象更新 立轴 纸本";;
"1047";"shiquanbaoxi-4.jpg";"十全报喜";"十 + 喜鹊";"magpie+shiquan";"宋林椿 十全報喜軸 國立故宮博物院藏 石渠寶笈三編(延春閣),第三冊,頁1485&*故宮書畫錄(卷五),第三冊,頁83&*故宮書畫圖錄,第二冊,頁97-98";;"Southern Song painting by Lin Chun, plate 15, p. 232 in Wenwu Guanghua"
"1048";"060428120047500977.jpg";"十全报喜";"十 + 喜鹊";"magpie+shiquan";"-";;
"1049";"fuguironghuadaobaitou20.47.18.png";"富贵荣华到白头";"牡丹 + 芙蓉花 + 白头翁";"peony+hibiscus+a pair of Chinese bulbuls";"沈焕文《富贵绵绵到白头》帽筒";;
"1050";"xishilianlian-20.53.21.png";"喜事连连";"喜鹊 + 莲荷";"magpie+lotus-4";"白玉雕喜事连连纹珮";;
"1051";"xishilianlian-20.58.40.png";"喜事连连";"喜鹊 + 柿子";"magpie+persimmon-1";"邢少臣 ";;"与‘喜事重重’构成相同"