This program will scan your system for network interfaces and prompt a user to select which one to scan. There are no installation requirements except for being able to build the project.
Based on the subnet mask, the network scan will run the whole range with the option to dump to a log file (default is project directory/Logs/log.txt).
Following the network scan, the user can select a host and scan the ports listed in the provided text file (this file can be added to based on user requirements).
Both the network and port scanning are multithreaded optimizing the process.
Supplicant files - MacList.txt and PortList.txt providing contextual information.
Both MacList and PortList are in the format of "00-00-00|Example" (OUI|Vendor) and "1234|Example" (Port#|Service Info) for ports.
Config file should be created on run as filepath/Common/Config/config.ini.
LOG_FILE_PATH - Location of the destination for the log file
MAC_LIST_PATH - Location of the destination for the list of MAC addresses and vendors
PORT_LIST_PATH - Location of the common ports list
FULL_PORT_SCAN - This will enable full scanning from the list of ports or the list found in the CUSTOM_PORTS setting. Must be true or false
CUSTOM_PORTS - A space or comma separated list of integers eg. 1 2 80 8008
CUSTOM_IP_ADDRESSES - A space or comma separated list of IP addresses
Pre-requisites/installation instructions \
- For Linux when cloning you will need the dotnet runtime and sdk (6.0). Build the project in the root directory.
Do not use this tool on any unauthorized networks. It is intended for discovery and network auditing.
To do:
[x] Save log files
[-] Custom config
[-] Host specific tools (check for open ports etc)
[ ] Enhance scanning tools
[ ] ?
Branch note:
master: fully working features
beta: experimental changes
x.x.x: here be dragons
Credit to giuliocomi on Github for the arpscanner class (