An interactive kill plugin
Install the module with: npm install ikill
bash-3.2$ ikill nodemon
1. 5107 | mtn 5107 0.7 0.4 3061656 34828 s004 S+ 11:40AM 0:00.32 node /usr/local/bin/nodemon app.js
2. 4644 | mtn 4644 0.2 0.5 3061732 43240 s005 S+ 11:35AM 0:01.38 node /usr/local/bin/nodemon server.js
Please type the id of a process you want to kill: 1
Process killed successfully
bash-3.2$ exit
(Coming soon)
(Coming soon)
##Authors Developed by Metin Emenullahi
Copyright (c) 2015 Metin Emenullahi Licensed under the MIT license.