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Learning Google V8

The sole purpose of this project is to aid me in leaning Google's V8 JavaScript engine.


  1. Building
  2. Contributing a change
  3. Debugging
  4. Introduction
  5. Inline caches
  6. Small Integers
  7. Building chromium
  8. Compiler pipeline

Building V8

You'll need to have checked out the Google V8 sources to you local file system and build it by following the instructions found here.

gclient sync

gclient sync

What I've been using the following target:

$ make x64.debug

You should then be able to find the output in out/x64.debug/

To run the tests:

$ make x64.check

After this has been done you can set an environment variable named V8_HOME which points to the the checked out v8 directory. For example, :

$ export V8_HOME=~/work/google/javascript/v8

Code in this repo


hello-world is heavily commented and show the usage of a static int being exposed and accessed from JavaScript.


instances shows the usage of creating new instances of a C++ class from JavaScript.


run-script is basically the same as instance but reads an external file, script.js and run the script.


$ tools/dev/ --help

$ ./tools/dev/ list

$ vi

Generate Ninja files:

$ gn args

This can be used to add/update build arguments

List avaiable build arguments:

$ gn args --list

For a debug build:

is_debug = true
target_cpu = "x64"
v8_enable_backtrace = true
v8_enable_slow_dchecks = true
v8_optimized_debug = false

List all available targets:

$ ninja -C -t targets all


$ ninja -C

Running quickchecks:

$ ./tools/ --quickchecks

You can use ./ -h to list all the opitions that can be passed to run-tests.

Building this projects code

$ make


$ ./hello-world


$ make clean

Contributing a change

  1. Create a working branch as usual and fix/build/test etc.
  2. Login to
  3. depot-tools-auth login
  4. git cl upload

See Googles contributing-code for more details.

Find the current issue number

$ git cl issue


$ lldb hello-world
(lldb) breatpoint set --file --line 27

There are a number of useful functions in src/ which can also be used in lldb.

Print value of a Local object

(lldb) print _v8_internal_Print_Object(*(v8::internal::Object**)(*init_fn))

Print stacktrace

(lldb) p _v8_internal_Print_StackTrace()

Creating command aliases in lldb

Create a file named .lldbinit (in your project director or home directory)


V8 is bascially consists of the memory management of the heap and the execution stack (very simplified but helps make my point). Things like the callback queue, the event loop and other things like the WebAPIs (DOM, ajax, setTimeout etc) are found inside Chrome or in the case of Node the APIs are Node.js APIs.

The execution stack is a stack of frame pointers. For each function called that function will be pushed onto the stack. When a function that functions returns it will be removed. If that function calls other functions they will be pushed onto the stack. When they have all returned execution can proceed from the returned to point. If one of the functions performs an operation that takes time progress will not be made until it completes as the only way to complete is that the function returns and is popped off the stack. This is what happens when you have a single threaded programming lanugage.

function doit() { console.log('bajja'); }

doit(); <---

So that describes synchronous functions, what about asynchronous functions?
Lets take for example that you call setTimeout (in node or in a browser), the setTimeout function will be pushed onto the call stack an executed. This is where the callback queue comes into play. The setTimeout function can add functions to the callback queue


An Isolate is an independant copy of the V8 runtime which includes its own heap. Two different Isolates can run in parallel and can be seen as entierly different sandboxed instances of a V8 runtime.

International Component for Unicode (ICU)

International Components for Unicode (ICU) deals with internationalization (i18n). ICU provides support locale-sensitve string comparisons, date/time/number/currency formatting etc.

There is an optional API called ECMAScript 402 which V8 suppports and which is enabled by default. i18n-support says that even if your application does not use ICU you still need to call InitializeICU :



JavaScript specifies a lot of built-in functionality which every V8 context must provide. For example, you can run Math.PI and that will work in a JavaScript console/repl. The global object and all the built-in functionality must be setup and initialized into the V8 heap. This can be time consuming and affect runtime performance if this has to be done every time. The blobs above are prepared snapshots that get directly deserialized into the heap to provide an initilized context.

