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File metadata and controls

155 lines (115 loc) · 6.91 KB

GitHub release CI PkgGoDev


Project Status: Alpha

Kubbernecker is tools that helps to check the number of changes made to Kubernetes resources. It provides two tools: kubbernecker-metrics and kubectl-kubbernecker.

kubbernecker-metrics is an exporter that exposes the number of changes made to Kubernetes resources as Prometheus metrics. It helps to monitor the changes made to resources within a Kubernetes cluster.

kubectl-kubbernecker is a kubectl plugin that shows the number of changes made to Kubernetes resources and the manager who made the changes. It helps to quickly check the changes made to resources within a Kubernetes cluster.

The name of Kubbernecker comes from rubbernecker. It is like staring at a fight between Kubernetes controllers.


In a Kubernetes cluster, different controllers may continuously edit the same resource, leading to a race condition. It can cause increased loads on kube-apiserver and performance issues. Kubbernecker helps to solve these problems by checking the number of changes made to Kubernetes resources.



You need to add this repository to your Helm repositories:

$ helm repo add kubbernecker
$ helm repo update

To install the chart with the release name kubbernecker using a dedicated namespace(recommended):

$ helm install --create-namespace --namespace kubbernecker kubbernecker kubbernecker/kubbernecker

Specify parameters using --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. Alternatively a YAML file that specifies the values for the parameters can be provided like this:

$ helm install --create-namespace --namespace kubbernecker kubbernecker -f values.yaml kubbernecker/kubbernecker


Key Type Default Description
image.repository string "" Kubbernecker image repository to use.
image.tag string {{ .Chart.AppVersion }} Kubbernecker image tag to use.
image.imagePullPolicy string IfNotPresent imagePullPolicy applied to Kubbernecker image.
resources object {"requests":{"cpu":"100m","memory":"20Mi"}} Specify resources.
config.targetResources list [] (See values.yaml) Target Resources. If this is empty, all resources will be the target.
config.namespaceSelector list {} (See values.yaml) Selector of the namespace to which the target resource belongs. If this is empty, all namespaces will be the target.
config.enableClusterResources bool false If targetResources is empty, whether to include cluster-scope resources in the target. If targetResources is not empty, this field will be ignored.


Download the binary and put it in a directory of your PATH. The following is an example to install the plugin in /usr/local/bin.

$ OS=$(go env GOOS)
$ ARCH=$(go env GOARCH)
$ curl -L -sS${OS}-${ARCH}.tar.gz \
  | tar xz -C /usr/local/bin kubectl-kubbernecker

NOTE: In the future, this tool will be able to be installed by krew.



kubbernecker-metrics exposes the following metrics:

Name Type Description Labels
kubbernecker_resource_events_total counter Total number of events for Kubernetes resources. group: group
version: version
kind: kind
namespace: namespace
event_type: event type ("add", "update" or "delete")
resource_name: resource name


kubectl-kubbernecker has two subcommands:

watch sub-command prints the number of times a resource is updated.

$ kubectl kubbernecker watch -n default configmap
  "gvk": {
    "group": "",
    "version": "v1",
    "kind": "ConfigMap"
  "namespaces": {
    "default": {
      "resources": {
        "test-cm": {
          "add": 0,
          "delete": 0,
          "update": 9

blame sub-command prints the name of managers that updated the given resource.

$ kubectl kubbernecker blame -n default configmap test-cm
  "managers": {
    "manager1": {
      "update": 4
    "manager2": {
      "update": 4
  "lastUpdate": "2023-02-17T22:25:20+09:00"


Tools for developing kubbernecker are managed by aqua. Please install aqua as described in the following page:

Then install the tools.

$ cd /path/to/kubbernecker
$ aqua i -l

You can start development with tilt.

$ make start-dev
$ tilt up