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zsawyer edited this page Jul 20, 2013 · 8 revisions

Current state:

I initially wrote this mod for Minecraft 1.4.7 with the intention that it would be forge-based. However Forge's handles were insufficient for this. So I created the required events and registered the hooks and submitted a pull request to forge. But it is still pending:

an alternative approach

Someone in #minecraftforge suggested that instead of waiting on the pull request I should implement this as a "coremod". This would require more research which at this point I had no motivation for yet.

development/setting up forge (Minecraft 1.4.7)

  1. download my forked forge
  2. install my forked forge (execute setup)
  3. inject the sources of Stereoscopic3D-for-Minecraft into forge
    • either: in Eclipse add "Stereoscopic3D-for-Minecraft/src/minecraft" by
      "Properties" -> "Java Build Path" -> "Source"
      -> "Link Source..." -> "Browse..." (browse to "Stereoscopic3D-for-Minecraft/src/minecraft")
      -> set "Folder name:" to "Stereoscopic3D-for-Minecraft"
      -> "Finish"
    • or merge "Stereoscopic3D-for-Minecraft/src" folder from this repository into "forge/mcp".
  4. you can now develop for this mod


The Occulus Rift mod's sources can be found here:

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