Now this is where the files 'natives_blob.bin' and snapshot_blob.bin' come into play. But what are these bin files?
If you take a look in src/js you'll find a number of javascript files. These files referenced in src/v8.gyp and are used with by the target js2c. This target calls tools/ which is a tool for converting JavaScript source code into C-Style char arrays. This target will process all the library_files specified in the variables section. The output of this out/Debug/obj/gen/ So how is this file actually used? The js2c target produces the file which is used by other targets, for example by v8_snapshot which produces a snapshot_blob.bin file.


Using d8

This is the source used for the following examples:

$ cat class.js
function Person(name, age) { = name;
  this.age = age;

const p = new Person("Daniel", 41);

Inline Caches


$ out/x64.debug/d8 --trace-ic --trace-maps class.js

[TraceMaps: Normalize from= 0x19a314288b89 to= 0x19a31428aff9 reason= NormalizeAsPrototype ]
[TraceMaps: ReplaceDescriptors from= 0x19a31428aff9 to= 0x19a31428b051 reason= CopyAsPrototype ]
[TraceMaps: InitialMap map= 0x19a31428afa1 SFI= 34_Person ]

[StoreIC in ~Person+65 at class.js:2 (0->.) map=0x19a31428afa1 0x10e68ba83361 <String[4]: name>]
[TraceMaps: Transition from= 0x19a31428afa1 to= 0x19a31428b0a9 name= name ]
[StoreIC in ~Person+102 at class.js:3 (0->.) map=0x19a31428b0a9 0x2beaa25abd89 <String[3]: age>]
[TraceMaps: Transition from= 0x19a31428b0a9 to= 0x19a31428b101 name= age ]
[TraceMaps: SlowToFast from= 0x19a31428b051 to= 0x19a31428b159 reason= OptimizeAsPrototype ]
[StoreIC in ~Person+65 at class.js:2 (.->1) map=0x19a31428afa1 0x10e68ba83361 <String[4]: name>]
[StoreIC in ~Person+102 at class.js:3 (.->1) map=0x19a31428b0a9 0x2beaa25abd89 <String[3]: age>]
[LoadIC in ~+546 at class.js:9 (0->.) map=0x19a31428b101 0x10e68ba83361 <String[4]: name>]
[CallIC in ~+571 at class.js:9 (0->1) map=0x0 0x32f481082231 <String[5]: print>]
[LoadIC in ~+642 at class.js:10 (0->.) map=0x19a31428b101 0x2beaa25abd89 <String[3]: age>]
[CallIC in ~+667 at class.js:10 (0->1) map=0x0 0x32f481082231 <String[5]: print>]
[LoadIC in ~+738 at class.js:11 (0->.) map=0x19a31428b101 0x10e68ba83361 <String[4]: name>]
[CallIC in ~+763 at class.js:11 (0->1) map=0x0 0x32f481082231 <String[5]: print>]
[LoadIC in ~+834 at class.js:12 (0->.) map=0x19a31428b101 0x2beaa25abd89 <String[3]: age>]
[CallIC in ~+859 at class.js:12 (0->1) map=0x0 0x32f481082231 <String[5]: print>]
[CallIC in ~+927 at class.js:13 (0->1) map=0x0 0x32f481082231 <String[5]: print>]

LoadIC (0->.) means that it has transitioned from unititialized state (0) to pre-monomophic state (.) monomorphic state is specified with a `1. These states can be found in src/ic/ What we are doing caching knowledge about the layout of the previously seen object inside the StoreIC/LoadIC calls.

$ lldb -- out/x64.debug/d8 class.js


Local<String> script_name = ...;

So what is script_name. Well it is an object reference that is managed by the v8 GC. The GC needs to be able to move things (pointers around) and also track if things should be GC'd

(lldb) p script_name.IsEmpty()
(bool) $12 = false

A Local has overloaded a number of operators, for example ->:

(lldb) p script_name->Length()
(int) $14 = 7

Where Length is a method on the v8 String class.


