base4096 is an encoding scheme in the same vein as base64 that seeks to minimize the amount of characters to represent data.
This is a compression scheme for when logical character count matters more than physical bytes. This can be useful for apps that limit character count, such as Discord that caps at 2000 characters per message.
I started experimenting with this while trying to find a way to transmit data similar to Animal Crossing custom designs which are 32x32 images with 16 colors. (As well as some bonus metadata.) Animal Crossing does this using QR codes or an in-game browser. I am always a fan of avoiding servers for video game purposes, so an offline scheme was of interest to me. On Mac OS-like and mobile operating systems, the clipboard can be utilized for easy data transfer. QR codes are technically also possible, but the use case is overly complex and wasteful as far as data goes.
I initially wrote it in GDScript, did experimentation in Python, then reimplemented the code in GDScript rewritten for clarity.
When using text, a raw dump of the hex values would best case be 1024 characters, which is workable in some cases but not in others. Animal Crossing has a Pro Design format which allows four 32x32 images to be packed. One for the front, back, and the two sleeves of a shirt. This would require three messages if it was unencoded hex data. (1,024 * 4 = 4,096)
base4096 can compress this to 342 characters. This would allow for 5 images to be fit inside of one 2000 character message, up from 1.
This could also be utilized for other situations of small user created data to be shared.
You can play around with the image code yourself, and also see a test program included alongside. This allows you to preview inputs/outputs of the encoding scheme.
Here are three custom designs you can try out, which are not the same as the screenshot. Paste it into the image input field and then press decode.

To open in Godot, simply click code, download zip, unzip it, and open project.godot
in Godot 4.x.
If you would just like to test inputs/outputs without opening it in the Godot Editor, download one of the releases. Not notarized on macOS, sorry...
Technically yes, but practically it is a worse solution. Anything over U+FFFF is counted as two characters in any practical tests I performed. 0xFFFF is indeed 65536, however there are many control characters, and characters that modify each other by being placed next to each other within that region. The majority of "safe" characters I could find were from the CJK Unified Ideographs Extension B, all of which are above U+FFFF.
In the best case, it shrinks from 342 characters to 256. However in the worst case it is 512. In my tests, 42,720 characters out of the 65,536 (65%) were from Extension B. This means assuming even distribution of the characters, the average size would be 398 characters, which is actually worse than base4096. However, even if it was slightly better in the average case, I think the worst case is more important for this usage.
For the vast majority of this experiment, I thought this was a novel idea, but it turns out qntm has done pretty extensive work in this sector in JavaScript. I wasn't aware of this until I had already fully implemented the Godot code, and I also think it might be of some use to developers.
I attempted to remove offensive characters from the selection, but I might have failed. Apologies if you see something unintended.