Under the Track1 folder, there are 6 components:
- 1_VDO2IMG: Converting each video file to a folder of frame images
- 2_CAM_CAL: Semi-automatic camera calibration based on minimization of reprojection error by EDA optimization
With the access to GPS coordinates (using Google Maps or other tools), we suggest you to use our newly developed PnP-based calibration tool here instead. - 3_YOLO_VEH: Extension of the YOLOv2 object detector with our trained model for vehicle detection/classification provided
We strongly encourage users to use the latest YOLOv4 object detector instead. - 4_TC_tracker: Proposed tracklet-clustering-based tracking method
Note that this SCT method has been upgraded to TrackletNet Tracker (TNT). The corresponding paper on arXiv is here. The source code (training + testing) is provided here. - 5_APP_MDL (optional): Extraction of histogram-based adaptive apperance models and their comparison
- 6_SPD_EST: Speed estimation based on input of tracking results and camera parameters
Detailed description of each package is given in each subfolder.