This can be found in quite a few places in v8 source code. For example:

class V8_EXPORT ArrayBuffer : public Object {

What is this?
It is a preprocessor macro which looks like this:

#  define V8_EXPORT __attribute__ ((visibility("default")))
# else
#  define V8_EXPORT
# endif
# define V8_EXPORT

So we can see that if V8_HAS_ATTRIBUTE_VISIBILITY and defined(V8_SHARED) and also if BUILDING_V8_SHARED V8_EXPORT is set to __attribute__ ((visibility("default")). But in all other cases V8_EXPORT is empty and the preprocessor does not insert anything (nothing will be there come compile time). But what about the __attribute__ ((visibility("default")) what is this?

In the GNU compiler collection (GCC) environment, the term that is used for exporting is visibility. As it applies to functions and variables in a shared object, visibility refers to the ability of other shared objects to call a C/C++ function. Functions with default visibility have a global scope and can be called from other shared objects. Functions with hidden visibility have a local scope and cannot be called from other shared objects.

Visibility can be controlled by using either compiler options or visibility attributes. In your header files, wherever you want an interface or API made public outside the current Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) , place __attribute__ ((visibility ("default"))) in struct, class and function declarations you wish to make public. With -fvisibility=hidden, you are telling GCC that every declaration not explicitly marked with a visibility attribute has a hidden visibility. There is such a flag in build/common.gypi


You'll see a few of these calls in the hello_world example:

 Local<String> source = String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, js, NewStringType::kNormal).ToLocalChecked();

NewFromUtf8 actually returns a Local wrapped in a MaybeLocal which forces a check to see if the Local<> is empty before using it. NewStringType is an enum which can be kNormalString (k for constant) or kInternalized.

The following is after running the preprocessor (clang -E src/

# 5961 "src/"
Local<String> String::NewFromUtf8(Isolate* isolate,
                              const char* data,
                              NewStringType type,
                              int length) {
  MaybeLocal<String> result; 
  if (length == 0) { 
    result = String::Empty(isolate); 
  } else if (length > i::String::kMaxLength) { 
    result = MaybeLocal<String>(); 
  } else { 
    i::Isolate* i_isolate = reinterpret_cast<internal::Isolate*>(isolate); 
    i::VMState<v8::OTHER> __state__((i_isolate)); 
    i::RuntimeCallTimerScope _runtime_timer( i_isolate, &i::RuntimeCallStats::API_String_NewFromUtf8); 
    LOG(i_isolate, ApiEntryCall("v8::" "String" "::" "NewFromUtf8")); 
    if (length < 0) length = StringLength(data); 
    i::Handle<i::String> handle_result = NewString(i_isolate->factory(), static_cast<v8::NewStringType>(type), i::Vector<const char>(data, length)) .ToHandleChecked(); 
    result = Utils::ToLocal(handle_result); 
 return result.FromMaybe(Local<String>());;

I was wondering where the Utils::ToLocal was defined but could not find it until I found:

MAKE_TO_LOCAL(ToLocal, String, String)

#define MAKE_TO_LOCAL(Name, From, To)                                       \
Local<v8::To> Utils::Name(v8::internal::Handle<v8::internal::From> obj) {   \
  return Convert<v8::internal::From, v8::To>(obj);                          \

The above can be found in src/api.h. The same goes for Local, Local etc.

Small Integers

Reading through v8.h I came accross // Tag information for Smi Smi stands for small integers. It turns out that ECMA Number is defined as 64-bit binary double-precision but internally v8 uses 32-bit to represent all values. How can that work, you can represent a 64-bit value using only 32-bits right?
Instead the small integer is represented by the 32 bits plus a pointer to the 64-bit number. v8 needs to know if a value stored in memory represents a 32-bit integer, or if it is really a 64-bit number, in which case it has to follow the pointer to get the complete value. This is where the concept of tagging comes in. Tagging involved borrowing one bit of the 32-bit, making it 31-bit and having the leftover bit represent a tag. If the tag is zero then this is a plain value, but if tag is 1 then the pointer must be followed. This does not only have to be for numbers it could also be used for object (I think)


Most types can be found in src/objects.h

// Formats of Object*:
//  Smi:        [31 bit signed int] 0
//  HeapObject: [32 bit direct pointer] (4 byte aligned) | 01


