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Technic Launcher guide

Paint_Ninja edited this page May 30, 2021 · 16 revisions


Step 1) Click "Launcher Options ⚙"

Step 2) Click "JAVA SETTINGS"

More allocated RAM recommended/required

Follow steps 1 and 2 here

Step 3) Next to "Memory", click on the dropdown and pick a higher number

If you can't go higher than 1GB, you need 64bit Java.

Less allocated RAM recommended/required

Follow steps 1 and 2 here

Step 3) Next to "Memory", click on the dropdown and pick a lower number


Step 1) Click "Launcher Options ⚙"

Step 2) Click "JAVA SETTINGS"

Step 3a) Next to "Minecraft Java Version", click on the dropdown

Step 4) Only if using Minecraft 1.16.5 and Java 16: Copy and paste this into the "Java Args": -XX:+IgnoreUnrecognizedVMOptions --add-exports=java.base/ --add-opens=java.base/java.util.jar=ALL-UNNAMED

64bit Java recommended/required

Follow steps 1 through 3a here.

Step 3b) Pick a version that has the word "64-Bit" at the end

If you can't see one with "64-Bit", go to the troubleshooting section.

Java x or older recommended/required

Follow steps 1 through 3a here.

Step 3b) Pick a version from the dropdown that is x or older

Example: if it says it wants "Java 14 or older" then pick one from the list that is version 14 or lower. If it says "Java 8 or older", pick one that is version 1.8 or lower.

If you can't see the version you need, go to the troubleshooting section.

Java x+ recommended/required

Follow steps 1 through 3a here.

Step 3b) Pick a version from the dropdown that is x or newer

Example: if it says it wants "Java 11+" then pick one from the list that is version 11 or higher. If it says "Java 8 or newer", pick one that is version 1.8 or 9/10/11/12/etc...

If you can't see the version you need, go to the troubleshooting section.


The version I need is not showing up in the dropdown

First, make sure you've downloaded and installed the version you need in the "How to get Java" section

Step 1) Click "Launcher Options ⚙"

Step 2) Click "JAVA SETTINGS"

Step 3) Click the "Find Another Version" button

Step 4) Click on "This PC" -> "Local Disk (C:)" (or where you installed Java) -> "Program Files" -> "AdoptOpenJDK" -> (the version you want to add) -> "bin"

Step 5) Click on javaw

Step 6) Click on "Open"

It should now show up in the dropdown as "OpenJDK (version) 64-Bit"

What version of Java do I need?

The error/warning message should tell you, for example:

If it just says "64bit Java" but doesn't say the version, assume the same version as you're currently using.

If the game won't start at all, check that you started it with a supported version:

Minecraft version Minimum supported Java version Maximum supported Java version
1.17 16 ?
1.16.5 8 16*
1.16.4 8 15
1.15-1.16.3 8 14
1.13-1.14 8 10
1.12 8 8
1.5-1.11 6 8
1.4 and older 6 7

*Needs custom Java args to run on Java 16 - see step 4 of the Java section. Works out of the box with Java 15.

How to get Java

Java 8

Step 1) Download and install "Windows Offline (64-Bit)" on this page*

Step 2) Restart the Technic Launcher

*If you use Linux, get the Linux one closest to your distro ending in "x64".

Java 11 or 16

Click here to go to the Java downloads page

Step 1) Make sure that it says "Download for x64", if it doesn't, follow the instructions for getting Java 12 but choose version 11 instead of 12

Step 2) Choose "OpenJDK 11 (LTS)" or "OpenJDK 16 (Latest)" depending on whether you need Java 11 or Java 16, respectively

Step 3) Choose "HotSpot"

Step 4) Click the big blue "Latest release" download button

Step 5) Click on "Set JAVA_HOME variable" and "JavaSoft (Oracle) registry keys" options and choose "Will be installed on local hard drive" for each

Step 6) Click next and click "Install". Restart the Technic Launcher when finished

Java 12, 13, 14 or 15

Step 1) Choose the version you want

Step 2) Choose "HotSpot"

Step 3) Download the "Windows x64" JRE installer (blue button)*

Important! The "Windows x64" downloads aren't always at the bottom of the list, they may be higher up

Step 4) Follow steps 5 and 6 from the instructions for installing Java 11 or 16

*If you use Linux or macOS, get the one ending in "x64" for Linux or macOS, respectively

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