| 1 | +(ns feedmail |
| 2 | + (:gen-class) |
| 3 | + (:import [java.io PushbackReader ByteArrayInputStream]) |
| 4 | + (:require |
| 5 | + [clj-http.client :as http] |
| 6 | + [clj-time.core :as time] |
| 7 | + [clj-time.format :as time.fmt] |
| 8 | + [clojure.core.memoize :as memo] |
| 9 | + [clojure.java.shell :as shell] |
| 10 | + [clojure.string :as str] |
| 11 | + [clojure.tools.cli :as cli] |
| 12 | + [feedparser-clj.core :as feed] |
| 13 | + [mail] |
| 14 | + [net.cgrand.enlive-html :as html])) |
| 15 | + |
| 16 | +; based on https://gist.github.com/Gonzih/5814945 |
| 17 | +(defmacro try+ "Like try, but can catch multiple exception types with (catch+ [classname*] name expr)." |
| 18 | + [& body] |
| 19 | + (letfn [ |
| 20 | + (catch+? [form] |
| 21 | + (and (seq form) |
| 22 | + (= (first form) 'catch+))) |
| 23 | + (expand [[_catch* classes & catch-tail]] |
| 24 | + (map #(list* 'catch % catch-tail) classes)) |
| 25 | + (transform [form] |
| 26 | + (if (catch+? form) |
| 27 | + (expand form) |
| 28 | + [form]))] |
| 29 | + (cons 'try (mapcat transform body)))) |
| 30 | + |
| 31 | +(defn sha1-bytes [s] |
| 32 | + (.digest (java.security.MessageDigest/getInstance "SHA1") |
| 33 | + (.getBytes s java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets/UTF_8))) |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | +(defn sha1 [s] |
| 36 | + (.toLowerCase |
| 37 | + (javax.xml.bind.DatatypeConverter/printHexBinary |
| 38 | + (sha1-bytes s)))) |
| 39 | + |
| 40 | +(defn die [status message] |
| 41 | + (binding [*out* *err*] |
| 42 | + (println message)) |
| 43 | + (System/exit status)) |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | +(defn read-config [path] |
| 46 | + (with-open [in (PushbackReader. (clojure.java.io/reader path))] |
| 47 | + (eval (read in)))) ; !!! DANGER: evals any code in the config !!! |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | +(defn cache-path [config url] |
| 50 | + (str (:path (:cache config)) "/" (sha1 url))) |
| 51 | + |
| 52 | +(defn recipient [imap] |
| 53 | + (str (:user imap) "@" (:host imap))) |
| 54 | + |
| 55 | +(defn read-cache [path] |
| 56 | + (try |
| 57 | + (let [[date & ids] (str/split-lines (slurp path))] |
| 58 | + {:date date :ids ids}) |
| 59 | + (catch java.io.FileNotFoundException e))) |
| 60 | + |
| 61 | +(defn write-cache [path cache] |
| 62 | + (spit path |
| 63 | + (str/join "\n" |
| 64 | + (cons (:date cache) |
| 65 | + (:ids cache))))) |
| 66 | + |
| 67 | +(defn item-date [item] |
| 68 | + ((some-fn :updated-date :published-date) item)) |
| 69 | + |
| 70 | +(defn item-author [feed item] |
| 71 | + (let [author (first (:authors item))] { |
| 72 | + :email (or (:email author) "feedmail@localhost") |
| 73 | + :name (or |
| 74 | + (:name author) |
| 75 | + (:author item) ; allows (assoc % :author "Bob") in config files |
| 76 | + (:title feed))})) |
| 77 | + |
| 78 | +(defn item-content [item] |
| 79 | + ((some-fn :content :description) item)) |
| 80 | + |
| 81 | +(defn email-template [s] |
| 82 | + (html/template (ByteArrayInputStream. (.getBytes s "UTF-8")) [item] |
| 83 | + [:a.link] (html/set-attr :href (:link item)) |
| 84 | + [:.title] (html/content (:title item)) |
| 85 | + [:.content] |
| 86 | + (let [{:keys [value type]} (item-content item)] |
| 87 | + (if (#{"html" "text/html" "xhtml"} type) |
