Designed By $@nk@R Version 1.0-RELEASE
don't move mouse in few second,make it auto. you can download nosleep.exe or download jar(if you have in enterprise n/w) file. it will also support new team application
Both files are safe to use even in highly protected enviroment and doesnot required any type instllation ,it's just plug and play. and it will never connect to internet.
v1.0 :
1. system and chat application like skype/team will alaways shows status as available.
2.never change your skype(business edition) status to inactive/away mode (alaways available/busy/.. mode).
3.and may more..
1. must install java befor running the application.(version 1.6 or above)
2. download sr@.jar into your system. terminal in download location and type below.
```java -jar ns@jar`
Exe file: doesnot required any installation.just double click on exe will automatically start and minimize into system tray.Right click on tray icon and press close to exit the application.
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