Plugin for CS2 that reports a player on game and send a webhook message to discord.
Admins can handle the report by marking it as handled. (optional)
All reports are stored in the database. (optional)
- Install CounterStrike Sharp and Metamod:Source;
- Download CallAdmin;
- Unzip the archive and upload it into
The config is created automatically. (Path: csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/configs/plugins/CallAdmin
"Version": 11,
"ServerIpWithPort": "",
"CooldownRefreshCommandSeconds": 30,
"Reasons": [
"Your Custom Reason{CUSTOMREASON}"
"ReasonsToIgnore": [
"WebHookUrl": "",
"Debug": true = Can report yoursef
"UseCenterHtmlMenu": true,
"Database": {
"Host": "",
"Port": 3306,
"User": "",
"Password": "",
"Name": "",
"Prefix": "call_admin"
"Commands": {
"Report": {
"Prefix": [
"Permission": [],
"FlagsToIgnore": [], // Not gonna show up on !report
"CanReportPlayerAlreadyReported": {
"Enabled": true,
"Type": 0 = Don't check; 1 = check victim steamid AND suspect steamid; 2 = check only suspect steamid; 3 = check suspect steamid AND reason; 4 = check victim steamid AND suspect steamid AND reason
"MaxTimeMinutes": 10
"MaximumReports": {
"Enabled": true,
"PlayerCanReceiveBeforeAction": 4,
"ActionToDoWhenMaximumLimitReached": 0 = Nothing; 1 = Kick; 2 = Ban
"IfActionIsBanThenBanForHowManyMinutes": 10; 0 = permanente
"HowShouldBeChecked": 0 = Default; > 0 = Check for minutes, so if a player has PlayerCanReceiveBeforeAction in HowShouldBeChecked minutes, an ActionToDoWhenMaximumLimitReached will be called
"ReportHandled": {
"Enabled": true,
"Prefix": [
"Permission": [
"MaxTimeMinutes": 15
"ReportCanceled": {
"ByAuthor": {
"Enabled": true,
"Prefix": [
"MaxTimeMinutes": 5,
"DeleteOrEditEmbed": 1 = DELETE; 0 = EDIT
"ByStaff": {
"Enabled": true,
"Prefix": [
"MaxTimeMinutes": 5,
"DeleteOrEditEmbed": 1 = DELETE; 0 = EDIT
"Permission": [
- You can edit as you wish.
- You can create your own Langs. To do it, just add the lang you want on the embed and on the Langs folder, just as the example below
- You can pass any of the follow variables:
"EmbedReport": {
"Content": "{REPORTHANDLEDPREFIX} {Localizer|Embed.ContentReport}",
"Embeds": [
"Title": "{IDENTIFIER}",
"Color": "16711680",
"Description": "",
"Timestamp": "",
"Author": {
"Name": "",
"IconUrl": "",
"Url": ""
"Thumbnail": {
"Url": ""
"Image": {
"Url": ""
"Footer": {
"Text": "",
"IconUrl": ""
"Fields": [
"Name": "{Localizer|Embed.AuthorName}",
"Value": "\u0060\u0060\u0060{AUTHORNAME}\u0060\u0060\u0060",
"Inline": true
"Name": "{Localizer|Embed.AuthorSteamid}",
"Value": "\u0060\u0060\u0060{AUTHORSTEAMID}\u0060\u0060\u0060",
"Inline": true
"Name": "{Localizer|Embed.Profile}",
"Value": "[{Localizer|Embed.ClickHere}]({AUTHORPROFILE})",
"Inline": true
"Name": "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
"Value": "\u200B",
"Inline": false
"Name": "{Localizer|Embed.TargetName}",
"Value": "\u0060\u0060\u0060{TARGETNAME}\u0060\u0060\u0060",
"Inline": true
"Name": "{Localizer|Embed.TargetSteamid}",
"Value": "\u0060\u0060\u0060{TARGETSTEAMID}\u0060\u0060\u0060",
"Inline": true
"Name": "{Localizer|Embed.Profile}",
"Value": "[{Localizer|Embed.ClickHere}]({TARGETPROFILE})",
"Inline": true
