how to debug external built c++ code in android studio.
build the c++ library with ldflags '--build-id' with ndk and copy the built output library to jniLibs. (use gpy-ninja eg.), write a bat script to do the build. this ldflags allow android-lldb load the unstriped c++ library automaticaly.
hook the native build step into android gradle build process.
task buildDebugCLib(type:Exec) { group 'build' description 'build jni libs' workingDir 'g:/code/git/mgv-ng-4.1' commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'g:/code/git/mgv-ng-4.1/builddebugtest.bat Debug' }
task buildReleaseCLib(type:Exec) { group 'build' description 'build jni libs' workingDir 'g:/code/git/mgv-ng-4.1' commandLine 'cmd', '/c', 'g:/code/git/mgv-ng-4.1/builddebugtest.bat Release' }
afterEvaluate { assembleDebug.dependsOn(buildDebugCLib) assembleRelease.dependsOn(buildReleaseCLib) }
use the built c++ library with symbol as the android application's jniLibs. put the lib in the path 'app/src/main/jniLibs/armeabi-v7a/' or specify the jinLibs path by gradle explicitly sourceSets { main { // let gradle pack the shared library into apk jniLibs.srcDirs = ['../distribution/lib'] } }
add a fake CMakeList.txt to cheat android studio we have native code, so when debug, it will setup the lldb for us and the debugger type 'auto' can work with java&c++ meanwhile. in CMakeLists.txt just add a simple static c library so it won't be packed in to apk. externalNativeBuild { cmake { path "CMakeLists.txt" } }
make the native c++ code display in the android studio project view use the menu file->open open the file you want to debug. add the c++ code as asset in to android studio project by sourceSets { main { // let gradle pack the shared library into apk jni.srcDirs = ['path-to-native-c++-source-root'] } } just put the c++ source root directory in to the android studio project root directory.