Look up Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures (CVEs) for a given product, package etc specified using the Common Platform Enumeration (CPE) from the U.S. National Vulnerability Database (NVD).
usage: cves_in_cpe.py [-h] [--part PART] [--vendor VENDOR] --product PRODUCT
[--version VERSION] [--update UPDATE]
[--language LANGUAGE] [--sw_edition SW_EDITION]
[--target_sw TARGET_SW] [--target_hw TARGET_HW]
[--other OTHER]
Get a list of CVEs for a given v2.3 CPE by looking up NVD. See https://nvlpubs.nist.gov/nistpubs/Legacy/IR/nistir7695.pdf for CPE specifications
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--part PART Part can be one of a, h, or o
--vendor VENDOR Vendor or manufacturer name. Ex: apache
--product PRODUCT Product or package name. Ex: struts
--version VERSION Version string. Ex: 1.4.3
--update UPDATE Update string. Ex: rel1, upd2
--language LANGUAGE Language string. Ex: en-us
--sw_edition SW_EDITION
Software Edition string. Ex: home_premium
--target_sw TARGET_SW
Target Software string. Ex: foo_bar
--target_hw TARGET_HW
Target hardware string. Ex: x64
--other OTHER Other generic string. Ex: foo_bar
Returns below structure as a json string or file:
'cpe_match_string': string
'cpe_count': number,
'cve_count': number,
'cpe_uri': string,
cve : {
'title': string,
'cvss_version': string
'cvss_base_score': number,
'cvss_base_severity': string,
'cwes': [string, string]
Lookup all Vulnerabilities in 'struts' package:
- python cves_in_cpe.py --product struts
Lookup Vulnerabilities in 'struts' package version 2.5.12:
- python cves_in_cpe.py --product struts --version 2.5.12
Sample output file at ./cpe_cve_out.json
- https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Projects/National-Vulnerability-Database/documents/web%20service%20documentation/Automation%20Support%20for%20CPE%20Retrieval.pdf
- https://csrc.nist.gov/CSRC/media/Projects/National-Vulnerability-Database/documents/web%20service%20documentation/Automation%20Support%20for%20CVE%20Retrieval.pdf