The base of octokit.swift, TanukiKit, TrashCanKit and VloggerKit.
# Cartfile
github "nerdishbynature/RequestKit"
# Podfile
pod "NBNRequestKit"
To make a request using RequestKit you will need three parts: a Router
, a Configuration
and usually an object that know both and connects them. See OctoKit.
Router are defined by the Router
protocol. It is recommended to define them as Enumerations
having a case for every route.
This is what a basic router looks like:
enum MyRouter: Router {
case GetMyself(Configuration)
var configuration: Configuration {
switch self {
case .GetMyself(let config): return config
var method: HTTPMethod {
switch self {
case .GetMyself:
return .GET
var encoding: HTTPEncoding {
switch self {
case .GetMyself:
return .URL
var path: String {
switch self {
case .GetMyself:
return "myself"
var params: [String: AnyObject] {
switch self {
case .GetMyself(_):
return ["key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"]
As RequestKit was designed to handle OAuth requests we needed something to store user credentials. This is where Configurations come into play. Configurations are defined in the Configuration
public struct TokenConfiguration: Configuration {
public let accessToken: String?
public let apiEndpoint = "https://my.webservice.example/api/2.0/"
public let accessTokenFieldName = "access_token"
public let errorDomain: String = ""
public init(_ accessToken: String? = nil) {
self.accessToken = accessToken
We will need something that connects the router and the configuration to make provide a convenient interface. The common way of doing this is to use a struct
or a class
that does it for you.
struct MyWebservice {
var configuration: Configuration
init(configuration: Configuration) {
self.configuration = configuration
func getMyself(session: RequestKitURLSession = NSURLSession.sharedSession(), completion: (response: Response<[String: AnyObject]>) -> Void) -> RequestKitURLSession {
let router = MyRouter.GetMyself(configuration)
router.loadJSON(session, expectedResultType: [String: AnyObject].self) { json, error in
if let error = error {
completion(response: Response.Failure(error))
} else {
if let json = json {
completion(response: Response.Success(json))
All your user has to to is call your MyWebservice
let config = TokenConfiguration(accessToken: "123456")
MyWebservice(config).getMySelf { response in
switch response {
case .Success(let myself):
case .Failure(let error):