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"1": "Rerords of the\nHirginia Company of London\n\nATA\n|| PREPARATIUE||\nCouRT HELD FOR VIRGINIA THE\n20\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 or May i622\n\nPRESENT\nRight Hono\u00e2\u0084\u00a2: Lo: Cauendish'\nS* Edwin Sandys. m* Ro: Smith. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Iadwin.\n8S\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Iohn Dauers. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Binge. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099* Kingstone.\nS' Iohn Brooke. m\u00e2\u0080\u0098 Wilmer. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Ditchfeild.\n8\" Walter Earle. Capt: Tucker. m* Caswell.\nS' Edward Lawly. m* Addison. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Sparrowe.\nm\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Dept ffarrar. mn* Kightley. m* Wood\nm\u00e2\u0080\u0099* Gibbs. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Withers. m* Geo: Smith.\nm'\u00e2\u0080\u0098 Wrote. ma\u00e2\u0080\u0098 Berblocke. m* Copland.\nm\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Paulavicine. m* Winne. m* Widdowes.\nm\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Barnard. m0\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Balmeford. m\u00e2\u0080\u0098* ffelgate.\nm\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Bromefeild. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Nich: ffarrar. m' Cuffe.\nm* Shippard. m'\u00e2\u0080\u0098 Meuerell. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 D\u00e2\u0080\u0099Lawne.\nm1\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Tomlins. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Mellinge. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Barbo'.\nm' Risely. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099* Robert\u00c3\u00a9. m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 ffogge.\nmm\u00e2\u0080\u0099 ffoxton. with diuers others.\n\nM* Deputy acquainted the Courte that himselfe and some others\nentreated by the former Court had bin at S\u00e2\u0080\u0099' Thomas Smiths before\n\n'The handwriting of most of the first two hundred and fifty pages of this volume is the same as\nthat of the latter part of the first volume. It has there been referred to as that of the fourth copyist.\n\n9\n",
"2": "10 RECORDS OF THE VIRGINIA COMPANY\n\nthe appointed Referrees concerninge Capt Martins buissines, and\nhavinge vnderstood the matter of his charge, w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 was that the Virginia\nCompany denied him the fruition of those priuiledges, that were\nformerly graunted vnto him, aswell in his Patent of the Maistershippe\nof the Ordinance in Virginia as also in his other Patent of his private\nPlantation; They desired to receaue his said Charge in writinge\naccordinge to the direc@on of the last Court, wherevnto a speedie\nAunsweare should be returned with all conveniency: Wherevpon it\npleased the said Comittee to require Capt: Martin to sett downe his\ngreevances in writinge by waye of Petigon vnto them, w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 they by\nletter would recofiend to the Virginia Company and expect their\nAnsweare: Accordingly wherevnto it was nowe cofended by the\nReferrees, w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 he presented in Court, and beinge read and taken into\nconsidera\u00c3\u00a9on, and likewise the peti\u00c3\u00a9on exhibited by Capt Martin to\nhis Ma\u00e2\u0080\u0098** w contayned many scandalous suggestions, aswell against\nthe whole Company, as some speciall Members thereof: After delib-\nerac\u00c3\u00a9on had therevpon, it was at length aduised and thought fitt, that\nin their Answ\u00e2\u0080\u0099 vnto the said Peti\u00c3\u00a9on there should be a double addresse\nmade (vizt)\u00c2\u00abthe one vnto his Ma, aswell for clearinge the Company\nand such perticular persons as stand accused thereby, as also to informe\nand certifie that some of those vnto whome the Referrence is procured\nare suspected to be the chiefe Abettors and Supporters of Capt:\nMartin in this buissines. The second addresse to be to the Referrees\nthemselues in like manner as haue bin formerly donne to Capt:\nMartins Certificate: Wherevpon the Court entreated the Lo: Cauen-\ndish, 8S\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Iohn Dauers, S* Iohn Brooke, 8\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Walter Earle, m* Gibbs, m\u00e2\u0080\u0098\nWrote, m' Binge, m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Tomlins, m\u00e2\u0080\u0098 Edw: Paulavicine, m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 lermyn, m\u00e2\u0080\u0098*\nElias ffoxton m\u00e2\u0080\u0098 Nicho: ffarrar, m\u00e2\u0080\u0099 Caswell m* Iohn Smith and m\u00e2\u0080\u0099\u00e2\u0080\u0098\nRo: Smith, to meete to morrowe at m\u00e2\u0080\u0098 Dept ffarrars about 2 of the\nClocke in the Afternoone to drawe vpp the said Answeare, and to\npresent the same at the Quarter Court.\n\n2. M* Deputy signified further that one Samuell Each Captaine of the\nAbigall havinge at his beinge in Virginia made Tryall of those Bancke\nthat lye out in Iames Riuer neare Blunts-pointe and found that a\nBlockehowse or fforte might be erected vpon them, w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 would altogether\nforbidd the passage of Shipps vpp higher, made offer vnto the Com-\n",
