Project based on the Tuya IOT API to turn on smart outlet controlled devices and an LED strip with a push button and an OLED.
First, follow the guide to create an IOT project on a Tuya Devoloper account, then replace the device IDs and secret keys with the ones generated for you by Tuya.
Download and 3D Print the CAD from my Thingiverse
Wire a push button to the 3.3V and GPIO 18 pin and wire the OLED SCK, SDA, VCC, and GND to the according Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins. Do the same for the power wires on the LED strip, and connect the data pin to GPIO 30.
Glue the OLED into place so it's aligned with the screen hole. The mechanical keyswitch should click into place.
Type sudo raspi-config
into the terminal and enable the I2C Interface and then reboot the Pi.
Add the script to the Raspberry Pi's desktop and then configure crontab by running crontab -e
and add
@reboot python /home/pi/*path/to/*