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Tutorials |
/beginner-mpi-tutorial/ |
Welcome to the MPI tutorials! In these tutorials, you will learn a wide array of concepts about MPI. Below are the available lessons, each of which contain example code.
The tutorials assume that the reader has a basic knowledge of C, some C++, and Linux.
- [MPI tutorial introduction]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/mpi-introduction/) ([中文版]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/mpi-introduction/zh_cn))
- [Installing MPICH2 on a single machine]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/installing-mpich2/)
- [Launching an Amazon EC2 MPI cluster]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/launching-an-amazon-ec2-mpi-cluster/)
- [Running an MPI cluster within a LAN]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/running-an-mpi-cluster-within-a-lan/)
- [Running an MPI hello world application]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/mpi-hello-world/)
- [Sending and receiving with MPI_Send and MPI_Recv]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/mpi-send-and-receive/)
- [Dynamic receiving with MPI_Probe and MPI_Status]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/dynamic-receiving-with-mpi-probe-and-mpi-status/)
- [Point-to-point communication application - Random walking]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/point-to-point-communication-application-random-walk/)
- [Collective communication introduction with MPI_Bcast]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/mpi-broadcast-and-collective-communication/)
- [Common collectives - MPI_Scatter, MPI_Gather, and MPI_Allgather]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/mpi-scatter-gather-and-allgather/)
- [Application example - Performing parallel rank computation with basic collectives]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/performing-parallel-rank-with-mpi/)
- [Using MPI_Reduce and MPI_Allreduce for parallel number reduction]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/mpi-reduce-and-allreduce/)
- [Introduction to groups and communicators]({{ site.baseurl }}/tutorials/introduction-to-groups-and-communicators/)