November 2022 Archive Back to README date paper code 2211.15365 defending adversarial attacks on deep learning based power allocation in massive mimo using denoising autoencoders dae_for_adv_attacks_in_mimo 2211.15997 medalcare-xl: 16,900 healthy and pathological 12 lead ecgs obtained through electrophysiological simulations fim_eikonal 2211.15744 sketch-and-solve approaches to k-means clustering by semidefinite programming sketch-and-solve_kmeans 2211.15379 semi-supervised specific emitter identification method using metric-adversarial training mat-based-ss-sei 2211.15482 discovering dynamic patterns from spatiotemporal data with time-varying low-rank autoregression vars 2211.13006 quantized compressed sensing with score-based generative models qcs-sgm 2211.03171 pan-tompkins++: a robust approach to detect r-peaks in ecg signals Pan-Tompkins-Plus-Plus 2211.12702 evaluating feature attribution methods for electrocardiogram attribution-ecg 2211.13018 challenges in gaussian processes for non intrusive load monitoring nilm_gp 2211.13125 eeg aided boosting of single-lead ecg based sleep staging with deep knowledge distillation sleep_staging_kd 2211.09676 verified reversible programming for verified lossless compression flipper 2211.12343 diffusion model based posterior sampling for noisy linear inverse problems dmps 2211.06555 transforming ris-assisted passive beamforming from tedious to simple: a relaxation algorithm for rician channel relaxation-algorithm-on-ris-miso 2211.08889 olia: an open-source digital lock-in amplifier olia 2211.12195 ontology-aware learning and evaluation for audio tagging ontology-aware-audio-tagging 2211.10527 pmnet: robust pathloss map prediction via supervised learning pmnet 2211.11176 spatiotemporal modeling of multivariate signals with graph neural networks and structured state space models graphs4mer 2211.11460 motor imagery decoding using ensemble curriculum learning and collaborative training ensemble-mi 2211.11580 neural network based generation of 1-dimensional stochastic fields with turbulent velocity statistics nn-turb 2211.10856 diffeomorphic information neural estimation dine 2211.09927 sar-based landslide classification pretraining leads to better segmentation sar-landslide-detection-pretraining 2211.09939 astrometric calibration and source characterisation of the latest generation neuromorphic event-based cameras for space imaging icns_noralph_event_based-space_imaging-speed_dataset 2211.10352 towards fast single-trial online erp based brain-computer interface using dry eeg electrodes and neural networks: a pilot study stimusto 2211.09702 deep reinforcement learning based joint downlink beamforming and ris configuration in ris-aided mu-miso systems under hardware impairments and imperfect csi ris-miso-pda-deep-reinforcement-learning 2211.09712 sigt: an efficient end-to-end mimo-ofdm receiver framework based on transformer sigt 2211.09171 efficient urllc with a reconfigurable intelligent surface and imperfect device tracking efficient-ris-aided-urllc 2211.08635 one-bit mmwave mimo channel estimation using deep generative networks obq-gan-mimo-ce 2211.08872 mcnet: fuse multiple cues for multichannel speech enhancement mcnet 2211.08889 olia: an open-source digital lock-in amplifier olia 2211.09011 detecting train driveshaft damages using accelerometer signals and differential convolutional neural networks crack-detection-railway-axles-deep-learning 2211.07641 motif-topology improved spiking neural network for the cocktail party effect and mcgurk effect motif-snn 2211.07867 machine learning methods applied to cortico-cortical evoked potentials aid in localizing seizure onset zones ml4hsoz 2211.08385 cardiacgen: a hierarchical deep generative model for cardiac signals cardiac_gen_model 2211.06555 transforming ris-assisted passive beamforming from tedious to simple: a relaxation algorithm for rician channel relaxation-algorithm-on-ris-miso 2211.07579 advancing the state-of-the-art for ecg analysis through structured state space models ssm_ecg 2211.07204 multi-user frequency assignment for ultra-reliable mmwave two-ray channels frequency-assignment-qmkp 2211.03231 graph neural networks for community detection on sparse graphs gnn_community_detection 2211.05350 the entropy rate of linear additive markov processes LAMPEntropyEstimates 2211.04167 optimal discrete beamforming of reconfigurable intelligent surface RIS_Optimization 2211.04610 phaseaug: a differentiable augmentation for speech synthesis to simulate one-to-many mapping phaseaug 2211.04846 estimation of signal parameters using deep convolutional neural networks deepest-demo 2211.02937 quantization adaptor for bit-level deep learning-based massive mimo csi feedback qcrnet 2211.03984 causal discovery in linear latent variable models subject to measurement error sem-me-ur 2211.04430 bounded guaranteed algorithms for concave impurity minimization via maximum likelihood linear_clustering 2211.02678 towards efficient ecg-based atrial fibrillation detection via parameterised hypercomplex neural networks hypercomplexecg 2211.02696 malgrid: visualization of binary features in large malware corpora MalGrid 2211.02718 samo: speaker attractor multi-center one-class learning for voice anti-spoofing samo 2211.02869 deep learning for rapid landslide detection using synthetic aperture radar (sar) datacubes landslide-sar-unet 2211.02922 neural multi-event forecasting on spatio-temporal point processes using probabilistically enriched transformers neural-spatio-temporal-probabilistic-transformers 2211.03171 pan-tompkins++: a robust approach to detect r-peaks in ecg signals Pan-Tompkins-Plus-Plus 2211.03583 pygsl: a graph structure learning toolkit pygsl 2211.02863 inductive graph transformer for delivery time estimation igt-wsdm23 2211.02629 multi-view multi-label fine-grained emotion decoding from human brain activity ml-bvae 2211.02630 recursive estimation of user intent from noninvasive electroencephalography using discriminative models bci-disc-models 2211.02638 a knowledge distillation framework for enhancing ear-eeg based sleep staging with scalp-eeg data EarEEG_KnowledgeDistillation 2211.01659 an open platform for simulating the physical layer of 6g communication systems with multiple intelligent surfaces 6g-simulation-platform 2211.00937 witt: a wireless image transmission transformer for semantic communications witt