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252 lines (170 loc) · 8.76 KB

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252 lines (170 loc) · 8.76 KB

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related file

  • cpython/Objects/codeobject.c
  • cpython/Include/codeobject.h

memory layout

a code object is CPython's internal representation of a piece of runnable Python code, such as a function, a module, a class body, or a generator expression. When you run a piece of code, it is parsed and compiled into a code object, which is then run by the CPython virtual machine (VM)

for more detail, please refer to What is a code object in Python?




let's run an example written in python

def a(x, y, *args,  z=3, **kwargs):
    def b():
        bbb = 4
        print(x, k, bbb)
    k = 4
    print(x, y, args, kwargs)

print("co_argcount", a.__code__.co_argcount)
print("co_kwonlyargcount", a.__code__.co_kwonlyargcount)
print("co_nlocals", a.__code__.co_nlocals)
print("co_stacksize", a.__code__.co_stacksize)
print("co_flags", a.__code__.co_flags)
print("co_firstlineno", a.__code__.co_firstlineno)
print("co_code", a.__code__.co_code)
print("co_consts", a.__code__.co_consts)
print("co_names", a.__code__.co_names)
print("co_varnames", a.__code__.co_varnames)
print("co_freevars", a.__code__.co_freevars)
print("co_cellvars", a.__code__.co_cellvars)

print("co_cell2arg", a.__code__.co_filename)
print("co_name", a.__code__.co_name)
print("co_lnotab", a.__code__.co_lnotab)

print("\n\n", a.__code__.co_consts[1])
print("co_freevars", a.__code__.co_consts[1].co_freevars)
print("co_cellvars", a.__code__.co_consts[1].co_cellvars)


co_argcount 2
co_kwonlyargcount 1
co_nlocals 6
co_stacksize 5
co_flags 15
co_firstlineno 1
co_code b'\x87\x00\x87\x01f\x02d\x01d\x02\x84\x08}\x05d\x03\x89\x00t\x00\x88\x01|\x01|\x03|\x04\x83\x04\x01\x00d\x00S\x00'
co_consts (None, <code object b at 0x10228e810, file "/Users/zpoint/Desktop/cpython/", line 2>, 'a.<locals>.b', 4)
co_names ('print',)
co_varnames ('x', 'y', 'z', 'args', 'kwargs', 'b')
co_freevars ()
co_cellvars ('k', 'x')
co_cell2arg /Users/zpoint/Desktop/cpython/
co_name a
co_lnotab b'\x00\x01\x0e\x03\x04\x01'

<code object b at 0x10228e810, file "/Users/zpoint/Desktop/cpython/", line 2>
co_freevars ('k', 'x')
co_cellvars ()

from the output and the answers in What is a code object in Python? we can know the meaning of some fields


The number of arguments that the function takes, excluding any *args and **kwargs. Function calls in bytecode work by pushing all of the arguments onto the stack and then invoking CALL_FUNCTION; the co_argcount can then be used to determine whether the function was passed the right number of variables.


The number of keyword-only arguments


it's related to the f_localsplus in frame object

The number of local variables in the function. As far as I can tell this is just the length of co_varnames. This is presumably used in order to decide how much space to allocate for local variables when the function is called.


it's related to the f_valuestack in frame object

An integer representing the maximum amount of stack space that the function will use. This is necessary because the VM stack associated with the code object is pre-allocated when the code is called. Thus, if co_stacksize is too low, the function may overrun its allocated stack and terrible things happen.


an integer that combines a number of boolean flags about the function


This is a tuple of all constants used in the function, like integers, strings, and booleans. It is used by the LOAD_CONST opcode, which takes an argument indicating the index in the co_consts tuple to load from.


A tuple of strings used in the code object as attributes, global variable names, and imported names. Opcodes that use one of these names (e.g., LOAD_ATTR) take as an argument an integer index into this tuple. These are in order of first use.