Hidden classes

There is plenty of information about how these work but I was not aware that d8 could be used with the `--trace-maps`` flag to show information about hidden classes (which are called maps in V8)

function Person(name, age) { = name;
  this.age = age;

const p = new Person("Daniel", 41);

$ ./d8 --trace-maps class.js

[TraceMaps: InitialMap map= 0x37facd30afa1 SFI= 34_Person ]
[TraceMaps: Transition from= 0x37facd30afa1 to= 0x37facd30b0a9 name= name ]
[TraceMaps: Transition from= 0x37facd30b0a9 to= 0x37facd30b101 name= age ]


No space between these declarations:

3322   /**
3323    * Returns zero based line number of function body and
3324    * kLineOffsetNotFound if no information available.
3325    */
3326   int GetScriptLineNumber() const;
3327   /**
3328    * Returns zero based column number of function body and
3329    * kLineOffsetNotFound if no information available.
3330    */
3331   int GetScriptColumnNumber() const;

3435 /**
3436  * An instance of the built-in Proxy constructor (ECMA-262, 6th Edition,
3437  * 26.2.1).
3438  */
3439 class V8_EXPORT Proxy : public Object {
3440  public:
3441   Local<Object> GetTarget();
3442   Local<Value> GetHandler();
3443   bool IsRevoked();
3444   void Revoke();
3446   /**
3447    * Creates a new empty Map. <-- a Map???
3448    */
3449   static MaybeLocal<Proxy> New(Local<Context> context,
3450                                Local<Object> local_target,
3451                                Local<Object> local_handler);

Building chromium

When making changes to V8 you might need to verify that your changes have not broken anything in Chromium.

Generate Your Project (gpy) : You'll have to run this once before building:

$ gclient sync
$ gclient runhooks

Update the code base

$ git fetch origin master
$ git co master
$ git merge origin/master

Building using GN

$ gn gen out/Debug

Building using Ninja

$ ninja -C out/Debug chrome

Building the tests:

$ ninja -C out/Debug chrome/test:unit_tests

An error I got when building the first time:

traceback (most recent call last):
File "./gyp-mac-tool", line 713, in <module>
File "./gyp-mac-tool", line 29, in main
  exit_code = executor.Dispatch(args)
File "./gyp-mac-tool", line 44, in Dispatch
  return getattr(self, method)(*args[1:])
File "./gyp-mac-tool", line 68, in ExecCopyBundleResource
  self._CopyStringsFile(source, dest)
File "./gyp-mac-tool", line 134, in _CopyStringsFile
  import CoreFoundation
ImportError: No module named CoreFoundation
[6642/20987] CXX obj/base/debug/base.task_annotator.o
[6644/20987] ACTION base_nacl: build newlib plib_9b4f41e4158ebb93a5d28e6734a13e85
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

I was able to get around this by:

$ pip install -U pyobjc


$ out/Default/unit_tests --gtest_filter="PushClientTest.*"

Using a specific version of V8

So, we want to include our updated version of V8 so that we can verify that it builds correctly with our change to V8. While I'm not sure this is the proper way to do it, I was able to update DEPS in src (chromium) and set the v8 entry to


You'll have to run gclient sync after this.

Another way is to not updated the DEPS file, which is a version controlled file, but instead update .gclientrc and add a custom_deps entry:

solutions = [{u'managed': False, u'name': u'src', u'url': u'', 
u'custom_deps': {
  "src/v8": ""
}, u'deps_file': u'.DEPS.git', u'safesync_url': u''}]

You'll have to run gclient sync after this too.

Buiding pdfium

You may have to compile this project (in addition to chromium to verify that changes in v8 are not breaking code in pdfium.

