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Known Issues #2

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drojf opened this issue Jul 28, 2022 · 8 comments
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Known Issues #2

drojf opened this issue Jul 28, 2022 · 8 comments


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drojf commented Jul 28, 2022

Please list any issues you find in this thread

Stuck Sprite Issue

If you get stuck/overlapped sprite issue, please take a screenshot and send us your player.log and Player-prev.log without restarting the game (Press F10 -> Troubleshooting -> Show output_log.txt / Player.log) . If you already closed the game, navigate to the game folder and run the Open Save Folder.bat to show the Player.log files.

Like the previous chapters 5-8. this chapter also seems to have the 'stuck sprite issue'. This doesn't seem related to lipsync, since it was reported on hiru PC ver. See this issue for more details: #4

Different Font is used to previous games

  • We currently can't patch fonts (?) for this chapter.

Lipsync/Voice problems

  • Voices and Lipsync Animation will continue to play during eyecatches (when the black horizontal bars and higurashi logo appears) if you click quickly through text
    • Generally, voice and lipsync continue unless interrupted by some other voice or event, sometimes unexpectedly
  • Skipping with lipsync enabled may very occasionally cause graphical artifacts (like a large grey or white texture appearing). The texture should clear when the character leaves though.
    • I have made some changes which might fix this issue, but not sure if it is fixed.
  • NOTE: we've had two people play through Saikoroshi without issue, so if there are any bugs, they should be quite rare.

Choice menu problems [FIXED?]

I think most of these issues should be fixed in the unreleased v0.0.6, but let me know if you find more/they are still broken

Right now I've only tested the choice menu that appears after you select 'Hirukowashi'.

Note: these issues are likely due to me trying to put in the choice menu without the sharedassets? I need to revise this some time. But I guess I can check if it is the same on previous chapters.

  • The hitboxes for the choice menu are completely off - they only activate in the center (as of v0.0.5)
  • Exiting the choice via the menu won't let you exit till you select a choice
  • Various things can cause the choice menu to break:
    • Spam clicking (continously) from when you click 'Hirukowashi' causes the choice menu to freeze and/or restart the game
    • Skip mode can cause the game to restart
    • Exiting or returning to titlewhile the choice menu is open can sometimes cause the game to freeze
  • Also, in general, the choice menu is a little wonky (things like the background bars don't animate with the text)

Game sometimes freezes for a couple seconds the first time you open the mod menu or main menu "config" screen

I think this is due to the mod menu. There seems to be some work that is done the first time the mod menu is opened. The same work happens the first time you open the config screen, probably due to the little button on the lower left that I added which lets you open the mod menu from the config screen.

Fixed Problems


  • The mod options menu (F10 menu) list options which are currently unavailable (like Mangagamer sprites etc.). Clicking them doesn't even show an error message so this is pretty confusing. We might be able to remove some of these via the init.txt, not sure.
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drojf commented Jul 29, 2022

Reaching the Hirukowashi choice twice causes game to restart [FIXED]

EDIT: This issue should be fixed now by b2d6027 (as of v0.0.4)

Click here to show details on this bug

I noticed an issue where if you enter the Hiru choice section twice, you get this error on the log:

ArgumentException: An item with the same key has already been added. Key: HiruChoice0
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].TryInsert (TKey key, TValue value, System.Collections.Generic.InsertionBehavior behavior) [0x000c1] in <44afb4564e9347cf99a1865351ea8f4a>:0 
  at System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[TKey,TValue].Add (TKey key, TValue value) [0x00000] in <44afb4564e9347cf99a1865351ea8f4a>:0 
  at Assets.Scripts.Core.Buriko.BurikoMemory.AddMemory (System.String name, Assets.Scripts.Core.Buriko.Util.IBurikoObject obj) [0x00048] in <23aa92b3f9b342848f84f5d00011a89f>:0 
  at Assets.Scripts.Core.Buriko.BurikoScriptFile.CommandDeclaration () [0x00105] in <23aa92b3f9b342848f84f5d00011a89f>:0 
  at Assets.Scripts.Core.Buriko.BurikoScriptFile.Next () [0x00073] in <23aa92b3f9b342848f84f5d00011a89f>:0 
  at Assets.Scripts.Core.Buriko.BurikoScriptSystem.Advance () [0x00000] in <23aa92b3f9b342848f84f5d00011a89f>:0 
  at Assets.Scripts.Core.GameSystem.Update () [0x0016a] in <23aa92b3f9b342848f84f5d00011a89f>:0 

This appears to be because the HiruChooseVersion() function is reached via a JumpSection() call rather than a CallSection() call, so the char HiruChoice0[2]; variable stays in scope even after the function exits. This throws an exception causing the game to restart.

Changing this to CallSection() doesn't seem to affect anything, so I'm going to try doing that for now. I thought I'd record it here incase it has some ill effect.

edit: It appears that doing JumpSection sets your scope level to '0'. If you then declare a variable in the called function at scope level '0', it will stay there forever(?). I'm guessing this was done on purpose to have global variables, but it can give some confusing behavior.

