Control the Parrot AR Drone with the awesome Leap Motion and Leap JS
C. Papathanasiou 2015
Depends on the following node.js libraries:
Whilst I am capturing forwards, backwards, left, right, up, down motion from the leapJS, I have not implemented the relevant calls to the arDrone yet as it's winter outside and no space to fly the copter indoors :-)
Replacing the console.log printouts with the relevant node copter .js actions would achieve this and is left as an exercise to the interested reader.
To get you started, I have implemented client.animateLeds('doubleMissile',5,2) on a up motion, similarly, as per the node-ar-drone spec, client.up(), client.down(), client.left() and client.right() with speeds ranging between 0-1 would instruct the drone to move in those respective directions.