Custom component for home assistant supporting openWB wallbox wallbox for charging electric vehicles. The integration subscribes to MQTT topics prefix/<various values>
which are used by openwb to broadcast information and displays this informations as sensor entities.
In addition, the integration provides services that execute actions on the openwb (for example enable/disable a charge point).
Make sure you have HACS installed. Under HACS, choose Integrations. Add this repository as a user-defined reopsitory.
Clone the custom component to your custom components folder.
Restart your HA instance as usual.
In HA, choose Settings -> Integrations -> Add Integration to add the integration. HA will display a configuration window. For details, see next section. If the integration is not displayed, it may help to refresh your browser cache.
The integration subscribes to MQTT topics prefix/<various values>
which are used by openwb to broadcast information.
The first parameter, mqttroot, defines the prefix that shall be applied to all MQTT topics. By default, openWB publishes data to the MQTT topic openWB/#
(for example openWB/lp/1/%Soc
). In this case, set the prefix to openWB and the integration will subscribe to MQTT data coming from openWB, for example openWB/lp/1/%Soc
, or openWB/global/chargeMode
, and so on.
If your're publishing the data from the openWB mosquitto server to another MQTT server via a bridge, the topics on the other MQTT server are usually prepended with a prefix. If this is the case, also include this prefix into the first configuration parameter, for example somePrefix/openWB
. Then, the integration coding will subscribe to MQTT data comfing from MQTT, for example somePrefix/openWB/global/chargeMode
, or somePrefix/openWB/lp/1/%Soc
, and so on.
The second parameter, chargepoints, is the number of configured charge points. For each charge point, the integration will set up one set of sensors.
In addition, the integration also provides 4 services:
- Enable / disable a charge point
- Change the gloabl charge mode of openWB (Sofortladen, Min+PV, Nur PV, Stop, Standby)
- Change charge limitation (not limited / kWh / %SoC) per charge point incl. target values
- Change charge current per CP
Note: I provide this custom integration without any warranty. It lies in the responsability of each user to validate the functionality with his/her own openWB!