"Name": "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------",
"Value": "\u200B",
"Inline": false
"Name": "{Localizer|Embed.Reason}",
"Value": "\u0060\u0060\u0060{REASON}\u0060\u0060\u0060",
"Inline": false
"Name": "\u200B",
"Value": "{SERVERIP}",
"Inline": false
"Name": "\u200B",
"Value": "\u200B",
"Inline": true
"Name": "\u200B",
"Value": "\u231A {CURRENTTIME|-3|dd/MM/yyyy} | {CURRENTTIME|-3|HH:mm:ss}",
"Inline": true
"Name": "\u200B",
"Value": "\u200B",
"Inline": true
- Reports a Player; (#css/admin
group is required for use)report_handled [identifier]
- Mark a report as handled; (@css/generic;@css/ban
flag is required for use)cancel
- Cancel a report; (Must be the owner of the report)report_cancel [identifier]
- Mark a report as canceled; (@css/ban
flag is required for use)
To add more command's name, just separete them with ";" -> report;calladmin
You can choose a translation on the core.json of counterstrikesharp or type !lang lang (Path: csgo/addons/counterstrikesharp/plugins/CallAdmin/lang
"Prefix": "[{green}CallAdmin{default}]",
"MissingCommandPermission": "{red}You don't have permission to use this command!",
"NoPlayersAvailable": "There are no players available",
"InCoolDown": "You are on a cooldown...wait {0} seconds and try again",
"ReportSent": "Your report has been sent to the admins!",
"WebhookError": "There was an error sending the webhook",
"InsertIntoDatabaseError": "There was an error while inserting into database!",
"InternalServerError": "There was an internal server error",
"ReportNotFound": "I couldn't find this report",
"MarkedAsHandledButNotInDatabase": "This report has been marked as handled on Discord but not in database!",
"MarkedAsDeletedButNotInDatabase": "This report has been marked as deleted on Discord but not in database!",
"ReportMarkedAsHandled": "This report has been marked as {green}handled!",
"ReportMarkedAsDeleted": "This report has been marked as {green}deleted!",
"PlayerAlreadyReported": "This player has already been {green}reported!",
"PlayerAlreadyReportedByYourself": "This player has already been {green}reported by yourself!",
"ReasonToKick": "You have been kicked off the server due to too many reports",
"ReasonToBan": "You have been banned off the server due to too many reports",
"CustomReason": "Type the reason for the report",
"Embed.Title": "Report",
"Embed.AuthorName": "Author Name",
"Embed.AuthorSteamid": "Author SteamID",
"Embed.TargetName": "Suspect Name",
"Embed.TargetSteamid": "Suspect SteamID",
"Embed.CanceledBy": "Canceled By",
"Embed.AdminName": "Admin Name",
"Embed.AdminSteamid": "Admin SteamID",
"Embed.Reason": "Reason",
"Embed.Ip": "Ip",
"Embed.Map": "Map",
"Embed.ClickHere": "Click Here",
"Embed.Profile": "Profile",
"Embed.Handled": "HANDLED",
"Embed.Deleted": "DELETED",
"Embed.ContentReport": "!{0} {1}** in the game to mark this report as handled. -> You can write anything here or leave it blank. Ping a member like this: <@MemberId> or a role: <@&RoleId>",
"Embed.ContentReportHandled": "Handled by {0}",
"Menu.ReasonsTitle": "[{green}REPORT{default}] Choose a Reason",
"Menu.PlayersTitle": "[{green}REPORT{default}] Choose a Player",
"Report_1": "Hacker",
"Report_2": "Toxic",
"Report_3": "Camping",
"Report_4": "Custom Reason"