Note that when you load, you restore the memory state at the time of saving, so loading a save to make a choice again won't cause this problem.

drojf added a commit that referenced this issue Jul 29, 2022
 - This fixes a bug where reaching a choice twice / `char HiruChoice0[2];` twice would restart the game see #2 (comment)
 - Our other scripts seem to mainly use 'CallSection', so this also normalizes the script to match our other scripts
 - Special calls (returning to title/flow) have been left alone to reset the scope level
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drojf commented Jul 30, 2022

Quick save button stops working [PROBABLY FIXED]

This issue should be fixed as of v0.0.5....probably

Click here to show information on this bug

Reported on discord:

Also, at one point the UI's quick save button stopped reacting to mouseovers (changing the color) as well as clicking on it, but after doing a quick load, it went back to normal. Not sure what that was about, I haven't been able to replicate it.

Happens every time when in windowed mode for me(720p).
while playing go to the menu -> Save & Load -> Load a save (quick load works fine).
Change of resolution, opening the menu, opening the logs "fix" the button

Orian reported this issue before but I couldn't reproduce it - but hopefully I can fix it now with the above reproduction instructions

EDIT: I can't reproduce it, but I'll see if there is anything obvious in the code

EDIT2: OK I can reproduce it by:

  • Play game normally (not be in the main menu)
  • Open the right click menu (by right clicking or clicking the button, both work)
  • Click "Save & Load" button
  • Save to any slot (I chose the top right slot)
  • Immediately Load any slot without exiting the save/load menu
  • Quick save button will then be broken (cannot mouse over, can't click on it)

~~EDIT3: I can't reproduce it anymore -_- ~~

EDIT4: OK, I can reproduce it as follows. Some steps may not be required

  • Wipe all save data (including global.dat) (this step probably not necessary)
  • Start Saikoroshi from the start
  • Play until the very first line (which is voiced/lipsynced) completes, and wait for it to fully play out
    • EDIT: it looks like saving on any "click to continue text" (Line_WaitForInput) will cause a 'broken' save, but saving on a "click to next page" (Line_ContinueAfterTyping) will cause a 'good save', so I guess it has to do with the
  • Save the game
  • Load the game
  • Also, from then onwards, loading that save while already in-game will cause the quick-save button to bug out. But loading it from the main menu seems to be always OK.

This is probably the clearest way to explain it:

  • If you save while the text cursor points to the right (meaning 'click to continue displaying text'), it will cause a broken save. Loading this save while already in game will always cause the quick save button issue
    • This corresponds to Line_WaitForInput in the game script
  • If you save while the text cursor points down (meaning 'click to go to next page of text'), it will cause a good save. This save will never cause the quick save button issue
    • This corresponds to Line_ContinueAfterTyping in the game script

From discord:

I've found another way to reproduce this:
You just have to quickly press

"quick save" ~10 times and then load any save (from menu). It will break this button.
It's may be not a proper use case, but it's reliable way to reproduce the issue for me.

  • remove all files from save folder
  • launch the game
  • choose English -> click on Start -> Saikoroshi
  • click few times until you see menu button
  • click on menu button -> save & load
  • create a save
  • right click (it should close the menu)
  • quickly spam quick save button 10 times
  • click on menu button -> save & load
  • load created save
  • can't click on quick save button

failed to reproduce on clean rei and on modified Matsuribayashi

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drojf commented Jul 30, 2022

Textlog/Backlog Text Scrolling Problems [FIXED]

This issue should be fixed as of v0.0.5

Reported on discord - See attached GIF

Click here to show SPOILER GIF


drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Jul 31, 2022
 - I don't really understand how this fix works, so it might not fix in all situations
 - This would only happen under a certain set of conditions, not every time (for example, spamming the quick save button, then making a save, then loading that save)
 - Once a save had the problem, loading the 'bad save' would cause the quicksave to be broken after loading most of the time
 - See 07th-mod/higurashi-rei#2 (comment) for more details
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Jul 31, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Jul 31, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Jul 31, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Jul 31, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/python-patcher that referenced this issue Aug 4, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/python-patcher that referenced this issue Aug 4, 2022
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drojf commented Aug 8, 2022

Linux Wine/Proton - Tabbing out / losing focus, then going back into the game, can't advance text [CANNOT REPRODUCE]

Click here to show original conversation

L — Today at 1:44 PM
IDK if this is a wine problem or just a problem with the Rei patch but I noticed that if I tab out of the app I can't progress text any more. I tried Matsuribayashi and it seems fine in wine (though the keyboard doesn't work)
drojf — Today at 1:44 PM
uh so
I noticed the base game changed that
so I kept that change in rei
however I could change it to be consistent with the other chapters
not sure what most people would want though?
like the audio and stuff keeps playing
just the game won't advance
if not focussed
L — Today at 1:45 PM
even after tabbing back in it doesn't work
drojf — Today at 1:45 PM
oh what
like it doens't respond to mouse clicks anymore?
L — Today at 1:45 PM
drojf — Today at 1:45 PM
when you say tab out, you mean from fulls creen
or windowed
L — Today at 1:46 PM
I know from full screen breaks it
let me try from windowed mode
drojf — Today at 1:46 PM
I would probably say it's a wine thing + how this chapter has differnt tab-out behaviour
I would probably need to test it personally to fix it, though
L — Today at 1:47 PM
OK so I can click on menu buttons but can't progress text
music still plays
and yes clicking out of the window in windowed mode breaks it
drojf — Today at 1:51 PM
I think restoring the old behavior of the previous chapters would probably fix it
even if I'm not sure what's breaking it on rei
ok i'll note this down for later