Create/clone the project

 $ mkdir pdfuim_reop
 $ gclient config --unmanaged
 $ gclient sync
 $ cd pdfium


$ ninja -C out/Default

Using a branch of v8

You should be able to update the .gclient file adding a custom_deps entry:

solutions = [
  "name"        : "pdfium",
  "url"         : "",
  "deps_file"   : "DEPS",
  "managed"     : False,
  "custom_deps" : {
    "v8": ""

] cache_dir = None

Build failure

After rebasing I've seen the following issue:

$ ninja -C out/Debug chrome
ninja: Entering directory `out/Debug'
ninja: error: '../../chrome/renderer/resources/plugins/plugin_delay.html', needed by 'gen/chrome/grit/renderer_resources.h', missing and no known rule to make it

The "solution" was to remove the out directory and rebuild.


To find suitable task you can use label:HelpWanted at


Are ways to optimize polymorphic function calls in dynamic languages, for example JavaScript.

Lookup caches

Sending a message to a receiver requires the runtime to find the correct target method using the runtime type of the receiver. A lookup cache maps the type of the receiver/message name pair to methods and stores the most recently used lookup results. The cache is first consulted and if there is a cache miss a normal lookup is performed and the result stored in the cache.

Inline caches

Using a lookup cache as described above still takes a considerable amount of time since the cache must be probed for each message. It can be observed that the type of the target does often not vary. If a call to type A is done at a particular call site it is very likely that the next time it is called the type will also be A.

The method address looked up by the system lookup routine can be cached and the call instruction can be overwritten. Subsequent call for the same type can jump directly to the cached method and completely avoid the lookup. The prolog of the called method must verify that the receivers type has not changed and do the lookup if it has changed (the type if incorrect, no longer A for example).

The target methods address is stored in the callers code, or "inline" with the callers code, hence the name "inline cache".

Polymorfic Inline cache (PIC)

A polymorfic call site is one where there are many equally likely receiver types (and thus call targets).

  • Monomorfic means there is onle one receiver type
  • Polymorfic a few receiver types
  • Megamorfic very many receiver types

This type of caching extends inline caching to not just cache the last lookup, but cache all lookup results for a given polymorfic call site using a specially generated stub. Lets say we have a method that iterates through a list of types and calls a method. If all the types are the same (monomorfic) a PIC acts just like an inline cache. The calls will directly call the target method (with the method prolog followed by the method body). If a different type exists in the list there will be a cache miss in the prolog and the lookup routine called. In normal inline caching this would rebind the call, replacing the call to this types target method. This would happen each time the type changes.

With PIC the cache miss handler will generate a small stub routine and rebinds the call to this stub. The stub will check if the receiver is of a type that it was seen before and branch to the correct targets. Since the type of the target is already known at this point it can directly branch to the target method body without the need for the prolog. If the type has not been seen before it will be added to the stub to handle that type. Eventually the stub will contain all types used and there will be no more cache misses/lookups.

The problem is that we don't have type information so methods cannot be called directly, but instead be looked up. In a static language a virtual table might have been used. In JavaScript there is no inheritance relationship so it is not possible to know a vtable offset ahead of time. What can be done is to observe and learn about the "types" used in the program. When an object is seen it can be stored and the target of that method call can be stored and inlined into that call. Bascially the type will be checked and if that particular type has been seen before the method can just be invoked directly. But how do we check the type in a dynamic language? The answer is hidden classes which allow the VM to quickly check an object against a hidden class.

The inline caching source are located in src/ic.


GN is a bulid system that generated Ninja Build files. In src/gn you can find an example project that uses gn. It is very basic and the intention is to have something to "play" with while learning how it works.

Could not find checkout in any parent issue

When I first tried to run gn in the src directory I got the following error:

$ gn gen out/mybuild Could not find checkout in any parent of the current path.
This must be run inside a checkout. 

When gn starts it will look for a file named .gn, starting from the current directory and continuing up the the parent directories. This file indicates the source root.


What is a zone

I noticed that there is a src/zone.h and wondered what this is all about. Is this related to zone.js in any way?
No, this is not related but instead deals with memory allocations.

Performance Optimizations

Code is optimized 1 function at a time, without knowledge of what other code is doing

V8_shell startup

What happens when the v8_shell is run?

