Author: Abhimanyu Gupta (
Functionality: Converts a given assembly code present in some txt file into its adequate machine/object code and writes it down in another txt file
For Purpose: Assembler Project in CSE112-Computer Organization at IIIT-Delhi
driver.cpp - maintains the flow of the Assembler while handling serious errors
lexer.h - provides functions which defines the lexical structure of program and do tokenisation alongwith basic syntax checking
parser.h - provides functions which gives meaning to the assembly code and convert it to machine/object code
symbolTable.h - provides functions which builds the symbol tabel for the provided assmebly code with looking for some context specific errors
errorHandler.h - provides functions which handles all the errors encountered along the flow of Assmebler
helper.h - provides non assembler specific functions which helps in smoothing of operations needed to be done at various points in the flow of Assembler
printer.h - provides functions which helps in printing the data recieved and information processed
Opcode Operand
Label: Opcode
Label: Opcode Operand
Note- Comments can be placed after end of the instruction in any above format or can even comment whole line without any instruction
Digits (only as Literals)
'#' (defines start of a comment)
':' (defines a label,can't exists seprately)
*Space and Horizontal Tab Space
Can include alphabets only
No support for names with digits
No support for names with ':' and '#'
No support for names with underscores or any other character which is not support by language(mentioned above)
Machine/Object OpCode Meaning Assembly Opcode
0000 Clear accumulator CLA
0001 Load into accumulator from address LAC
0010 Store accumulator contents into address SAC
0011 Add address contents to accumulator contents ADD
0100 Subtract address contents from accumulator contents SUB
0101 Branch to address if accumulator contains zero BRZ
0110 Branch to address if accumulator contains negative value BRN
0111 Branch to address if accumulator contains positive value BRP
1000 Read from terminal and put in address INP
1001 Display value in address on terminal DSP
1010 Multiply accumulator and address contents MUL
1011 Divide accumulator contents by address content. Quotient in R1 and remainder in R2 DIV
1100 Stop execution STP
Varriable is assumed to be declared when either INP or SAC is attached to it in the same line for the time
A same varriable can be used to take inputs multiple time or store value from accumulator (This doesn't count as Multiple Declaration)
Varriable attached to neither INP or SAC, is conisdered to be Undeclared Varriable
Forward Referencing of Varriables is not allowed
Label is defined when encountered with ':' at the start of a line
Label can be defined only once in the whole program
Label can't be defined at any other position in a line
Forward Referencing of Labels is allowed
For a branch statement to be valid Label must be defined
Label found in a branch statement doesn't count in its declaration
Literals can be used just as normal Numbers
Floating numbers aren't treated as Literals
No support for negative literals.
Literals can't be used with INP, SAC, BRP, BRN, BRZ opcodes
Literals can be used with DSP, LAC, ADD, SUB, DIV, MUL
Comments starts from the point '#' is encountered and includes the whole line after it
Comments are sngle line comment only
No support for multiple line comments
File should be a text file with ".txt" extension.
File name is Case-Insensitive.
File name can contain any number of words with any kind of character.
File should be encoded in ANSI encoding.
File should be present in the same folder in which program is run.
When prompted to enter file name, enter it in a single line.
- The Program is distributed among 7 files working together to run the Assembler:
- The program has 2 main dvisions:
First Pass
Second Pass
Input file name is asked (with extension).
File is read and it is converted into a list of instruction strings.
First Pass class is called, to check for all Errors and to format instruction strings to actual usable data to write machine/object code.
checks for all possible errors (listed below) and eliminate them/notify the user regarding the same.
generates symbol table, which has refferences to all the symbols and their locations in virtual memory.
provides an opcode table,which has opcode type,operands and location counter info usefull for second pass.
Newly generated Symbol and Opcode List are printed on the console, after the first pass.
Second Pass is called to use these Symbol and Opcode Lists, to generate the corresponding Machine/Object Code file.
genrates a string list of outputs corresponding to each line of instruction.
generates the final output file using the proccessed strings.
Final output file is generated with the name of file contaning assembly code, current Date/Time and respective Machine/Object Code.
each line of input file contains only one instruction
line may or may not contain any instruction at all
program starts at location counter "00000001" and runs at max till "01111111"
varriables/literals starts defining from address "10000001" and runs at max till "11111111"
when converting a line to object/machine instruction:
when no instruction is present, a blank line gets printed
in case of only label present in the line, even then a blank line is printed
when a proper instruction is found its equivalent code is printed
When a single valid standalone opcode is found the remaining bits are filled with "00000000"
The following Error have been handled:
Input/Output file can't be opened
Unsupported Character found
Invalid Varriable/Label/Opcode name
Mismatch in Opcode type and Operand supplied
Too Much Tokens(Opcode/Operand) supplied
Less Tokens(Opcode/Operand) supplied
Reserve name (Opcode) used as Symbol
Undefined Symbol
Bad Positioning of Label
End Statement Missing
Multiple Declaration for a Symbol
Forward Referencing of Varriables
Memory Unavailable for Varriable Declaration
Exhausted program memory
The main aim of Error Handling was to terminate program when an error is encoutered.
Two or more errors could be present when program terminats from a particular line.
The program terminates with any of these errors and in no case all.
As a result the error statement may seem uncontextual sometimes.
Language and Version Support:
- C++17 support needed to run the program.
Method 1: Using executable program
Run the main.exe file.
Enter the file name containing assembly code.
The assembler will start working now.
Check the generated object/machine code in the produced output file.
Method 2: Using command prompt or terminal
Enter "g++ -std=c++17 driver.cpp -o main" (without quotes)
Enter "main" (without quotes)
Enter the file name containing assembly code.
The assembler will start working now.
Check the generated object/machine code in the produced output file.
Method 3: Using IDE
First check if C++17 is supported or not.
Complie and Run the "driver.cpp"
Enter the file name containing assembly code.
The assembler will start working now.
Check the generated object/machine code in the produced output file.