User reported they are using debian / X11, but not sure what store they got it from

I did some testing on Ubuntu + Steam + Proton 7.0-3, and I couldn't reproduce it when being full-screen, or when being windowed and switching between windows.

I won't look into it because I don't know what version (which store) of the game you're using / what wine you're using.

It might even be something specific to debian or your window manager.

If you do end up buying the game and can reproduce this issue on a specific store's version of the game and the latest version of Wine, I can try to look into it (or if someone else reports the same issue), but so far nobody else has reported this issue.

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drojf commented Aug 14, 2022

Linux Wine/Proton Video Playback shows garbled pink screen with no audio

On Higurashi Rei ran under Linux Wine/Proton (modded like a Windows install), video play back will show a garbled pink screen with no audio (such as at the start of Hiru Console).

This is because the installer installs the Windows video file, and our mod currently has no knowledge of whether it is running under Wine or not, so tries to playback the Windows video file, which is not supported properly on Wine/Proton.

It might be possible to fix this by making sure wine installs have the linux video file only - Rei onwards will automatically play any compatible video file. However on previous chapters, some code would be needed to make sure the DLL will try to play the .ogv if no .mp4 exists.

2022-08-19: I'm going to put this notice in the release

For Linux Proton/Wine users, currently the opening videos won't play.

  • If you installed using the installer, you may be able to get around this by deleting the videos in the HigurashiEp09_Data\StreamingAssets\movies folder, then installing the Linux movies from the manual install page
  • If you are installing manually, try installing the Linux movie files instead of the Windows ones
  • This fix only works for this chapter

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drojf commented Aug 16, 2022

Graphics settings corrupted if entering Hiru choice menu then leaving, then starting saikoroshi [FIXED]

start the game and select hiru > get to the choice menu > exit to main menu > start game and choose saikoroshi

After performing these steps, you'll get stuck in some combination of nvl/adv mode:


drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Aug 17, 2022
- See 07th-mod/higurashi-rei#2 (comment)

- If you were playing in ADV mode, encountered a ModEnableNVLModeInADVMode() call, then quit to the menu, the
"GLinemodeSp" (controlling if the text is drawn in NVL or ADV mode) would still be set to NVL mode.

- If you then started a new game, this would result in NVL mode text overlaid on the ADV mode textbox.

- The fix resets GLinemodeSp to 0 when returning to the title screen if in ADV mode, without redrawing the textbox

# Conflicts:
#	Assets.Scripts.Core.State/StateTitle.cs
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Aug 20, 2022
- See 07th-mod/higurashi-rei#2 (comment)

- If you were playing in ADV mode, encountered a ModEnableNVLModeInADVMode() call, then quit to the menu, the
"GLinemodeSp" (controlling if the text is drawn in NVL or ADV mode) would still be set to NVL mode.

- If you then started a new game, this would result in NVL mode text overlaid on the ADV mode textbox.

- The fix resets GLinemodeSp to 0 when returning to the title screen if in ADV mode, without redrawing the textbox

# Conflicts:
#	Assets.Scripts.Core.State/StateTitle.cs
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drojf commented Aug 21, 2022

Auto mode doesn't work consistently, especially on Batsukoishi

Auto mode will sometimes only show part of the dialogue, then wait until the voice has fully finished playing, before continuing with the rest of the dialogue

This bug might affect other chapters too.

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drojf commented Aug 22, 2022

Now that rei is released, and we have less issues, I'm closing this issue and creating individual issues for each problem we find.

@drojf drojf closed this as completed Aug 22, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Dec 21, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Dec 22, 2022
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Jul 21, 2023
 - Not all chapters are broken in the same way
 - See #106
 - See 07th-mod/higurashi-rei#2 (comment)
 - This was semi-applied in Rei (5796215), but it did not fix loading during a choice, and had some issues, so I'm going to revert that in Rei
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Dec 11, 2023
 - Not all chapters are broken in the same way
 - See #106
 - See 07th-mod/higurashi-rei#2 (comment)
 - This was semi-applied in Rei (5796215), but it did not fix loading during a choice, and had some issues, so I'm going to revert that in Rei
drojf added a commit to 07th-mod/higurashi-assembly that referenced this issue Dec 17, 2023

- Not all chapters are broken in the same way
 - See #106
 - See 07th-mod/higurashi-rei#2 (comment)
 - This was semi-applied in Rei (5796215), but it did not fix loading during a choice, and had some issues, so I'm going to revert that in Rei
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