$ lldb -- out/x64.debug/d8 --enable-inspector class.js
(lldb) breakpoint set --file --line 2662
Breakpoint 1: where = d8`v8::Shell::Main(int, char**) + 96 at, address = 0x0000000100015150

First 8::base::debug::EnableInProcessStackDumping() is called followed by some windows specific code guarded by macros. Next is all the options are set using v8::Shell::SetOptions

SetOptions will call v8::V8::SetFlagsFromCommandLine which is found in src/

i::FlagList::SetFlagsFromCommandLine(argc, argv, remove_flags);

This function can be found in src/ The flags themselves are defined in src/flag-definitions.h

Next a new SourceGroup array is create:

options.isolate_sources = new SourceGroup[options.num_isolates];
SourceGroup* current = options.isolate_sources;
current->Begin(argv, 1);
for (int i = 1; i < argc; i++) {
  const char* str = argv[i];

(lldb) p str
(const char *) $6 = 0x00007fff5fbfed4d "manual.js"

There are then checks performed to see if the args is --isolate or --module, or -e and if not (like in our case)

} else if (strncmp(str, "-", 1) != 0) {
  // Not a flag, so it must be a script to execute.
  options.script_executed = true;

TODO: I'm not exactly sure what SourceGroups are about but just noting this and will revisit later.

This will take us back int Shell::Main in src/

::V8::InitializeICUDefaultLocation(argv[0], options.icu_data_file);

(lldb) p argv[0]
(char *) $8 = 0x00007fff5fbfed48 "./d8"

See ICU a little more details.

Next the default V8 platform is initialized:

g_platform = i::FLAG_verify_predictable ? new PredictablePlatform() : v8::platform::CreateDefaultPlatform();

v8::platform::CreateDefaultPlatform() will be called in our case.

We are then back in Main and have the following lines:

2685 v8::V8::InitializePlatform(g_platform);
2686 v8::V8::Initialize();

This is very similar to what I've seen in the Node.js startup process.

We did not specify any natives_blob or snapshot_blob as an option on the command line so the defaults will be used:


back in src/ line 2918:

Isolate* isolate = Isolate::New(create_params);

this call will bring us into line 8185:

 i::Isolate* isolate = new i::Isolate(false);

So, we are invoking the Isolate constructor (in src/



compilation_cache_ = new CompilationCache(this);
context_slot_cache_ = new ContextSlotCache();
descriptor_lookup_cache_ = new DescriptorLookupCache();
unicode_cache_ = new UnicodeCache();
inner_pointer_to_code_cache_ = new InnerPointerToCodeCache(this);
global_handles_ = new GlobalHandles(this);
eternal_handles_ = new EternalHandles();
bootstrapper_ = new Bootstrapper(this);
handle_scope_implementer_ = new HandleScopeImplementer(this);
load_stub_cache_ = new StubCache(this, Code::LOAD_IC);
store_stub_cache_ = new StubCache(this, Code::STORE_IC);
materialized_object_store_ = new MaterializedObjectStore(this);
regexp_stack_ = new RegExpStack();
regexp_stack_->isolate_ = this;
date_cache_ = new DateCache();
call_descriptor_data_ =
  new CallInterfaceDescriptorData[CallDescriptors::NUMBER_OF_DESCRIPTORS];
access_compiler_data_ = new AccessCompilerData();
cpu_profiler_ = new CpuProfiler(this);
heap_profiler_ = new HeapProfiler(heap());
interpreter_ = new interpreter::Interpreter(this);
compiler_dispatcher_ =
  new CompilerDispatcher(this, V8::GetCurrentPlatform(), FLAG_stack_size);

src/builtins/, this is where the builtins are defined. TODO: sort out what these macros do.

