Simple offline password manager for Windows in C# WPF and Linux as command line interface to store locally sensitive authentication data for a specific application. The ideea of creation for this Password Manager came from the simple fact to use something simple and fast.
- Create/Delete vaults
- Import/Export vaults
- Shared vaults
- Change Master Password for vaults
- Add/delete account for applications in vault
- Update application account passwords
- Exit logged vault on entering lock screen event or suspend.
- Generate strong passwords.
- Show password temporary when entered on password boxes. Right click on eye symbol.
- Copy password from applications to clipboard for a duration of 15 seconds. (If in the 15 seconds interval is copied something else on clipboard, PwM will not clear the clipboard whe time expired or app is closed)
- After log in vault, master password required window will be prompted every 30 minutes if a action is made. Example: update password, delete account , etc.
- Command line interface for Windows and Linux.
- Open vault session expires after a certain time if no action is made on it. Default: after 10 minutes.
- Check automatically if your password is part of data breach with
- Creating a vault: press on '+' sign down bellow and you will be prompted for vault name and master password. Every vault is created in Windows user profile.
- Delete/Remove a vault: select the vault that you want to delete or remove(for shared vaults only) from list and press on '-' sign down bellow or right click on vault and choose 'Delete/Remove vault'. INFO: shared vaults files wont be deleted only removed from displaying on vault list.
- Import vault: press on 'I' letter down bellow and a message box will appear to choose if you want to import locally the vault or shared(Ex.: using a vault file on a file server). After a file dialog will be opened for selecting the vault file. The file extension must end in '.x' .
- Export vault: right click on the vault name from list that you want to export and choose 'Export vault'. You will be prompted with a file save dialog.
- Change Master Password: right click on the vault name from list that you want to change the password and choose 'Change Master Password'.
ATTENTION: Shared vaults are not supported for now in the CLI version.
- Add application: press on '+' sign down bellow and you will be prompted with a window for adding application name, account name and password.
- Delete account: select the account from specific application that you want to delete and press on '-' sign down bellow or right click on application/account and choose 'Delete Account'
- Update account password: right click on account and choose update 'Update account password'. You will be prompted with a pop window to enter new password for account.
- Show password: right click on account and choose update 'Show password'. Password will be visible on application list.
- Copy to Clipboard: right click on account and choose update 'Copy to clipboard (15 seconds available)'. Password will be copied on clipboard for 15 seconds.
- You can set the vault session expiration time. The default value is set on 10 minutes.
Example commands use: pwm_cli.exe COMMAND
List of commands:
For creating a vault just type:
You will be asked for the vault name and master password. Master password must meet the following complexity:
Password must be at least 12 characters, and must include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one numeric digit, one special character and no space!
To see if the vault is created we list the current existing vaults by typing in console the following command:
Adding the application information just type:
You will be prompted for vault name, master password to login in it, application name to be added, account name and password to be stored.
To list the accounts from a specific application or entire vault lists type:
To delete a specific account from an application just use:
To update password for a specific account in a application type:
To delete a vault type:
For password hash is used Argon2 (argon2id) And for encryption is used Rijndael AES-256. The Passwowrd Manager generates a vault file for every user logged in system. You cannot see the vaults from other user on that machine.
.NET 8 Runtime