A Gradle Plugin for setting up Kotlin Multiplatform projects.
- Automatically configures hierarchical source sets.
- Enables passing of build targets via command line to control what gets configured (great for CI).
Will automatically configure project with a hierarchical source set structure
|-- jvmAndroid
| |-- jvm
| '-- android
'-- nonJvm
|-- js
|-- wasm
|-- wasmJs
|-- wasmWasi
'-- native
|-- unix
| |-- androidNative
| | |-- androidNativeArm32
| | |-- androidNativeArm64
| | |-- androidNativeX64
| | '-- androidNativeX86
| |-- darwin
| | |-- ios
| | | |-- iosArm32
| | | |-- iosArm64
| | | |-- iosX64
| | | '-- iosSimulatorArm64
| | |-- macos
| | | |-- macosArm64
| | | '-- macosX64
| | |-- tvos
| | | |-- tvosArm64
| | | |-- tvosX64
| | | '-- tvosSimulatorArm64
| | '-- watchos
| | |-- watchosArm32
| | |-- watchosArm64
| | |-- watchosDeviceArm64
| | |-- watchosX64
| | |-- watchosX86
| | '-- watchosSimulatorArm64
| '-- linux
| |-- linuxArm32Hfp
| |-- linuxArm64
| |-- linuxMips32
| |-- linuxMipsel32
| '-- linuxX64
|-- mingw
| |-- mingwX64
| '-- mingwX86
'-- wasmNative
'-- wasm32
You can control what targets are enabled via passing of properties at build time.
Only enable the linuxX64
target when building
./gradlew :samples:native:runDebugExecutableLinuxX64 -PKMP_TARGETS=LINUX_X64
Only configure the jvm
target when building
./gradlew :samples:javafx:run -PKMP_TARGETS=JVM
Override any KMP_TARGETS
property that may be configured (note the usage of -D
instead of -P
./gradlew build -DKMP_TARGETS_ALL
This helps with fine-tuning CI builds. For example, if you want to run tests for Java 11, 16, 17, 18
you can configure things to build all targets for Java 11
, then pass only -PKMP_TARGETS=JVM
for the Java 16, 17, 18
builds such that you are not wasting resources by compiling, say, all the
darwin targets (iOS, macOS, tvOS, watchOS).
List of all KMP_TARGETS
// DEPRECATED as of 0.1.5 (based on Kotlin 1.9.20)
Example usage (comma separated list)
This is useful in projects that contain multiple modules which support different targets.
- Module A:
- Module B:
- Module C:
Module B depends on A
Module C depends on A
when building means no targets are enabled for Module B. In
this event, the Kotlin Multiplatform plugin will not be applied and nothing will be
configured (i.e. the build will not fail due to kotlin multiplatform plugin requiring
at least 1 target being enabled).
For composite builds, you can reference the following examples:
kmpConfiguration {
configure {
jvm {
target {
sourceSetMain {
dependencies {
// Jvm only dependencies
sourceSetTest {
// ...
// Will automatically set
// KotlinJvmCompilation.kotlinOptions.jvmTarget
kotlinJvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// If you aren't using android and have elected for `withJava()`
// in the `target` block above setting this will automatically
// configure for you:
// JavaPluginExtension.sourceCompatibility
// JavaPluginExtension.targetCompatibility
compileSourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
compileTargetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// Android.
// Note that only 1 android example below will be utilized b/c
// you can only have 1 android target in a multiplatform module.
// The `com.android.application` plugin will be applied automatically
// if this target is enabled.
androidApp {
// Plugins to be applied if this target is being configured. In other
// words, these plugins will not be applied in the event KMP_TARGETS
// is passed via command line and does not contain ANDROID
// `pluginIds` are available for all targets for selectively applying
// them based on needs
pluginIds("org.jetbrains.kotlin.kapt", "androidx.navigation.safeargs")
target {
// ..
android {
// configure BaseAppModuleExtension
// See jvm lambda above for explanation, works the same
kotlinJvmTarget = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
compileSourceCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
compileTargetCompatibility = JavaVersion.VERSION_1_8
// Will automatically apply the `com.android.library` plugin
// if this target is enabled.
androidLibrary {
target {
android {
// configure LibraryExtension
// Additional sourceSet lambda for androidLibrary and androidApp
sourceSetTestInstrumented {
// ...
