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Releases: 2JJ1/Private-Discord-Bot

v2.0.0 Slash Commands

25 Sep 21:15
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The bot has completely switched to slash commands. Regular chat commands has been completely removed. Other improvements.

To upgrade from 1.x
*Update Node.js to at least v16.4.0. Blame Discord.js v13.
*run "npm install" to install the new packages
*If anything else is broken. Simply refill the settings.js file.


03 Sep 19:07
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*New "addrole @mention @role|roleName" command
*New "removerole @mention @role|roleName" command
*New invite tracker feature
*New ignore roles feature for autoResponders setting
*Removed chat bot
*Other improvements

Other bug fixes and QoL improvements. If updating from a previous version, you will need to add the new settings from settings.default.js to settings.js.


24 Jul 10:48
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*Fixed the mute timer
*Added the slowmode command. If updating from a previous version, you will need to add the new settings from settings.default.js to settings.js. The new configuration can be found in settings.modCommands

//true - Allows use of the "slowmode" command
//"!slowmode 5" Each user can only send one message every 5 seconds
slowMode: false,
//The max seconds the slowmode command will set the SLOWMODE
maxSlowMode: 10,


16 Jul 00:57
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Bug fixes and database modifications. If updating from a previous version, you will need to add the new settings from settings.default.js to settings.js.


09 Jul 21:36
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The first release of this Discord bot.