A tuple with the names of all of the function's local variables, including arguments. It contains first normal arguments, then the names of the *args and ***kwargs arguments if applicable, then other local variables in order of first use.

co_cellvars and co_freevars

These two are used for implementing nested function scopes. co_cellvars is a tuple containing the names of all variables in the function that are also used in a nested function, and co_freevars has the names of all variables used in the function that are defined in an enclosing function scope.


when you enter the command ./python.exe -m dis

the _unpack_opargs in Lib/ will do the translation

if you check the file in Include/opcode.h, you will find #define HAVE_ARGUMENT 90 and #define HAS_ARG(op) ((op) >= HAVE_ARGUMENT), which means opcode with a value greater than 90 has arguments, while opcode with a value less than 90 doesn't

def _unpack_opargs(code):
    # code example: b'd\x01}\x00t\x00\x88\x01\x88\x00|\x00\x83\x03\x01\x00d\x00S\x00'
    extended_arg = 0
    for i in range(0, len(code), 2):
        op = code[i]
        if op >= HAVE_ARGUMENT:
            arg = code[i+1] | extended_arg
            extended_arg = (arg << 8) if op == EXTENDED_ARG else 0
            arg = None
        # yield example: 0 100 1
        yield (i, op, arg)

so, co_code is the opcode and argument stores in binary format

>>> c = b'd\x01}\x00t\x00\x88\x01\x88\x00|\x00\x83\x03\x01\x00d\x00S\x00'
>>> c = list(bytearray(c))
>>> c
[100, 1, 125, 0, 116, 0, 136, 1, 136, 0, 124, 0, 131, 3, 1, 0, 100, 0, 83, 0]

the binary format can be translated to

0 100 1  (LOAD_CONST)
2 125 0  (STORE_FAST)
4 116 0  (LOAD_GLOBAL)
6 136 1  (LOAD_DEREF)
8 136 0  (LOAD_DEREF)
10 124 0 (LOAD_FAST)
12 131 3 (CALL_FUNCTION)
14 1 None(POP_TOP)
16 100 0 (LOAD_CONST)
18 83 None(RETURN_VALUE)

co_lnotab and co_firstlineno


The 1-indexed line number of the beginning of the Python code from which the code object was generated. In combination with co_lnotab, this is used to compute line information in places like exception tracebacks


This means line number table, and stores a compressed mapping of bytecode instructions to line numbers.

let's see an example

the first pair (0, 1) in co_lnotab means byteoffset 0, line offset: 1 + co_firstlineno(7) == 8

the second pair (4, 1) in co_lnotab means byteoffset 4, line offset 1 + 8(previous offset) == 9

import dis

def f1(x):
    x = 3
    y = 4

def f2(x):
    x = 3
    y = 4

print(f2.__code__.co_firstlineno) # 7
print(repr(list(bytearray(f2.__code__.co_lnotab)))) # [0, 1, 4, 1]
0 LOAD_CONST               1 (3)
2 STORE_FAST               0 (x)
4 LOAD_CONST               2 (4)
6 STORE_FAST               1 (y)
8 LOAD_CONST               0 (None)


you can read the following comment from Objects/frameobject.c

for more detail, please refer to frame object(zombie frame)

each code object will hold a single "zombie" frame. This retains the allocated and initialized frame object from an invocation of the code object. The zombie is reanimated the next time we need a frame object for that code object. Doing this saves the malloc/ realloc required when using a free_list frame that isn't the correct size. It also saves some field initialization.


this field stores a pointer to a _PyCodeObjectExtra object

typedef struct {
    Py_ssize_t ce_size;
    void *ce_extras[1];
} _PyCodeObjectExtra;

since it has a size field and an array of (void *) pointer, it can store almost everything

usually, it's a function pointer related to the interpreter for debug or JIT usage

for more detail please refer to PEP 523 -- Adding a frame evaluation API to CPython