In src/ we have a couple of checks for if the optinos passed are for a stress_run but since we did not pass in any such flags this code path will be followed which will call RunMain:

result = RunMain(isolate, argc, argv, last_run);

this will end up calling:


Which will call SourceGroup::Execute(Isolate* isolate)

// Use all other arguments as names of files to load and run.
HandleScope handle_scope(isolate);
Local<String> file_name = String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, arg, NewStringType::kNormal).ToLocalChecked();
Local<String> source = ReadFile(isolate, arg);
if (source.IsEmpty()) {
  printf("Error reading '%s'\n", arg);
Shell::options.script_executed = true;
if (!Shell::ExecuteString(isolate, source, file_name, false, true)) {
  exception_was_thrown = true;

ScriptOrigin origin(name);
if (compile_options == ScriptCompiler::kNoCompileOptions) {
  ScriptCompiler::Source script_source(source, origin);
  return ScriptCompiler::Compile(context, &script_source, compile_options);

Which will delegate to ScriptCompiler(Local, Source* source, CompileOptions options):

auto maybe = CompileUnboundInternal(isolate, source, options);


result = i::Compiler::GetSharedFunctionInfoForScript(
    str, name_obj, line_offset, column_offset, source->resource_options,
    source_map_url, isolate->native_context(), NULL, &script_data, options,


// Compile the function and add it to the cache.
ParseInfo parse_info(script);
Zone compile_zone(isolate->allocator(), ZONE_NAME);
CompilationInfo info(&compile_zone, &parse_info, Handle<JSFunction>::null());

Back in src/

result = CompileToplevel(&info);

(lldb) job *result
0x17df0df309f1: [SharedFunctionInfo]
 - name = 0x1a7f12d82471 <String[0]: >
 - formal_parameter_count = 0
 - expected_nof_properties = 10
 - ast_node_count = 23
 - instance class name = #Object

 - code = 0x1d8484d3661 <Code: BUILTIN>
 - source code = function bajja(a, b, c) {
  var d = c - 100;
  return a + d * b;

var result = bajja(2, 2, 150);

 - anonymous expression
 - function token position = -1
 - start position = 0
 - end position = 114
 - no debug info
 - length = 0
 - optimized_code_map = 0x1a7f12d82241 <FixedArray[0]>
 - feedback_metadata = 0x17df0df30d09: [FeedbackMetadata]
 - length: 3
 - slot_count: 11
 Slot #2 kCreateClosure
 Slot #5 CALL_IC
 Slot #7 CALL_IC

 - bytecode_array = 0x17df0df30c61

Back in

maybe_result = script->Run(realm);


auto fun = i::Handle<i::JSFunction>::cast(Utils::OpenHandle(this));

(lldb) job *fun
0x17df0df30e01: [Function]
 - map = 0x19cfe0003859 [FastProperties]
 - prototype = 0x17df0df043b1
 - elements = 0x1a7f12d82241 <FixedArray[0]> [FAST_HOLEY_ELEMENTS]
 - initial_map =
 - shared_info = 0x17df0df309f1 <SharedFunctionInfo>
 - name = 0x1a7f12d82471 <String[0]: >
 - formal_parameter_count = 0
 - context = 0x17df0df03bf9 <FixedArray[245]>
 - feedback vector cell = 0x17df0df30ed1 Cell for 0x17df0df30e49 <FixedArray[13]>
 - code = 0x1d8484d3661 <Code: BUILTIN>
 - properties = 0x1a7f12d82241 <FixedArray[0]> {
    #length: 0x2c35a5718089 <AccessorInfo> (const accessor descriptor)
    #name: 0x2c35a57180f9 <AccessorInfo> (const accessor descriptor)
    #arguments: 0x2c35a5718169 <AccessorInfo> (const accessor descriptor)
    #caller: 0x2c35a57181d9 <AccessorInfo> (const accessor descriptor)
    #prototype: 0x2c35a5718249 <AccessorInfo> (const accessor descriptor)


i::Handle<i::Object> receiver = isolate->global_proxy();
Local<Value> result;
has_pending_exception = !ToLocal<Value>(i::Execution::Call(isolate, fun, receiver, 0, nullptr), &result);



(lldb) breakpoint set -f -l 842

Compiler pipeline

When a script is compiled all of the top level code is parsed. These are function declarartions (but not the function bodies).

function f1() { <- top level code console.log('f1'); <- non top level }

function f2() { <- top level code f1(); <- non top level console.logg('f2'); <- non top level }

f2(); <- top level code var i = 10; <- top level code

The non top level code must be pre-parsed to check for syntax errors. The top level code is parsed and compiles by the full-codegen compiler. This compiler does not perform any optimizations and it's only task is to generate machine code as quickly as possible.

