Examples are made to demonstrate how zksync-ethers SDK can be used for development. The examples demonstrate how to:
- Deposit ETH from Ethereum to zkSync Era.
- Transfer ETH on zkSync Era.
- Transfer ETH on zkSync Era using paymaster to pay fee with another token.
- Withdraw ETH from zkSync Era to Ethereum.
- Withdraw ETH from zkSync Era to Ethereum using paymaster to pay fee with another token.
- Finalize withdrawal transaction on Ethereum.
- Deposit token from Ethereum into zkSync Era.
- Transfer token on zkSync Era.
- Transfer token on zkSync Era using paymaster to pay fee with another token.
- Withdraw token from zkSync Era to Ethereum.
- Withdraw token from zkSync Era to Ethereum to pay fee with another token.
- Deploy a smart contract using create method.
- Deploy a smart contract with constructor using create method.
- Deploy a smart contract with dependency using create method.
- Deploy a smart contract using create2 method.
- Deploy a smart contract with constructor using create2 method.
- Deploy a smart contract with dependency using create2 method.
- Deploy custom token on zkSync Era using create method.
- Deploy custom token on zkSync Era using create2 method.
- Deploy smart account using create method.
- Deploy smart account using create2 method.
- Use paymaster to pay fee with token.
Smart contract deployment use already generated bytecodes and ABIs and go bindings. There is a user guide on how those artifacts are generated. Same approach can be used to generate required artifact for other smart contracts.
yarn install