| 88 | + (html/html-content value) |
| 89 | + (html/content value))))) |
| 90 | + |
| 91 | +(defn sort-entries [entries] |
| 92 | + (if (item-date (first entries)) |
| 93 | + (sort-by item-date #(compare %2 %1) entries) |
| 94 | + entries)) |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | +(defn entry->email [config feed item] |
| 97 | + (let [author (item-author feed item)] { |
| 98 | + :from (mail/address (:email author) (:name author)) |
| 99 | + :to (mail/address (recipient (:imap config))) |
| 100 | + :subject (:title item) |
| 101 | + :date (item-date item) |
| 102 | + :body (clojure.string/join |
| 103 | + ((email-template (:template (:email config))) |
| 104 | + item))})) |
| 105 | + |
| 106 | +(defn parse-feed [body] |
| 107 | + (when body |
| 108 | + (feed/parse-feed |
| 109 | + (ByteArrayInputStream. |
| 110 | + (.getBytes body "UTF-8"))))) |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | +(defn script-get [path] |
| 113 | + (let [{:keys [exit out]} (shell/sh path)] ; !!! DANGER: running arbitrary external command from config !!! |
| 114 | + {:body out, :status (if (zero? exit) 200 500)})) |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | +(defn fetch* [url date] |
| 117 | + (let [uri (java.net.URI. url)] |
| 118 | + (if (= "script" (.getScheme uri)) |
| 119 | + (script-get (.getSchemeSpecificPart uri)) |
| 120 | + (let [headers (if date {"If-Modified-Since" date} {})] |
| 121 | + (http/get url { |
| 122 | + :http-builder-fns [#(.disableCookieManagement %)] |
| 123 | + :headers headers |
| 124 | + :throw-exceptions false |
| 125 | + :decode-cookies false}))))) |
| 126 | + |
| 127 | +; Memoize fetched URLs to facilitate using the same URL in more than one subscription (e.g. a combined feed that's split via multiple filters). A FIFO cache of size 1 suffices, since we sort subscriptions by URL before fetching. |
| 128 | +(def memo-fetch (memo/fifo fetch* :fifo/threshold 1)) |
| 129 | + |
| 130 | +(defn fetch [url date] |
| 131 | + (let [{:keys [status body]} (memo-fetch url date)] |
| 132 | + (condp = status |
| 133 | + 200 body |
| 134 | + 304 nil |
| 135 | + (throw (java.io.IOException. (str "couldn't fetch feed: HTTP " status)))))) |
| 136 | + |
| 137 | +(defn report-feed-error [url e] |
| 138 | + (binding [*out* *err*] |
| 139 | + (println (format "Error on feed: %s\n%s" |
| 140 | + url (.toString e))))) |
| 141 | + |
| 142 | +(defn check-subscription [config store date {:keys [url] :as subscription}] |
| 143 | + (when (:verbose config) |
| 144 | + (println "checking" url)) |
| 145 | + (try+ |
| 146 | + (let [ |
| 147 | + transform-fn (or (:transform subscription) identity) |
| 148 | + filter-fn (or (:filter subscription) identity) |
| 149 | + cache-path (cache-path config url) |
| 150 | + cache (read-cache cache-path) |
| 151 | + body (fetch url (:date cache)) |
| 152 | + feed (parse-feed body) |
| 153 | + new-entries (into [] |
| 154 | + (comp |
| 155 | + (take (:size (:cache config))) |
| 156 | + (keep transform-fn) |
| 157 | + (filter filter-fn) |
| 158 | + (filter (comp (complement (set (:ids cache))) :uri))) |
| 159 | + (sort-entries (:entries feed)))] |
| 160 | + (when (:verbose config) |
| 161 | + (println "-> got" (count new-entries) "new items") |
| 162 | + (doseq [e new-entries] |
| 163 | + (println e))) |
| 164 | + (when-not (:dry-run config) |
