For Madara docs look at Madara Readme
Ticking Madara is a modified version of the Madara sequencer for Starknet which implements a ticking functionality, a transaction which is invoked by the protocol at the start of each new block. If you're looking for the original Madara project, please visit their GitHub page.
Ticking Madara was inspired by
Ticking Optimism,
a similar project which achieved the same end result for the Optimism rollup
chain. The benefit of ticking functionality is the ability to integrate it into
an app chain and invoke the app logic completely on-chain. This logic can be
expanded as needed, and as long as the dedicated sender address has enough funds
to cover the fees for invoking the tick
function, it will be processed as the
first tx in every block.
As this is mainly a Proof-of-concept, the contract itself is fairly simple. In
order to prove invoking of the contract occurs on each new block, the tick
function increments a storage variable by one. The contract was written in both
versions of Cairo, the smart contract language for Starknet, as Madara has not
fully migrated to Cairo version 1, and still uses version 0. However, when the
migration to Cairo version 1 is complete, we will update the sequencer to invoke
Cairo v1 contract instead.
Tick contract code in cairo version 0 is as follows:
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
%lang starknet
from starkware.cairo.common.cairo_builtins import HashBuiltin
from starkware.cairo.common.uint256 import Uint256
func my_value_storage() -> (res: felt) {
func get_my_stored_value{
syscall_ptr: felt*,
pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*,
}() -> (
res: felt
) {
let (res) =;
return (res = res);
func tick{syscall_ptr: felt*, pedersen_ptr: HashBuiltin*, range_check_ptr}() {
let (res) =;
my_value_storage.write(res + 1);
The same contract in Cairo v1 looks like this:
mod TickingStarknetContract {
struct Storage {
balance: felt252,
// Increases the balance by one.
fn tick() {
balance::write(balance::read() + 1);
// Returns the current balance.
fn get_balance() -> felt252 {
Note: Cairo language syntax and contract structure is still evolving and continuously changing. The reason for choosing this specific version is because it is the latest version of v1 syntax supported by Protostar, a toolchain for Starknet development utilized in this project.
First, we added compiled tick contract to the genesis state of the sequencer, in
the crates/node/src/
let test_contract_class = get_contract_class(&read_file_to_string("../../cairo-contracts/build/tick.json"), 0);
In the crates/node/src/
we added constant values for the contract
address and the contract class hash.
pub const TEST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: &str = "0x1111";
pub const TEST_CONTRACT_CLASS_HASH: &str = "0x0000d08ad5cd621607f319e1f460d63268a9efb087c47b8066e6f82f2acc1e36";
Main changes were made in the Starknet pallet. We've added constant values here as well in order to be able to use them throughout the pallet. Here we also added the selector for the tick function entrypoint in the smart contract.
pub const TEST_SENDER_ADDRESS: &str = "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001";
pub const TEST_CONTRACT_ADDRESS: &str = "0x1111";
pub const TEST_CONTRACT_CLASS_HASH: &str = "0x0000d08ad5cd621607f319e1f460d63268a9efb087c47b8066e6f82f2acc1e36";
pub const TEST_TICK_SELECTOR: &str = "0x02141a67791ccd46711281bdb998cf05330a94bd912f4ab44bfca6f08f79cbf1";
Most of the changes are in the crates/pallets/starknet/src/
file, which
is the core file of the sequencer logic. Here we simplified the invoke function
to log any execution of the transaction, and moved the rest of the code to a
separate execute_tx
/// The invoke transaction is the main transaction type used to invoke contract functions in
/// Starknet.
/// See ``.
/// # Arguments
/// * `origin` - The origin of the transaction.
/// * `transaction` - The Starknet transaction.
/// # Returns
/// * `DispatchResult` - The result of the transaction.
pub fn invoke(origin: OriginFor<T>, transaction: InvokeTransaction) -> DispatchResult {
// This ensures that the function can only be called via unsigned transaction.
// Check if contract is deployed
ensure!(ContractClassHashes::<T>::contains_key(transaction.sender_address), Error::<T>::AccountNotDeployed);
let (transaction, receipt) = match Self::execute_tx(transaction) {
Ok((transaction, receipt)) => {
log!(info, "Successfully execute tx");
(transaction, receipt)
Err(err) => {
log!(error, "Failed to execute tx {:?}", err);
return Err(Error::<T>::TransactionExecutionFailed.into());
// Append the transaction to the pending transactions.
