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Commitizen friendly npm version semantic-release: angular

The 0xArc Analytics SDK is a simple SDK that helps provide higher fidelity analytics by merging on-chain data with off-chain data from front-ends. We value user privacy and do not collect IP addresses or scrape any information without your permission.


Development notes

To run a local version of the script:

  1. Run yarn build at the root level to build the script.
  2. Run yarn copy-build-example to copy the built contents into the example/cra-script-tag project.
  3. Make a copy of .env.example and rename it to .env in the example/cra-script-tag folder.
  4. Make sure to add your 0xArc API + Alchemy keys to the .env file (find YOUR_KEY_HERE).
  5. Run cd example/cra-script-tag && yarn && yarn start to start the example app.