| 165 | + (mail/append-messages store {:name (:folder subscription) :create true} |
| 166 | + (map (partial entry->email config feed) |
| 167 | + (reverse new-entries))) |
| 168 | + (write-cache cache-path { |
| 169 | + :date date |
| 170 | + :ids |
| 171 | + (take (:size (:cache config)) |
| 172 | + (concat (map :uri new-entries) |
| 173 | + (:ids cache)))}))) |
| 174 | + ; ROME throws IllegalArgumentException sometimes for invalid documents |
| 175 | + (catch+ [IllegalArgumentException java.io.IOException java.net.ConnectException java.net.UnknownHostException javax.mail.MessagingException com.rometools.rome.io.FeedException org.apache.http.HttpException] e |
| 176 | + (when-not (:suppress-errors subscription) (report-feed-error url e))) |
| 177 | + (catch Exception e (report-feed-error name url e) (throw e)))) |
| 178 | + |
| 179 | +(defn check-subscriptions [{:keys [imap subscriptions] :as config} subscription-names-to-check] |
| 180 | + (let [ |
| 181 | + filter-fn (if (seq subscription-names-to-check) (comp (set subscription-names-to-check) :name) any?) |
| 182 | + date (time.fmt/unparse (time.fmt/formatters :rfc822) (time/now))] |
| 183 | + (mail/with-store [store imap] |
| 184 | + ; sort by url so our cache can work more effectively |
| 185 | + (doseq [subscription (sort-by :url (filter filter-fn subscriptions))] |
| 186 | + (check-subscription config store date subscription))))) |
| 187 | + |
| 188 | +(defn usage [options-summary] |
| 189 | + (format "usage: feedmail [options] [FEED_NAME ...]\n\nOptions:\n%s" |
| 190 | + options-summary)) |
| 191 | + |
| 192 | +(def cli-options [ |
| 193 | + ["-h" "--help"] |
| 194 | + ["-v" "--verbose"] |
| 195 | + ["-d" "--dry-run" "Don't upload emails or update cache"] |
| 196 | + ["-c" "--config FILE" "Config file path" |
| 197 | + :default (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/.config/feedmail/config.clj") |
| 198 | + :validate [#(.exists (java.io.File. %)) "no such file"]]]) ;FIXME: real validation (spec?) |
| 199 | + |
| 200 | +(def default-config { |
| 201 | + :cache { |
| 202 | + :path (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/.cache/feedmail") |
| 203 | + :size 100} |
| 204 | + :email { |
| 205 | + :template "<h1><a class='link title'></a></h1><p class='content'></p>"} |
| 206 | + :imap { |
| 207 | + :host nil |
| 208 | + :user nil |
| 209 | + :password nil} |
| 210 | + :subscriptions |
| 211 | + (take 0 [{ ; just for documentation: |
| 212 | + :url "http://example.com/" |
| 213 | + :folder "Folder/Subfolder" |
| 214 | + :filter any? |
| 215 | + :transform identity |
| 216 | + :suppress-errors false}])}) |
| 217 | + |
| 218 | +(defn -main [& args] |
| 219 | + (let [{:keys [options arguments errors summary]} (cli/parse-opts args cli-options)] |
| 220 | + (cond |
| 221 | + (:help options) |
| 222 | + (println (usage summary)) |
| 223 | + errors |
| 224 | + (die 1 (str/join "\n" errors)) |
| 225 | + :else |
| 226 | + (let [config (merge default-config |
| 227 | + (read-config (:config options)) |
| 228 | + (select-keys options [:verbose :dry-run]))] |
| 229 | + (when (:verbose config) |
| 230 | + (println "config:" config)) |
| 231 | + (.mkdir (java.io.File. (:path (:cache config)))) |
| 232 | + (check-subscriptions config arguments) |
| 233 | + (shutdown-agents))))) |
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