- For Abstract chain, there's still missing implementation of set min destination gas and set trusted remote scripts for zksync.
- Implementing script for set min batch limit for transfering tokens
- Ethereum
- Polygon
- Base
- Abstract
- Amoy (not deployed)
- Sepolia
- Base Sepolia
- Abstract Testnet (not deployed)
pnpm compile
pnpm typechain
pnpm node
pnpm test
pnpm test:watch
pnpm test:coverage
pnpm hardhat deploy-ERC721-mock --network 11155111 --token-name CryptoRastas222 --token-symbol RASTAS222
Argument | Description | Default |
--token-name |
Token name | CryptoRastas |
--token-symbol |
Token symbol | RASTAS |
--account-index |
Account index to deploy from | 0 |
Deploy ProxyONFT721 on source chain:
Argument | Description | Default |
--proxy-token |
Proxy token address (token to be proxied) | [Address] |
--min-gas-to-transfer |
Min gas required to perform actions on chain | check |
--lz-endpoint |
L2 endpoint | check |
--account-index |
Account index to deploy from | 0 |
pnpm hardhat deploy-proxy-ONFT721 --network 1 --proxy-token 0x07cd221b2fe54094277a2f4e1c1bc6df14e63678
and deploy ONFT721 on destination chain:
Argument | Description | Default |
--name |
Token name | CryptoRastas |
--symbol |
Token symbol | RASTAS |
--account-index |
Account index to deploy from | 0 |
--min-gas-to-transfer |
Min gas required to perform actions on chain | check |
--lz-endpoint |
L2 endpoint | check |
pnpm hardhat deploy-ONFT721 --network 137 --name Cryptorastas --symbol RASTA
Set destination chain as trusted remote address on source chain:
Argument | Description | Default |
--account-index |
Account index to deploy from | 0 |
--core-contract-address |
Core Contract address | [Address] |
--destination-chain-id |
Destination chain id | [ChainId] |
--destination-core-contract-address |
ONFT721 from destination chain | [Address] |
pnpm hardhat set-trusted-remote-address --network 1 --core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480 --destination-chain-id 137 --destination-core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480
repeat the process on the destination chain, to trust the source chain:
pnpm hardhat set-trusted-remote-address --network 137 --core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480 --destination-chain-id 1 --destination-core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480
Set destination chain min gas required to perform actions on chain:
Argument | Description | Default |
--account-index |
Account index to deploy from | 0 |
--core-contract-address |
Core Contract address | [Address] |
--destination-chain-id |
Destination chain id | [ChainId] |
--min-destination-gas |
Min gas required to perform actions on chain | check |
--packet-type |
Packet type | 1 (send and call) |
pnpm hardhat set-min-destination-gas --network 1 --core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480 --destination-chain-id 137
repeat the process on the destination chain, to set min gas required to perform actions on chain:
pnpm hardhat set-min-destination-gas --network 137 --core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480 --destination-chain-id 1
Access using block explorer and call the action manually in the contract write section "setDstChainIdToBatchLimit"
Transfer ERC721 to destination chain
Argument | Description | Default |
--account-index |
Account index to deploy from | 0 |
--token-id |
Token id | [TokenId] |
--token-address |
Token address | [Address] |
--core-contract-address |
Core Contract address | [Address] |
--destination-chain-id |
Destination chain id | [ChainId] |
--packet-type |
Packet type | 1 (send and call) |
pnpm hardhat transfer-ERC721-to-destination-chain --network 1 --core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480 --destination-chain-id 137 --token-address 0x07cd221b2fe54094277a2f4e1c1bc6df14e63678 --token-id 1
optionally you can transfer back to initial chain
pnpm hardhat transfer-ERC721-to-destination-chain --network 137 --core-contract-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480 --destination-chain-id 1 --token-address 0xfD691DCf0Cd713986F9218F3dc7aEb5f2b9e7480 --token-id 1
Run this command to verify contracts on selected network
pnpm verify --network [networkid] --contract contracts/[ContractName].sol:[Contract] [contractAddress] [arguments]
normally it should be set to 3 as the maximum dapp accepts todo