Pending::<T>::try_append((transaction, receipt)).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::TooManyPendingTransactions)?;
We have also modified Starknet hook on_initialize
. This function is invoked
before any extrinsic in a block, and we have added separate logs to display the
successful invokation of the invoke_tick
fn on_initialize(_: T::BlockNumber) -> Weight {
if Self::enable_tick() {
match Self::invoke_tick() {
Ok(_) => log!(info, "Successfully invoke tick and intialize block"),
Err(err) => match err {
_ => log!(error, "Failed to invoke tick {:?}", err),
The invoke_tick
function is the one invoking the ticking contract. First, the
tx struct is created in the set_tick_tx
function, then checks are performed in
order to ensure the sender account exists on Madara.
fn invoke_tick() -> Result<(), DispatchError> {
let tick_invoke_tx = Self::set_tick_tx();
ensure!(ContractClassHashes::<T>::contains_key(tick_invoke_tx.sender_address), Error::<T>::AccountNotDeployed);
let (transaction, receipt) = match Self::execute_tx(tick_invoke_tx) {
Ok((transaction, receipt)) => {
log!(info, "Successfully execute tick tx");
(transaction, receipt)
Err(err) => {
log!(error, "Failed to execute tick tx {:?}", err);
return Err(Error::<T>::TransactionExecutionFailed.into());
Pending::<T>::try_append((transaction, receipt)).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::TooManyPendingTransactions)?;
The set_tick_tx
function creates and returns the InvokeTransaction
struct by
signing it and adding the tick
smart contract invocation to the calldata
fn set_tick_tx() -> InvokeTransaction {
let contract_nonce = Self::nonce(Felt252Wrapper::from_hex_be(constants::TEST_SENDER_ADDRESS).unwrap());
let mut signature = Vec::new();
let sender_address = Felt252Wrapper::from_hex_be(constants::TEST_SENDER_ADDRESS).unwrap();
let nonce = contract_nonce;
let mut calldata = Vec::new();
InvokeTransaction {
version: 1,
calldata: BoundedVec::try_from(calldata).unwrap_or_default(),
signature: BoundedVec::try_from(signature).unwrap_or_default(),
max_fee: Felt252Wrapper::from(u128::MAX),
is_query: false,
The code in the execute_tx
performs smart contract function invokations on
Starknet. This logic used to be in the init
function, but this separation is
what allows us to call tick
on each new block.
fn execute_tx(invoke_transaction: InvokeTransaction) -> Result<(Transaction, TransactionReceiptWrapper), DispatchError> {
let block_context = Self::get_block_context();
let chain_id = Self::chain_id();
let transaction: Transaction = invoke_transaction.from_invoke(chain_id);
let call_info =
transaction.execute(&mut BlockifierStateAdapter::<T>::default(), &block_context, TxType::Invoke, None);
let receipt = match call_info {
Ok(TransactionExecutionInfoWrapper {
validate_call_info: _validate_call_info,
actual_resources: _actual_resources,
}) => {
log!(info, "Invoke Tick Transaction executed successfully: {:?}", execute_call_info);
let events = Self::emit_events_for_calls(execute_call_info, fee_transfer_call_info)?;
TransactionReceiptWrapper {
events: BoundedVec::try_from(events).map_err(|_| Error::<T>::ReachedBoundedVecLimit)?,
transaction_hash: transaction.hash,
tx_type: TxType::Invoke,
actual_fee: actual_fee.0.into(),
Err(e) => {
log!(error, "Invoke Transaction execution failed: {:?}", e);
return Err(Error::<T>::TransactionExecutionFailed.into());
Ok((transaction, receipt))
Ticking Madara is available via Docker image on Docker hub. To pull and run the image without ticking functionality, simply run the following command:
docker run fixmvp/ticking-madara
To enable tick, add the --tick
flag to the same command:
docker run fixmvp/ticking-madara --tick
If you'd like to play around with the sequencer yourself, you can clone our GitHub repository. The command to run the sequencer from the source code is:
cargo run --release - --dev --tmp --rpc-external --execution native --pool-limit=100000 --pool-kbytes=500000 --rpc-methods=unsafe --rpc-cors=all --in-peers=0 --out-peers=1 --no-telemetry --tick
Just make sure you have Rust installed.