Source ------> Parser --------> Full-codegen ---------> Unoptimized Machine Code

So the whole script is parsed even though we only generated code for the top-level code. The pre-parse (the syntax checking) was not stored in any way. The functions are lazy stubs that when/if the function gets called the function get compiled. This means that the function has to be parsed (again, the first time was the pre-parse remember). If a function is determined to be hot it will be optimized by one of the two optimizing compilers crankshaft for older parts oof JavaScript or Turbofan for Web Assembly (WASM) and some of the newer es6 features.

The first time V8 sees a function it will parse it into an AST but not do any further processing of that tree until that function is used. Processing will be running the full-codegen compiler.

                 +-----> Full-codegen -----> Unoptimized code
                /                               \/ /\       \

Parser ------> AST -------> Cranshaft -----> Optimized code | \ / +-----> Turbofan -----> Optimized code

Inline Cachine (IC) is done here which also help to gather type information. V8 also has a profiler thread which monitors which functions are hot and should be optimized. This profiling also allows V8 to find out information about types using IC. This type information can then be fed to Crankshaft/Turbofan. The type information is stored as a 8 bit value.

When a function is optimized the unoptimized code cannot be thrown away as it might be needed since JavaScript is highly dynamic the optimzed function migth change and the in that case we fallback to the unoptimzed code. This takes up alot of memory which may be important for low end devices. Also the time spent in parsing (twice) takes time.

The idea with Ignition is to be an bytecode interpreter and to reduce memory consumption, the bytecode is very consice compared to native code which can vary depending on the target platform. The whole source can be parsed and compiled, compared to the current pipeline the has the pre-parse and parse stages mentioned above. So even unused functions will get compiled. The bytecode becomes the source of truth instead of as before the AST.

Source ------> Parser --------> Ignition-codegen ---------> Bytecode ---------> Turbofan ----> Optimized Code ---+ /\ | +--------------------------------------------------+

function bajja(a, b, c) {
  var d = c - 100;
  return a + d * b;

var result = bajja(2, 2, 150);

$ ./d8 test.js --ignition  --print_bytecode

[generating bytecode for function: bajja]
Parameter count 4
Frame size 8
 14 E> 0x2eef8d9b103e @    0 : 7f                StackCheck
 38 S> 0x2eef8d9b103f @    1 : 03 64             LdaSmi [100]   // load 100
 38 E> 0x2eef8d9b1041 @    3 : 2b 02 02          Sub a2, [2]    // a2 is the third argument. a2 is an argument register
       0x2eef8d9b1044 @    6 : 1f fa             Star r0        // r0 is a register for local variables. We only have one which is d
 47 S> 0x2eef8d9b1046 @    8 : 1e 03             Ldar a1        // LoaD accumulator from Register argument from a1 which is b
 60 E> 0x2eef8d9b1048 @   10 : 2c fa 03          Mul r0, [3]    // multiply that is our local variable in r0
 56 E> 0x2eef8d9b104b @   13 : 2a 04 04          Add a0, [4]    // add that to our argument register 0 which is a 
 65 S> 0x2eef8d9b104e @   16 : 83                Return         // return the value in the accumulator?


Say you have the expression x + y the full-codegen compiler might produce:

movq rax, x
movq rbx, y
callq RuntimeAdd

If x and y are integers just using the add operation would be much quicker:

movq rax, x
movq rbx, y
add rax, rbx

Recall that functions are optimized so if the compiler has to bail out and unoptimize part of a function then the whole functions will be affected and it will go back to the unoptimized version.


I'm not sure if V8 follows this exactly but I've heard and read that when the engine comes across a function declaration it only parses and verifies the syntax and saves a ref to the function name. The statements inside the function are not checked at this stage only the syntax of the function declaration (parenthesis, arguments, brackets etc).

Function methods

The declaration of Function can be found in include/v8.h (just noting this as I've looked for it several times)

V8 flags

$ ./d8 --help


(lldb) breakpoint set -f -l 2935

return v8::Shell::Main(argc, argv);