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142 lines (90 loc) · 4.58 KB

Recommended to use go version 1.22 or above,

Windows Environment

Make sure the go locale is installed before installing sponge, and add GOBIN to the system environment variable path. If it is already set, skip this step:

    #Check if GOBIN directory exists 
    go env GOBIN 
    #If empty, GOBIN needs to be set (e.g. D:\go\bin), administrator privileges may be required 
    go env -w GOBIN=D:\go\bin 
    #Then add GOBIN directory to system path environment variable 

Because sponge depends on some linux commands, git bash and make need to be installed in windows to support the linux command environment.

For installation convenience, sponge and its dependent programs have been packaged together, download address:

After downloading the file:

  1. Unzip the file, double-click install.bat to install, the installation process of git is always the default (if you have installed git, you can skip this step)

  2. Right-click any folder (Show more options) and select Open Git Bash here to open the git bash terminal:

# Initialize sponge, automatically install sponge's dependency plugins
sponge init


  • When using sponge development, please use git bash terminal, do not use the system default cmd, otherwise there will be an error that cannot find the command.
  • Do not open a terminal in the GOBIN directory (the directory where the sponge executable is located) to execute the command sponge run.
  • If you are using a version of Sponge earlier than v1.11.1 and need to upgrade, execute the command to update to the latest version of Sponge: go install && sponge init.

In addition to the above installation of sponge in windows, it also provides native installation, click to view Installing Sponge --> Windows Environment installation documentation.

Linux or macOS Environment

  1. Add GOBIN to the system environment variable path, skip this step if already set.
# Open .bashrc file
vim ~/.bashrc

# Copy the following command to .bashrc file
export GOROOT="/opt/go"     # your go installation directory
export GOPATH=$HOME/go      # Set the directory where the "go get" command downloads third-party packages
export GOBIN=$GOPATH/bin    # Set the directory where the executable binaries are compiled by the "go install" command.
export PATH=$PATH:$GOBIN:$GOROOT/bin  # Add the GOBIN directory to the system environment variable path.

# Save .bashrc file, and make the settings take effect
source ~/.bashrc

# View the GOBIN directory, if the output is not empty, the setting is successful.
go env GOBIN

  1. Install sponge and its dependent plugins into the GOBIN directory.

✅ Install protoc

Download protoc from:

Download the corresponding protoc executable file according to the system type, and move the protoc executable file to the same directory as the go executable file.

# Install Sponge
go install

# Initialize Sponge, automatically install Sponge's dependency plugins
sponge init

# Check if all plugins have been successfully installed. If any plugins fail to install, retry with the command: sponge plugins --install
sponge plugins

# Check Sponge version
sponge -v

Note: Do not open the terminal in the GOBIN directory to execute the command sponge run.

Docker Environment

⚠ Sponge UI service started by docker only supports code generation function. If you need to develop based on the generated service code, you also need to install Sponge and the required plugins locally according to the installation instructions above.

Docker Run

docker run -d --name sponge -p 24631:24631 zhufuyi/sponge:latest -a http://your_host_ip:24631

Docker Compose

The content of the docker-compose.yaml file is as follows:

version: "3.7"

    image: zhufuyi/sponge:latest
    container_name: sponge
    restart: always
    command: ["-a","http://your_host_ip:24631"]
      - "24631:24631"

Start the service:

docker-compose up -d

After a successful Docker deployment, access http://your_host_ip:24631 in your browser.