KAIST Thesis Template for B.S., M.S., Ph.D graduation.
You need to install textlive-full
before using this package.
$ sudo apt install texlive-full
$ git clone git@github.com:0xdkay/kaist-thesis-template.git
$ make
(check p.pdf)
├── aspell.words # checked spell words for `make spell`
├── bin # helper scripts
│ ├── abbrv.pl
│ ├── aspell.sh
│ ├── diff.sh
│ ├── double.pl
│ ├── get-tex-files.sh
│ ├── hyphens.sh
│ ├── latexrun
│ ├── parse-latex-log.py
│ ├── passive.sh
│ ├── shortmonth.sh
│ └── weasel.sh
├── cmds.tex # handle commands
├── code # folder for program code
│ └── fmt.tex
├── hdr.tex # title, author, advisor, referee, etc
├── tabs # folder for latex tables
├── figs # folder for figures
├── kaist-ucs.cls # KAIST thesis template
├── Makefile
├── pkgs.tex # import latex packages here
├── p.tex
├── README.md
├── refs # folder for references
│ └── p.bib
├── sections # your writing starts here
│ ├── abstract.tex # sample abstract and keywords
│ ├── ack.tex # sample acknoledgement
│ ├── concl.tex
│ ├── cv.tex # sample curriculum vitae
│ ├── intro.tex
│ └── summary.tex # sample abstract and keywords in Korean
└── warning.tex # filtering warnings