Run this when starting a new project only. Otherwise, skip to step 2.
Create src_rust
folder & run cargo init
cargo install cargo-xcode cargo-lipo
# Android
rustup target add \
aarch64-linux-android \
armv7-linux-androideabi \
x86_64-linux-android \
# iOS
rustup target add \
aarch64-apple-ios \
x86_64-apple-ios \
Add crate-type(staticlib for ios and cdylib for other platform) under lib and flutter_rust_bridge
under dependencies in Cargo.toml
Run these commands.
flutter pub add ffi flutter_rust_bridge
flutter pub add ffigen --dev
flutter pub global activate ffigen
# and then install llvm.
Install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
# install the flutter_rust_bridge_codegen binary
# in ~/.cargo/bin/flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
cargo install flutter_rust_bridge_codegen
Copy this code in main.dart
to load the rust builds:
import 'dart:ffi';
import 'dart:io';
import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'bridge_generated.dart';
const base = 'step'; // the name is related with cargo.toml [lib] name.
final path = Platform.isWindows ? '$base.dll' : 'lib$';
late final dylib = Platform.isIOS
? DynamicLibrary.process()
: Platform.isMacOS
? DynamicLibrary.executable()
late final api = SrcRustImpl(dylib);
Generates bindings code between Rust and Flutter, also utilities for Xcode.
flutter_rust_bridge_codegen -r src_rust/src/ -d lib/bridge_generated.dart -c ios/Runner/bridge_generated.h
target inCargo.toml
likes below[lib] name = "step" crate-type = ["staticlib", "lib"]
Builds Rust code into
and copies thestep.a
directory so that Xcode can search for the lib while linkingcd src_rust \ cargo lipo && cp target/universal/debug/libstep.a ../ios/Runner
#import "bridge_generated.h"
file & add dummy method inAppDelegate.swift
file likes below:GeneratedPluginRegistrant.register(with: self) print("dummy_value=\(dummy_method_to_enforce_bundling())"); // add dummy method here return super.application(application, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions: launchOptions)
Open the
folder in Xcode, in Targets > Runner > Build Phases tab, check thestep.a
was in Link Binary With Libraries (If there's error maybe we should ignore arm64 only in Targets > Runner > Build Settings)
Run command in src_rust
cargo install cargo-ndk && cargo ndk -t x86 -t armeabi-v7a -t arm64-v8a -t x86_64 -o ../android/app/src/main/jniLibs build
# make sure you sucessfully install NDK)
Generates bindings code between Rust and Flutter, also utilities for Xcode.
flutter_rust_bridge_codegen -r src_rust/src/ -d lib/bridge_generated.dart -c macos/Runner/bridge_generated.h
There is no bridging header file to tell Xcode about our
bridge generated
code. We have to tell Xcode another way, in Targets > Runner > Build Settings tab, set the Objective-C Bridging Header to be Runner/bridge_generated.h. And add dummy method same as we did in ios setup part:// ... override func applicationShouldTerminateAfterLastWindowClosed(_ sender: NSApplication) -> Bool { print("dummy_value=\(dummy_method_to_enforce_bundling())"); // add dummy method here return false } // ...
cargo xcode
within Rust directory and it will generate*.xcodeproj
folder inside Rust project directory. DO NOT open it util you add generated*.xcodeproj
Xcode project. -
Linking the libs by opening Targets > Runner > Build Phases tab:
In Dependencies add dynamic lib
step-cdylib(.cdylib file)
. -
In Link Binary with Libraries add static lib
step.a (.a file)
Generates bindings code between Rust and Flutter.
flutter_rust_bridge_codegen -r src_rust/src/ -d lib/bridge_generated.dart
target inCargo.toml
likes below:[lib] name = "step" crate-type = ["lib", "staticlib", "cdylib"]
If the machine is not arm64 ,you can use corrosion approach docs or a workaround for arm64 is to ignore rust.cmake and manually configure CMake to build and bundle the Rust library.
Go to linux/CMakeLists.txt and adding this to the bottom of
file.set(NATIVE_LIBRARY "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/../src_rust/target/aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu/release/") install(FILES "${NATIVE_LIBRARY}" DESTINATION "${INSTALL_BUNDLE_LIB_DIR}" COMPONENT Runtime)
Generate .so build from terminal.
cargo build --target aarch64-unknown-linux-gnu --release
Generates bindings code between Rust and Flutter.
flutter_rust_bridge_codegen -r src_rust/src/ -d lib/bridge_generated.dart
Note that: There are two options. First option is installing corrosion directly & use it and Second option is installing corrosion into the machine system.
- First Option
Create rust.cmake inside
folder and add this.include(FetchContent) FetchContent_Declare( Corrosion GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG origin/master # Optionally specify a version tag or branch here ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(Corrosion) corrosion_import_crate(MANIFEST_PATH ../src_rust/Cargo.toml) # Flutter-specific set(CRATE_NAME "step") target_link_libraries(${BINARY_NAME} PRIVATE ${CRATE_NAME}) list(APPEND PLUGIN_BUNDLED_LIBRARIES $<TARGET_FILE:${CRATE_NAME}-shared>)
include rust.cmake inside CMakeLists.txt.
- Second Option
Install Corrosion.
# make sure cmake is installed. git clone cmake -Scorrosion -Bbuild -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release cmake --build build --config Release cmake --install build --config Release
Create mrrust.cmake inside
folder add this.find_package(Corrosion REQUIRED) corrosion_import_crate(MANIFEST_PATH ../src_rust/Cargo.toml) # Flutter-specific set(CRATE_NAME "step") target_link_libraries(${BINARY_NAME} PRIVATE ${CRATE_NAME}) list(APPEND PLUGIN_BUNDLED_LIBRARIES $<TARGET_FILE:${CRATE_NAME}-shared>)
include mrrust.cmake inside CMakeLists.txt.