A demo app to help developers integrate Sequence Embedded Wallet into their React Native apps. It comes with credentials/keys set up for Google, Apple and Email sign in. Follow the instructions below to set up your own credentials/keys and integrate to your own app.
- Clone the repo
- Run
yarn install
to install dependencies - Run
yarn ios
oryarn android
to run the app on device/simulator
Note: In case yarn android
does not work for you at the first try, you may need to first run the project with Android Studio for gradle setup/sync.
Follow this guide to get your project access key and other credentials/keys: https://docs.sequence.xyz/solutions/builder/embedded-wallet/
Set GIDClientID in ios > infoPlist in the app.json file.
Set the intent-filter in android > intentFilters in the app.json file.
- @0xsequence/waas
- @0xsequence/react-native
babel-plugin-module-resolver (as dev dependency)
- expo-web-browser
- expo-auth-session
- @invertase/react-native-apple-authentication
- react-native-url-polyfill
- web-streams-polyfill
First, let's check contents of cryptoSetup.ts for the set up of the shims and registering pbkdf2
for ethers
from react-native-quick-crypto
import { install } from "react-native-quick-crypto";
import "react-native-url-polyfill/auto";
import { ReadableStream } from "web-streams-polyfill";
globalThis.ReadableStream = ReadableStream;
import crypto from "react-native-quick-crypto";
global.getRandomValues = crypto.getRandomValues;
export * from "@ethersproject/shims";
import * as ethers from "ethers";
password: Uint8Array,
salt: Uint8Array,
iterations: number,
keylen: number,
algo: "sha256" | "sha512"
) => {
console.info("Using react-native-quick-crypto for pbkdf2");
return ethers.hexlify(
new Uint8Array(
algo === "sha256" ? "SHA-256" : "SHA-512"
export * from "ethers";
Then make sure to import cryptoSetup.ts
as early in the app lifecycle as you can. In this demo these are imported and set at the top in App.tsx.
import "./cryptoSetup";
Secondly, we need to set aliases for some shims, in babel.config.js
with help of the babel-plugin-module-resolver
dev dependency. See babel.config.js for the code snippet to update the aliases.
export const sequenceWaas = new SequenceWaaS(
network: initialNetwork,
projectAccessKey: projectAccessKey,
waasConfigKey: waasConfigKey,
new KeychainSecureStoreBackend()
(Check waasSetup.ts file for more details)
Once you have an initialized Sequence Embedded Wallet (WaaS) instance, you can use it to sign in with email, Google or Apple. See the google code snippet below for an example, and check the App.tsx file for more details.
const redirectUri = `${iosGoogleRedirectUri}:/oauthredirect`;
const scopes = ["openid", "profile", "email"];
const request = new AuthRequest({
usePKCE: true,
extraParams: {
audience: webGoogleClientId,
include_granted_scopes: "true",
const result = await request.promptAsync({
authorizationEndpoint: `https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/v2/auth`,
if (result.type === "cancel") {
return undefined;
const serverAuthCode = result?.params?.code;
const configForTokenExchange: AccessTokenRequestConfig = {
code: serverAuthCode,
clientId: iosGoogleClientId,
extraParams: {
code_verifier: request?.codeVerifier || "",
audience: webGoogleClientId,
const tokenResponse = await exchangeCodeAsync(configForTokenExchange, {
tokenEndpoint: "https://oauth2.googleapis.com/token",
const userInfo = await fetchUserInfo(tokenResponse.accessToken);
const idToken = tokenResponse.idToken;
if (!idToken) {
throw new Error("No idToken");
try {
const signInResult = await sequenceWaas.signIn(
idToken: idToken,
console.log("signInResult", JSON.stringify(signInResult));
} catch (e) {
console.log("error", JSON.stringify(e));
Once signed in, you can use the sequenceWaas
instance to perform wallet operations like sending transactions, signing messages, etc. See the google code snippet below for an example, and check the App.tsx file for more details.
// Signing a message
const signature = await sequenceWaas.signMessage({ message: "your message" });
// Sending a txn
const txn = await sequenceWaas.sendTransaction({
transactions: [
to: walletAddress,
value: 0,
and related configuration is no longer needed since ethers v6 allows us to register the pbkdf2 function directly from thereact-native-quick-crypto
package. (See cryptoSetup.ts for the related code.) -
You can follow ethers migration guide to migrate your codebase to ethers v6.