Releases: 07th-mod/onikakushi
Releases · 07th-mod/onikakushi
PS3 Voice and Graphics Patch v.1.0
v 1.0
- All chapters finished and tested.
- All tips finished and tested.
- For whatever reason, some sound effects had an extra underscore in them. Fixed that.
- Changed any instances of bg_045 to bg_044
PS3 Voice and Graphics Patch v.0.4
v 0.4
- Chapter 4 finished
- Fixed Satako's voice during the Old Bachelor Scene in Chapter 3
PS3 Voice and Graphics Patch v.0.6
v 0.6
- Chapter 6, finished
- For whatever reason, some sound effects had an extra underscore in them. Fixed that.
PS3 Voice and Graphics Patch v.0.5
v 0.5
- Chapter 5, finished
- Chapter 15, 15_2, 15_3 finished, but need testing
- Created combine2.ogg for Naay! part in Ch. 5
- Found missing Satako in Ch. 2 picnic scene (S19/04/990400040.ogg)
- Found missing ps2 voice (S01/19/123100003.ogg)
- Moved sound effects to 4 layer as fix for sound effects and voice playing at same time
- Bumped up the volume of the voices so the bgm doesn't drown them out.