// The `*All` shortcuts enable all targets for that platform type.
// NOTE: If more targets become available in future Kotlin
// releases, this will automatically add them. If that behavior
// is undesired, consider not utilizing the `*All` shortcuts.
options {
// Will create additional source sets for `iOS`, `tvOS`, and
// `watchOS` simulator targets to inherit from
// e.g. iosSimulator{Main/Test}
useSimulatorSourceSets = true
// Will create additional source sets for `iOS`, `tvOS`, and
// `watchOS` NON-simulator targets to inherit from
// e.g. iosNonSimulator{Main/Test}
useNonSimulatorSourceSets = true
// All androidNative targets are enabled from above, but say you only
// need to configure the X64 variant. This will return the same lazy
// container that was created in `androidNativeAll` above so you can
// do that.
androidNativeX64 {
target {
// ...
// Add another with a non-default name
androidNativeX64("androidNativeX64Awesome") {
// ...
wasmJs {
// ...
wasmWasi {
// ..
// The `common` block is for configuring common source sets.
// This will only be invoked if there is at least 1 target
// being configured.
common {
sourceSetMain {
dependencies {
// ...
sourceSetTest {
dependencies {
// This will only be invoked if there is at least 1 target
// being configured.
kotlin {
// Additional configuration via the KotlinMultiplatformExtension
with(sourcSets) {
// Want to use `findByName` in the event KMP_TARGETS is
// set and does not include ANDROID or JVM, which means
// the `jvmAndroid` intermediate source set will not be
// created.
val jvmAndroidMain: KotlinSourceSet? = findByName("jvmAndroidMain")?.apply {
// More intermediate source sets, as depicted above in
// section `Hierarchical Source Set Structure`
val nativeMain: KotlinSourceSet? = findByName("nativeMain")?.apply {
val darwinMain: KotlinSourceSet? = findByName("darwinMain")?.apply {
val iosMain: KotlinSourceSet? = findByName("iosMain")?.apply {
// setup additional source set configurations
val linuxMain = findByName("linuxMain")
val androidNativeMain = findByName("androidNativeMain")
if (linuxMain != null || androidNativeMain != null) {
val linuxAndroidMain = maybeCreate("linuxAndroidMain").apply {
// `linux` and `androidNative` intermediate source sets
// inherit from unix, so it will always be available
// if either of them are configured. So, we can use
// `getByName` safely.
val linuxAndroidTest = maybeCreate("linuxAndroidTest").apply {
linuxMain?.apply { dependsOn(linuxAndroidMain) }
findByName("linuxTest")?.apply { dependsOn(linuxAndroidTest) }
androidNativeMain?.apply { dependsOn(linuxAndroidMain) }
findByName("androidNativeTest")?.apply { dependsOn(linuxAndroidTest) }
Using the plugins
plugins {
// If you are using androidApp (as depicted in the above example)
id("com.android.application") version("x.x.x") apply(false)
// If you are using androidLibrary (as depicted in the above example)
id("com.android.library") version("x.x.x") apply(false)
id("org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform") version("x.x.x") apply(false)
id("io.matthewnelson.kmp.configuration") version("0.4.0")
plugins {
// If you are using androidApp (as depicted in the above example)
id 'com.android.application' version 'x.x.x' apply false
// If you are using androidLibrary (as depicted in the above example)
id 'com.android.library' version 'x.x.x' apply false
id 'org.jetbrains.kotlin.multiplatform' version 'x.x.x' apply false
id 'io.matthewnelson.kmp.configuration' version '0.4.0'
Using the apply plugin
(the old way)
top-level build file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
// kotlin gradle
// android gradle (if you have an android target)
project module:
plugins {
kmpConfiguration {
configure {
// ...
top-level build file:
buildscript {
repositories {
dependencies {
classpath 'io.matthewnelson:gradle-kmp-configuration-plugin:0.4.0'
project module:
plugins {
id 'io.matthewnelson.kmp.configuration'
kmpConfiguration {
configure {
// ...