Filmspotting is a social media platform for movies. Users can login and review movies that they have watched.
Launch on Heroku or check out the GitHub Repo.
Week 7-8* | Module Three
- AngularJS
- Token Authentication & Session Authentication
- Third-party APIs
- Testing - Mocha and Chai
Full curriculum available at bottom of page
Your instructors will partner you with other classmates to design and collaboratively build a MEAN stack app of your own design.
Your app must:
- Use Mongo, Node and Express to build a server-side API
- Have two models, one of which must be a user models
- Include authentication to restrict access to appropriate users
- Include automated tests for at least one resource
- Use Angular to build a front-end which consumes your API
- Use SCSS instead of CSS
- Use Webpack and Yarn to manage your dependencies and compile your source code
Timeframe: 1 week(November 2018)
Used to find a film on the site
Used to see film information, read reviews, or write your own
- AngularJS
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Bulma CSS Framework
- Git
- GitHub
- Bcrypt
- Moment.js
- Mongoose
- Heroku
- Trello
- Yarn
- Chai
- Mocha
- Leaflet.js map
- OpenStreetMap API
Teamwork and Time Management
- Daily stand-up every morning
- Summary at end of every day to review what's been achieved that day
- Co-located work space and online communication (Trello and Slack)
- Continuous status checking throughout each day
All Features
All users have access to:
- Home page
- Movie index, show and reviews
- External API of current movies in the cinema
Registered users have access to:
- Log in and log out
- Add a movie
- Write movie reviews
- Create their own user profile
- Visit other user's profiles and follow them
- View all specified user's reviews on their profile
- View newsfeed consisting of movies reviewed only by followed users
method: 'GET',
url: ''
}).then(result => {
$scope.releases =;
console.log('scope', $scope.releases);
We decided that it would be a great feature to have a rolling side panel on the index page which showed the movies which were currently playing in the cinema.
This piece of code is taken from the indexCtrl.js file in the back-end. It's the GET request for the External Movie API which shows these current movies.
Since I was given responsibility for the whole of the index page, this was a feature I was particularly proud of and felt added value to the app. Once the API had responded with the requested data, I was then able manipulate the data to fit the desired feature.
## Wins and Blockers I think our biggest win was our ability to work well in a team. By achieving full transparency and communication, we were able to work to our individual strength, and help each other through any weaknesses.
In terms of the elements that I built, my biggest win was the index page. I was given full responsibility for this page, and I am really pleased with the search bar and the implementation of an external API.
My biggest blocker was probably testing as, prior to this project, I did not have much experience in it. However, completing the tests for the project was extremely beneficial for me as it allowed me to feel much more comfortable tacking tests.
- Add maps to show cinemas near you
- Add messaging so that users can message each other about movies/reviews
- Make the app mobile responsive
Week 1-3 | Module One
- CSS3 and CSS Animation
- Sass
- JavaScript
- jQuery
Week 4 | Project One
Week 5 | Module Two
- Node.js
- Express.js
- MongoDB
- User Authentication
Week 6 | Project Two
Week 7-8 | Module Three
- AngularJS
- Token Authentication & Session Authentication
- Third-party APIs
- Mocha and Chai
Week 9 | Project Three
Week 10-11 | Module Four
- React
- ES6
Week 12 | Project Four