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Personnel v2 Setup

Contains the configurations and instructions to string together the personnel system and forums, both in development and in production.

Local development


  • Git, for version control
  • Docker, to run the applications
  • mkcert, to generate local SSL certificates (or some other tool)
  • A database dump of the personnel and vanilla databases, obtained from a 29th admin
  • A copy of the uploads directory from the forums (optional)


Clone this repository.

git clone

Navigate inside the directory that's created and clone the individual application repositories within it.

cd personnel
git clone
git clone
git clone
git clone

Place the 2 database dump files in the db directory. They should be named personnel.sql and vanilla.sql.

Optionally, create an uploads directory containing the user image uploads from the forums.

Generate a locally-signed SSL certificate using mkcert. This generates two files, which should both end up in the certs directory.

mkcert -cert-file certs/29th.local.crt -key-file certs/29th.local.key 29th.local "*.29th.local"

You should end up with a directory structure like this:

├── forums/
├── personnel-api/
├── personnel-app/
├── db/
|   ├── personnel.sql
|   └── vanilla.sql
├── certs/
|   ├── 29th.local.crt
|   └── 29th.local.key
├── uploads/ # optional
├── docker-compose.yml
└── ...

Modify your hosts file so our desired hostnames point to your local machine. Add this line to it: 29th.local www.29th.local api.29th.local personnel.29th.local forums.29th.local phpmyadmin.29th.local


Once installed, bring everything up with one command:

docker-compose up

This will take several minutes the first time you run it, as it must download the underlying images (php, node, etc.) and load the database dumps. It should be ready when you see a line from the forums container noting the database import is complete:

db-forums    | 2019-07-05 15:00:28 1 [Note] mysqld: ready for connections.

You can access the application at the hostnames you setup:

Note that if you've used a database dump from an older version of the forums, you'll need to run vanilla's update utility to upgrade the database. Just go to https://forums.29th.local/utility/update

You can edit application files in the personnel-api and personnel-app directories locally and you should see the changes reflected in the containers. If you need to execute something in the containers, you can SSH in using:

docker-compose exec <service-name> bash
# for example:
docker-compose exec api bash

To bring everything down, press CTRL+C. If that responds with 'Aborted', you can run:

docker-compose down

This will maintain the database contents. To destroy the database contents as well, include the flag to bring down volumes:

docker-compose down -v