In this document, I will briefly talk about my coding experience, followed by the links to the repositories of codes I wrote in different programming languages.
I got my master degree in condensed matter experimental physics during 2015 summer, but in the second half year of 2015, I had a strong feeling to work on software as my career after getting my PhD, so I decided to go to a different field to gain coding experience. Finally I joined a group doing computational atomic astrophysics. Besides working on my research, I spent most of my free time on learning different programming languages and applying them into my research projects. While learning every language, I found I really loved it as I could always get rid of the question mark in my head by putting it in code and testing it. Since 2016, I have got myself familiar with different languages, such as bash, fortran, c++, gawk, c, python, etc. In this semester (1/2018 - 5/2018), I am learning c#, data structures using c++, and R. Moreover, I enjoyed making my research work easier and faster by developing various codes. In the following, you will find the majority of the codes I wrote for different purposes.