"3": "MAY 20, 1692 ) 11\n\npanie, if they would imploy his Shippe the Abigal] with a reasonable\nconvenient fraight outward and homeward, he would carry a douzin\nCarpenters at the least, by whome the rest of his Marriners beinge\nsupplied with convenient number of handes from the Colony and\nsome necessaries from hence of Boat Cordage and Tooles he doubted\nnot by the end of March to raise such a Blockhowse as should secure\nall the Riuer about it: The Counsell and Comittees mett diuers times\nabout it, and havinge receaued good satisfac\u00c3\u00a9on both of the Suffi-\nciency of the man for his iudgement and honesty, and also of the\nprobablenes of the meanes, whereby he propounded to effect it, were\nall of opinion [2] that the offer was not to be refused, the matter of\nffortification beinge a thinge soe importunately requested by the Col-\nony, and this perticular beinge iudged by diuers of the Planters to be\nthat w\" ext |lought|| first to be attempted, and most easie to be\neffected especially consideringe that the Demaunds of Capt Each\nwere so ordinary and reasonable as although the worke should not be\neffected, yet there would arise noe dafiage to the Companie, but as they\nconceaue it rather a benifitt by the imploying so goodly and stronge\na Shippe wherein the Lady Wyatt and the rest that this yeare are to\ngoe may be exceedinge conveniently and safely transported, and the\nwhole Goempany ||Bodyel| duringe their stay in the Riuer much\nstrengthned: Wherefore the Comittees proceeded in treaty with\nCapt: Each and the rest of the owners, and it was agreed on by both\nparties in the manner followinge, reservinge the confirfiacon of the\nbargaine to the authority of the Quarter Court.\n\n1. That there should be 150 tui of goodes and 150 persons or propor-\nconablie of each, put and laden abourd the said Shippe: the w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 num-\nber of persons and goodes were conceaued would be verie easily made\nvpp by private Aduenturers.\n\n2. That the persons should repaye vj\" a head in hand and for fraight\nof goodes iij\" a Tun should be paid vpon Certificate of the safe deliu-\nery of them in Virginia.\n\n3. The Owners of the Shipp desired that the Passengers might be\ntaken in at the Isle of Wight, w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 although it were somewhat more\ncharge, yet in matter of health it wilbe doubly reecompenced.\n",
"4": "12 RECORDS OF THE VIRGINIA COMPANY\n\n4. And that the goode might be deliuered them here by the middle of\nIuly they promising by the first of August to be gonn from the Isle of\nWight if Winde and weather serue.\n\n5. That they would not take in any more Passengers then the Com-\npanie should put abourd them, and that duringe the whole voyage the\npeople should haue their full allowance of victuall.\n\n6. That after their vnladinge in Virginia the Shippe should with all\nconvenient expedigon fall downe to Blunt-pointe, and there Capt:\nEach would diligently imploye himselfe his Shippe and 12 Carpenters\nand Marriners to the number of 40, till the end of March in case the\nbuissines be not sooner effected for the erectinge and buildinge of a\nfforte or Blockehowse, and the Companie vndertaketh and promiseth\nto supply the said Capt: Each with such a convenient number of\npeople and landmen as shalbe fitt, and requisite duringe the said\nworke; w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 Land-men so sent and imployed should be maynetayned\nwith victuall of their owne at the Collonies charge, but their lodginge\nshould be abourd the Shippe.\n\nAnd the Companies for their partes doe promise.\n\nThat if this worke be effected they will make his fraight homeward\n800\" vpon w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 all good\u00c2\u00a2 Tobacco, Sassafras C* w\u00e2\u0084\u00a2 shalbe laden in him\nshalbe accounted and onely the personall transport of men shalbe\nexcepted: As for the rate and price of the fraight, he shall not make\nany agreement without the consent of the Gouernor.\n\nAnd that if he performinge his best endeauoures shall not be able to\neffect it, by the end of March, but for the perfectinge thereof shalbe\nrequired to staye a Month or more after he shall haue paid him for\neuery Months staye 160\" by the Gouerno\u00e2\u0080\u0099 and Colony there and so pro\nrato, But in case it should happen there by the iudgement of the\nGouernor and Counsell of State within one Month the worke proue\nnot feazable, then it shalbe lawfull for him to repaire home the first\nof January, and that the Companie shall by that time lade so much\nTobacco or other good\u00e2\u0082\u00ac abourd him as shall make in fraight 800\"\nbesid\u00c2\u00a2 personall freight.\n"