Common actions to perform over .arb formatted strings
A simple usage example:
import 'package:arb_utils/arb_utils.dart';
main() {
print('Generating .arb for translators...'); or HEAD^3 etc
var chkout = 'latestTranslationsProcessedBranch'; // or a49630b726c or HEAD^3 etc
Process.runSync('git', 'checkout $chkout'.split(' '));
var mainARBOld = File('lib/l10n/intl_en.arb').readAsStringSync();
Process.runSync('git', 'checkout master'.split(' '));
var mainARBNew = File('lib/l10n/intl_en.arb').readAsStringSync();
.writeAsStringSync(sortARB(processNewKeys(mainARBNew, mainARBOld)));
print('lib/l10n/new_translations/intl_en.arb generated');
alters the order of every .arb key alphabetically, putting their @key metadata below every one
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"aKey":"a simple key",
will be converted to:
"aKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
You can also provide a custom sort function.
var arb1 = '''
"description": "Descripcion"
"description": "Description"
var sortedArb1 = sortARB(arb1, (a, b) => a[1].compareTo(b[1]));
"description": "Description"
"description": "Descripcion"
Know that the most common sortings are implemented out of the box with the following parameters
var sorted = sortARB(arbString, caseInsensitive: false, naturalOrdering: false, descendingOrdering: false);
Will generate a .arb formatted string with the keys that doesn't appear in both the provided .arb formatted arguments
var arb1 = '''
"description": "Descripcion"
"description": "Description"
var arb2 = '''
"description": "Descripcion"
"newKey":"new value",
"description": "new Description"
var diffed = diffARBs(arb1, arb2);
"description": "Description"
"newKey":"new value",
"description": "new Description"
Will include the latter .arb keys in the former one and output a .arb formatted string with the merged keys, privileging the latter ones
var former = '''{
"aKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"bKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
var latter = '''{
"aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"cKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
var merged = mergeARBs(former,latter);
"aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"bKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"cKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
Compares an .arb formatted string with a previous version of itself and outputs a new .arb formatted string with the new keys found there (also the edited ones)
var oldVersion = '''{
"aKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"bKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"cKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
var newVersion = '''{
"aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"bKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"cKey":"a simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"A MORE ROBUST description"
var newARB = processNewKeys(newVersion, oldVersion);
"aKey":"a MODIFIED simple key",
"description":"simple description"
"zKey":"a simple key",
"description":"A MORE ROBUST description"
Please run
dart pub global activate arb_utils
to enable arb_utils to be globally activated.
To easily sort an arb and update original file, use
pub global run arb_utils:sort <INPUT FILE>
where <INPUT FILE>
is a path to the input file.
Also, there are 3 flags for different sorting.
- --case-insensitive / -i
- --natural-ordering / -n
- --descending / -d
For example, to sort with case insensitive and in descending order, use
pub global run arb_utils:sort -i -d <INPUT FILE>
To easily add missing metadata to an arb and update original file, use
pub global run arb_utils:generate_meta <INPUT FILE>
where <INPUT FILE>
is a path to the input file.